A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages

Chapter 114

Impeding the Inq., i. 349, 381; ii. 63, 74. by disbelieving witchcraft, iii. 506.

Imperial laws against magic, iii. 392.

Impostors, the Three, iii. 560.

Imprecatory ma.s.ses, iii. 447.

Imprisonment for heresy, i. 220, 484. harsh, as torture, i. 420. frequency of, i. 485, 494. commutation of, i. 496. in Huss"s case, ii. 479. detentive, i. 420, 488.

Incantation, the ma.s.s used as, i. 50. powers of, iii. 391. Christian, iii. 400.

Incarceration--see Imprisonment.

Incarnations of Christ, iii. 127, 166.

Incest, condonation of, i. 32.

Incredulity, popular, as to witchcraft, ii. 533, 540, 546.

Incubi, iii. 383, 501, 542.

Indelibility of priestly character, i. 4.

Index, Lully placed in the, iii. 587, 588.

Indulgences, theory of, i. 41. plenary, i. 42. sale of, i. 43, 44, minor, i. 45. used against the Church, i. 184. for inqs., i. 239. for missionary work, i. 297. rejected by Jean Vitrier, ii. 137. by Waldenses, ii. 150. by Luther, ii. 425. in Prague in 1393, ii. 438. by Wickliffites, ii. 440. by Huss, ii. 449. popular resistance to, ii. 450. issued by John XXII., iii. 67. given Savonarola on the scaffold, iii. 234. abuse of, iii. 246. to reward the use of torture, iii. 300. for persecuting witches, iii. 546. sellers of, iii. 621, 662.

Industry, influence of confiscation on, i. 524.

Infantile communion, ii. 474, 512, 534.

Infants dedicated to Satan, iii. 504.

Infernal deities in Latin sorcery, iii. 390.

Infidelity of the Church in 15th cent., iii. 566, 577.

Informality of early procedure, ii. 8.

Influence of Inq., i. 557; iii. 641.

Ingelger of Anjou recovers the relics of St. Martin, i. 48.

Ingheramo da Macerata, ii. 198.

Initiation into Order of Templars, iii. 268, 272.

Innocent II. claims feudal power over benefices, i. 6.

Innocent II. on ma.s.ses of concubinary priests, i. 63. condemns Henry of Lausanne, i. 70. condemns Arnald of Brescia, i. 73. persecutes Cathari, i. 117.

Innocent III. on priestly superiority, i. 4. deprecated simony, i. 7. his prosecutions of bps., i. 14. his disinterestedness, i. 18. punishes forgery of papal letters, i. 19. claims benefices for his friends, i. 25. protects Waldemar of Sleswick, i. 33. opposes Cathari in Slavonia, i. 107; ii. 291. suppresses Cathari of Viterbo, i. 116. proclaims war on heresy, i. 128. explains heresy by clerical corruption, i. 129. forbids Bible to laity, i. 131. removes exc. of Raymond VI., i. 133. his dealings with Languedoc, i. 136-83. convokes the Council of Lateran, i. 181. his legislation on heresy, i. 220, 232, 320, 431, 444, 502. faith not to be kept with heretics, i. 228. makes Foulques de Neuilly preach the crusade, i. 245. approves the Poor Catholics, i. 246. approves Dominican Order, i. 252. approves Franciscan Rule, i. 257. forbids use of ordeal, i. 306; ii. 317. degrades Bp. of Coire, i. 403. heresy in Rome, ii. 192. threatens Milan, ii. 194. settles troubles at Piacenza, ii. 196. condemns Joachim"s Trinitarian error, iii. 13. scolds the Templars, iii. 243. denies Immaculate Conception, iii. 596. his dealings with Greek Church, iii. 617, 619.

