Aim the Deepest Part of the Different World Labyrinth (WN)

Chapter 5 – Not Quite a Boy Meets Girl Response


Chapter 5 – Not Quite a Boy Meets Girl Response

MTL: uniquegasuki
Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)

I have been afflicted with an abnormal status; the poison is draining my endurance.

After 15 minutes of using 『dimension』, I got into a battle with a rank 1 monster.
Up until now, I was able to avoid all the monsters that I came across. But, it was unable to detect a monster that wasn’t moving. The monster in question is a rank 1. It seemed to be sleeping, and I didn’t noticed it. I was using 『dimension』 without knowing its flaw. It didn’t notice the big frog that was barely moving.

With a simple name such as 『Big Frog』, I thought it was easy EXP. So, I smashed it with my sword.

It is a major problem because I’m already worn out and covered in wounds. The body fluids enter my wounds and my status becomes : poison.

Having become pale, I confirm the poison status and immediately take an antidote.

However, the poison status doesn’t go away.

I check the details of the antidote, and realize my situation is much more serious.

A commonly sold antidote. Compounded to cure toxics from 『Poison Bee』. Has a 5% chance of curing other types of poisons――

My breathing becomes heavy.

This antidote is used for a different type of poison.

To hit that 5%, I drank all of the antidotes.

「Oh, no. Oh no, oh no, oh no.」 (Kanami)

There wasn’t much time left.
Profuse sweating, and loss of endurance. I put a piece of 『ice』 made from magic into my mouth to replenish my lost fluids. With this system, I don’t have any methods to restore my HP.

As I endure it, I check my status.


Level 1

Condition : Confusion 1.09      Bleeding 0.21      Poison 1.00――

Before, my HP had naturally recovered to 30, but now it is at 17.
The poison decreases my HP by 1 every few minutes; it doesn’t just drain my endurance but also my mental state.

「Haha, haha, haha!」 (Kanami)

My breathing became rough, and my consciousness begins to fade.

If the situation continues, I will die.

In the corner of my mind, I tried to come up with a solution to this problem.
All things considered, my chance of surviving is low.

I only have a few choices left. Using all of my MP, I decide to gamble on the effect of 『dimension』.
As I replenish my fluids with 『ice』, I second check the dimension magic’s effect. I knew that although it may be the same magic, the effect differs depending on how much MP is used.

Many times over my detection range expands.

An overflow of monster information is streamed to me. I have to force myself to stay conscious.

The corridor seems to be some sort of establishment. It’s floors are coated with some type of material. If I had to say, the fixed lights seemed arranged; it gives me the feeling that it is a pathway that leads to a town.

With me as the center, I expand my range of detection.
I understood that this is an established road; I sense several people walking along it.

I deactivate 『dimension』.
My remaining MP had been reduced to a single digi.

――HP16/51      MP9/72――

「Phew, wahaha, haha……」 (Kanami)

I have found people.
And, the people I’ve found are pa.s.sing by each other without being hostile to one another.

Perhaps, this road is different from here.
I recall the contents of the conversation from when I was attacked. The 「labyrinth, and 『outside management』――」. So, does that mean this area is outside of the managements jurisdiction; therefore, the fighting. Does that means the other road is within the management’s domain; is that why there is no fights? It’s most likely safe there.

「Minimum 『dimension』, I need to get there without stopping…… huff!」 (Kanami)

I set my destination to the established road.

My HP had stopped decreasing; after confirming it, I began to search for other people.

The antidote that I used to cure the poison was found on a corpse, along the way.

My eyes have become blood-shot; it was all dued to the various events that had been piling up.

The ‘this is like a video game’ bravdo from before is gone. However, right now, I’m not the usual me.

I can’t allow myself to lose consciousness; in order for me to survive I need to keep moving my feet.



「Sounds good. Recently, things have been going well. Our earnings would definitely increase.」 (unknown guy B)
「I also agree.」 (unknown guy C)

I overhear a conversation between a couple of men.
Based on the contents of their conversation, these 3 men are making a living from the labyrinth.

However, judging by their appearance, none of them look like honest men. Their fierce face are comparable to the yakuza from my home world.

My remaining MP is 4.
After a struggling journey to the established road, I hid myself from any approaching people.

I’m hoping for a one on one conversation with someone; either a young female, or someone with a soft appearance. A person with both or either trait, would be nice.
However, my expectations shouldn’t be to high. My current HP had greatly decreased because of the poison.

I use the remainder of my MP (or should I say, I left 1 MP, because having zero would be scary), 『dimension』 is invoked; I search for anyone close by that meets my requirements.

About 200 meter is scanned to find the position of any hostile threats.

In my range, there are 4 parties.
There is the 3 men from moments ago, a 5 party group with a mixture of men and women wearing mix-match attire, one group of 4 fitted in sets of silver armor, and lastly a female pair.

I decided to approach the female pair. (T/N: not creepy in the slightest)
They appear docile and kind. Perhaps, they will be willing to help me.

