A Saiyan In The Multiverse

Chapter 30

I was called in to talk to the Hokage after the matches were done. Most likely to reprimand my behavior but I don"t care so I guess I will smooth it over by how Naruto has improved.

Sage: (I noticed other monitors and proctors from the exam) Hokage-sama you wanted to see me?

Minato: Sage-kun, first of all don"t just offer me snacks without offering the guests first. Second did you notice anything strange among the Genin?

Sage: pfft. Hahaha. Ok I will remember that. But among the Genin I only saw one superior to others in techniques and a Jinchuuriki.

Minato: A jinchuuriki? Are you sure?

Sage: Yup. You don"t get that amount of chakra at that age, except for being a jinchuuriki or a hereditary trait. What is this about?

Minato: We found some dead Genin and a monitor with one of the Genin with his face peeled off.

Sage: Oh so I guess you might want to hear about the other guy with better techniques then.

I explained that the Genin engaged in battle with Naruto and his group. How Naruto handled the "Genin" and his snake summons. The one particular detail I told Minato was that he was after Sasuke only, Naruto defended his teammate. That was why Naruto released himself from the Fuinjutsu that was used on him during his fight, he was trying to balance the amount of chakra on his fingers to unseal it. I also told Minato that Sasuke was bitten on the side of his neck leaving a mark. Minato explained to me that the person who attacked Naruto"s group was Orochimaru, a legendary Sannin, who was once part of Konoha and an S- cla.s.s missing ninja. I already knew but played the "oh really, I didn"t know that" role. Out of all the ninjas in the room, Minato told me to kill him on site. I told him no problem and went on my way. I gave Naruto a few days to spend with his parents to congratulate him on his pa.s.sing to the finals.

I met up with Naruto to schedule a training session for him. Kakashi told me that he was going to train Sasuke for his fight. Naruto agreed to meet at plaza to pick up some kunai and shuriken. When we were getting out the store and going towards the training grounds we spotted a pervert on top of the roof of the bath house watching the women bathe. I knew who he was and so did Naruto, but since I was "too young" to remember he might"ve forgotten me. As for Naruto, Jiraya was Minato"s sensei, how could he not keep in touch with Minato and his family.


Multiple women: Kyyaaaa!!! A pervert!!!

Naruto and I were on the floor laughing. Jiraiya came down from the roof and tried to disappear. I grabbed Naruto"s collar and teleported to Jiraiya.

Naruto: Did you get a good glimpse, Uncle Jiraiya? (Said while laughing)

Jiraiya: Dammit Naruto. I was going to see if her kitten was coming out to play. Now I need to look elsewhere for material.

Naruto: Gomen, Gomen (Sorry, sorry). Anyway, uncle Jiraiya, this is my big bro Sage.

Sage: Naruto I"ve already met him but only once. Hey old man long time no see.

Jiraiya: I don"t remember Minato having a son before Naruto. Who might you be, hmmm.

To remind him I quickly slapped him in the face with my tail. Only hard enough to move his face to the side. Because of ninja training it"s cool that I can actually stretch my tail to pimp slap a person. People stretch their limbs and hair, so why not my tail.

Jiraiya: Oww. OH you must be from the Sarutobi clan, right, the one with the tail? But you could"ve just shown me your tail not slap me with it. (Said while rubbing his cheek)

Sage: So how are you? I haven"t seen you at all since you met that one time and summoned a frog.

Jiraiya: I"m surprised you remembered that. I have been traveling and collecting material for my books. When I did come back you weren"t there. I had to meet up for some of my little nephews" birthdays. What brings you guys here to disturb me anyway?

Naruto: We came to help me train for the finals of the Chūnin exams 3 weeks from now. Also uncle, didn"t you say you were going to teach me how to summon a frog last time you were here?

Jiraya: Did I say that? Oh well, ok I will teach you.

Jiraiya took out a big scroll and told Naruto to sign and fingerprint in blood to make a contract with the frogs of Mt. Myoboku. After that Jiraiya told Naruto to make the hand seals while putting as much chakra as he could. With a puff a smoke a small silhouette could be seen. At first Jiraiya thought Naruto has failed the summoning but from what I could sense he must"ve summoned either f.u.kasaku or his wife, Shima.

f.u.kasaku: Jiraiychan why did you summon me if you"re not in a fight?

Jiraiya: f.u.kasaku-Sama, I didn"t summon you. Naruto did.

f.u.kasaku: Oh so it was Minato"s boy. Hmm. Oh hoh. So the tailed boy is here too and he grew up huh.

Sage: f.u.kasaku-Sama it"s nice to see you again. (I nodded instead of a bow).

f.u.kasaku: (While staring at me) Oh so it was you who set off Gamamaru-sama. That power surge came from you then?

Sage: I guess so. Is there a problem that I set off Gamamaru-sama?

f.u.kasaku: It seems that you set off the other sage locations as well. Since you are in front of me then I would like to extend an invitation to you and Naruto-chan to Mount Myoboku.