Innocent IV., his election, ii. 26. his use of pluralities, i. 25, 26. on immunity of crusaders, i. 44, 148. restricts the Poor Catholics, i. 248. favors the Mendicants, i. 273, 282. his bull against the Mendicants, i. 283. prayed to death by Dominicans, i. 284. forces the adoption of persecuting laws, i. 322. subjects Mendicants to Inq., i. 362. his bull ad extirpanda, i. 337. his legislation on Inq., i. 301, 333, 335, 344, 370, 381, 382, 421, 438, 452, 467, 471, 472, 473, 489, 495, 496, 505, 509, 510, 546; ii. 3, 40, 45, 46, 94, 119, 120, 166, 167, 168, 221, 233. on case of Manfredo di Sesto, i. 461. restricts use of interdict, ii. 3. refuses to relieve Dominicans of Inq., ii. 39. removes Raymond VII."s exc., ii. 41. his liberality to Raymond, ii. 47.

Innocent IV. appoints Giovanni Schio perpetual inq., ii. 206. orders persecution in Florence, ii. 211. utilizes death of Frederic II., ii. 213. canonizes Peter Martyr, ii. 216. alienates Milan, ii. 219. orders Gatta destroyed, ii. 220. attacks Ezzelin da Romano, ii. 225, 226. urges inqs. to activity, ii. 238. seeks to introduce Inq. in Venice, ii. 250. transfers Bosnia to Kalocsa, ii. 296. forbids crusades against Bosnia, ii. 297. orders persecution in Bohemia, ii. 427. relaxes Franciscan rule of poverty, iii. 8. orders crusade against Frederic II., iii. 189. his political power, iii. 190. dealings with Greek Church, iii. 617, 618, 619.

Innocent V. first Dominican pope, i. 256.

Innocent VI., his trouble with Venice, ii. 273. demands revision of Florentine statutes, ii. 280. orders crusade against Bosnia, ii. 303, 304. introduces Inq. in Germany, ii. 385. represses Flagellants, ii. 393. authorizes pursuit of Jews, i. 396. demands t.i.thes in Germany, ii. 433. persecutes Fraticelli of Crimea, iii. 167. burns Fraticelli in Avignon, iii. 168. persecutes Gentile of Spoleto, iii. 171. summons Bernabo Visconti, iii. 202. reduces the Maffredi, iii. 203. dealings with Greek Church, iii. 617.

Innocent VIII. exempts Franciscans from Inq., i. 363; iii. 178. on refusal to burn heretics, i. 539; iii. 547. condemns Jean Laillier, ii. 143. orders crusade against Waldenses, ii. 159, 266. approves of the Recollects, iii. 180. a.s.serts existence of Incubi, iii. 384. stimulates witchcraft, iii. 540, 547. threatens Giov. Pico, iii. 573. his dealings with Greek Church, iii. 621. he justifies immorality, iii. 644.

Innocent X. unites Beguines with Tertiaries, ii. 413.

Innsbruck, witches of, iii. 541.

In pace, i. 487.

Inquests, general use of, i. 311. of bishop, i. 312. itinerant, i. 370. of Bernard de Caux, ii. 45.

Inquisitio, i. 310.

Inquisition, its origin, i. 305. episcopal, i. 356. papal, tentative commencement, i. 326. organized, i. 330. its relations with episcopate, i. 331. becomes permanent, i. 335.

