Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1812: 1812

Chapter 1812: 1812

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes have never left Zhang Cheng, who is always smiling . He sits down and does not move anything on the table . He takes out his cigarette from his pocket, lights it, tilts his legs and leans on the back of his chair, waiting for Zhang Cheng to continue to speak . He is neither intimate nor alienated, neither cold nor indifferent . Zhang Cheng is not embarra.s.sed by Zhang Xiaoqiang"s neglect, and his hands cross with the table, Always waiting quietly, I don"t know what he is waiting for . When Zhang Xiaoqiang spits out his last breath of smoke, there are not enough Zhang Xiaoqiang"s men around them, and the machine guns on three military vehicles don"t know the commanding heights around them . There are water snakes in the battle . Even if Zhang Cheng has other skills, Zhang Xiaoqiang thinks he can deal with them .

"Go ahead . . . "

Throwing the cigarette end in a goblet full of red wine in front of him, Zhang Xiaoqiang holds his arms in his chest and says to Zhang Cheng proudly that Zhang Cheng is an evolutionist . Maybe he is unattainable to ordinary people, but for Zhang Xiaoqiang, he is just like dust and mud, which does not make him have any respect . His arrogant tone seems to be giving orders to him . Zhang Cheng is not upset and takes up the red wine cup to salute Zhang Xiaoqiang, And the wine gla.s.s that Zhang Xiaoqiang used as an ashtray was also replaced, waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang to respond to his kindness .

He tilted his head and thought for a few seconds, then turned his eyes and glanced at Zhang Cheng . Zhang Xiaoqiang grabbed the red wine gla.s.s and killed the eight full red wine in one gulp, which made Zhang Cheng"s smile more and more strong, but he didn"t show weakness . Before he put down the gla.s.s, he heard a jingle . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s red wine gla.s.s fell on the tablecloth and burst into pieces .

"Don"t play games with me . I don"t have time to send eight evolutionists and 200 armed militia to test . What do you like about me?"

Zhang Cheng expected Zhang Xiaoqiang"s showdown . In the face of questioning, the smile on his face did not change . He just clapped his hand . The maid around unfolded the map of Shanghai in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, including the area Zhang Xiaoqiang was in, the area he sent people to occupy, and a small area near the river, All outlined by the thick and long lines of the red signal pen .

"This is a little bit of our intention . We also invite c.o.c.kroach brother Xiaona . In addition to the population and materials in this area, we have also prepared 500 rifles, 100 micro punches, 300 pistols and the corresponding ammunition, 1000 tons of food and living materials, which are enough for your people to use . Of course, the four virgins here will also be your forbidden . "

Zhang Cheng seemed to say something he didn"t want to do . He didn"t want to ask for anything . He gave Zhang Xiaoqiang a big gift . If his gift was cashed, Zhang Xiaoqiang would have mastered the territory of the four heavenly kings without any effort . The most important thing was the supplies and food, These things can make his Yangtze River fleet and the first Army stand in Shanghai without any logistics .

"Or just now, what do you want?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang crumpled the map into a ball, threw it in the plate with exquisite dishes, patted his thigh and continued to ask questions, as if the benefits promised by Zhang Cheng were more irrelevant to him . Zhang Cheng"s smile was slightly restrained, his eyes were a little surprised, and he looked into Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes more seriously, After a long time, he shook his head and said:

"In the end, brother c.o.c.kroach, who can turn the world upside down overnight, won"t be moved in the face of such a generous gift . I admire . . . I admire . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang felt anxious . His character was never used to going around in circles . What Zhang Cheng showed made him very unhappy . He thought it was a waste of life . But he didn"t show it . Although the gift was not rare in his eyes, he didn"t need to use a knife or a gun, Let him get so many benefits in vain, he still wants to continue to understand the intentions of the four heavenly kings .

"Don"t worry . . . We have no malice . It"s wrong for us to have misunderstandings with brother c.o.c.kroach before . These things are all for you . You don"t need to pay any price . I just hope brother c.o.c.kroach can eliminate our misunderstandings and don"t treat us as enemies . As for the dead guys, a group of rubbish will die in vain, I also want to thank Zhang Xiaoqiang for cleaning up the door for us . "

Zhang Cheng"s words only make Zhang Xiaoqiang think that this person is thin and cool in nature, and make him more alert . People like this are the most difficult to deal with . They are born with two sides . When they need you, they will hold you up to the sky . If they don"t need you, they will be betrayed at will . However, Zhang Cheng can say this in front of him, obviously doesn"t care what kind of person Zhang Xiaoqiang thinks of him, Or he thinks Zhang Xiaoqiang is just like him .

Zhang Xiaoqiang still hasn"t changed since he received the gift . He has asked the question twice, and he doesn"t want to ask it again . Since Zhang Cheng keeps stuffing things into his arms, he will accept it calmly . If Zhang Cheng doesn"t say one, two, three, he"ll be happy to think that he doesn"t know anything . At this time, Zhang Cheng is still saying something to thank Zhang Xiaoqiang, It seems that Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t let them lose a lot of hostile forces, but the idol he had admired for a long time . Looking at the warm and cordial appearance, Zhang Xiaoqiang got goose b.u.mps and thought he was a base friend .

The second cigarette ignited at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s fingertips . Zhang Cheng talked for a long time . He was embarra.s.sed that he didn"t pay attention to the oil and salt of Zhang Xiaoqiang . He also saw that Zhang Xiaoqiang was not the kind of person who had no brain and would be carried away by a few good words from others . He would not stick his heart to his lungs just because they gave him a big gift bag, He waited for Zhang Xiaoqiang to finish smoking his second cigarette . In his eyes, Zhang Xiaoqiang narrowed slightly . His keen eyes pa.s.sed through the smoke and scanned Zhang Cheng all the time . Zhang Cheng"s company commander saw all kinds of subtle changes that ordinary people couldn"t detect . He sneered in his heart . Even if Zhang Cheng was a very pestering fly, it would be useless to meet him . "Brother c.o.c.kroach, although there are some misunderstandings among us, it"s nothing to explain clearly . Now there"s no need to fight for loyalty . Frankly speaking, the world still depends on fists . If the fists are big, you can hit people . If they are not big enough, you have to be beaten by others, right?"

Zhang Cheng changed into a tight book and sat down . He started a formal negotiation with Zhang Xiaoqiang in the standard manner of business negotiation . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s right wrist was across his left knee, his upper body was relaxed and leaned back on the chair . He tilted his head to watch Zhang Cheng speak . Around them, a group of survivors were found by the soldiers, Driving to the edge of the lighting area, the whole scene seems to have been completely controlled by Zhang Xiaoqiang .

A drop of sweat slides down Zhang Cheng"s forehead . Zhang Xiaoqiang is one of the few difficult characters he has ever seen . Even if the general situation is in his hands, Zhang Xiaoqiang does not have any complacency . Even if they hand over so many things, Zhang Xiaoqiang does not have any satisfaction or dissatisfaction . Zhang Xiaoqiang is there, quietly watching him perform with the eyes of an outsider, Let Zhang Cheng"s words get stuck .

"Let"s put it this way . We really want c.o.c.kroach . c.o.c.kroach has a mutant . It"s a very powerful mutant . We are interested in c.o.c.kroach"s method of controlling mutant . We also know it"s c.o.c.kroach"s unique method . We want to discuss with c.o.c.kroach about what we need to pay . . . "< br>