However, the 5 party group and the group in silver armor are directly between me and the female pair. I try to sneak past them.
I try to hold my breath and walk pa.s.s them, ――I wanted to however……

「Hey, the person that is hiding there, you best come out.」 (man in silver armor)

The group in silver armor sees through my hiding spot.
The mix-match group of 5 didn’t notice me, but the silver armor group did. Despite the fact that I’m in their blind spot, how is it they knew.

My heart rate begins to rise. Their group was second on my list for requesting aid.

I sheath my sword and slowly make my way to the established road.

「Hmm, an ordinary thief?」 (man in silver armor)

The man in silver armor steps forward alone and begins to ask simple questions.

Compared to the other people I have met so far, the 4 people equipped in silver armor seemed different; they have an affluent air to them.

I advert my eyes away from the girl. She held herself with such confidence that it took mine away.

I decided to greet them. My attention goes to the tall and sincere guy wearing the sliver armor.

「I’m no thief. My condition is unwell. Must you stop me?」 (Kanami)
「If that is the case, it is good that 『Justice』 stops you. Do you understand, one shouldn’t lie.」 (tall man in silver armor)

The man outright denies my story. I’m a little annoyed.
Apparently, this road is being protected by a 『Justice』 that never rest. The surveillance on this road is very strict. Trying to sneak in had backfired.

From the beginning, I made a mistake. I begin to grow pale.

「Ju-『justice』 do you have a reason to stop me? 」 (Kanami)

Lying has become counterproductive. I must speak with sincerity.
He seems to be the type of person that takes offense from being directly lied to. If that is the case, then I better act as an honest person.

「Hmm. Certainly, performing an ambush alone is too much.」 (tall man in silver armor)

The man’s face slightly softens.
And, the other men agree.

「A child alone. It’s unthinkable.」 (unknown man A)
「Is it that, you’re lost, or did you try to recklessly challenge the labyrinth?」 (unknown man B)

A man interrupted with a good explanation.
In the first place, they didn’t consider the worn-out and alone me as a threat.

I try to watch over the situation without saying anything topic changing.

「Don’t excessively frighten the child, Hein. It will contradict with our code of chivalry.」 (man in silver armor A)
「Shut up, we must be diligent.」 (Hein)

The mood becomes merry.
I have heard of chivalry before. This group of people might not be so bad afterall. It maybe a risky gamble, but I decided to ask them anyways.

I prepare ready myself to ask them about the poison I was inflicted with――

「A-ah――」 (Kanami)
「――you’re quite an interesting follow, aren’t you?」 (girl in silver armor)

I’m interrupted by the girl in silver armor.

Before I knew it, the girl gotten close to me.
I became mesmerized by her golden pupils. Various feeling I had were held down by the beautiful glaze of her eyes.

One could hear the surprise in the men’s voice that is cause by the girl’s sudden actions.

「E-eh, do you need something from me miss……?」 (Kanami)
「Ah, excuse me. It’s nothing important.」 (girl in silver armor)

While saying so, she steps closer to me.

However, my throat is dry and my voice won’t come out.

「Wait, wait a moment. Please, refrain from touching the adventurer!」 (man in silver armor)

A lone man raised his voice.

「Is that not close enough? Please wait. First, listen to what he has to say, before you do anything?」 (man in silver armor B)
「Oh, I see…..」 (girl in silver armor)

The girl stops on the man’s reb.u.t.tal.

She had yet to reach out to me.

「I’m I really that interesting――」 (Kanami)

She whispers to me something only I could hear.

「――very interesting. Quite enviable. I’m really, really jealous of you.」 (girl in silver armor)

Only I could hear her whispers.
Her quiet voice sent shivers down my spine.

I suddenly see the girl’s face.

From where I was standing, I confirm the situation. The men were watching over us.

「Aren’t you lucky, aren’t you lucky――」 (girl in silver armor)

As if she were cursing me, she kept muttering something.
From the mouth of the G.o.ddess, I listen to her as she continues to mutter her curse like poem.

「Wh-what’s wrong? Do you see something with your『eyes』?」 (man in silver armor A)

A man who had grown impatient asks a question.

Upon the questioning, the girl’s expression becomes emotionless.
The girl turns to face the man, and she smiles.

「Eh, no that isn’t so.」 (girl in silver armor)

She is now acting like a innocent girl, but it is hard to believe that not too long ago she was cursing me.

「Is that so? What is so interesting, is it a skill or something?」 (man in silver armor A)

「No way, nothing like that. It just, this person has suffered from the effects of poison, and their endurance has been drained. 」 (girl in silver armor)

「Eh?」 My voice leaks out.
The blood in my body runs cold.

「Ah, I see, was that it?」 (man in silver armor A)
「Well then, the kind and gentle, I, will show mercy on this person.」 (girl in silver armor)

After declaring it, she turns around to my direction, and begins to invoke magic.

「『hear me, gentle sunlight』 『return, oh mysterious water』『may, heaven and earth unite』――」 (girl in silver armor)

A pure-white light from the girl’s hands floats to me, and envelops my body.
In sequence, the fatigue and pain from body begins to settle down. As if what had happen to me was all a lie, my body became light and well again.

I couldn’t help but become fixated on the current circ.u.mstances. There was no reason for me to not accept the recovery magic’s healing.

