A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages

Chapter 131

Truce of G.o.d, observance of, enjoined, i. 161. Templars made conservators of, iii. 240.

Tunis, Inq. in, i. 355. Fraticello missionary in, iii. 167.

Turbato corde, bull, ii. 63.

Turelupins, ii. 126, 158.

Turkish conquests aided by Christians, ii. 306.

Turks, their toleration of Christianity, ii. 315.

Turin, Waldenscs of, ii. 259.

Tuscany, number of Cathari in, ii. 193. favor shown by Honorius IV., ii. 243. decline of Inq., ii. 275.

Tuscany, absence of heresy in, ii. 276. alarm of Tertiaries, iii. 77. Fraticelli in 1471, iii. 178. proceedings against Templars, iii. 307, 318.

Tyrannicide a heresy, iii. 335.

Tyrol, witchcraft in. iii. 503, 541.

UBAN PRIJESDA, ii. 294, 297.

Ubertino di Carleone escapes the Inq., ii. 270.

Ubertino da Casale, iii. 59. defends Olivi, iii. 49. transferred to Benedictines, iii. 70. betrays the Scgarellists, iii. 108. argues on the poverty of Christ, iii. 132. flies to Louis of Bavaria, iii. 143.

Uberto Pallavicino drives off Flagellants, i. 272. vicar-general of Lombardy, ii. 219. his protection of heretics, ii. 223, 229. overthrows Ezzelin, ii. 228. his trial by Inq., ii. 230. his downfall and death, ii. 232.

Ucitelji, Catharan teachers, ii. 305.

Ugolin of Kalocsa seeks to obtain Bosnia, ii. 293.

Uguccione Pileo defeats Giovanni Schio, ii. 205.

Ulchi, Francis, burned at Berne, iii. 607.

Ulm, Beghards persecuted, ii. 412.

Ulmet, Sire d", accused of sorcery, iii. 451.

Ulric III., Abbot of St. Gall, i. 10.

Ulric der Wilde, iii. 138.

Ulric of Znaim, his free speech at Basle, ii. 533.

Umberto de" Romani on pardoners, iii. 622.

Umbilicani, iii. 104.

Umiliati, i. 76; ii. 194.

Unam sanctum, bull, iii. 192, 616.

Unfulfilled penance, i. 475.

Universidad Lulliana, iii. 582.

University of Bologna teaches persecution, i. 322. adopts Averrhoism, iii. 564.

University of Cologne and John Malkaw, iii. 207. prosecutes John of Wesel, ii. 421. on witchcraft, iii. 506.

University of Louvain, iii. 556, 557.

University of Padua, Averrhoism in, iii. 440, 564.

University of Paris on indulgences, i. 43. its quarrel with the Mendicants, i. 281, 292. condemns Marguerite la Porete, ii. 123, 577. attacks Hugues Aubriot, ii. 128. condemns Thomas of Apulia, ii. 129. supports the Pragmatic Sanction, ii. 134. partic.i.p.ates in the government, ii. 135.

University of Paris, its theological supremacy, ii. 136. supplants the Inq., ii. 137. rejects Jean Laillier, ii. 142. question as to blood of Christ, ii. 171. condemns Arnaldo de Vilanova, iii. 54. condemns Denis Soulechat, iii. 168. favors a general council in 1497, iii. 224. consulted as to case of Templars, iii. 280. condemns Jean Pet.i.t, iii. 336. its zeal against Joan of Arc, iii. 358, 360, 367. does not condemn astrology, iii. 438. condemns astrology, iii. 446. on imprecatory ma.s.ses, iii. 448. its articles on sorcery, iii. 464. belief in antichrist, iii. 527. prosecutes Edeline, iii. 536. its Nominalism, iii. 556. condemns Jean Fabre, iii. 557. condemns philosophical errors, iii. 561. Lully teaches in, iii. 582. favors the Immaculate Conception, iii. 599, 600, 602.

University of Prague founded, ii. 432. Wickliff"s books read in, ii. 443. revolution in, ii. 446. defends Huss and Jerome, ii. 508. declares in favor of Utraquism, ii. 511, 512. adopts the Four Articles, ii. 519.

University of Toulouse, i. 204; ii. 5.

University of Vienna suspected of Hussitism, ii. 496.

Unnatural l.u.s.t, its prevalence, i. 9, 52; iii. 256, 472, 639.

Urban II. exc. Philip I., i. 5. grants indulgence for crusades, i. 42.

Urban III. defines limitation"s on the Templars, iii. 240.

Urban IV. demands release of Bp. of Verona, i. 12. reproves the Franciscans, i. 277. restores episcopal concurrence in sentences, i. 335. annuls laws impeding the Inq., i. 341; ii. 231. enlarges powers of inqs., i. 357, 375. creates inquisitor-general, i. 397. a.s.sumes the confiscations, i. 510. reorganizes Inq. of Aragon, ii. 168. urges crusade against Manfred, iii. 193. removes Etienne de Sissy, iii. 242.

Urban V. recognizes episcopal Inq., i. 363. persecutes Waldenses, ii. 152. persecutes Fraticelli, ii. 284; iii. 163, 165. his intervention in Bosnia, ii. 304. appoints inqs. for Germany, ii. 387. favors Milicz of Kremsier, ii. 436. approves Order of Jesuats, iii. 171.

Urban V. condemns Bernabo Visconti, iii. 202. orders Templar property in Castile to Hospitallers, iii. 338.

Urban VI., his cruelty, i. 557.

Urban VIII. restrains the Mendicants, i. 304.

Urgel, Bp. of, exc. Roger Bernard, ii. 165. persecution of heretics in, ii. 167, 169. Fraticelli in, iii. 169.

