A History of Rome to 565 A. D

Chapter 34

90 _Lex Julia._ 89 _Lex Plautia Papiria. Lex Pompeia._ 8985 First Mithradatic War.

88 Ma.s.sacre of Italians in Asia. Mithradates invades Greece.

87 Marian revolt at Rome.

876 Siege of Athens and Peiraeus.

86 Seventh consulship of Marius. Chaeronea and Orchomenus.

83 Sulla"s return to Italy.

8279 Sulla dictator.

7771 Pompey"s command in Spain.

75 Bithynia a Roman province.

7463 Second Mithradatic War.

7466 Command of Lucullus in the East.

7371 Revolt of the gladiators.

70 First consulate of Pompey and Cra.s.sus. Trial of Verres.

67 _Lex Gabinia._ 66 _Lex Manilia._ 63 Cicero consul. The conspiracy of Cataline.

Annexation of Syria. Death of Mithradates.

60 Coalition of Pompey, Caesar and Cra.s.sus.

59 Caesar consul. _Lex Vatinia._ 58 Cicero exiled.

5856 Subjugation of Gaul.

57 Cicero recalled. Pompey _curator annonae_.

56 Conference at Luca.

55 Second consulate of Pompey and Cra.s.sus.

5554 Caesar"s invasions of Britain.

53 Death of Cra.s.sus at Carrhae.

521 Revolt of Vercingetorix.

52 Pompey sole consul.

4946 War between Caesar and the Senatorial faction.

48 Pharsalus. Death of Pompey.

487 Alexandrine War.

47 War with Pharnaces.

46 Thapsus.

45 Munda. _Lex Julia munic.i.p.alis._ 44 a.s.sa.s.sination of Julius Caesar (15 Mar.).

443 War at Mutina.

43 Octavian consul. Antony, Lepidus and Octavian triumvirs.

42 Battles of Philippi.

41 War at Perusia.

40 Treaty of Brundisium.

39 Treaty of Misenum.

37 Treaty of Tarentum. The second term of the Triumvirate begins.

36 Defeat of s.e.xtus Pompey. Lepidus deposed.

Parthian War.

31 Battle of Actium.

30 Death of Antony and Cleopatra. Annexation of Egypt.

27 Octavian princeps and Augustus.

27 B. C.14 A. D. AUGUSTUS.

25 Annexation of Galatia.

23 Augustus a.s.sumes the _tribunicia potestas_.

20 Agreement with Parthia.

18 _Lex Julia de maritandis ordinibus._ 16 Conquest of Noric.u.m.

15 Subjugation of the Raeti and Vindelici.

149 Conquest of Pannonia.

12 Augustus pontifex maximus. _Ara Romae et Augusti_ at Lugdunum. Invasion of Germany.

Death of M. Agrippa.

9 Death of Drusus.

6 Subjugation of the Alpine peoples completed.

A. D. 69 Revolt of Pannonia.

9 Revolt of Arminius. _Lex Papia Poppaea._ 1437 TIBERIUS.

1417 Campaigns of Germanicus.

19 Death of Germanicus.

26 Tiberius retires to Capri.

31 Fall of Seia.n.u.s.


40 Annexation of Mauretania.


43 Invasion and annexation of southern Britain.

48 Aedui receive the _ius honorum_.

5468 NERO.

5863 Parthian War.

5960 Rebellion of Boudicca.

64 Great Fire in Rome.

65 Conspiracy of Piso. Death of Seneca.

6667 Nero in Greece.

66 Rebellion of the Jews.

68 Rebellion of Vindex.

68 June69 Jan. GALBA.

69 Jan.March OTHO.

69 AprilDec. VITELLIUS.

69 Dec.79 VESPASIa.n.u.s.

69 Revolt of Civilis and the Batavi.

70 Destruction of Jerusalem. End of the Jewish Rebellion.

7981 t.i.tUS.

79 Eruption of Vesuvius. Destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

8196 DOMITIa.n.u.s.

83 Battle of Mons Graupius. War with the Chatti.

84 Domitian perpetual censor.

8589 Dacian Wars.

8889 Revolt of Saturninus.

9698 NERVA.

98117 TRAJAN.

101102 First Dacian War.

105106 Second Dacian War. Annexation of Dacia.

106 Annexation of Arabia Petrea.

114117 Parthian War.

114 Occupation of Armenia and Upper Mesopotamia.

115 Jewish Rebellion in Cyrene.

116 Annexation of a.s.syria and Lower Mesopotamia.

Revolt in Mesopotamia.

117138 HADRIa.n.u.s.

117 Abandonment of a.s.syria and Mesopotamia.

Armenia a client kingdom.

121126 Hadrian"s first tour of the provinces.