「――『cure-full』. There, all done.」 (girl in silver armor)

The light stops pouring from her hands. She looks to me and smiles.
She showed no feelings of the jealousy from before.

And then, once again, she inquires about my circ.u.mstances.

「Phew, ah-hum. Isn’t this the bad status 『confusion』. How intriguing. A-ah, the burnt marks weren’t treated soon enough so it will leave scars.」 (girl in silver armor)

The girl gave a nod of admiration after confirming the bad status, 『confusion』. In response to her words, I――


Level 1

Condition : Confusion 1.00――

I’m still 『confused』.

What she is able to see might not be the same as mine; however it may be, she is able to perceive my 『confusion』 status.

After seeing my situation, she faintly laughs in a voice that only I could hear.

「Let’s meet again. My name is Lastiara.」 (girl in silver armor, Lastiara)

「Milady, is there really nothing?」 (guy in silver armor, knight B)

The knights confirmed that the recovery had finished, and they walk closer to me.

「No, it is nothing at all. Ah, it feels good to help someone, you know. Well, it’s about time we return.」 (Lastiara)

The girl introduces herself as, Lastiara, and walks away from me. Not long after, the knights approached me.
Right away, I spoke to them.

「Th-thank you very much……」 (Kanami)
「That is quite alright, just be sure to return the favor someday.」 (Lastiara)

Lastiara responds with a smile that a carnivorous animal would give to its prey.
Of course, only I cannot see her angelic face.

「Well, sonny, see yah later. Stay safe.」 (Hein)

「That’s not quite right.」 (Knight B)

The other guys slightly chuckle. However, unlike them, there is a hint of irritation coming from Lastiara. I suppose that her polite smile is used to cover-up her low tolerance.
I thought about separating myself from Lastiara as soon as possible.

「Yes, you have saved me. Well, everyone, until next time.」 (Kanami)

After say so, on the main road, I part ways with 『justice』 and that girl. I went in the opposite direction from them. I’m a.s.suming this way is the exit. To make sure, I wave down one of the men and ask.

Having part ways with that group, I can’t help but smile.

