A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages

Chapter 132

Villehardouin, Isabelle de, iii. 39.

Villeins, their abject condition, i. 269.

Villemagne, marriage of monks of, i. 119.

Villena, Enrique marquis of, iii. 489.

Virgin, her portrait stolen by the Venetians, i. 48. Dominican reverence for, i. 255; iii. 604. Immaculate Conception of, iii. 596.

Visconti, cruelties of the, i. 559. their quarrel with John XXII., iii. 197. reconciled to papacy, iii. 202.

Visconti, Girolamo, persecutes witches, iii. 540, 546.

Vision, the Divine, iii. 590.

Visits to prisoners, i. 486.

Viterbo, struggle with Cathari, i. 116. attacks Capello di Chia, i. 342. attempt to establish Inq., ii. 209. heretics punished by Gregory IX., ii. 210. resistance to Inq. in, ii. 239. crusade against in 1238, iii. 189. case of Templars in, iii. 305, 306.

Vitrier, Jean, his heresies, ii. 137.

Vivet, Peter Waldo"s a.s.sistant, i. 77.

Vivian, Catharan bp. of Toulouse, ii. 50, 245.

Viviano da Bergamo, Inq. of Lombardy, ii. 213.

Viviano Bogolo, ii. 223, 234.

Vohet, Philippe de, threatens Templars with burning, iii. 286. his testimony to their innocence, iii. 295.

Voodooism, iii. 519.

Vows, commutation of, i. 44. papal power of dispensation, iii. 28, 77.

Voyle, Jean, persecutes Waldenses, ii. 158.

Vox inexcelso, bull, iii. 321.

Vulcan of Dalmatia, ii. 291.

Vulgate, corruption of the text, iii. 553. its correction by Valla, iii. 567.

WADDING, LUKE, seeks Capistrano"s canonization, ii. 555. on condition of morals, iii. 643.

Wafer, consecrated, its magic power, i. 50. in wine for Eucharist, ii. 472. its supremacy over demons, iii. 426. its use in sorcery, iii. 435. its use by witches, iii. 500.

Wainamoinen, his magic power, iii. 403.

Waldemar of Bremen supported by the Stedingers, iii. 184.

Waldemar of Sleswick, case of, i. 33.

Waldenses, their origin, i. 77. their variations of belief, i. 79, 82; ii. 150, 396, 564. persecuted in Aragon, i. 81; ii. 170. their organization, i. 83. virtues ascribed to them, i. 85. in Metz, i. 131; ii. 318. burned at Maurillac, i. 179. of Piedmont, i. 319, 425; ii. 195, 259. distinctive signs, i. 432. their reputation as physicians, ii. 82. their career in France, ii. 145. their relations with Cathari, ii. 140, 579. with Hussites, ii. 157, 415. in Valencia, ii. 177, 179. their numbers in Italy, ii. 194. conference of Bergamo, ii. 196. emigration to Naples, ii. 247, 259, 268. of Stra.s.sburg, ii. 319. of Germany, ii. 347, 396. early foothold in Bohemia, ii. 427. development in Bohemia, ii. 429, 430, 438, 438, 448, 512. their connection with Taborites, ii. 512, 522. unite with Bohemian Brethren, ii. 416, 564.

Waldensianism, causes of its persistence, ii. 254. its kinship to Wickliffitism, ii. 441.

Waldo, Peter, i. 76. mythical mission to Bohemia, ii. 427.

Waleran of Cologne orgnnizes episcopal Inq., ii. 374.

Wallachia, Inq. in, i. 355.

Walleys, Thomas, persecuted, iii. 592.

Walpurgis Night, iii. 408.

Walter of Bruges summons Clement V. to judgment, iii. 327.

Walter the Lollard, his death, ii. 373.

Walter of Naples, the Templar, iii. 306.

Walter, Bp. of Stra.s.sburg, i. 10.

Walther von der Yogelweide on the Church, i. 54.

Wand, magician"s, iii. 405.

Warlike character of ecclesiastics, i. 10.

Wasmod, John, his tract on Beghards, i. 397.

Wazo of Liege and the Cathari, i. 109, 218.

Weather--osee Tempestarii.

Weeping, inability of, in witches, iii. 514.

Weiler, Anna, burned, ii. 415.

Wenceslas (Emp.) deposed for neglect to persecute, i. 226. his indifference to religion, ii. 395. supports Huss, ii. 445. revolutionizes the University, ii. 447. banishes lluss"s opponents, ii. 452. opposes use of cup by the laity ii. 471. threatened by Sigismund, ii. 509, 511. his death in 1419, ii. 513. his fondness for magic, iii. 46O.

