A Saiyan In The Multiverse

Chapter 58

As my appointment to have the Rinnegan transplanted drew near I continued to infuse the eyes with my G.o.d ki and chakra. I exchanged the fluid with my blood to get it better synchronized with my body. The reason I do this is to erase any lingering control or power Madara or Nagato may have left in the eyes and to adapt to me. It would be foolish to believe that Madara gave the eyes to Nagato without any control over them or failsafe.

The day of the surgery arrived and I did what I could to the eyes. Since none of the anesthesia was strong enough to knock me out, I stayed conscious of the whole thing. The best they could do was numb my eyelids. 2 Hours later of cutting and reattaching nerves, the surgery was over and I was told to not remove the bandages for 1 week. I know my body and it will take less time to recover. I used the time I was blind to hone my senses. I used my energy, sense of smell and hearing to sense my surroundings to the point it seemed as if I could see. Since I was infusing the eyes I felt no discomfort and no drain in energy.

3 Days pa.s.sed and I recovered from the surgery. I took off my bandages and slowly opened my eyes as I got used to the light. My eye color looked the same, hazel. I was given a mirror to look at the new eyes and if I could see at all. I focused on my eyes and channeled ki and chakra into them. The eye pattern was the same as the Rinne Sharingan (Samsara Copy Wheel eye) except for the color, where the original was red and mine are blue. I then tried using G.o.d ki into the eyes and the color changed again. The color wasn"t fixed and almost looked gaseous as the color changed from a variety of colors. The ripple pattern, the 9 tomoe and the iris are white as if they were stars laid on the eye to make it look like a galaxy. It reminded me of the first Men in Black movie where they look at the jewel on Orion"s (the cat"s name) collar and find out that the jewel was in fact a galaxy.

If I were to give the eyes a new name I wouldn"t because it is still a Sharingan but if I were to make it my own I would go with Ginga Rinne Sharingan (Galaxy Samsara Copy Wheel Eye). The only reason Kaguya awakened the Rinne Sharingan was when she ate the G.o.d tree fruit, in turn I have G.o.d energy myself so I can activate it as well. The only thing is I have yet to test what the eyes can do. The known abilities that come with the regular Rinne Sharingan is Amenominaka (Heavenly Governing Inside), Shin: Jukai Kotan (Divine: Deep Forest Emergence) and Mugen Tsukuyomi (Infinite Moon Reader). The Amenominaka is a s.p.a.ce-time ability that brings the location to the user considering this power, mostly any or all s.p.a.ce-time is mine to control. The Shin: Jukai Kotan controls the G.o.d Tree roots to trap people in coc.o.o.ns to sap them of their chakra to make new fruit, in turn one can interpret the better control of Mokuton (Wood Release). Mokuton requires one to have Earth and Water affinities. Of course the Mugen Tsukuyomi is a great Dojutsu (Eye Technique), I should be able to cast that and any other type of Dojutsu. Since it is also the Rinnegan and a Sharingan, their abilities should also come with the eyes such as the 6 paths of pain. Tsunade, Sakura, Ino and Hinata walked through the door. I stopped feeding energy to my eyes.

Tsunade: Hey! I told you to not take the bandages off until the week is out.

Sage: There is no need to fret I have already recovered.

Tsunade: I have seen you do impossible things, this shouldn"t surprise me. We will do a check up then.

Tsunade took a small flash light and did a quick eye exam. Hinata used her Byakugan (White Eye) to see if there were any abnormalities with the chakra flow while Sakura and Ino made sure the flesh near my eyes were fine. All of it came back normal, well for me that is.

Tsunade: So how does it feel?

Sage: Truthfully, the moment I opened my eyes it felt as if they belonged to me. When I put chakra into them my sight is beyond what I imagined.

Tsunade: Like what?

Sage: For example, I knew you had a great body but for you to be shaven, you"re just ready to be eaten, mmmm.

Tsunade snapped and struck me with a fistful of chakra. I let her hit me because I knew it wouldn"t hurt and it gave me the opportunity to use my new eyes to observe the chakra flow from her core to her fist. Her fist hitting my chest made a dull slapping sound and only managed to rip the white shirt I was wearing.

Sage: What"s with the love taps?

Tsunade: You are not worth tearing down the hospital.

Sage: Even if you used all your strength it would do nothing. (I brush the remaining torn pieces of shirt from me).

Sakura: Tsunade-sama since Sage-san is ok we should check on Sasuke-kun and Itachi-san as well.

Sage: Say hi to Naruto for me Hinata.

Hinata: I will. Oh! That"s right, he told me the same when you have awakened. Also Sage-san, Naruto said when you"ve recovered, to look for him so you can help him train.

Sage: Ok got it.

I grabbed my things went home to change then looked for Naruto. I walked to my apartment because I needed more information on my new eyes. I practically had X-ray vision as I was seeing a naked Tsunade before. I could see through different layers as well. I can see through clothes, skin, muscle, bone, blood and chakra. The thin chakra mixed with nature chakra in the air was also visible to me. Along the way I remembered some Mokuton jutsus, some simple like the Moku Bunshin no Jutsu (Wood Style: Wood Clone Jutsu) or something complex like the Mokuton: Mokujin no Jutsu (Wood Release: Wood Golem Technique) or the Mokuton: Mokuryu no Jutsu (Wood Release: Wood Dragon Technique). On the way to Naruto"s house I played around with the small less deadly techniques. I will ask Naruto to spar with me only using Mokuton and some Dojutsu for practice.