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It didn"t notice the big frog that was barely moving.nnWith a simple name such as u300eBig Frogu300f, I thought it was easy EXP. So, I smashed it with my sword.nWhen I smashed, its body fluids scattered everywhere. Although, the Big Frog died with one strike, its body fluids stuck to my me.nIt is a major problem because I"m already worn out and covered in wounds. The body fluids enter my wounds and my status becomes : poison.nnHaving become pale, I confirm the poison status and immediately take an antidote.nnHowever, the poison status doesn"t go away.nnI check the details of the antidote, and realize my situation is much more serious.nnu2015u2015AntidotenA commonly sold antidote. Compounded to cure toxics from u300ePoison Beeu300f. Has a 5% chance of curing other types of poisonsu2015u2015nnMy breathing becomes heavy.nnThis antidote is used for a different type of poison.nThat means this poison status u300edisplayu300f has a 5% chance of being cured with this antidote.nTo hit that 5%, I drank all of the antidotes.nnu300cOh, no. Oh no, oh no, oh no.u300d (Kanami)nnThere wasn"t much time left.nProfuse sweating, and loss of endurance. I put a piece of u300eiceu300f made from magic into my mouth to replenish my lost fluids. With this system, I don"t have any methods to restore my HP.nnAs I endure it, I check my status.nnu2015u2015StatusnName u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Aikawa Kanami u00a0 u00a0 u00a0HP 17/51 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0MP 61/72nLevel 1nPhysical Strength 1.01 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Endurance 1.03 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Ability 2.02 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Speed 2.02 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Intelligence 4.00 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Maryoku 2.01 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Potential 7.00nCondition : Confusion 1.09 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Bleeding 0.21 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Poison 1.00u2015u2015nnBefore, my HP had naturally recovered to 30, but now it is at 17.nThe poison decreases my HP by 1 every few minutes; it doesn"t just drain my endurance but also my mental state.nnu300cHaha, haha, haha!u300d (Kanami)nnMy breathing became rough, and my consciousness begins to fade.nnIf the situation continues, I will die.nnIn the corner of my mind, I tried to come up with a solution to this problem.nAll things considered, my chance of surviving is low.nnI only have a few choices left. Using all of my MP, I decide to gamble on the effect of u300edimensionu300f.nAs I replenish my fluids with u300eiceu300f, I second check the dimension magic"s effect. I knew that although it may be the same magic, the effect differs depending on how much MP is used.nnMany times over my detection range expands.nnAn overflow of monster information is streamed to me. I have to force myself to stay conscious.nHaving used around 50 times my normal range, I discover something greatly different aside from the monsters; it is in a corridor.nThe corridor seems to be some sort of establishment. It"s floors are coated with some type of material. If I had to say, the fixed lights seemed arranged; it gives me the feeling that it is a pathway that leads to a town.nnWith me as the center, I expand my range of detection.nI understood that this is an established road; I sense several people walking along it.nnI deactivate u300edimensionu300f.nMy remaining MP had been reduced to a single digi.nnu2015u2015HP16/51 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0MP9/72u2015u2015nnu300cPhew, wahaha, haha......u300d (Kanami)nnI have found people.nAnd, the people Iu2019ve found are pa.s.sing by each other without being hostile to one another.nnPerhaps, this road is different from here.nI recall the contents of the conversation from when I was attacked. The u300clabyrinth, and u300eoutside managementu300fu2015u2015u300d. So, does that mean this area is outside of the managements jurisdiction; therefore, the fighting. Does that means the other road is within the management"s domain; is that why there is no fights? Itu2019s most likely safe there.nnu300cMinimum u300edimensionu300f, I need to get there without stopping...... huff!u300d (Kanami)nnI set my destination to the established road.nnMy HP had stopped decreasing; after confirming it, I began to search for other people.nnThe antidote that I used to cure the poison was found on a corpse, along the way.nI accepted it, even though it was looted. In the first place, I haven"t encountered anyone new yet. Well, Iu2019ll start from here.nMy eyes have become blood-shot; it was all dued to the various events that had been piling up.nnThe "this is like a video game" bravdo from before is gone. However, right now, I"m not the usual me.nnI can"t allow myself to lose consciousness; in order for me to survive I need to keep moving my feet.nn nu25c6u25c6u25c6nn nu300cShould we advance to the 10th floor, today?u300d (unknown guy A)nu300cSounds good. Recently, things have been going well. Our earnings would definitely increase.u300d (unknown guy B)nu300cI also agree.u300d (unknown guy C)nnI overhear a conversation between a couple of men.nBased on the contents of their conversation, these 3 men are making a living from the labyrinth.nnHowever, judging by their appearance, none of them look like honest men. Their fierce face are comparable to the yakuza from my home world.nI use a little bit more MP to strengthen u300edimensionu300f, and properly listen to their conversation.nMy remaining MP is 4.nAfter a struggling journey to the established road, I hid myself from any approaching people.nnI"m hoping for a one on one conversation with someone; either a young female, or someone with a soft appearance. A person with both or either trait, would be nice.nHowever, my expectations shouldn"t be to high. My current HP had greatly decreased because of the poison.nnI use the remainder of my MP (or should I say, I left 1 MP, because having zero would be scary), u300edimensionu300f is invoked; I search for anyone close by that meets my requirements.nnAbout 200 meter is scanned to find the position of any hostile threats.nnIn my range, there are 4 parties.nThere is the 3 men from moments ago, a 5 party group with a mixture of men and women wearing mix-match attire, one group of 4 fitted in sets of silver armor, and lastly a female pair.nnI decided to approach the female pair. (T/N: not creepy in the slightest)nThey appear docile and kind. Perhaps, they will be willing to help me.nnHowever, the 5 party group and the group in silver armor are directly between me and the female pair. I try to sneak past them.nI try to hold my breath and walk pa.s.s them, u2015u2015I wanted to however......nnu300cHey, the person that is hiding there, you best come out.u300d (man in silver armor)nnThe group in silver armor sees through my hiding spot.nThe mix-match group of 5 didn"t notice me, but the silver armor group did. Despite the fact that I"m in their blind spot, how is it they knew.nnMy heart rate begins to rise. Their group was second on my list for requesting aid.nI regain my train of thought, and begin to construct a story to tell them.nI sheath my sword and slowly make my way to the established road.nnu300cHmm, an ordinary thief?u300d (man in silver armor)nnThe man in silver armor steps forward alone and begins to ask simple questions.nnCompared to the other people I have met so far, the 4 people equipped in silver armor seemed different; they have an affluent air to them.nBetween the 4 of them, the girl stands out the most. Her age seems to be around my own, although she is a bit shorter. And, she is startling...... startling beautiful. She has golden long hair that seems to be shimmering. Her face is so perfect that no doll could possibly replicate it.nI advert my eyes away from the girl. She held herself with such confidence that it took mine away.nnI decided to greet them. My attention