Zombie Evolution

Chapter 35: Tracking the Offender

Chapter 35: Tracking the Offender

The tree slices the moon, half of it glowing, illuminating parts of the forest. The ground is covered with a yarn of light, meticulously shining the lands. A frog"s croak was the only sound keeping the forest beside the mountains alive.

Zhang Yang was standing straight at a nearby river bank, stretching his muscular, undead body. The cool air blowing through his robes.

After becoming a zombie, his pain senses ceased. That and zombies don"t really feel much, which is partially the reason for Zhang Yang"s insensitive changes. Only from when he absorbs Yin Qi and Moon Essence will he feel true warmth marinade his body, along with the blood that zombies consider saintly.

Another zombie stood lofty in front of Zhang Yang, the true Level 7 that was stolen from w.a.n.g Yao. The Zombie Repression Talisman was already removed, but the Level 7 didn"t move an inch.

Zombie puppets are creatures that are hypnotized or brainwashed in a sense to not retaliate. Their only trigger would be blood and meat from warm-blooded animals, Zhang Yang was an outlier for this factor, he is a zombie, not really something that another zombie would consider "food". They however, will defend themselves if harm from an outside power was driven to them.

It made it easier for Zhang Yang to handle such a beast, he was itching to test his newly achieved power.

Zhang Yang would make the quick decision to engage in combat, lunging towards the Level 7.

With a booming sound, the Level 7 would break away, flying 30 meters away and rolling the rest.

That hit would bring the zombie back to his senses, his eyes finally regained color, and with it, he snarled at Zhang Yang.

With his a.s.sistance from the divine sense(another term for spiritual sense), Zhang Yang managed to predict the Level 7 sprinting towards him, he would parry the zombie"s chop, sidestepping his other arm. After the simple yet complicated movements, he flashed a finger forward, an unparalleled speed that Zhang Yang has never before reached. The intense movement would bring a slight gust with it, brushing the leaves with gentle currents.


There would be a diagonal gash that appeared across the zombie"s back, it quickly squirted pints of blood.

The Level 7 would be furious, attempting to pounce on Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang thought the same, he would leap forwards to the Level 7 too.

This compet.i.tion relied on pure strength, skill also played a big factor.


The two Jiangshis would rip a chunk of flesh off each other"s chest, enough for paste.

Zhang Yang took this opportunity to grab a hold of the puppet"s arm, a finger inserted into the puppet"s arm like jelly, sinking the skin in. The arm would burst with more blood as Zhang Yang clenched onto his arm, not letting the puppet oppose as he flung him again.

With a heave, the Level 7 would be thrown 40 meters away, slightly more than earlier.


Zhang Yang didn"t give break, he would break the air with his speed, grabbing hold of the Level 7 again and throwing him.

By doing so, minor injuries could be inflicted onto the Level 7 and he could manage an advantage in the fight. He would continue this process 10 more times.

Zhang Yang was making sure his speed was on par with a Level 7"s, his strength wasn"t the worst off either, he could still compete evenly. In addition, his mind holds enough will to organize tactics, his smart plays could lead to victory.

Soon, Zhang Yang would get bored of this "play" and sealed the puppet back in a Level 4 Zombie Repression Talisman. If he wanted to kill such a zombie, he would still need talismans no matter what. But that was unnecessary as the talismans kept it under control.

Zhang Yang sighs, he received some minor injuries during the fight, it seems his skill is still lacking. Though it was still a miracle that a Level 6 could rival up to a Level 7 under any conditions.

He also ended the fight because it was too rowdy, creating an abundance of noise that could potentially attract a being far above what he could handle.

While reminiscing over his worries, he would pack the Level 7 into the b.l.o.o.d.y coffin like a school supply.

Suddenly, Zhang Yang gets an ominous feeling, his body pressured heavily, weighing down on himself. "Ughh— What"s going on?!" He then thinks of the silence…

"Yes! That"s it!"

He figures out why. It was too quiet. The croaking of frogs had stopped, but for no apparent reason.

"What happened? Why did the frogs just go dead silent? Is there something deadly coming this way?"

He spreads his divine sense while questioning himself, his range has reached 100 meters since reaching Level 6.

He raised his brows in a frown, a black-clothed scrawny man was speeding towards his direction, constantly taking glances at the compa.s.s on his hand, looking up and down like he was looking for something.

"Corse Refining Sect? Impossible! How did they find me so fast?"

"This guy is definitely stronger than me, the frog croaks wouldn"t end with me but once he entered the region, they stopped that instant. Only good news is that he"s still a Qi Refiner, but a high-leveled one, maybe a Level 8 or perhaps even a Level 9!"

Zhang Yang stores the coffin away in the pouch and concealed himself under some bushes. This guy wore a black robe and carries a blood coffin too. His demeanor is similar to w.a.n.g Yao"s, it has to be someone from the Corpse Refining Sect.

Zhang Yang could "see" with his spiritual sense clearly, the second he stored the coffin into the sack, he would stop running and stand there confused.

"Ah… The spiritual mark let down again." The thin guy would say.

"But it seems I don"t need that anymore!" He grins with squinty eyes, releasing a talisman that he saved.

The talisman was instant recognized by Zhang Yang in a second, it’s the notorious Tracking Talisman!

If he were to use this talisman, Zhang Yang would be found without a doubt.

That cultivator"s strength reigns over me, In addition, he"s also a corpse cultivator, his strongest weapon would be his zombie.

How would I escape with those two cornering me?

Zhang Yang"s prior arrogance died down and his recent rank up was spoiled with this encounter.

Under the heat of pressure, he would slide the coffin containing the Level 7 within, slamming it with a hurried fashion to the ground.

Without an ounce of hesitation, he peeled off the Zombie Repression Talisman and threw the Level 7 at the thin cultivator. The thin cultivator that harbors blood…