Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 125: 125

Publishedat 11th of August 2019 03:15:04 AMChapter 125: 125

Li Yong has to stop for a while . He takes two trucks and returns to the hotel with more than 300 stones .

The staff in the hotel refuses to let the stones in, saying they will dirty the room .

Li Yong gives extra 2,000 yuan and then he is allowed to move the stones in under the arrangement of a chubby hotel manager .

Then Li Yong gives the hotel manager 2,000 yuan again and asks the hotel manager to help him find more than a dozen stone-cutting masters . He wants to cut all the stones overnight .

Is he going to cut the stones in the hotel?

It"s too loud!

Others can"t sleep and rest well .

However, looking at the money in his hand, the hotel manager finally agrees . He arranges Li Yong and those who come with Li Yong separately on the top floor where a hall is about to be decorated . It"s all right even if it gets dirty . It can be used as a place to cut the stones .

At this time, it is already ten o"clock in the evening . After several hours of busy work, Li Yong and those who come with him are tired and hungry . They go to the hotel to eat first, then take a shower and change clothes .

When they are ready, the hotel manager also finds 20 stone-cutting masters . They all bring their own tools of cutting the stones .

Li Yong negotiates the price with them . They can get 50 yuan for cutting a stone .

Li Yong takes these people to the hall .

Seeing a large pile of more than 300 stones, the stone-cutting masters don"t rush to work, but first divide the stones into an average of 20 parts, one for each person, and then start working .

The hall becomes very noisy immediately . There are stone chips everywhere .

Han Lu is not interested at all . She yawns and pulls Han Fei to rest .

But Han Fei thinks about the stone with her name . She asks a master to cut it first . She wants to see if a thing which is worth millions of yuan can be cut out in the stone .

Han Lu also looks forward to it so she stays and waits for Han Fei .

The stone is cut by a middle-aged man who has worked in this field for many years . At Han Fei"s urging, he quickly cuts the stone . There is nothing in it . Han Fei and Han Lu are disappointed .

“Wow, there"s a piece of jade . ” At this time, a stone-cutting master on one side suddenly shouts excitedly .

“Me too . There is also a piece of jade in this stone . ” Another master also shouts excitedly .

After doing this work for a long time, it is also a matter of pride to be able to cut out the jade . Some stone-cutting masters have become celebrities because they have cut out a piece of excellent jade . Someone will invite them specially to cut the stones in order to win good luck .

“There is a piece of jade . ”

“It"s a piece of black jade . ”

“It"s a piece of red jade . ”

“I also cut out . . . G.o.d! It"s a piece of jadeite . . . ”

Then more masters shout happily and excitedly .

Han Lu and Han Fei rush over to look one by one . There is nothing in the stone that Han Fei chose but all the other stones that are being cut have jade or jadeite .

It is not very common for some masters to cut out black jade and ruby, so their voices are very loud .

“G.o.d! This piece of jadeite is not only big but also very pure in color . It"s worth millions of yuan at least!” A master first cuts out a piece of jadeite . He has worked in this field for many years and this is the most precious one he has cut out .

Han Lu and Han Fei rush over and take a look in their hands . It is really beautiful .

At this time, they are not sleepy at all . They are more excited than the stone-cutting masters because the jade is theirs after all . They are thrilled and trembling with excitement .

Finally, they look at Li Yong whose expression is faint and run over together . One takes Li Yong"s left arm and the other shakes Li Yong"s right arm . They are full of joy .

Li Yong suddenly kisses Han Lu on the forehead, then turns his head and kisses Han Fei on the cheek .

“How is it? You can believe me now!” Li Yong licks his lips and laughs smugly .

Han Lu and Han Fei look at each other . Han Lu blushes and punches Li Yong hard . Han Fei grins naively and scratches Li Yong secretly .

“G.o.d! This piece seems to be a piece of Imperial Green Jadeite . I haven"t seen the Imperial Green Jadeite for many years . Today it is cut out by me . . . Hha . . . ” The stone-cutting master suddenly bursts into laughter crazily . He is even more excited than Li Yong, Han Lu and Han Fei .

Imperial Green Jadeite!

Li Yong, Han Lu and Han Fei walk over together and are surprised to see a piece of glittering green jadeite in the half of the stone in the master"s hand .

It"s not only a piece of Imperial Green Jadeite but it"s as big as a fist .

They can make a fortune now . There is jade in every stone and there is such a large piece of Imperial Green Jadeite .

If they sell well, they will be able to pay off their debts with only this piece of Imperial Green Jadeite .

With the time pa.s.sing by and the endless emergence of jade, the stone-cutting masters are also slowly numb . They no longer make a fuss . They all work carefully, for fear of accidentally breaking the jade inside .

Pieces of jade are placed on the broad conference table by the stone-cutting masters . Some of them are very large and of good purity . They are of great value obviously . Some of them reflect the light and are glittering and translucent . They are also shining with dazzling brilliance and of good quality .