goes to the tall and sincere guy wearing the sliver armor.nnu300cI"m no thief. My condition is unwell. Must you stop me?u300d (Kanami)nu300cIf that is the case, it is good that u300eJusticeu300f stops you. Do you understand, one shouldn"t lie.u300d (tall man in silver armor)nnThe man outright denies my story. I"m a little annoyed.nApparently, this road is being protected by a u300eJusticeu300f that never rest. The surveillance on this road is very strict. Trying to sneak in had backfired.nnFrom the beginning, I made a mistake. I begin to grow pale.nnu300cJu-u300ejusticeu300f do you have a reason to stop me? u300d (Kanami)nnLying has become counterproductive. I must speak with sincerity.nHe seems to be the type of person that takes offense from being directly lied to. If that is the case, then I better act as an honest person.nnu300cHmm. Certainly, performing an ambush alone is too much.u300d (tall man in silver armor)nnThe man"s face slightly softens.nAnd, the other men agree.nnu300cA child alone. Itu2019s unthinkable.u300d (unknown man A)nu300cIs it that, youu2019re lost, or did you try to recklessly challenge the labyrinth?u300d (unknown man B)nnA man interrupted with a good explanation.nIn the first place, they didn"t consider the worn-out and alone me as a threat.nnI try to watch over the situation without saying anything topic changing.nnu300cDon"t excessively frighten the child, Hein. It will contradict with our code of chivalry.u300d (man in silver armor A)nu300cShut up, we must be diligent.u300d (Hein)nnThe mood becomes merry.nI have heard of chivalry before. This group of people might not be so bad afterall. It maybe a risky gamble, but I decided to ask them anyways.nnI prepare ready myself to ask them about the poison I was inflicted withu2015u2015nnu300cA-ahu2015u2015u300d (Kanami)nu300cu2015u2015youu2019re quite an interesting follow, arenu2019t you?u300d (girl in silver armor)nnI"m interrupted by the girl in silver armor.nnBefore I knew it, the girl gotten close to me.nI became mesmerized by her golden pupils. Various feeling I had were held down by the beautiful glaze of her eyes.nnOne could hear the surprise in the men"s voice that is cause by the girl"s sudden actions.nnu300cE-eh, do you need something from me miss......?u300d (Kanami)nu300cAh, excuse me. It"s nothing important.u300d (girl in silver armor)nnWhile saying so, she steps closer to me.nI wanted to raise my voice, and tell her to not get so close.nHowever, my throat is dry and my voice won"t come out.nnu300cWait, wait a moment. Please, refrain from touching the adventurer!u300d (man in silver armor)nnA lone man raised his voice.nnu300cIs that not close enough? Please wait. First, listen to what he has to say, before you do anything?u300d (man in silver armor B)nu300cOh, I see.....u300d (girl in silver armor)nnThe girl stops on the man"s reb.u.t.tal.nnShe had yet to reach out to me.nnu300cI"m I really that interestingu2015u2015u300d (Kanami)nnShe whispers to me something only I could hear.nnu300cu2015u2015very interesting. Quite enviable. I"m really, really jealous of you.u300d (girl in silver armor)nnOnly I could hear her whispers.nHer quiet voice sent shivers down my spine.nnI suddenly see the girl"s face.nHer face is warped; she truly is envious of me.nFrom where I was standing, I confirm the situation. The men were watching over us.nnu300cAren"t you lucky, aren"t you luckyu2015u2015u300d (girl in silver armor)nnAs if she were cursing me, she kept muttering something.nFrom the mouth of the G.o.ddess, I listen to her as she continues to mutter her curse like poem.nnu300cWh-what"s wrong? Do you see something with youru300eeyesu300f?u300d (man in silver armor A)nnA man who had grown impatient asks a question.nnUpon the questioning, the girl"s expression becomes emotionless.nThe girl turns to face the man, and she smiles.nnu300cEh, no that isn"t so.u300d (girl in silver armor)nnShe is now acting like a innocent girl, but it is hard to believe that not too long ago she was cursing me.nnu300cIs that so? What is so interesting, is it a skill or something?u300d (man in silver armor A)nnu300cNo way, nothing like that. It just, this person has suffered from the effects of poison, and their endurance has been drained. u300d (girl in silver armor)nnu300cEh?u300d My voice leaks out.nThe blood in my body runs cold.nnu300cAh, I see, was that it?u300d (man in silver armor A)nu300cWell then, the kind and gentle, I, will show mercy on this person.u300d (girl in silver armor)nnAfter declaring it, she turns around to my direction, and begins to invoke magic.nnu300cu300ehear me, gentle sunlightu300f u300ereturn, oh mysterious wateru300fu300emay, heaven and earth uniteu300fu2015u2015u300d (girl in silver armor)nnA pure-white light from the girl"s hands floats to me, and envelops my body.nIn sequence, the fatigue and pain from body begins to settle down. As if what had happen to me was all a lie, my body became light and well again.nnI couldn"t help but become fixated on the current circ.u.mstances. There was no reason for me to not accept the recovery magic"s healing.nnu300cu2015u2015u300ecure-fullu300f. There, all done.u300d (girl in silver armor)nnThe light stops pouring from her hands. She looks to me and smiles.nShe showed no feelings of the jealousy from before.nnAnd then, once again, she inquires about my circ.u.mstances.nnu300cPhew, ah-hum. Isn"t this the bad status u300econfusionu300f. How intriguing. A-ah, the burnt marks weren"t treated soon enough so it will leave scars.u300d (girl in silver armor)nnThe girl gave a nod of admiration after confirming the bad status, u300econfusionu300f. In response to her words, Iu2015u2015nnu2015u2015StatusnName u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Aikawa Kanami u00a0 u00a0 u00a0HP51/51 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0MP1/72nLevel 1nPhysical Strength 1.01 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Endurance 1.03 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Ability 2.02 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Speed 2.02 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Intelligence 4.00 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Maryoku 2.01 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Potential 7.00nCondition : Confusion 1.00u2015u2015nnI"m still u300econfusedu300f.nAnd, can the girl also see this u300edisplayu300f?nWhat she is able to see might not be the same as mine; however it may be, she is able to perceive my u300econfusionu300f status.nnAfter seeing my situation, she faintly laughs in a voice that only I could hear.nnu300cLet"s meet again. My name is Lastiara.u300d (girl in silver armor, Lastiara)nnu300cMilady, is there really nothing?u300d (guy in silver armor, knight B)nnThe knights confirmed that the recovery had finished, and they walk closer to me.nnu300cNo, it is nothing at all. Ah, it feels good to help someone, you know. Well, it"s about time we return.u300d (Lastiara)nnThe girl introduces herself as, Lastiara, and walks away from me. Not long after, the knights approached me.nRight away, I spoke to them.nnu300cTh-thank you very much......u300d (Kanami)nu300cThat is quite alright, just be sure to return the favor someday.u300d (Lastiara)nnLastiara responds with a smile that a carnivorous animal would give to its prey.nOf course, only I cannot see her angelic face.nnu300cWell, sonny, see yah later. Stay safe.u300d (Hein)nu300cRight back to you.u300d (Kanami)nu300cThat"s not quite right.u300d (Knight B)nnThe other guys slightly chuckle. However, unlike them, there is a hint of irritation coming from Lastiara. I suppose that her polite smile is used to cover-up her low tolerance.nI thought about separating myself from Lastiara as soon as possible.nnu300cYes, you have saved me. Well, everyone, until next time.u300d (Kanami)nnAfter say so, on the main road, I part ways with u300ejusticeu300f and that girl. I went in the opposite direction from them. I"m a.s.suming this way is the exit. To make sure, I wave down one of the men and ask.nnHaving part ways with that group, I can"t help but smile.nnn