Inquisition made supreme over state, i. 337. organized under bull ad extirpanda, i. 340. opposition to, i. 349. refuses its records to bishops, i. 350. its effectiveness, i. 364, 366, 394. its organization, i. 369. secrecy of its proceedings, i. 376, 380. appeals from, i. 450. its penal functions, i. 459. its relations with confiscation, i. 505. provision for its expenses, i. 352, 512, 525. its influence on the Church, i. 557. its influence on secular law, i. 559. its establishment in Toulouse, ii. 8. its introduction in France, ii. 113. its introduction in Aragon, ii. 165. its absence in Castile, ii. 180. its failure in Portugal, ii. 188. its development in Italy, ii. 201. its career in Naples, ii. 245, 284. its introduction in Venice, ii. 249, 273. its introduction in Bosnia, ii. 299. its commencement in Germany, ii. 333. finally established in Germany, ii. 385. its commencement in Bohemia, ii. 428. its employment against the Hussites, ii. 506, 542, 545. use of, for secular ends, ii. 226, 227, 230; iii. 149, 190, 259, 357. employed to crush the Templars, iii. 259. employed in case of Joan of Arc, iii. 357. forbidden cognizance of sorcery, iii. 434. organizes prosecution of sorcery, iii. 448. its jurisdiction over witchcraft, iii. 511. it stimulates witchcraft, iii. 538, 539, 543. opposition to its efforts in witchcraft, iii. 544, 546. number of its witch victims, iii. 549. its indifference to Averrhoism, iii. 565. punishes discussion on Immaculate Conception, iii. 609. its censorship of books, iii. 612. what it did not effect, iii. 616. its jurisdiction over pardoners, iii. 622. its neglect of heresy of simony, iii. 625. its failure at the Reformation, iii. 648. Inquisitor-general, creation of, i. 397.

Inquisitorial exc., power of, i. 500.

Inquisitorial process, i. 310, 399. its effectiveness, ii. 334, 336. applied to witchcraft, iii. 513. in secular courts, i. 402, 408, 560.

Inquisitors, secular, i. 311. papal, their appointment, i. 329. at first a.s.sistants of bps., i. 330. their relations with bps., i. 334, 348, 363, 364. forbidden to levy fines, i. 331. allowed to levy fines, i. 332. their arbitrary powers, i. 343, 405, 440. their control over the laws, i. 322, 342. their universal jurisdiction, i. 347.

Inquisitors, they obtain bishoprics, i. 348. oath required of, i. 351. minimum age requisite, i. 374. their ignorance, i. 376, 388. they sell license to bear arms, i. 383. they disregard a.s.sembly of experts, i. 391. they act as confessors, i. 399. allowed to use torture, i. 422. the defence intrusted to them, i. 447. presents received by, i. 481. their extravagance, i. 528. can serve as executioners, i. 537.

Insabbatati, or Waldenses, i. 77.

Insanity, plea of, i. 449.

Inst.i.toris, Henry, iii. 540, 541.

Intercourse with heretics punishable, ii. 31.

Interdict, abuses of, ii. 3. for collection of debt, ii. 278. effects of, upon commerce, ii. 281; iii. 195.

Interrogatories of Inq., i. 411; iii. 448.

Introduction to the Everlasting Gospel, i. 285, 287; iii. 20.

Inviolability of ecclesiastics, i. 33.

Invocation of demons--see Demons. of saints, power of, i. 50.

Ireland, Observantines introduced, iii. 173. proceedings against Templars, iii. 299, 301. case of Alice Kyteler, i 354; iii. 456.

Irregularity, avoidance of, i. 534, 537, 552.

Isarn Colli, case of, i. 420, 424; ii. 95, 573.

Isarn de Villemur, his poem, ii. 11, 24, 44, 62.

Isidor, St., on duty of persecution, i. 216.

Isle des Juifs, de Molay burned on, iii. 325.

Italy, Arnald of Brescia, i. 72. rise of Waldensianism in, i. 76. Cathari of Monforte, i. 109. Catharism in 12th cent., i. 115. legislation on heresy, i. 221. cruelty of criminal law, i. 235. Poor Catholics in Milan, i. 246. Flagellants in 1259, i. 272. divided between Mendicant Orders, i. 301. the laws of Frederic II., i. 321. persecution in Rome, i. 324. Florence, first Inq. in, i. 324. subservience of episcopate, i. 332. control of bps. over moneys, i. 336. bull ad extirpanda, i. 337. case of Capello di Chia, i. 342. restrictions on bearing arms, i. 382. first use of torture in, i. 421. extortion by Inq., i. 477. confiscation, provisions for, i. 505. Florence, special provisions in confiscation, i. 525. expenses of Inq., i. 525. witches of Brescia, i. 539; iii. 546. career of Inq. in, ii. 191. persistence of Cathari, ii. 255 Venturino da Bergamo, ii. 380. pilgrimage of Bianchi, ii. 404.

