Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1813: 1813

Chapter 1813: 1813

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart suddenly dropped, and the means to control the mutant beast was really frightening . If the mutant beast got enough crystal nuclei and high-level zombies, it would continue to evolve . If it reached the top, it would be the sea of corpses, which could not be stopped . It was simply a super cheating device . Even if the most incompetent mutant water snake was supported by Zhang Xiaoqiang, it could evolve into a fourth level mutant beast, If we can sort out the domestication methods and evolution methods of the mutant beast, we may form a biological weapon system to deal with zombies . The mutant beast is a big killing weapon . No wonder the four heavenly kings are willing to give so many benefits just to have a good relationship with him .

Zhang Cheng was one of the top ten successful businessmen in the last world . He was the best at business negotiation . If he was a different person, he had countless means to let the other side down and lead him by the nose . However, in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, all his means were not enough . Materials that could shock others were nothing to Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang, who owns more than one large city, has used tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of tons of materials, not to mention guns and so on . His subordinates have formed their own military industry system . It is no exaggeration to say that the materials of the whole Shanghai city may not be able to catch up with what Zhang Xiaoqiang actually owns .

However, Zhang Cheng reminds Zhang Xiaoqiang that he still has an ignored trump card in his hand . Because of various opportunities, Zhang Xiaoqiang has also raised many mutant animals, including several mutant dogs, a lightning mink, a big water snake, a big bird of meow, and the mutant beetle he left in the base . In addition to Xiaohei"s food, he has also collected a whole nest of mutant water snakes, Nowadays, they are hunting zombies in the waterways of Poyang Lake . Most of these mutant animals are in a pet state . If they are released, I"m afraid they won"t be much less powerful than the main station regiment .

"I know that this proposal is a bit excessive, but it doesn"t cause much loss to brother c.o.c.kroach . Brother c.o.c.kroach already has high-level mutants in his hands, and we are not afraid to take them away . Besides, we may not be able to successfully domesticate them, as long as brother c.o.c.kroach mentions them a little bit . . . "

When Zhang Cheng saw Zhang Xiaoqiang meditating, he was very happy . If Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t refuse, it would mean an opportunity . As long as Zhang Xiaoqiang told the secret of the mutant beast, they would become the masters of the whole Shanghai . Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head repeatedly after he came back to himself, which made Zhang Cheng"s heart surge with a sense of killing . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t feel the trivial sense of killing, He said in embarra.s.sment

"It"s not a big secret . It"s the same thing as feeding your pet . You can either catch the little one and raise it slowly or catch the wild one . Just like the guy behind me, I"ve raised it for almost two years . If you don"t know how to feed yourself, you can"t afford to raise it . If you have a heart, there"s no problem catching the little one . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words nine true a false, let Zhang Cheng stunned, really so simple? Can they have a deep understanding of the big water snake behind Zhang Xiaoqiang? It"s more than enough for such a powerful mutant beast to destroy several small and medium forces . Even if it"s impossible to destroy the forces of the four heavenly kings, is such a powerful mutant beast really raised by Zhang Xiaoqiang?

Think of here, Zhang Cheng gradually believe, before the beast is not like this? African lions can be raised as pets since childhood, and they are still powerful when they grow up . It seems that it"s not Zhang Xiaoqiang"s unique skill in taming animals, but he is lucky to find the cub of the mutant animal . In this way, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s value declines rapidly in their eyes, and they begin to figure out how to pick up Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mind

"That is to say, There are ready-made mutant monsters that can"t be accepted? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart moved . Zhang Cheng said that they had found a high-level mutant beast and they were sure to catch it . In this way, there would be crystal nucleus and glia again? As long as you can instigate the four heavenly kings to attack the mutant beast, constantly consume the power of the four heavenly kings, and fish in troubled waters to get colloids and crystal nuclei, you may not be able to make the big water snake grow into a real level five mutant beast .