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nChapter 5 u2013 Not Quite a Boy Meets Girl Responsenn

MTL: uniquegasuki
Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)nn

I have been afflicted with an abnormal status; the poison is draining my endurance.n

After 15 minutes of using u300edimensionu300f, I got into a battle with a rank 1 monster.
nUp until now, I was able to avoid all the monsters that I came across. But, it was unable to detect a monster that wasnu2019t moving. The monster in question is a rank 1. It seemed to be sleeping, and I didnu2019t noticed it. I was using u300edimensionu300f without knowing its flaw. It didnu2019t notice the big frog that was barely moving.n

With a simple name such as u300eBig Frogu300f, I thought it was easy EXP. So, I smashed it with my sword.

nIt is a major problem because Iu2019m already worn out and covered in wounds. The body fluids enter my wounds and my status becomes : poison.n

Having become pale, I confirm the poison status and immediately take an antidote.n

However, the poison status doesnu2019t go away.n

I check the details of the antidote, and realize my situation is much more serious.n

nA commonly sold antidote. Compounded to cure toxics from u300ePoison Beeu300f. Has a 5% chance of curing other types of poisonsu2015u2015n

My breathing becomes heavy.n

This antidote is used for a different type of poison.

nTo hit that 5%, I drank all of the antidotes.n

u300cOh, no. Oh no, oh no, oh no.u300d (Kanami)n

There wasnu2019t much time left.
nProfuse sweating, and loss of endurance. I put a piece of u300eiceu300f made from magic into my mouth to replenish my lost fluids. With this system, I donu2019t have any methods to restore my HP.n

As I endure it, I check my status.n


nLevel 1

nCondition : Confusion 1.09 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Bleeding 0.21 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0Poison 1.00u2015u2015n

Before, my HP had naturally recovered to 30, but now it is at 17.
nThe poison decreases my HP by 1 every few minutes; it doesnu2019t just drain my endurance but also my mental state.n

u300cHaha, haha, haha!u300d (Kanami)n

My breathing became rough, and my consciousness begins to fade.n

If the situation continues, I will die.n

In the corner of my mind, I tried to come up with a solution to this problem.
nAll things considered, my chance of surviving is low.n

I only have a few choices left. Using all of my MP, I decide to gamble on the effect of u300edimensionu300f.
nAs I replenish my fluids with u300eiceu300f, I second check the dimension magicu2019s effect. I knew that although it may be the same magic, the effect differs depending on how much MP is used.n

Many times over my detection range expands.n

An overflow of monster information is streamed to me. I have to force myself to stay conscious.

nThe corridor seems to be some sort of establishment. Itu2019s floors are coated with some type of material. If I had to say, the fixed lights seemed arranged; it gives me the feeling that it is a pathway that leads to a town.n

With me as the center, I expand my range of detection.
nI understood that this is an established road; I sense several people walking along it.n

I deactivate u300edimensionu300f.
nMy remaining MP had been reduced to a single digi.n

u2015u2015HP16/51 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0MP9/72u2015u2015n

u300cPhew, wahaha, hahau2026u2026u300d (Kanami)n

I have found people.
nAnd, the people Iu2019ve found are pa.s.sing by each other without being hostile to one another.n

Perhaps, this road is different from here.
nI recall the contents of the conversation from when I was attacked. The u300clabyrinth, and u300eoutside managementu300fu2015u2015u300d. So, does that mean this area is outside of the managements jurisdiction; therefore, the fighting. Does that means the other road is within the managementu2019s domain; is that why there is no fights? Itu2019s most likely safe there.n

u300cMinimum u300edimensionu300f, I need to get there without stoppingu2026u2026 huff!u300d (Kanami)n

