A History of The Inquisition of The Middle Ages

Chapter 125

Prosecution of bishops, i. 13. of advocates and notaries, i. 445; iii. 518. of the dead, i. 448.

Property, church, immunity of, i. 3, 34. individual, among monks, i. 37. Franciscan device to hold, iii. 5, 8. Templar, iii. 282, 283.

Prouille, monastery of, founded, i. 250.

Provence ceded to the Church, i. 204. restored to Raymond VII., i. 206; ii. 15. Franciscan inqs. of, i. 301. expenses of Inq., i. 527. Inq. in, ii. 23, 51, 118. laws of Frederic II. introduced, ii. 148. rise of Joachitism, iii. 17. Fraticelli in, iii. 167. arrest of Templars in, iii. 304.

Provincials to appoint inqs., i. 329. their control over inqs., i. 344. justiciable by inqs., i. 346. of Burgundy, their supervision, ii. 141. Ptacek, Calixtin ruler of Bohemia, ii. 540.

Publicani, i. 115.

Puigcercos, Bernardo, Inq. of Aragon, ii. 170.

Punishments, cruelty of mediaeval, i. 234. of Inq., i. 459.

Purgatio canonica, i. 310, 455.

Purgatory, doctrine of, among Waldenses, i. 79, 83; ii. 150, 160. retained by Calixtins, ii. 512. rejected by Taborites, ii. 512, 023.

Puritanism of the Calixtins, ii. 521.

Putagi, Guidone, organizes Apostolic Brethren, iii. 106.

QUADI, M. Aurelius"s victory over, iii. 394.

Quoestuarii, i. 46; iii. 621, 662.

Quarrels of Mendicants and secular clergy, i. 281, 290. between the Mendicant Orders, i. 299, 300, 302; ii. 76, 138, 171, 217; iii. 98, 173, 599. of clergy with Military Orders, iii. 241. between the Military Orders, iii. 245.

Querci, Inq. in, ii. 21, 30.

Queribus, castle of, captured, ii. 52.

Querio, Jacopo da, burned at Avignon, iii. 122.

Quia nonnunquam, bull, iii. 130, 143.

Quia quorumdam, bull, iii. 138.

Quilibet tyrannus, proposition, iii. 337.

Quiutilla on baptism, i. 210.

Quod super nonnullis, bull, i. 344; iii. 434.

Quorumdam, bull, iii. 72, 73, 74.

RABa.n.u.s condemns Gottschalc, i. 217.

Radak, treason of, ii. 314.

Radewyus, Florent, ii. 361.

Radivoj invites the Turks, ii. 307.

Radomjer, Catharan Djed, ii. 305.

Ragusa, Catharism in, ii. 292.

Raimbaud de Caron, his confession under torture, iii. 266.

Rainaldo, Abp. of Ravenna, favors the Templars, iii. 307.

Rainaldo, pope of Fraticelli, iii. 164.

Rainerio, Bp. of Vercelli, attacks Dolcino, iii. 114, 118.

Rainerio Saccone, his estimate of Cathari, ii. 49, 193, 297. his attempted murder, ii. 215. as Inq. of Milan, ii. 218, 220, 222, 229. his last appearance, ii. 233.

Rainier, legate to Languedoc, i. 136.

Rais, Gilles de, accompanies Joan of Arc, iii. 345, 469. case of, iii. 468. as Bluebeard, iii. 489.

Ramiro I. burns sorcerers, iii. 429.

Ramon Costa, Bp. of Elnc, tries the Templars, iii. 314.

Ramon de Malleolis, case of, ii. 167.

Ramon Sa Guardia of Mas Deu, iii. 311, 314, 315, 316.

Ramon de Tarraga, his heresy, ii. 175.

Raoul of Fontfroide, papal legate, i. 137, 144.

Raoul de Nemours betrays the Amaurians, ii. 321.

Rasez, Catharan see of, i. 193.

Ratification of confession under torture, i. 427.

Rationalism among Cathari, i. 99.

Ratisbon, Waldeuses of, ii. 348, 427. Begliards persecuted, ii. 377, 412. Henry Grunfeld burned, ii. 414. heretics burned, iii. 509.

Raud the Strong, iii. 406.

Ravenna, decree of Frederic II., i. 221; ii. 333.

Ravenna, C. of, 1311, on Templars, iii. 307.

Ravensburg, witches burned in, iii. 540.

Raymond V. (Toulouse) represses Catharism, i. 120. his indifference, i. 124. his laws against heresy, i. 163.

