A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages

Chapter 43

Inquis. pp. 465, 643.--Zanchini Tract. de Haeret. c. XX.

In the sentences of Bernard de Caux, 1246-8, though imprisonment is treated as a penance, the expression is more mandatory than in later proceedings (MSS. Bib. Nat., fonds latin, 9992).

[414] Arch. de l"eveche d"Albi (Doat, x.x.xV. 69).--Arch. de l"Inq. de Carca.s.sonne (Doat, XXVII. 232).--Concil. Narbonn. ann. 1234 c.

5.--Concil. Biterrens. ann. 1246, Append. c. 29.--Eymeric. Direct. Inq.

pp. 506-7.--Zanchini Tract. de Haeret. c. xvi.--Guid. Fulcod. Quaest. XV.

[415] Tamburini, Istoria dell" Inquisizione, I. 492-502.--Bern. Corio, Hist. di Milano, ann. 1252.--Arch. de l"Inq. de Carca.s.sonne (Doat, x.x.xI.

201).--Ripoll, I. 244, 280, 389.

[416] Concil. Tarraconens. ann. 1242.--Innoc. PP. IV. Bull. _Noverit universitas_, 1254 (Mag. Bull. Rom. I. 103).--Bern. Guidon. Practica P.

IV. (Doat, x.x.x.)--Eymeric. Direct. Inquis. pp. 368-72, 376-8.--Zanchini Tract. de Haeret. c. x.x.xiii.

[417] Concil. Narbonn. ann. 1244 c. 3.--Concil. Biterrens. ann. 1246, Append. c. 28.--Coll, Doat, XXI. 200.--MSS. Bib. Nat., fonds latin, No.


[418] Paramo de Orig. Offic. S. Inquis. Lib. II. t.i.t. i. c. 2, -- 6.--Martene Thesaur. I. 802.--Coll. Doat, x.x.xI. 1.

[419] Archives de l"Inq. de Carca.s.sonne (Doat, x.x.xI. 255).--Coll. Doat, XXVII. 136.

[420] Concil. Tarraconens. ann. 1242.--Concil. Narbonnens. ann. 1244 c.

1.--Concil. Biterrens. ann. 1246, Append. c. 6.--Bern. Guidon. Practica (Doat, XXIX. 54).--MSS. Bib. Nat., fonds latin, No. 14930, fol. 214.

[421] Coll. Doat, XXI. 222.--Wadding. Annal. ann. 1300, No. 1.--Cf.

Molinier, L"Inq. dans le midi de la France, pp. 400-1.

[422] Arch. de l"Inq. de Carca.s.sonne (Doat, x.x.xVII. 11).--Lib. Sententt.

Inq. Tolosan. pp. 1, 340-1.

[423] Wadding. Annal. ann. 1238, No. 7.--Concil. Narbonn. ann. 1244 c.

2.--Concil. Biterrens. ann. 1246, Append, c. 26, 29.--Berger, Les Registres d"Innocent IV. No. 3508, 3677, 3866.--Coll. Doat, x.x.xI.

17.--Vaissette. III. Pr. 468.--MSS. Bib. Nat., fonds latin, nouv. acq.

139, fol. 8.--Molinier, L"Inq. dans le midi de la France, pp.

408-9.--Lib. Sententt. Inq. Tolos. pp. 284-5.--Coll. Doat, XXI. 185, 186, 217.

[424] C. Biterrens. ann. 1246, Append. c. 26.--Lib. Sententt. Inq.

Tolosan. pp. 8, 13, 130, 228.

In Italy the crosses appear to be of red cloth (Archiv. di Firenze, Prov. S. Maria Novella, 31 Ott. 1327).

At an early period there is a single allusion to another "_pna confusibilis_" in the shape of a wooden collar or yoke worn by the penitent. This occurs at La Charite, in 1233, and I have not met with it elsewhere (Ripoll, I. 46).

