A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages

Chapter 42

[391] Bernardi Comens. Lucerna Inquisit. s. v. _Testis_, No. 14.--Concil Albiens. ann. 1254 c. 18.--Coll. Doat, XXII. 237 sqq.

In the German feudal law of the period no witness was admitted below the age of eighteen.--Sachsisches Lehenrechtbuch, c. 49 (Daniels, Berlin, 1863, p. 113).

[392] Eymeric. Direct. Inq. pp. 611-13.--Concil. Narbonn. ann. 1244 c.

25.--Concil. Biterrens. ann. 1246 c. 14.--Arch, de l"Inq. de Carca.s.s, (Doat, x.x.xI. 149).

[393] Guid. Fulcod. Quaest. VIII.--Pegnae Comment. in Eymeric. p.

601.--Zanchini Tract. de Haeret. c. xiii.--Doctrina de modo procedendi (Martene Thesaur. V. 1802).

Heresy, of course, was a "reserved" case for which the ordinary confessor could not give absolution. Thus a man of Realmont in Albigeois who repented of having been present at a Catharan conventicle went to a Franciscan and confessed, accepting the penance imposed of the minor pilgrimages and some other penitential acts. On his return from their performance, however, he was seized by the Inquisition, tried and imprisoned.--Vaissette, IV. 41.

[394] Bernardi Comens. Lucerna Inquisit. s.v. _Probatio_, No.

3.--Archidiac. Gloss. sup. c. xi. -- 1 s.e.xto v. 2.--Guill. Pod. Laur. c.

40.--Bern. Guidon. Gravamina (Doat, x.x.x. 102).--Concil. Narbonn. ann.

1244 c. 22.--Concil. Biterrens. ann. 1246 c. 4, 10.--Arch. de l"Inq. de Carc. (Doat, x.x.xI. 5).--Innoc. PP. IV. Bull. _c.u.m negotium_, 9 Mart.

1254; Ejusd. Bull. _Ut commissum_, 21 Jun. 1254.--Alex. PP. IV. Bull.

_Licet vobis_, 7 Dec. 1255; Ejusd. Bull. _Pr cunctis_, -- 6, 9 Nov.

1256; Ejusd. Bull. _Super extirpatione_, -- 9, 1258.--Clem. PP. IV. Bull.

_Licet ex omnibus_, 17 Sep. 1265.--Ejusd. Bull. _Pr, cunctis_, 23 Feb.

1266.--Guid. Fulcod. Quaest. xv.--MSS. Bib. Nat., fonds latin, No. 14930, fol. 221.--C. 20 s.e.xto v. 2.--Bern. Guidon. Practica P. iv. (Doat, x.x.x.).--Responsa Prudentum (Doat, x.x.xVII.).--Eymeric. Direct. Inq. pp.

450, 610, 614, 626, 627. Cf. Pegnae Comment, pp. 627-8.--MSS. Bib. Nat., fonds latin, No. 4270.--Bernardi Comens, Lucerna Inquisit. s.v.

_Nomina_.--Mladenovic Relatio (Palacky Doc.u.menta Joannis Hus, pp.


[395] Responsa Prudentum (Doat, x.x.xVII.).--Bernardi Comens. Lucerna Inquis. s. v. _Tradere_.--Zanchini Tract. de Haeret. c. ix.

[396] Lib. Confess. Inq. Albiens. (MSS. Bib. Nat., fonds latin, 11847).--Lib. Sententt. Inq. Tolosan. pp. 96-7, 180, 393.--Arch. de l"Inq. de Carca.s.s. (Doat, XXVII. 118, 133, 140, 149, 178, 204-16).--Eymeric. Direct. Inq. p. 521.--Zanchini Tract. de Haeret. c.


[397] Lib. Sententt. Inq. Tolosan. pp. 297, 393.--Arch. de l"Inq. de Carca.s.sonne (Doat, XXVII. 119, 133, 140, 241).--Pegnae Comment. in Eymeric. p. 625.--Zanchini Tract. de Haeret c. xiv.

[398] Concil. Lateran IV. ann. 1215 c. 8.

So, in 1254, St. Louis orders that in all criminal cases where the inquisitorial process is used, the whole proceedings shall be submitted to the accused.--Vaissette, ed. Privat, VIII. 1348.

[399] Concil. Biterrens. ann. 1246, Append, c. 8.--Concil. Campinacens.

ann. 1238 c. 14.--Contre le Franc-Alleu sans Tiltre, Paris, 1629, p.

216.--Fournier, Les Officialites, etc. p. 289.--C. 11, Extra v.

7.--Concil. Valentin, ann. 1248 c. 11.--Concil. Albiens. ann. 1254 c.

23.--Bernard. Guidon. Practica. P. IV. (Doat, x.x.x.).--Eymeric. Direct.

Inquis. pp. 446, 452, 565, 568.--MSS. Bib. Nat., fonds latin, No. 14930, fol. 220.--Bernardi Comens. Lucerna Inquisitor, s. vv. _Advocatus, Defensor_.--C. 13, -- 7, Extra v. 7.--Alex. PP. IV. Bull. _Cupientes_, 4 Mart. 1260.--Arch. de l"Inq. de Carca.s.sonne (Doat, x.x.xIV.

123).--Vaissette, IV. 72.

[400] Guid. Fulcod. Quaest. xv.--Eymeric. Direct. Inq. pp. 446, 450, 607, 610, 614.--Zanchini Tract. de Haeret. c. ix., xli.--Litt. Petri Albanens.

(Doat, x.x.xI. 5).

