A Saiyan In The Multiverse

Chapter 13

I went to pick up a few missions again before going to the Hokages" office.

Sage: Nii-San, if the other villages want my head tell them to come get it, but only outside of Konoha.

Minato: If you feel you can shoulder the fact that you will be hunted down every time you step out of the village"s boarders then I will let them know.

Sage: Just think of it this way, it will take the pressure off you and the elders of Konoha. Also, if I find out that Danzo or his organization, Root, is also after me I will not hesitate to kill him and destroy Root in front of you Nii-San.

Minato: Please stop with the threats Sage-kun.

Sage: Oh, it"s not a threat, it"s a guarantee. I"m just hoping for a reason to kill him. Anyway, I already picked up missions that were given to me by the person in charge of handing out jobs. I already know that they are bogus missions to lure me out but tell that person to keep handing me these missions so that they don"t feel like they betrayed Konoha.

Minato: Fine. Please be back in time for Naruto"s graduation, he will be expecting you there.

Sage: Will do Hokage-sama.

I left the office, teleported home, picked up my backpack, which is mostly packed with Food, cooking utensils like a wok, knife and spices, and money, for when I find a stall or restaurants.

On my way towards the village barrier I practice with my Ki. I have Ki blasts circling around me to be ready to be fired off at any moment. I try to master more subtle Ki moves like leaving after images with my Ki as I walk without moving at high speed. The farther I walk away from the village I use larger Ki blasts and compress them to almost golf ball size. I always liked Krillin"s destruction-disc, so I also copied the same technique. I enlarge the disc then compress it. I threw one at a mountain to test not only how it slices the mountain but if I can split the giant disc into smaller ones to spread the damage and make it unavoidable like when Krillin shot one out at Frieza during the Namek arc. I liked the solar flare as well but it only blinds, the technique I came up with mimics a flash bang grenade. I infuse Ki and chakra into my middle finger and thumb, then snapped my fingers. An extremely bright light and an amplified noise to disorientate enemies around me but I mostly practiced this move by myself to get me accustomed and eventually immune to its effects. One of my favorite Ki techniques is the Ki blade, for close and personal endings. Of course, barriers or shields were practiced too. I may be strong compared to ninjas here but when I make a trip to the Otsutsuki clan I may encounter moves that can actually do something to me. As soon as I decided what I will eat my thoughts were interrupted by Amegakure Shin.o.bis.

Sage: Perfect timing, just when I was getting tired of changing the landscape perfect test dummies show up.

Amegakure Nin-1: You have caused too many loses, demon of the leaf, but today we enact justice for our fallen.

Sage: Spare me the theatrics and come die like the others.

I spread a Ki barrier large enough to cover a village in order to get perfect count of how many and where the Amegakure Shin.o.bis are, I use it more like a radar and thin enough to not be detected. Sure, I can just kill them all by solidifying my barrier then compress all of them to nothing but where will the fun be in that, so I only solidified it to keep them from escaping. I started by using the flash bang technique on those near me. 6 enemy ninjas fell, the three in front of me and the 3 hiding in the trees. I fired Ki blasts from my index finger the size of bullets through their forehead protectors and killed the 6. The other 8 that were near- by, saw what happened and tried to escape. Unknowingly I killed a quasi-Kage that they brought which I"m guessing was the one that spoke first. I felt bad and gave them a chance.

Sage: Since I feel pity for you guys, how about I will let you have a sporting chance? I will stay still for 5 minutes and do nothing. If you can"t kill me by then, well, I don"t have to tell you what will happen now do I?

This was a good chance to see how far my body training has taken me not to mention if there is a flaw that I need to fix.

Amegakure Nin-2: So, for 5 minutes you will not move and we can do anything we want?

Sage: Yeah, that"s right. I will not move but once the time is up, I will retaliate. The timer will start the moment one of you touches me.

I create 3 small barriers, 2 for my eyes and 1 for my crotch. I may be strong but the eyes and crotch are always a weakness to be exploited. Their attacks finally started and variety of techniques were fired at me. The first few started by kicking and punching me but they broke their hand and feet. I chuckled and awaited the rest of their moves. There was a bevy of techniques on display. One was using wind release, the other water release and finally there was a lightening release. The 5 minutes were up and I grabbed one of the shin.o.bi by the neck and quickly snapped it. I created a destructo-disc and threw it at the ones running away. I was aiming at them one by one to see the damage I can do to the human body. Blood and guts were everywhere. There were only 2 Amegakure shin.o.bi left, both women. Both were trembling and trying to cover for each other. As I approached, I told them…

Sage: Well well, it looks like the 2 of you are the last to survive. How about I give you 2 a chance to live?

Female Ame-Nin 1: What are you trying to do? We will never defect.

Female Ame-Nin 2: Yeah, so kill us now so you can spare us the inkling of false hope you are offering.

Sage: I will give you the chance to live and go home, no one said you have to defect.

Female Ame-Nin 1: Then say it, what poison apple are you offering?

In this world where absolute power reigns supreme one tends to get away with misdeeds or small flaws. People only see the strength of the person and everything else becomes miniscule.

Sage: Both of you will have a d.i.c.k sucking contest, and which ever makes me c.u.m first, will get to leave.

Female Ame-Nin 1: You are insane, I would rather die than suffer such humiliation.

The female Ame-Nin 1 bit a poison pill and committed suicide. I looked on and shook my head. I was going to let both live, I just wanted to give them a little motivation.

Sage: It looks like it"s no longer a contest. Question is, since you are the only one left, do you want to live?

The female Ame-Nin 2 started to tear up as she approached me then proceeded to whip my p.e.n.i.s out and started to perform f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o on me. I put my hand on top of her head but I was not rough with her. Licking and slurping noises were all that could be heard in this forest. About 30 to 40 minutes later I finished in her mouth. To my surprise she swallowed. I moved the bangs in front of her face to the side and said…

Sage: Like I promised you are free to go you"ve earned your freedom.

The female Ame-Nin 2 left and I put my d.i.c.k away. I vaporized all the dead bodies, completed my mission and got something to eat. All in all, it was a fantastic day.