[425] Concil. Narbonn. ann. 1229 c. 10.--Statut. Raymondi ann. 1234 (Harduin. VII. 205).--Concil. Biterrens. ann. 1234 c. 4.--Concil.

Tarraconens. ann. 1242.--Concil. Narbonn. ann. 1244 c. 1.--Concil.

Valentin. ann. 1248 c. 13.--Concil. Albiens. ann. 1254 c. 4.--MSS. Bib.

Nat., fonds latin, nouv. acq. 139, fol. 2.

[426] Coll. Doat, XXI. 185 sqq.--Concil. Biterrens. ann. 1246 c.

6.--Molinier, l"Inquis. dans le midi de la France, p. 412.--Lib.

Sententt. Inq. Tolosan. p. 350.

[427] Molinier, op. cit. p. 404, 414-15.--Bernard. Guidon. Gravamina (Doat, x.x.x. 115).--Ejusd. Practica P. II. (Doat, XXIX. 75).--Arch. de l"Inq. de Carc. (Doat, x.x.xVII. 107, 135, 149).--Eymeric. Direct. Inq.

pp. 496-99.

[428] Vaissette, III. Pr. 386.--Lami, Antichita Toscane, p.

560.--Concil. Narbonn. ann. 1244 c. 17.--Innoc. PP. IV. Bull. _Quia te_, 19 Jan. 1245 (Doat, x.x.xI. 71).--Molinier, op. cit. pp. 23, 390.--Concil.

Biterrens. ann. 1246, Append, c. 27.--Practica super Inquisit. (MSS.

Bib. Nat., fonds latin, No. 14930, fol. 222).--Innoc. PP. IV. Bull. _c.u.m a quibusdam_, 14 Mai. 1249 (Doat, x.x.xI. 81, 116).--Coll. Doat, x.x.xIII.

198.--Ripoll, I. 194.--Eymeric. Direct. Inq. pp. 648-9, 653.--Zanchini Tract. de Haeret. c. xix., xx., xli.--Archivio Storico Italiano, No. 38, pp. 27, 42.--Campi, Dell" Hist. Eccles. di Piacenza, P. II. p.

309.--Coll. Doat, XXI. 185 sqq.

[429] Bernardi Comens. Lucerna Inquisit. s.v. _Pnam._

[430] Arch. de l"Inq. de Carca.s.sonne (Doat, x.x.xI. 152).--Archives Nationales de France, J. 430, No. 1.--Berger, Les Registres d"Innoc. IV.

No. 4093.--Vaissette, III. 460, 462.--Molinier, op. cit. pp. 173, 283-4, 391, 396, 397.--Lib. Sententt. Inq. Tolos. p. 40.--Bern. Guidon.

Practica (Doat, XXIX. 83).--Coll. Doat, x.x.xI. 292.--Arch. de l"Inq. de Carca.s.sonne (Doat, x.x.xV. 192).--Zanchini Tract, de Haeret. c. xix.

[431] Arch. de l"Inq. de Carca.s.sonne (Doat, XXVII. 236).--Concil.

Narbonn. ann. 1244 c. 19.--Concil. Albiens. ann. 1254 c. 25.--Guid.

Fulcod. Quaest. VII.--Practica super Inquisit. (MSS. Bib. Nat., fonds latin, No. 14930 fol. 221-2).--Molinier, op. cit. pp. 365, 392.--Bernardi Comens. Lucerna Inquisit. s. v. _Inquisitores_, No. 18.

[432] Concil. Narbonn. ann. 1244 c. 17.--C. Biterrens. ann. 1246, Append. c. 15.--Innoc. PP. IV. Bull. _c.u.m venerabilis_, 29 Jan. 1253; Bull. _c.u.m per nostras_, 30 Jan. 1253; Bull. _Super extirpatione_, 30 Mai. 1254.--Alex. PP. IV. Bull. _Super extirpatione_, 13 Nov. 1258, 20 Sept. 1259; Bull. _Ad audientiam_, 23 Jan. 1260.--Berger, Les Registres d"Innoc. IV. No. 3904.--Ripoll, I. 69, 71, 223-4, 247.--Lami, Antichita Toscane, p. 576.--MS. Bib. Nat., fonds latin, nouv. acquis. 139 fol.