In the register of the Inquisition of Carca.s.sonne from 1249 to 1258 M.

Molinier has found two cases in which the accused was allowed to introduce evidence in his favor. In one of these G. Vilaniere called two witnesses to prove an alibi; in the other Guilleim Negre brought forward a letter of reconciliation and penitence. In neither case was the defendant successful (L"Inq. dans le midi de la France, p. 346).

[401] Coll. Doat, x.x.xI. 149.--Bernardi Comens. Lucerna Inquisit. s.v.


[402] Registre de l"Inq. de Carca.s.sonne (MSS. Bib. Nat., fonds latin, Nouv. Acquis. 139, f. 33, 44, 62).--Practica super Inquisitione (MSS.

Bib. Nat., fonds latin, No. 14930, fol. 212).

[403] Concil. Biterrens. ann. 1246, Append. c. 18.--Doctrina de modo procedendi (Martene Thesaur. V. 1813).--Coll. Doat, XXVII. 97-8; XXIX.

27; x.x.xIV. 123; x.x.xV. 61; x.x.xVIII. 166.--Lib. Sententt. Inquis. Tolosan.

pp. 33-4.--Molinier, L"Inquis. dans le midi de la France, p. 287.--Alex.

PP. IV. Bull. _Olim ex parte_, 24 Sept.; 13 Oct. 1258; Urbani PP. IV.

Bull. _Idem_, 21 Aug. 1262 (Mag. Bull. Rom. I. 117).

[404] Bernardi Comens. Lucerna Inquisit. s.v. _Recusatio_.--Bern.

Guidon. Practica P. IV. (Doat, x.x.x.).--Zanchini Tract, de Haeret. c. ii., vii.--Concil. Narbonn. ann. 1244 c. 26.--Concil. Biterrens. ann. 1246 c.

9.--Eymeric. Direct. Inq. p. 572.

[405] MSS. Bib. Nat., fonds latin, No. 4270, fol. 139.

[406] Pegnae Comment. in Eymeric. p. 675.--Zanchini Tract. de Haeret. c.

xxix.--Eymeric. Direct. Inq. pp. 453-55.--Grandes Chroniques. ann.

1323.--Guill. Nangiac. Contin. ann. 1323.--Chron. de Jean de S. Victor.

Contin. ann. 1323.--Bernardi Comens. Lucerna Inquisitor, s. vv.

_Appellatio, Exceptio_ No. 2.

[407] Vaissette, III. 462; Pr. 447.--Coll. Doat, x.x.xI. 152, 169, 283; x.x.xII. 69; x.x.xV. 134.--Potthast No. 10292, 10311, 10317, 18723, 18895.--Ripoll, I. 287.--Coll. Doat, x.x.xV. 134.

[408] Molinier, L"Inquisition dans le midi de la France, pp.

332-33.--Responsa Prudentum (Doat, x.x.xVII.).--Bern. Guidon. Practica P.

v. (Doat, x.x.x.).--Eymeric. Direct. Inquis. p. 474.--Zanchini Tract. de Haeret. c. xli.

[409] C. 1 Clement, v. 3.--Bern. Guidon. Gravamina (Doat, x.x.x. 112).

[410] Hist. Diplom. Frid. II. T. II. p. 4.--Concil. Tolosan. ann. 1229 c. 18.--Concil. Albiens. ann. 1254 c. 16.--Concil. Tarraconens. ann.

1242.--Eymeric. Direct. Inquis. pp. 376-8, 380-4, 494-5, 500.--Concil.

Biterrens. ann. 1246, Append. c. 31, 36.--Zanchini Tract. de Haeret. v., vii., xx.--Doctrina de modo procedendi (Martene Thesaur. V.

1802).--Gersonis de Protestatione consid. xii.--Bernardi Comens. Lucerna Inquisit. s. v. _Praesumptio_, No. 5.--Isambert, Anc. Loix Francaises, IV. 364.

It is somewhat remarkable that Cornelius Agrippa maintains that the law expressly forbade the Inquisition from meddling with cases involving mere suspicion, or the defending, reception, and favoring of heretics (De Vanitate Scientiarum, cap. XCVI.).--His contemporary, the learned jurist Ponzinibio, calls special attention to the fact that mere suspicion, even when not accompanied by evil report, is sufficient to justify proceedings in case of heresy, though not in other crimes.--(Ponzinibii de Lamiis c. 88).

[411] Concil. Tarraconens. ann. 1242.--Eymeric. Direct. Inq. pp. 376-8, 475-6.--Bernardi Comens. Lucerna Inquis. s. vv. _Practica, Purgatio_.--Albertini Repertor. Inquisit. s. v. _Deficiens_.--Gregor.

PP. XI. Bull. _Excommunicamus_, 20 Aug. 1229.--Zanchini Tract. de Haeret.

c. vii., xvii.--Martini App. ad Mosheim de Beghardis, p. 537.

[412] Concil. Narbonn. ann. 1244 c. 6, 12.--Muratori Antiq. Ital.

Dissert. LX.--Doctrina de modo procedendi (Martene Thesaur. V.

1800-1).--Eymeric. Direct. Inq. pp. 376, 486-7, 492-8.--Lib. Sententt.

Inq. Tolos. pp. 67, 215.

[413] Guid. Fulcod. Quaestt. XIII., XV.--Ripoll, I. 254.--Archives de l"Inq. de Carca.s.sonne (Doat, x.x.xI. 139).--Archives de l"eveche d"Albi (Doat, x.x.xV. 69).--Lib. Sententt. Inq. Tolosan. p. 32.--Eymeric. Direct.