Italy, Flagellants in 1448, ii. 409. Spiritual Franciscans, iii. 32. their rebellion, iii. 62. Guglielma of Milan, iii. 90. Segarelli and Dolcino, iii. 103. development of Fraticelli, iii. 158. papal policy of conquests, iii. 189. John XXII."s action in Lombardy, iii. 197. Rienzo and the Maffredi, iii. 203. Savonarola, iii. 209. proceedings against Templars, iii. 304. legislation on sorcery, iii. 431. astrology in, iii. 440. witchcraft in, iii. 518, 546. humanism in, iii. 566. moral degradation, iii. 543.

Ithacius prosecutes Priscillian, i. 213, 215.

Ives Gilemme burned for sorcery, iii. 465.

Ivo of Chartres on persecution, i. 224. on condemnation of dead, i. 231. on sorcery, iii. 417.

Izeshne rite, Mazdean, ii. 472.

Jacob V. Hochstraten and John Reuchlin, ii. 424.

Jacob of Soest prosecutes John Malkaw, iii. 207.

Jacob of Wodnan, ii. 566.

Jacobel of Mies restores cup to laity, ii. 470.

Jacobins, founding of the, i. 255.

Jacobines converted by Dominicans, i. 297.

Jacopo da Brescia, iii. 568.

Jacopo della Chiusa, case of, i. 394.

Jacopone da Todi, i. 263; iii. 41, 104, 554.

Jacquerie of Savoy in 1365, ii. 260.

Jacques Autier, ii. 106.

Jacques Bernard persecutes Waldenses, ii. 150.

Jacques de More, his activity, ii. 126.

Jacques de Polignac, his frauds, i. 490, 521.

Jacquette of Bedford accused of sorcery, iii. 468.

Jailers, rules for, i. 492.

Jamnici, ii. 566.

Janevisio, Bartolo, his heresy, ii. 176.

Jannes and Jambres, iii. 387.

Jaquerius, his Flagellum, iii. 538. on origin of Sabbat, iii. 497. on death-penalty, iii. 515.

Jarnsida, punishment of sorcery in, iii. 432.

Jayme I. (Aragon) is a hostage with de Montfort, i. 166, 177. asks for Inq., ii. 168. laws against heresy, i. 319; ii. 163. complains of Bern. de Caux, i. 394. changes Inq. in Narbonne, ii. 46. his laws on sorcery, iii. 430.

Jayme II. (Aragon), his relations with Arnaldo de Vilanova, iii. 52-56. proceeds against Templars, iii. 310, 311, 323, 332. founds Order of Montesa, iii. 333.

Jayme I. (Majorca) arrests the Templars, iii. 314.

Jayme, Fray, of Minorca, ii. 89.

Jean d"Amant, case of, iii. 452.

Jean, Bp. of Arras, his cardinalate, ii. 135.

Jean d"Arsis, his zeal in confiscating, i. 518.

Jean d"Aumones, his reception in Temple, iii. 276.

Jean Baudier, case of, i. 517; ii. 95, 112.

Jean de Beaumont suppresses Trencavel"s insurrection, ii. 26.

Jean de Beaune imprisons Bernard Delicieux, ii. 101. reconciles Albi and Cordes, ii. 102. defends bull Quorumdam, iii. 74. starts the question of the poverty of Christ, iii. 130.

Jean aux Bellesmains opposes Waldo, i. 78.

Jean Bertrand, Templar, case of, iii. 296.

Jean de Bourgogne, inq. of Templars, iii. 315, 316.

Jean de Brescain, his errors condemned, iii. 561.