I set my destination to the established road.n

My HP had stopped decreasing; after confirming it, I began to search for other people.n

The antidote that I used to cure the poison was found on a corpse, along the way.

nMy eyes have become blood-shot; it was all dued to the various events that had been piling up.n

The u2018this is like a video gameu2019 bravdo from before is gone. However, right now, Iu2019m not the usual me.n

I canu2019t allow myself to lose consciousness; in order for me to survive I need to keep moving my feet.n



nu300cSounds good. Recently, things have been going well. Our earnings would definitely increase.u300d (unknown guy B)
nu300cI also agree.u300d (unknown guy C)n

I overhear a conversation between a couple of men.
nBased on the contents of their conversation, these 3 men are making a living from the labyrinth.n

However, judging by their appearance, none of them look like honest men. Their fierce face are comparable to the yakuza from my home world.

nMy remaining MP is 4.
nAfter a struggling journey to the established road, I hid myself from any approaching people.n

Iu2019m hoping for a one on one conversation with someone; either a young female, or someone with a soft appearance. A person with both or either trait, would be nice.
nHowever, my expectations shouldnu2019t be to high. My current HP had greatly decreased because of the poison.n

I use the remainder of my MP (or should I say, I left 1 MP, because having zero would be scary), u300edimensionu300f is invoked; I search for anyone close by that meets my requirements.n

About 200 meter is scanned to find the position of any hostile threats.n

In my range, there are 4 parties.
nThere is the 3 men from moments ago, a 5 party group with a mixture of men and women wearing mix-match attire, one group of 4 fitted in sets of silver armor, and lastly a female pair.n

I decided to approach the female pair. (T/N: not creepy in the slightest)
nThey appear docile and kind. Perhaps, they will be willing to help me.n

However, the 5 party group and the group in silver armor are directly between me and the female pair. I try to sneak past them.
nI try to hold my breath and walk pa.s.s them, u2015u2015I wanted to howeveru2026u2026n

u300cHey, the person that is hiding there, you best come out.u300d (man in silver armor)n

The group in silver armor sees through my hiding spot.
nThe mix-match group of 5 didnu2019t notice me, but the silver armor group did. Despite the fact that Iu2019m in their blind spot, how is it they knew.n

My heart rate begins to rise. Their group was second on my list for requesting aid.

nI sheath my sword and slowly make my way to the established road.n

u300cHmm, an ordinary thief?u300d (man in silver armor)n

The man in silver armor steps forward alone and begins to ask simple questions.n

Compared to the other people I have met so far, the 4 people equipped in silver armor seemed different; they have an affluent air to them.

nI advert my eyes away from the girl. She held herself with such confidence that it took mine away.n

I decided to greet them. My attention goes to the tall and sincere guy wearing the sliver armor.n

u300cIu2019m no thief. My condition is unwell. Must you stop me?u300d (Kanami)
nu300cIf that is the case, it is good that u300eJusticeu300f stops you. Do you understand, one shouldnu2019t lie.u300d (tall man in silver armor)n

The man outright denies my story. Iu2019m a little annoyed.
nApparently, this road is being protected by a u300eJusticeu300f that never rest. The surveillance on this road is very strict. Trying to sneak in had backfired.n

From the beginning, I made a mistake. I begin to grow pale.n

u300cJu-u300ejusticeu300f do you have a reason to stop me? u300d (Kanami)n

Lying has become counterproductive. I must speak with sincerity.
nHe seems to be the type of person that takes offense from being directly lied to. If that is the case, then I better act as an honest person.n

u300cHmm. Certainly, performing an ambush alone is too much.u300d (tall man in silver armor)n

The manu2019s face slightly softens.
nAnd, the other men agree.n

u300cA child alone. Itu2019s unthinkable.u300d (unknown man A)
nu300cIs it that, youu2019re lost, or did you try to recklessly challenge the labyrinth?u300d (unknown man B)n

A man interrupted with a good explanation.
nIn the first place, they didnu2019t consider the worn-out and alone me as a threat.n

I try to watch over the situation without saying anything topic changing.n

u300cDonu2019t excessively frighten the child, Hein. It will contradict with our code of chivalry.u300d (man in silver armor A)
nu300cShut up, we must be diligent.u300d (Hein)n

The mood becomes merry.
nI have heard of chivalry before. This group of people might not be so bad afterall. It maybe a risky gamble, but I decided to ask them anyways.n

I prepare ready myself to ask them about the poison I was inflicted withu2015u2015n

u300cA-ahu2015u2015u300d (Kanami)
nu300cu2015u2015youu2019re quite an interesting follow, arenu2019t you?u300d (girl in silver armor)n

Iu2019m interrupted by the girl in silver armor.n

Before I knew it, the girl gotten close to me.
nI became mesmerized by her golden pupils. Various feeling I had were held down by the beautiful glaze of her eyes.n

One could hear the surprise in the menu2019s voice that is cause by the girlu2019s sudden actions.n

u300cE-eh, do you need something from me missu2026u2026?u300d (Kanami)
nu300cAh, excuse me. Itu2019s nothing important.u300d (girl in silver armor)n

