Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 124

Publishedat 10th of August 2019 12:17:08 AMChapter 124
Chapter 124 Buying Two Trucks of Stones

Li Yong is startled by Han Lu’s acute sense of smell . He took a shower carefully before leaving the hotel . Does he still have the smell of Wu Yuting?

“Darling, what do you mean?” Li Yong is slightly uneasy . Han Lu looks a little angry . She doesn’t seem as generous as Li Yong has thought .

“Where does this long hair come from?” Han Lu pulls a long brown hair from his collar .

“I don’t know!” Li Yong denies with a guilty conscience . But he has already guessed that this hair belongs to Wu Yuting, who just has brown hairs .

“Hey, get away from me and don’t touch me . ” Han Lu is angry and changes seats with Han Fei . She doesn’t want to sit next to Li Yong, and even doesn’t want to see him .

“Maybe it was blown here by the wind . ” Li Yong tries to explain, but Han Lu won’t listen at all .

“Brother Yong, how can you do this? Isn’t my sister beautiful?” Han Fei begins to denounce him .

“Yes, she is . ” Li Yong agrees with this very much .

“Isn’t my sister tender?” Han Fei continues to ask .

“Yes, she is . ” Li Yong admits, while reserving the right of denying in his heart .

“Isn’t my sister kind to you?” Han Fei turns her head, stares at Li Yong and continues to ask .

“Yes, she is . ” Li Yong smiles bitterly .

“Can’t my sister satisfy you?” Han Fei throws questions at Li Yong constantly .

“She can satisfy my fantasy, but not my actual needs . ” Li Yong says weakly .

“What do you mean?” Han Fei is too simple to understand .

Li Yong looks at Han Lu and finds her glaring at him and her s.e.xy red lips opening and closing . Although she doesn’t make a sound, Li Yong can tell that she’s saying, “Shut up, shut up, shut up . ”

Li Yong has to change the subject and says, “I have raised 150 million, and there’s still 150 million needed . ”

“Wow, Brother Yong, you are amazing . ” Han Fei looks happier at once and cheers .

“Of course I am!” Li Yong is quite complacent .

Han Lu also smiles and gives him a gentle look . But then she asks in confusion, “Xiaoyong, where did you borrow the money?”

Li Yong doesn’t conceal from her . He says, “I borrowed it from Wu Yuting . ”

“That b.i.t.c.h? Why are you still contacting with her? It’s her hair, isn’t it?” Han Lu gets angry immediately and asks, gnashing her teeth .

Seeing that Han Lu gets angry so often, Li Yong is angry too, “Yes, it’s hers . She not only lent me 100 million, but also slept with me for a night . Are you happy now?”

After hearing this, Han Lu is stunned and looks at Han Fei, who is thinking while saying, “Is there really such a stupid woman? Besides, the Wu Family is always hostile to our family . How could she lend us money? Brother Yong, are you bragging? You are lying to us, aren’t you?”

“Bah, you are just talking big . ” Han Lu doesn’t believe at all . She knows that Wu Yuting is deliberately approaching Li Yong and believes that she’s up to no good . It’s impossible for Wu Yuting to lend them money .

Li Yong is happy secretly . You’d better not believe, because if you do, it will be only vexation for you .

The distance from Zhonghai City to Shikang City is more than 800 kilometers, and it takes more than nine-hour drive .

Li Yong and his partners set off from 9 o’clock in the morning and rest for half an hour in the highway service area . It’s already 6:30 in the evening when they arrive in Shikang City . The city is already at nightfall .

They spent a whole day on the road .

Li Yong doesn’t have time to go to the hotel for a rest . He asks Du Duoduo to send him directly to the stone gambling square . After getting off at the south gate of the square with Han Lu and Han Fei, he asks Du Duoduo to book the best hotel .

In the stone gambling square, there are row upon row of shops full of large and small stones . The crowds are bustling around .

Li Yong takes Han Lu and Han Fei into the crowds . People of all sorts of colors from all over the world are picking stones in the shops . Some are holding a magnifying gla.s.s and looking very carefully, as if they could see if there is jade in the stone .

After picking the stones, they take them to be cut . The stone cutting machine makes a squeaky sound, and then people cheer or sigh .

Li Yong asks Han Fei to find a large truck and asks Han Lu to buy some fried pancakes .

Han Lu and Han fei come back in a few moments, and then Li Yong begins to look at the stones while eating fried pancakes . Han Lu and Han Fei follow behind him, with four hired porters following behind .

Li Yong walks into the stone piles casually and opens his clairvoyant vision silently, looking at the stones one by one .

Oh, this one is a little bit green .

Oh, this one is a little bit white .

Oh, this one is a little bit yellow .

This one is even more strange . It turns out to be red .

What is this? Why is it black?

Li Yong picks five pieces from more than a hundred stones . He points and says, “I’ll take these five stones . How much altogether?”

