A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages

Chapter 113

Henry de Agro, Inq. of Germany, ii. 386.

Henry of Albano on the Church, i. 52.

Henry of Cambrai and his chapter, iii. 447.

Henry da Ceva, iii. 63, 81, 144.

Henry de Chamay, complains of bp., i. 351. procures confirmation of privileges, i. 385; ii. 130. his a.s.semblies of experts, i. 389. discovers false witness, i. 441. orders destruction of houses, i. 482. prosecutes the dead, i. 523. his sentences on Cathari, ii. 108. his activity ii. 124. his persecution of Waldenses, ii. 151. he burns Olivists, iii. 77, 82, 653.

Henry of Clairvaux a.s.sails Cathari, i. 120, 124.

Henry of Coblentz, his complaint at Basle, ii. 533.

Henry, Abp. of Cologne, his quarrels with the curia, ii. 337.

Henry of Fistigen, his career, i. 277.

Henry of Funfkirchen, ii. 543.

Henry of Ghent on popular sovereignty, iii. 139.

Henry of Hesse converts Nicholas of Basle, ii. 405. on corruption of the Church, iii. 636.

Henry of Lastenbock, ii. 457, 459.

Henry of Lausanne, i. 69.

Henry of Olmutz persecutes Waldenses, ii. 400.

Henry Minneke, his case, i. 315.

Henry Raspe persecutes heretics, ii. 343.

Henry, Bp. of Ratisbon, suppresses heresy, iii. 89.

Henry of Reims persecutes Cathari, i. 112.

Henry of Vehringen, i. 306; ii. 316.

Henry von Virnenburg (Cologne), prosecutes Master Eckart, i. 361; ii. 359. persecutes Beghards, ii. 367, 373.

Heresy, i. 57. popular, i. 60; iii. 550. its technical character, iii, 644. caused by clerical corruption, i. 61, 85; ii. 493, 531. s.e.xual license attributed to, i. 85, 101; ii. 335, 357, 408, 474; iii. 97, 127, 169. supreme guilt of, i. 211, 213, 236. uncertainty of its punishment, i. 220, 308. trials, difficulties of, i. 307. proved by slender testimony, i. 437. jurisdiction over it, i. 437, 462, 495. it entails confiscation, i. 503. created by the Church, i. 541. protection of, in Languedoc, ii. 5. its political relations in Italy, ii. 191, 223, 229; iii. 189. its use as a political factor, iii. 191. mutual accusations in Great Schism, iii, 204, 208. popular sensitiveness to, iii. 592. evils of its suppression, iii. 636.

Heresy of not paying t.i.thes, i. 26; iii. 185. antisacerdotal, i. 64. of the Waldenses, i. 79; ii. 150. of the Cathari, i. 93. of toleration, i. 224. of usury, i. 359. of enduring exc., i. 404; ii. 122. of Boniface VIII., ii. 97. of the Amaurians, ii. 320. of the Luciferans, ii. 335. of the Brethren of the Free Spirit, ii. 356. of the Flagellants, ii. 384. of the Winkelers, ii. 400. of the Men of Intelligence, ii. 406. of the Brethren of the Cross, ii. 407. of Hans of Niklaushausen, ii. 418. of John of Wesel, ii. 420. of the Wickliffites, ii. 440. of communion in both elements, ii. 472. of John Huss, ii. 481. of the Hussites, ii. 519. of the Bohemian Brethren, ii. 561. of the Joachites, iii. 21. of the Spiritual Franciscans, iii. 62. of the Olivists, iii. 78. of the Guglielmites, iii. 90. of the Apostolic Brethren, iii. 120. of the Spirit of Liberty, iii. 124. of the poverty of Christ, iii. 134. of disobedience, i. 229; iii. 181, 189, 192, 616, 617.

Heresy of the Visconti, iii. 198, 200. attributed to Templars, iii. 269. of sorcery, iii. 435, 449, 450. of denial of witchcraft, iii. 465. of the schoolmen, iii. 561. of denying the Divine Vision, iii. 595. of Immaculate Conception, iii. 600. respecting the Virgin, iii. 603. of martyrdom for Immaculate Conception, iii. 610. of simony, iii. 625.

Heretication, i. 94.

Heretics, faith not to be kept with, i. 174, 228; ii. 468. their burial forbidden, i. 232. compa.s.sion for them a sin, i. 240. evidence of, i. 316, 321, 434, 436. to be captured and despoiled, i. 322. punishment of intercourse with, ii. 31.

Herman of Ryswick, ii. 423; iii. 565.

Hermann of Minden on papal dispensation, iii. 28.

Hermann of Soest burned for sorcery, iii. 423.

Hermannus Alemannus translates Averrhoes, iii. 561.

Herodias, iii. 494.

Herzegovina defended by the Cathari, ii. 314.

Heyden, John, a sorcerer, iii. 459.

Hildebert of Le Mans on the papal curia, i. 17, 20. confutes Henry of Lausanne, i. 69.

Hildegarda, St., on the abuses of the Church, i. 53.

Hinemar condemns Gottschale, i. 217.

Hindu elements in German mysticism, ii. 364. witches, iii. 493.

Hippolytus of Porto on frauds of sorcerers, iii. 423.

Holda, iii. 494.

Holland, peasant rising in, i. 280.

Holy Ghost, incarnation of, iii. 91.

Holy Land less important than papal interests, iii. 189, 193. causes of its misfortunes, iii. 245.

Holy See--see Papacy.

Holywood, John--see Sacrobosco.

Homicide forbidden by Waldenses, i. 80; ii. 150. by Cathari, i. 99. by Bohemian Brethren, ii. 562.

Honestis bull, iii. 547.

Honorius (Emp.), his laws on sorcery, iii. 398.

