A Place Where I belong

Chapter 8

He woke up in that room again. He saw that beautiful lady again, who claimed that he raped her. Kim made an eye contact with her but he broke that eye contact and asked groggily, “Did I really rape you?”

She sighed, “Please don’t freak out when I’ll tell you the truth.” She said with a stern face but her eyes were closed.

“What do you mean?” he said with a surprised look. Although, he was feeling very weak but when he heard those words all his grogginess vanished in a moment, he instantly sat up. But due to wounds he moaned in pain.

Hearing his painful moan, “Please don’t push yourself”, she said with concern. And tried to comfort him.

“Why won’t I?.... If you were in my shoes would you remain calm after hearing that you raped a stranger unintentionally?”. He said inexplicably.

She took a deep breath and answered, “No, I wouldn’t remain calm…..look the thing is, I was just testing you….. And it seems that you’re really sensitive in that kind of thing.”

“Test!?.... What kind of test?....”, he asked with shock.

“Now is not the time to explain….it’s been three days since you had your last meal.” She said softly and stood before him. “Can you stand by yourself?”, she said with a tone of concern to Kim.

Kim was decisive and didn’t refuse. “No….In current state I could barely walk….I am gonna need your little help here. So please help me one more time.” He said while he saved his questions for later.

She helped him up on his feet, and brought him again to the dining hall. She served him with delicious food. He feasted like beast. He didn’t inquire her about anything regarding test she mentioned before because she knew that she’d not answer him. So, when he finished feasting, he looked at her with dark expressions and asked, “Would you please tell me where am I right now? And how did you find me? And please don’t trick me like you did last time.”

She listened to his inquiries silently and after a moment of silence she said with stern face, “It was about fifteen days ago when it was raining cats and dogs. I was out on some business. I was driving and when I reached at the front gate I found you lying their. You were unconscious. I don’t know how you got in here because my place is different from other ordinary places. At first I thought to abandon you because I don’t like to involve myself with others but then I changed my decision so, I brought you in and treated your wounds. You were bleeding all over and burning with fever so I thought I should help you. Your body was covered in bruises and broken ribs. That was a state you were in. However, in your sleep you were desperately calling someone….” She stopped for a moment and looked at him with a serious face the she continued, “Stella…. Is the name you were calling again and again. Can you tell me who is she to you?” she asked with curiosity.

Kim’s face turned dark, “I am really thankful that you helped me miss…..but I am sorry I don’t feel comfortable while telling you anything about my past.” He said with a dark look on his face.

The female could feel that he really wasn’t interested in that kind of conversation so she didn’t force him.

“You’re currently in the Northern California, and miles away from your destination where you used to live.”

Kim was startled when she told him about his current location. His chest was heaving up and down. He was looking down on the floor and asked politely, “Would you please be kind and tell me how to get to IUTES?”

“I will when you’ll be able to walk on your own. So get some rest for now.” She said in a low tone, like she is ordering him.

Kim knew that luck was not on his side so compromised for the time being and nodded. In the meantime the lady stood by him. She grabbed him from his waist from her right hand and helped him on his feet. And brought him to his room.


The next day when he opened his eyes, he saw that lady was already in his room and tiding up the place by herself. Kim was a little groggy and was about greet her but she said with a gentle tone, “Good morning Mr. Kim. Did you sleep well last night?”

There was a surprised look on his face. He pondered, ”How the h.e.l.l she knows that I just woke up? Is she some kind of magician?”

“Yes…..I guess. It was really comfortable. I am sorry for troubling you.” He said apologetically.

“No, no it’s okay. Come on let me help you get up.” She said with a carefree tone. She walked up to the edge of the bed and helped him up on his feet.

When they reached the bathroom door she said with a stern face, “Mr. Kim, there is a change of clothes in the bathroom so please help yourself.”

Kim nodded and said with a slight smile, “Thank you.”

“Please don’t mention it.” She said gently.

When Kim entered bathroom she took a deep breath and said while gasping, “G.o.d!....That boy smelled!”


When he finished changing, they both went to dining hall for breakfast. Kim was unable to walk on his own because he ran all the way to the north from his campus which is miles away.

He asked the lady, “Miss, do you do the ch.o.r.es all by yourself in this big house?”

She replied with a sad smile, “Yes. When I am bored so that I could kill some boredom. And by doing it makes me active but when it comes to the library it really p.i.s.ses me off.” Kim could see the anger in her eyes.

He said with a gentle smile, “Why doing all by yourself? Why don’t you hire some maids for it? I mean you’re really rich but yet you hired no maid for your daily ch.o.r.es.”

“It’s not like I couldn’t afford one. I really can’t do that right now. When the time comes, the first thing I’ll do is to hire some people for daily routine ch.o.r.es.” She said while thinking about something. She looked at him and said, “So you’re a student of IUTES, right? I heard only some big shots can enter. Is that true?” She asked with curiosity.

Kim was surprised by her question, “How—did you—“

“Well I didn’t expect that you’d be a student of world-renown inst.i.tute. But when I looked into your clothes for some identification. There I found your student card.”

“So that’s how you find it?” Kim nodded his head.

“So how it feels like to be a student of a well-known University?” she asked with curiosity.

“Well it’s not that much of a thing. It’s just like, when you reach at the top of the mountain you found out that there is another mountain which is much bigger and tougher than the previous one. You just curse your luck at the moment. That’s how I felt when I got here.” He said with a sad look in his eyes.

“Pffft…hahahaha…. That’s…..the most…..hilarious……..response………I’ve……… ever heard……..hahahaha…..” she laughed for a while. She adjusted her clothing. “You’re really funny you know!” she said with an excited look.

Seeing her how she was smiling and laughing. He smiled back a bit.

“Well I didn’t say anything funny. But that is the fact which I am facing right now. But It can’t be helped I don’t have anything to do except for studying because deep down I know, that I am really good at studies. So I am pursuing what I can with all I have.” He said with determination.

“Being able to recognize your talent is also a talent. So just keep at it and you’ll be golden.” She said with a smile.

After that they continued their conversation for a while until the lady realized that it was time for her next ch.o.r.e so she helped Kim to his room to let him recuperate his injuries and got busy in her next ch.o.r.e.