Wenceslas the Chiliast, burned in 1421, ii. 519.

Wenceslas of Duba procures safe-conduct for Huss, ii. 457.

Wertheim, Count of, ii. 419, 421.

Wer-wolves, ii. 145; iii. 391.

Wibald of Corvey, iii. 422.

Wickliff, John, measures against, i. 362. his career, ii. 488. veneration for him in Bohemia, ii. 444, 446. condemned by C. of Constance, ii. 482.

Wickliffite doctrines, ii. 440. resemble Waldensianism, ii. 441. disseminated in Bohemia, ii. 443, 445.

Wickliffites in France, ii. 142. in Spain, ii. 177, 178.

Wilbrand, Bp. of Utrecht, his crusade against Frisians, iii. 185.

Wilge Armen, ii. 388.

Wilhelm, Dolcinist, burned, ii. 402.

Willaume le Febvre, iii. 524, 531, 533.

William, Cardinal, inq.-general, i. 398.

William the Conqueror employs sorcery, iii. 420.

William of Esseby, i. 263.

William the Franciscan, i. 277.

William of Gennep (Cologne) persecutes heretics, ii. 385, 386.

William of Hilderniss, ii. 406.

William of Montpellier offers to suppress heresy, i. 136.

William de la More, iii. 301.

William of Reims persecutes Cathari, i. 111, 112.

William of Vezelai, uncertainty in punishing heretics, i. 308.

Willnsdorf, destruction of, ii. 343.

Wills, presence of priest necessary to, i. 29.

Wimpfeling, Jacob, urges reform, iii. 639.

Windesheim, convent of, ii. 362.

Winkel, Flagellants of, ii. 408.

Winkelers, persecution of, ii. 400.

Wirt, Wigand, his quarrel over Immaculate Conception, iii. 605. his retraction, iii. 607.

Wisigoths, their laws on sorcery, iii. 399.

Wismar, Dolcinist burned in, ii. 403.

Witch of Endor, the, iii. 388.

Witch of Eye, the, iii. 467.

Witch-burning, Church responsible for, iii. 532, 547.

Witchcraft, iii. 492. absence of, in 13th cent., iii. 448. distinctive origin of, iii. 497, 499, 534. disbelief in, punishable, iii. 405, 506. papal bulls against, iii. 502, 506, 512, 537, 540, 546, 547. only curable by witchcraft, iii. 507. causes of its spread, iii. 508, 539. incentives to, iii. 538. under secular jurisdiction, iii. 512, 544, 547. its extension in 16th cent, iii. 549.

Witches, their allegiance to Satan, iii. 386. proscribed in Mosaic Law, iii. 396. their powers, iii. 407, 502. necessary to Satan, iii. 501. lose power when arrested, iii. 509. their power over judges, iii. 535. are heretics, iii. 542. of Brescia, contest over, i. 539; iii. 547, 661.

Witch-trials, process of, iii. 514.

Witnesses, danger incurred by, i. 317, 438. of proceedings, i. 376. torture of, i. 425, 430, 56O. character of, i. 434. age of, i. 435. inimical, rejected, i. 436. their names kept secret, i. 437; ii. 477; iii. 517. sworn in presence of accused, i. 439. retraction of evidence, i. 439, 441. enmity of, the only defence, i. 446, 448; iii. 517. disabling of, in Huss"s case, ii. 477. secrecy imposed on, ii. 93. for defence, rarity of, i. 447. collected against the Templars, iii. 257.

Witnesses, synodal, origin of, i. 312, 315, 317, 350; ii. 117. in prosecution of Gilles de Rais, iii. 479.

Wives, betrayal of, by husbands, i. 373. bound to denounce husbands, i. 432. evidence of, i. 436. dowers not confiscated, i. 509.

Wok of Waldstein burns papal bulls, ii. 450.

Wolsey, Cardinal, his efforts at reform, ii. 4.

Women specially are sorcerers, iii. 503.

Worcester, C. of, in 1240, on estates, i. 30.

Worms, Diet of, 1231, on confiscation, i. 507; ii. 331. John Drandorf burned, ii. 414.

Writ de h.o.e.retico comburendo, i. 221.

Wurzburg, Ortlibenses in 1342, ii. 376. Hussitism suppressed in, ii. 414. witches burned in, iii. 549.

Wurzburg, C. of, 1287, condemns apostles, iii. 105. C. of, 1448, on Beghards, ii. 412.

YATUDHANA, iii. 386.

Ybanez, Rodrigo, Master of Castile, iii. 316.

Yoke, wooden, penance of, i. 468.

Yolande of Savoy persecutes Waldenses, ii. 265.

York, heretics found in, i. 114. the Templars in, iii. 299, 301.