43.--Eymeric. Direct. Inquis. p. 638.--Zanchini Tract. de Haeret. c.

xix.--Bern. Guidon. Practica P. v. (Doat, x.x.x.).--Albert. Repert. Inq.

s. v. _Cautio_.

The right to offer bail, except in capital offences, was one thoroughly recognized by the secular law. See, for instance, Isambert, Anc. Loix Franc. III. 57.

[433] Molinier, op. cit. pp. 299-302.--Arch. de l"Inq. de Carca.s.sonne (Doat, x.x.xIV. 5. It is perhaps worthy of note that Ripoll, in printing this bull of Boniface VIII., T. II. p. 61, discreetly suppresses the details of inquisitorial wrong-doing).--Grandjean, Registres de Benoit XI. No. 169, 509.--Chron. Girardi de Fracheto Contin. ann. 1303 (D.

Bouquet, XXI. 22-3).--Articuli Transgressionum (Archiv. fur Litt. u.

Kirchengeschichte, 1887, p. 104).--C. 1, -- 4, c. 2 Clement, v.

3.--Bernard. Guidon. Gravamina (Doat, x.x.x. 118-19).--Coll. Doat, x.x.xV.

113.--Ripoll, VII. 61.--Archivio di Firenze, Riformagioni, Cla.s.se XI.

Distinz. I. No. 39.--Villani, Cronica, XII. 58.--Alvar. Pelag. de Planct. Eccles. Lib. II. art. vii.--Eymeric. Direct. Inq. p.

332.--Decamerone, Giorn. I. Nov. 6.--Archives administratives de Reims, III. 641.

The strictness with which the canons against usury were construed is ill.u.s.trated in a case decided by the University of Paris in 1490. The Faculty of Theology was consulted as to the righteousness of a contract under which a certain church had bought for three hundred livres an annual rent of twenty livres arising from certain lands, with the right of recalling the purchase-money after two months" notice; while by a separate agreement the land-owner had the right of redemption for nine years. This is doubtless a specimen of the means adopted of evading the prohibition of interest payment, which must have grown frequent with the development of commerce and industry. The contract ran for twenty-six years before it was questioned and referred to the University. A commission of twelve doctors of theology was appointed, who discussed the subject thoroughly, and reported, eleven to one, that the contract was usurious, and that the annual payments must be computed as partial payments on account of the purchase-money (D"Argentre, Collect. Judic.

de nov. Error. I. II. 323).

[434] Cornel. Agrippa de Vanitate Scientiar. cap. XCVI.

[435] Molinier, op. cit. p. 307.--Eymeric. Direct. Inq. p. 650, 685.

[436] Constt. v., VIII. -- 3, Cod. I. v.--a.s.sis. Clarendon. Art.

21.--Lami, Antichita Toscane, p. 124.--Hist. Diplom. Frid. II. T. IV.

pp. 299-300.--Lib. Juris Civilis Veronae c. 156 (Ed. 1728, p.

117).--Alex. PP. IV. Bull. _Ad extirpanda_, -- 21.--Concil. Tolosan. ann.

1229 c. 6.--Statut. Raymondi ann. 1234 (Harduin. VII. 203).--Vaissette, III. Pr. 370-1.--Concil. Biterrens. ann. 1246, Append. c. 35.--Concil.

Albiens. ann. 1254 c. 6.--etabliss.e.m.e.nts, Liv. I. c. 36.--Siete Partidas, P. VII. t.i.t. xxvi. l. 5.--Bern. Guidon. Practica (Doat, XXIX.