Honorius III. grants Portiuncula indulgence, i. 41; iii. 246. denounces clerical corruption, i. 53, 129. his action in Languedoc, i. 185, 186, 187, 190, 191, 198. his efforts to obtain prebends, i. 195. draws up and confirms coronation edict of Frederic II., i. 133, 322. favors the Dominicans, i, 234, 279. condemns Henry Minneke, i. 315; ii. 324.

Honorius III. appoints inqs., ii. 198. his efforts in Bosnia, ii. 292. a.s.serts Joachim"s orthodoxy, iii. 14. degrades Munoz of Santiago, iii. 429.

Honorius IV. rejects appeal of Carca.s.sonne, ii. 60. summons Parma to submit, ii. 238. case of Armanno Pongilupo, ii. 241. relaxes persecution in Tuscany, ii. 242. condemns Apostolic Brethren, iii. 107. his death, i. 290.

Honorius of Autun on priestly superiority, i. 4. on duty of persecution, i. 224.

Hopelessness of defence, i. 450.

Horses, divination by, iii. 403.

Hospitallers, their organization, iii. 239. their demoralization, iii. 245. their conquest of Rhodes, iii. 248. wealth of the Order, iii. 251. threatened in 1307, iii, 278. obtain Templar property, iii. 302, 323, 329, 330, 331, 333. pensions of Templars paid by them, iii. 313, 315, 324, 331, 332. admit Templars, iii. 324.

Host, magic power of the, i. 49.

Houdancourt, heretics burned at, ii. 115.

Houses of heretics destroyed, i. 319, 321, 481; ii. 163.

Hradisch, Martin Loquis burned at, ii. 519.

Hrimthursar, iii. 401, 404.

Hrvoje Vukcie of Bosnia, ii. 304, 305.

Hugo of Salm, the Templar, iii. 303.

Hugolin de Polignac, frauds of, i. 492.

Huguenin de la Meu, iii. 537.

Hugues of Auxerre exterminates heresy, i. 130.

Hugues the blacksmith, ii. 132.

Hugues de Digne, favors Joachitism, iii. 18.

Hugues Gerold, of Cahors, his fate, i. 557.

Hugues le Noir, his inquisitorial powers, ii. 140.

Hugues de Payen founds the Templars, iii. 238.

Hugues de Peraud, iii. 247, 248, 274, 290, 326.

Human sacrifices in magic, iii. 390, 393, 398. in alchemy, iii. 474.

Humanism, its influence in Italy, iii. 565.

Humanists, bitterness towards Dominicans, ii. 423.

Humbert de Beaujeu commands in Languedoc, i. 200.

Humbert of Viennois persecutes Waldenses, ii. 151.

Hungary, its pretensions over Bosnia, ii. 290. Dominican missionaries, ii. 293. the Tartar invasion, ii. 296. contumacy of Ladislas IV., ii. 298. crusades against Bosnia, ii. 304. conquest of Bosnia from the Turks, ii. 314. Flagellants in, ii. 393.

Hungary, Waldenses in, ii. 397, 400. Jerome of Prague preaches Hussitism, ii. 496. prevalence of Hussitism, ii. 525. persecution of Hussites, ii. 542, 544. clerical concubinage, ii. 543. papal collections in, iii. 69. Greek Church in, iii. 617.

Hunneric persecutes Catholics, i. 216.

Huns, descended from demons, iii. 385.

Hunyady, John, his intervention in Bosnia, ii. 311, 312. his victory at Belgrade, ii. 553.

Husbands, betrayal of, by wives, i. 432. required to denounce wives, i. 432.

Huss, John, precursors of, ii. 436. his early career, ii. 444. his obligations to Wickliff, ii. 448. is exc., ii. 450. all-powerful in Bohemia, ii. 452. his presence at Constance necessary, ii. 455. necessity of his arrest, ii. 460. his trial, ii. 469. his unpardonable doctrines, ii. 481. admits that heresy is punishable, i. 540. efforts to obtain his abjuration, ii. 486. his execution, i. 552; ii. 492. venerated as a martyr, ii. 494, 507, 509.

Hussites, the, ii. 506. their relations with Waldenses, ii. 157. their safe-conducts to Basle, ii. 466.

Hussitism in Germany, ii. 410, 412, 414. coalesces with Waldensianism, ii. 415. in Danubian provinces, ii. 543, 544, 545, 549. in Hungary, ii. 525, 542. in Poland, ii. 496, 525, 544, 549, 551.

Hyacinth, St., of Hungary, ii. 293.

Hypothecations by heretics invalid, i. 524.

Ibas of Edessa, case of, i. 230. Ibn Roschd, iii. 558.

Iceland, laws on sorcery, iii. 422, 432.

Idacius prosecutes Priscillian, i. 213.

Idol, the, of the Templars, iii. 263, 270.

Iglau, pacification of, ii. 538.

Ignorance no defence, i. 450.

Illuminism of S. Bonaventura, iii. 26. of the German mystics, ii. 362, 364, 365. of the Ortlibenses, ii. 357.

Illusions of sorcery, iii. 407. of the Sabbat, iii. 493.

Image-worship condemned by Mathias of Janow, ii. 437. by Wickliffites, ii. 440.

Immaculate Conception, the, iii. 596. Order of the, iii. 607.

Immortality, denial of, iii. 559, 560, 562, 564, 565, 569, 572, 574, 576.

Immunity of crusaders, i. 148.

Immunity of ecclesiastics, i. 2, 32; iii. 629. of familiars, i. 381. of monks withdrawn in heresy, i. 314.

Impeccability, heresy of, ii. 320, 322. of Ortlibenses, ii. 356. in German mysticism, ii. 364. in the Spirit of Liberty, iii. 124.