Raymond VI. (Toulouse), his accession in 1195, i. 132. his indifference to religion, i. 133. swears to expel heretics, i. 137. repeated exc., i. 142, 146. penance and absolution, i. 150. again exc., i. 152. guides the crusaders, i. 153, 166. appeals to Innocent III., i. 163. refused a hearing, i. 165. takes up arms, i. 168. submits unqualifiedly, i. 178. condemned by Lateran Council, i. 182. defends Toulouse, i. 185. his death, i. 188. remains unburied, i. 189.

Raymond VII. (Toulouse) encouraged by Innocent III., i. 183. heads the rising in Provence, i. 184. his negotiations, i. 189, 192, 193, 194. permits persecution, i. 197. resists the crusade, i. 199. accepts terms of peace, i. 203. his position and motives, i. 207. his position towards the Church, ii. 14. his laws of 1234, i. 323, 469, 482, 503; ii. 15. intervenes in Toulouse, ii. 17. procures suspension of Inq., ii. 24. his revolt in 1242, ii. 38. reconciled to papacy, ii. 40. his persecuting zeal, i. 537; ii. 46, 47. his Christmas court in 1244, i. 132. finally undertakes crusade, i. 467; ii. 47. his death, ii. 48.

Raymond, Master, his errors condemned, iii. 561.

Raymond d"Alfaro, ii. 35, 37.

Raymond de Baimiac, i. 123, 124.

Raymond Bern, de Flascau, ii. 54.

Raymond Calverie, confiscation of, ii. 112.

Raymond de Costiran, ii. 36.

Raymond Delboc, ii. 61.

Raymond Durfort, inq. of Majorca, ii. 177.

Raymond du Fauga draws up laws against heresy, i. 323. made Bp. of Toulouse, ii. 6. his activity, ii. 8, 9, 11, 15, 28. driven from Toulouse, ii. 18.

Raymond Gaufridi favors the Spirituals, iii. 34, 35, 44. condemns Roger Bacon, iii. 554. removed by Boniface VIII., iii. 36. his death, iii. 58.

Raymond G.o.dayl, ii. 61.

Raymond de Goth, bribery of, ii. 92.

Raymond Gros, conversion of, ii. 22.

Raymond Gozin, inq., his troubles, ii. 144.

Raymond Jean, the Olivist, iii. 65, 76.

Raymond Martius founds Inq. in Tunis, i. 355.

Raymond of Pennaforte on duty of persecution, i. 229. on relapse, i. 544. his instructions, ii. 164. at C. of Tarragona, ii. 167.

Raymond de Pereille, ii. 34, 43.

Raymond du Puy organizes the Hospitallers, iii. 238.

Raymond Vitalis, case of, i. 499.

Raymonde Barbaira, i. 475.

Raymonde Manifacier, her crosses, i. 470.

Realists, iii. 555. Huss"s support of, ii. 444. prosecute John of Wesel, ii. 421.

Recantation on death-bed, i. 436.

Recared, his laws on sorcery, iii. 399.

Receivers of heretics, their punishment, i. 321, 461.

Recollects, the, iii. 180.

Reconciled converts, confiscation for, i. 507.

Reconciliation, preliminaries requisite, ii. 487.

Recordi, Pierre, case of, iii. 455, 657.

Records of Inq. demanded by bps., i. 350. extent of, i. 378. their perfection, i. 379. their falsification, i. 380; ii. 72. attempts to destroy them, i. 380; ii. 59. transcripts ordered, i. 397. extracts not to be furnished, i. 406.

Recusation of judge, i. 449.

Redemption of penance, i. 464.

Redemption of vows, sale of, i. 198, 205, 206.

Redwald, King, his Christianity, iii. 400.

Reformation, heretics contribute to, ii. 414, 416. influence of Brethren of Common Life, ii. 362. premonitions of, in France, ii. 142. its approach, iii. 647. its influence on philosophy, iii. 577.

Reformed Congregation of Dominicans, ii. 145.

Refusal to plead, i. 447.

Refusal to perform penance, i. 549. to burn heretics punished, i. 227, 538.

Rehabilitation of Joan of Arc, iii. 378. of Vaudois of Arras, iii. 530.

Regnans in coelis, bull, iii. 284.

Reichhelm of Schongau, his demonology, iii. 381.

Reichstag of Frankfort a.s.serts independence of empire, iii. 165.

Reims, Cathari in, 11th cent., i. 111. decline of Inq. in, ii. 133. Charles VII."s coronation, iii. 349. C. of, 1149, condemns Cathari, i. 119. C. of, 1157, orders ordeal for heretics, i. 306. C. of, in 1287, against the Mendicants, i. 290. C. of, 1301, 1303, on excommunicates, ii. 122.

Reinhold of Stra.s.sburg appeals to Innocent III., ii. 317.