Uri, Beghards persecuted, ii. 412.

Urrea, Miguel de, his necromancy, iii. 459.

Use and consumption, question of, iii. 133.

Usury justiciable by bps., i. 358. subject to Inq., i. 359. heresy of, i. 400; iii. 644. practised by bps., i. 479. strictness of construction, i. 480. relapse into, imprisonment for, i. 545.

Utraquism, its rise in Bohemia, ii. 471. becomes predominant, ii. 511. quarrel over, at Iglau, ii. 538. prevents reunion of Bohemia, ii. 543. obtains enforced toleration, ii. 559.

Utraquists, their doctrines, ii. 519. their Puritanism, ii. 521. their victory at Lipan, ii. 535. obtain control of Bohemia, ii. 540. their reaction towards Rome, ii. 546. extreme veneration for Eucharist, ii. 562. their trouble about apostolical succession, ii. 564.

VALA, the Norse, iii. 402.

Valcamonica, witches of, burned, iii. 547.

Valence, C. of, 1248, coerces the bps., i. 333. threatens advocates of heretics, i. 444. on penance of crosses, i. 409. on unfulfilled penances, i. 548. forbids cognizance of sorcery by Inq., iii. 434.

Valencia, heresies in, ii. 176. separate Inq. in, ii. 177. Fraticelli in, iii. 168. Templar property in, iii. 333. laws on sorcery, iii. 430. complains of Eymerich, iii. 585.

Valens puts Catholics to death, i. 213. persecution of magic by, iii. 397.

Valentine of Makarska, ii. 303.

Valentine of Milan accused of sorcery, iii. 466.

Valentinian I. persecutes sorcerers, iii. 398.

Valla, Lorenzo, his career, iii. 566.

Valladolid, favor to Mendicants in, i. 293.

Valori, Francesco, iii. 218, 222, 227.

Val Pute (or Louise), Waldenses of, ii. 147, 154, 157, 160.

Valsesia, memory of Dolcino in, iii. 120.

Valtelline persecution of heretics, ii. 237.

Vasquez, Martino, first Portuguese inq., ii. 189.

Vaticiuia Pontificam, iii. 12.

Vauderie, or sorcery, ii. 158. or Sabbat, iii. 522.

Vaudois of Arras, iii. 519. in the Schwabenspiegel, ii. 156. Cathari misnamed, ii. 257.

Vaudoisie, character of, iii. 521.

Venality of spiritual courts, i. 17, 20, 21, 22; iii. 627, 632, 643.

Vence, trial of Bp. of, i. 15.

Vendome, Batard de, captures Joan of Arc, iii. 356.

Veneration among Cathari, i. 95.

Venetia, number of Waldenses in, ii. 269.

Venice, burning for heresy in, i. 221; ii. 587. restrictions on armed familiars, i. 384. confiscations in, i. 512. expenses of Inq. defrayed, i. 525. career of Inq. in, ii. 249, 273. rejects the laws of Frederic II., ii. 250, 252. refuge for heretics in, ii. 251. exc. by Clement V., iii. 195. humanity towards Templars, iii. 308. laws against sorcery, iii. 431. witches of Brusuia defended, i. 539; iii. 546, 661. Pompon.a.z.io"s book burned, iii. 576. treatment of Greek Church, iii. 620.

Venturino da Bergamo, ii. 380.

Ver, Jean de, denies Immaculate Conception, iii. 602.

Verberati, ii. 404.

Vercruysse, his dogma of the conception of the Virgin, iii. 611.

Verfeil, St. Bernard"s failure there, i. 71.

Verona, Bp. of, captured by Manfred, i. 12. statutes of 1228 against heretics, i. 227, 421, 481. secular inqs. in, i. 311. restriction on bearing arms, i. 382. Giovanni Schio"s cruelty, ii. 204. maintenance of heresy, ii. 239. C. of, 1184--see Lucius III.

Vertus, Catharism at, i. 108.

Vespers, Sicilian, ii. 248.

Vestments, Franciscan, quarrel over, iii. 70. heresy of, iii. 74, 78.

Vetter, John, burned at Berne, iii. 607.

Veyleti, Jean, persecutes Waldenses, ii. 159.

Vezelai, Cathari in 1163, i. 111.

Vicars of inqs., i. 375.

Vicente de Lisboa, inq. for Spain, ii. 185, 189.

Vicenza, inquisitorial extortion in, i. 477. Giovanni Schio imprisoned, ii. 205. heresy tolerated, ii. 223. reconciliation of, ii. 234. persistence of heresy, ii. 239. Capistrano"s reception in, iii. 179.

Vienna, Nicholas of Basle burned, ii. 405. Waldensian Bp. Stephen burned, ii. 416.

Vienna, Jerome preaches Hussitism, ii. 496.

Vienne, C. of, 1311, its canons, ii. 96; iii. 60. on inquisitorial abuses, i. 424, 478. condemns Beguines, ii. 369. on Olivi"s errors, iii. 46. decides in favor of Spirituals, iii. 60. on papal dispensing power, iii. 79. convoked for trial of Templars, iii. 282, 284. its postponement, iii. 296. fate of its archives, iii. 319. Order of Temple denied a hearing, iii. 320. disposes of Templar property, iii. 322. founds Oriental colleges, iii. 580. on the Divine Vision, iii. 591. on pardoners, iii. 623.

Vigoros de Bocona, ii. 22.

Vilgardus, heresy of, i. 108.

Villani, absence of heresy in Florence, ii. 276. his account of John XXII., iii. 68. his story of the Templars, iii. 250.