“5,000 yuan each, and 25,000 yuan altogether . ” The boss says quickly with a treacherous smile .

He has never met such a buyer who buys so many stones at a time . Other buyers usually only buy one piece after picking for a long time . And they would bargain before paying, which is quite annoying .

Li Yong just gives a glance at the stones and then buys five pieces . Meeting such a generous customer, the shopkeeper is very happy and enthusiastic . He gives a cigarette to Li Yong, but Li Yong refuses .

“Here is 30,000 yuan . You can keep the change . ” Li Yong hands him the bank card .

The shopkeeper thinks that he’s got it wrong . Having been doing business for so many years, it’s the first time for him to encounter such a strange customer who’s willing to pay more than the price . Li Yong has shining eyes, wears famous-brand clothes and shoes, and is followed by two beautiful ladies . The shopkeeper can be sure that this man is absolutely not stupid or kidding .

So, he immediately nods and says, “Okay, I’ll give you one more piece for free . ”

“No, don’t . I’ll be mad at you if you do that . ” Li Yong says angrily . There is nothing in the rest of the stones . He won’t take them .

The reason why he gives extra 5,000 is that he feels sorry for taking all the stones that have jade . The rest are all ordinary stones . There will be no jade in this shop for at least half a year .

“Then I’ll help you find the best master and cut your stones for free . ” The shopkeeper is very zealous! He would even feel embarra.s.sed not doing anything for Li Yong .

“Not necessary . We’ll just take them and cut by ourselves . ” Li Yong says impatiently .

The shopkeeper smiles even more happily . He hurriedly takes out the POS machine and transfers 30,000 yuan from the card .

After paying, Li Yong waves his hands to the four porters, “Move the stones and load the truck . ”

Han Lu and Han Fei look at each other in confusion . When the shopkeeper runs to help load the car, Han Lu couldn’t help it anymore, “Xiaoyong, are you stupid? You can’t waste money like this! Besides, is there really jade in these stones?”

At the moment, they hear people sighing not far away . A stone is cut with nothing in it .

“Brother Yong, those people have looked at a stone so carefully for a long time, but there’s still no jade . You buy these stones so casually . It is too impractical!” Han Fei is not satisfied either .

“Ignorant . You two just follow me and don’t talk . ” Saying this, Li Yong goes to the next shop .

“It’s boring . Fei and I are going somewhere else . ” Han Lu doesn’t want to follow Li Yong anymore . The more stones Li Yong buys, the angrier she gets .

It’s not that she cares about money, but that Li Yong is too unprofessional when buying stones .

“Don’t run about . We’re not familiar with this place . I can’t take care of you if you encounter bad guys . ” Li Yong says seriously .

When it comes to personal safety, Han Lu has to listen to him and continue to follow Li Yong .

“Brother Yong, is that okay that you buy stones like this?” Han Fei says, “It would be better if I pick . ”

“You can buy a few pieces if you’re interested . ” Li Yong laughs .

“Okay!” Han Fei immediately runs into a store and begins to pick carefully like those old men with a magnifying gla.s.s .

“I’ll also pick one . ” Han Lu is also eager to try . She thinks it is better to try her luck than stand still awkwardly .

“Brother Yong, how about this?” Han Fei has no patience at all and picks one very quickly .

Li Yong glances at it and shakes his head . There is nothing inside . But Han Fei has already called the porter and says happily, “I’ll take it . I like this stone when I first see it . Just write my name and load it . ”

Han Lu looks for a long time, but eventually she buys nothing . Because she thinks this is too ridiculous . People don’t know where the stones come from, and they just buy them for gambling jade, which is too absurd .

Li Yong stands on the side of the road, opening his clairvoyant vision and looking at another shop . There are a large number of stones of different sizes and shapes . Only a few pieces of them have jade inside . He points at a few pieces and says to the shopkeeper, “I’ll buy all these . How much?”

“5,000 yuan each, and 35,000 yuan altogether . ”

“Here is 40,000 yuan . Just keep the change and help me load the truck . ”

“Okay, okay . ” The shopkeeper is so excited that he hurriedly lifts the stones himself .

Li Yong buys more than 180 stones in more than ten shops . He wants to buy more, but the truck is full already . He has no choice but to stop for a while and call Du Duoduo .

At the moment, Du Duoduo has booked the hotel and is coming over .

When she arrives, Li Yong has already called another big truck and continues to buy stones .

Du Duoduo also has a very negative att.i.tude towards his way of buying stones . She exchanges ideas with Han Lu and Han Fei . The three persons all believe that Li Yong has gone crazy . They try hard to persuade him, but he wouldn’t listen at all .

After the two trucks are all filled with stones, Li Yong’s eyes suddenly become blurred . He feels dizzy and has to stop .

Using his clairvoyant vision for too long time makes him overworked . He now doesn’t have enough strength .

And now, he has almost visited all the shops in the square and bought almost all the stones that have jade inside . There is nothing valuable left .