While saying so, she steps closer to me.

nHowever, my throat is dry and my voice wonu2019t come out.n

u300cWait, wait a moment. Please, refrain from touching the adventurer!u300d (man in silver armor)n

A lone man raised his voice.n

u300cIs that not close enough? Please wait. First, listen to what he has to say, before you do anything?u300d (man in silver armor B)
nu300cOh, I seeu2026..u300d (girl in silver armor)n

The girl stops on the manu2019s reb.u.t.tal.n

She had yet to reach out to me.n

u300cIu2019m I really that interestingu2015u2015u300d (Kanami)n

She whispers to me something only I could hear.n

u300cu2015u2015very interesting. Quite enviable. Iu2019m really, really jealous of you.u300d (girl in silver armor)n

Only I could hear her whispers.
nHer quiet voice sent shivers down my spine.n

I suddenly see the girlu2019s face.

nFrom where I was standing, I confirm the situation. The men were watching over us.n

u300cArenu2019t you lucky, arenu2019t you luckyu2015u2015u300d (girl in silver armor)n

As if she were cursing me, she kept muttering something.
nFrom the mouth of the G.o.ddess, I listen to her as she continues to mutter her curse like poem.n

u300cWh-whatu2019s wrong? Do you see something with youru300eeyesu300f?u300d (man in silver armor A)n

A man who had grown impatient asks a question.n

Upon the questioning, the girlu2019s expression becomes emotionless.
nThe girl turns to face the man, and she smiles.n

u300cEh, no that isnu2019t so.u300d (girl in silver armor)n

She is now acting like a innocent girl, but it is hard to believe that not too long ago she was cursing me.n

u300cIs that so? What is so interesting, is it a skill or something?u300d (man in silver armor A)n

u300cNo way, nothing like that. It just, this person has suffered from the effects of poison, and their endurance has been drained. u300d (girl in silver armor)n

u300cEh?u300d My voice leaks out.
nThe blood in my body runs cold.n

u300cAh, I see, was that it?u300d (man in silver armor A)
nu300cWell then, the kind and gentle, I, will show mercy on this person.u300d (girl in silver armor)n

After declaring it, she turns around to my direction, and begins to invoke magic.n

u300cu300ehear me, gentle sunlightu300f u300ereturn, oh mysterious wateru300fu300emay, heaven and earth uniteu300fu2015u2015u300d (girl in silver armor)n

A pure-white light from the girlu2019s hands floats to me, and envelops my body.
nIn sequence, the fatigue and pain from body begins to settle down. As if what had happen to me was all a lie, my body became light and well again.n

I couldnu2019t help but become fixated on the current circ.u.mstances. There was no reason for me to not accept the recovery magicu2019s healing.n

u300cu2015u2015u300ecure-fullu300f. There, all done.u300d (girl in silver armor)n

The light stops pouring from her hands. She looks to me and smiles.
nShe showed no feelings of the jealousy from before.n

And then, once again, she inquires about my circ.u.mstances.n

u300cPhew, ah-hum. Isnu2019t this the bad status u300econfusionu300f. How intriguing. A-ah, the burnt marks werenu2019t treated soon enough so it will leave scars.u300d (girl in silver armor)n

The girl gave a nod of admiration after confirming the bad status, u300econfusionu300f. In response to her words, Iu2015u2015n


nLevel 1

nCondition : Confusion 1.00u2015u2015n

Iu2019m still u300econfusedu300f.

nWhat she is able to see might not be the same as mine; however it may be, she is able to perceive my u300econfusionu300f status.n

After seeing my situation, she faintly laughs in a voice that only I could hear.n

u300cLetu2019s meet again. My name is Lastiara.u300d (girl in silver armor, Lastiara)n

u300cMilady, is there really nothing?u300d (guy in silver armor, knight B)n

The knights confirmed that the recovery had finished, and they walk closer to me.n

u300cNo, it is nothing at all. Ah, it feels good to help someone, you know. Well, itu2019s about time we return.u300d (Lastiara)n

The girl introduces herself as, Lastiara, and walks away from me. Not long after, the knights approached me.
nRight away, I spoke to them.n

u300cTh-thank you very muchu2026u2026u300d (Kanami)
nu300cThat is quite alright, just be sure to return the favor someday.u300d (Lastiara)n

Lastiara responds with a smile that a carnivorous animal would give to its prey.
nOf course, only I cannot see her angelic face.n

u300cWell, sonny, see yah later. Stay safe.u300d (Hein)

nu300cThatu2019s not quite right.u300d (Knight B)n

The other guys slightly chuckle. However, unlike them, there is a hint of irritation coming from Lastiara. I suppose that her polite smile is used to cover-up her low tolerance.
nI thought about separating myself from Lastiara as soon as possible.n

u300cYes, you have saved me. Well, everyone, until next time.u300d (Kanami)n

After say so, on the main road, I part ways with u300ejusticeu300f and that girl. I went in the opposite direction from them. Iu2019m a.s.suming this way is the exit. To make sure, I wave down one of the men and ask.n

Having part ways with that group, I canu2019t help but smile.nn

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