Sage: If we go over there will Naruto be able to learn to be a sage?

f.u.kasaku: Yes he will and if you sign a contract with us, you will too even if you have signed with others.

I told f.u.kasaku that I signed a contract with the Monkey King Enma and wasn"t really looking to do anymore contracts at the moment. I was still invited to talk with Gamamaru. After Naruto finished his contract, f.u.kasaku told me the location of Mount Myoboku so that I can travel on my own considering I didn"t sign the contract to be reversed summoned. I told f.u.kasaku to just take Naruto and Jiraiya first and I will follow. When they reversed summoned I tried sensing Naruto"s presence and felt it a bit far. The presence became erratic because of the pure nature Chakra around the mountain. I locked on to his location and teleported next to Naruto. f.u.kasaku hopped up out of surprise.

f.u.kasaku: So you know the Flying Thunder G.o.d technique?

Sage: You can say that but it"s my own version of it. I don"t need to mark or put a seal on things to travel to a location. I just have to sense where the person is or I can travel by remembering the location once I teleport in.

After my explanation, f.u.kasaku introduced his wife, Shima, to Naruto and me. After, we were introduced to Gamabunta, Gamashiro and Gamaken, the 3 biggest toads in Mt. Myoboku. When the introductions were done we finally met with Gamamaru, the eldest toad. Because of age he was absent minded at times so when we were first introduced he didn"t know who f.u.kasaku was. When we skipped the comedic skit, Gamamaru explained that he saw a prophecy about me. He told me that he saw a "being engulfed in yellow fire ending a war with a swipe of his arm". It sounded about right to me but I never questioned the old frog on it. Moving away from the prophecy subject, I asked Gamamaru if he had seen anyone like me before and if he could measure power where did I stand. I took off my red shirt and black undershirt, restrictions and showed him my true Saiyan transformation, I didn"t want to rip my clothes like last time. I am by all means, not at Super Saiyan 4 level so I never kid myself when it came to this transformation. I was a far cry from the actual Super Saiyan 4 state. First off the fur on me was brown, in SSJ4 state the fur is red, my eyes are still hazel while in SSJ4 the eyes change to yellow and the eyeshadow in SSJ4 state is red and mine are yellow. I just achieved a state that would ready me for SSJ4 so if I ever do reach it the transition will be easier. When I transformed in front of Gamamaru, the air vibrated and tension could be felt in the atmosphere. For a moment Gamamaru shook.

Sage: Please Gamamaru-sama, what are your thoughts.

Gamamaru: It"s as if a bijuu stronger than the Nine Tails is in front me.

Sage: (Said in a low voice). Just a bijuu stronger than the Kyuubi, huh.

I returned to my normal state and told Gamamaru to measure again but this time I was going Super Saiyan. The air vibrated much more violently and the tension was so thick one would think it was tangible. Debris was floating in the air, dark clouds started to gather and strong gales of wind was blowing. Lightening fell on me as I transformed into a Super Saiyan. Recovering from being blinded by the flash, eyes were bulging and mouths were agape as Jiraiya, Naruto, f.u.kasaku, Shima and Gamamaru witnessed my transformation. After a few minutes Gamamaru finally gave me his impression of where I stand.

Gamamaru: To think I would witness a being on par with the Rikudosennin.

So I am only on par with the Rikudosennin. I guess the Rikudosennin must many more powers than I thought. Power and speed can only do so much when compared to reality warping. Good thing I got an estimation it is very humbling and makes my blood boil. Now I can train myself harder without holding back. I revert back to my normal state and bow towards Gamamaru.

Sage: Thank you for telling me where I stand Gamamaru-sama. If possible may I have your permission to train here with Naruto until we have to return for his Chunin exam?

Gamamaru: Yes, you may. f.u.kasaku, take Naruto for sage training. Let Sage here train on his own and do not disturb him.

f.u.kasaku: Yes Gamamaru-sama. Naruto-chan, Sage-chan, Jiraiychan come with me to get situated.

Naruto will start sage training earlier than expected and I will continue with my own training. Since my strength so far only puts me on par, because power alone doesn"t const.i.tute overall strength, then how will I make Kaguya kneel before me? I know on the power scale I can just point, shoot and they die but the Otsutsuki clan doesn"t just have power. The vast amount of abilities is ridiculous. I knew from the start that it wouldn"t be so simple but the arrogance was still there. The eye techniques alone will be my biggest concern yet I did not see what types of techniques Kaguya has used. I know that I have to have an erratic flow of chakra to not be affected by Genjustu, eye techniques. Since I use both chakra and Ki that shouldn"t be a problem. I have to sharpen my senses and master my Super Saiyen form. In order to get a Zenkai boost I must be damaged and heal back up. I guess I will give the Shodaime, Nidaime and Orochimaru some free hits when the time comes.