Even if some of them are very small and not too good in purity, they can also sell the price of stones and they can"t lose money .

“Xiaoyong, why are you so lucky?” Han Lu is puzzled . Is it impossible for a person to choose all the stones that contain jade? That"s too shocking .

“If you buy a stone and cut out a piece of jade, you are lucky . But you bought more than 300 stones at a time and each stone has a piece of jade, how can you be so lucky?” Han Fei says thoughtfully .

“Yes! That"s too amazing . ” Han Lu becomes more suspicious . She says thoughtfully, “Can you see the jade inside? Or do you have any special methods?”

Li Yong feels that he can"t say anything about his clairvoyant vision so as not to cause unnecessary trouble .

He laughs proudly and says, “It"s my sixth sense . I can sense something inside a stone that"s not quite the same as the nature of a stone . If there is a piece of jade in a stone, I will have a special feeling . It was with this special feeling that I bought these stones back . What about? Now you know how capable I am!”

“Really?” Han Fei says happily, “Then we can continue to buy back all the stones with jade tomorrow . Hha, we don"t need to run a company . We just need to buy and sell jade . ”

“Good idea . Tomorrow we will continue to buy stones . ” Li Yong also thinks that it is a good way to make a fortune . But all the stones have been selected by him . Even if he goes to buy them again, he can"t buy stones with jade for the time being .

Only when those stones are sold and the store sells new stones can he buy again .

“We can"t buy stones tomorrow . We must sell these pieces of jade first, raise 300 million yuan and pay off debts . ” Han Lu says, “Although our parents hide, I still feel unsafe . ”

“Yes, let"s pay off debts first . ” Han Fei also realizes .

“No problem . All the jade will be cut out tonight and we will go to the Jade Auction Market for auction tomorrow . ” Li Yong laughs happily . What Han Lu and Han Fei said is exactly what he wants . Then he advises, “It"s too late . You should go back to rest . ”

“You also go back to rest!” Han Lu says . It is rare for Han Lu to be so tender . Her voice is very pleasant .

“I want to look at them . ” Li Yong points to the stone-cutting masters .

Li Yong doesn"t know their minds . If someone takes the opportunity to steal a few pieces of jade, he will suffer a great loss .

Han Lu and Han Fei leave . Then Han Lu brings a cup of hot tea .

“Darling, you finally know how to care about your husband . ” Li Yong takes a sip and laughs, “Don"t close your door and I"ll go back to you later . ”

Han Lu"s pretty face turns red and she hurries to run away .

Then Li Yong looks enthusiastically at the work of the stone-cutting masters . Whenever a piece of jade is cut out, Li Yong feels happy . Whether it is valuable or not, at least, it can prove the ability of his clairvoyant vision .

Under the gaze of his clairvoyant vision, Li Yong gradually finds that the stones showing a clear green dot always contain pure jade in color . This kind of jade is the most valuable .

If the green dots are a little blurred or dispersed, the quality of the jade will be worse .

In Li Yong"s eyes, the Imperial Green Jadeite was a dazzling dot with a green light at that time . Whether the dot inside the stone is green, white, yellow, black or red, as long as it is dazzling and eye-catching with a faint glow, it is the jade of good quality and it can be sold at a good price .

Li Yong can only buy stones of good quality and high value according to this rule when he goes to buy stones next time . He can not only take it easy but also make more money .

At four o"clock in the morning, the last stone cutting machine is turned off and the hall suddenly becomes very quiet .

Li Yong gathers all the jade together and counts them silently . He finds that there are two pieces missing .

Li Yong doesn"t say anything . But when he pays these stone-cutting masters, he looks at each of them with his clairvoyant vision secretly and he sees two small green dots in a stone-cutting master"s body .

Fortunately, this stone-cutting master is at the front of the line . Otherwise, his clairvoyant vision really can"t stick to the end .

When the stone-cutting masters are paid and they leave one after another, Li Yong stops the young master and says faintly, “You seem to have stolen two pieces of jade from me . Give it back to me . I"ll pretend that nothing happened . ”

The 30-year-old man is stunned and then sneers, “You are slandering me . Who stole your jade?”

“No? So what"s in here?” Li Yong grabs the man"s jacket pocket . His movement is so fast that the man doesn"t have time to react . When the man reacts and wants to dodge, Li Yong has already found two pieces of eraser-sized green jade .

The man is so angry that he grabs Li Yong but Li Yong dodges . The man thinks that he can"t grab the two pieces of jade back with his own strength, so he turns his head and shouts aloud to the side, “Second Brother, come on . ”

A tall stone-cutting master not far away lifts a stone and throws it at Li Yong"s head .

Wealth is eye-catching . These stone-cutting masters have been coveted for a long time . After the tall man who is called Second Brother comes out, another two men also surround Li Yong and they both carry a stone cutting cutter in their hands .

It seems that they are going to murder him for his jade .

Li Yong is slightly surprised that all the stone-cutting masters are in a group .

They don"t show any minds on their faces but in fact they have already reached a tacit understanding .