"It"s impossible to accept it . If it"s a high-level mutant, even the same level evolutor can"t kill it, but if it can kill it . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang took the gla.s.s and murmured casually . He poured the red wine into his mouth . No matter it was not boiled water at all, Zhang Cheng shook his head subconsciously and said:

"It"s not worth killing . It"s a heavy loss . At most, we can only cut some meat . "

Before he finished speaking, the eight meter long table suddenly shifted left and right, split evenly and fell down . The flowers, red wine, delicacies and all kinds of shining tableware all fell to the ground . Zhang Cheng jumped up, turned over a few somersaults in the sky, and fell to the ground with a bow, He stares at Zhang Xiaoqiang holding the scarlet machete with a look of fear . He doesn"t understand why Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly starts .

"It"s not just meat . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang talks . His machete rotates at a high speed and cuts through the arc on the cement floor tile at Zhang Cheng"s toes . It seems that he pokes it into tofu and makes Zhang Cheng retreat in horror . Then he reacts that Zhang Xiaoqiang has no malice . He just asks him to take a look at the knife, step forward carefully and grasp the dark red knuckle handle without much effort, The handle of the machete in his hand sent warmth to the palm of his hand, which made him warm and warm . He suddenly found the difference of the machete . After a close look, it was clear that the material of the machete was not gold or jade, showing a kind of frosted texture . The blade was bent with a strange and harmonious line, with heavy back and light blade, Hold in the hands of falling, obviously not light weight . "This . . . This is . . . "

Looking at the machete, Zhang Cheng can"t help but get excited . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s knife not only divides the dining table into two parts, but also divides all the utensils, food and wine bottles on the dining table into two parts . This is very similar to the knife spirit in martial arts novels . He can"t help but grasp the handle of the knife and wave his hand to cut it off . The knife"s shadow flashes red, and the colorful concrete tiles on the ground burst at the same time, A straight line separates the five or six tiles evenly . Although it doesn"t have the momentum and power of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s knife, it"s enough to make Zhang sigh . He believes that with this knife, his ranking among the evolutionists in the power can be improved by at least 20 places, and even a few ruthless characters may not be able to get benefits from him .

It"s not unusual for mutated animals to be made into weapons . In the new era, they almost become the standard equipment of the apostles . Even Xi"er"s children can use these things as weapons . In Zhang Xiaoqiang"s power, w.a.n.g Le uses mutated animals" hamstrings to make special sniper crossbows, which are incomparable among Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hands . Other evolutors may not have a chance to find one or two, It"s just that, except for the powerful material of rat King blade at the beginning, there are really no good materials for other mutant animals . Even if they are much better than ordinary materials, they are not enough to deal with high-level zombies . People can"t use the materials of zombies except bones, which leads to the fact that urban evolutors don"t know much about the materials of high-level mutant animals .

"The claws of the level 4 mutant Raptor can easily break the alloy armor plate of the main battle tank . Even the evolutors who are good at defense can"t stop it . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes were straight at the machete . He was scared by the machete he had cut before . His vision was more clear than Zhang Cheng"s . The fast and lightning like machete cut all his energy and spirit . After waving the machete in his hand, he could feel all the negative emotions in his heart were waved by the machete . The edge of the knife could even cut the air, All the obstacles that cutting can meet .

"You mean . . . "

Zhang Cheng repeatedly plays with the machete in his hand, and his eyes are reluctant to leave . No longer as calm and elegant as before, he seems to be a child who has got a new toy . With the machete in his hand, he even forgets to turn his mind . He can"t understand Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words at all . He just agrees that Zhang Xiaoqiang is not angry because of Zhang Cheng"s reaction, on the contrary, He is very happy that Zhang Cheng has been hooked . He turns around and moves his chair to a clean place, c.o.c.ks his legs and sits down . He looks at Zhang Cheng with a playful look . Behind him, the number of survivors has been counted out, sitting on the ground under the care of armed men, and carts full of goods and materials have been found, at the dark end of the distance, The faint firelight flashed like a firefly . At the moment, he had been attracted by the news of the mutant beast, and forgot that the two brothers of Ning Tianxia were attacking another settlement that didn"t need to be attacked any more .

"All mutants have this machete?"

Zhang Cheng suddenly woke up and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang eagerly . His eyes were full of longing . Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head slowly and said to the point:

"It depends on what kind of creatures they are . Generally, they have claws . Some creatures are good at defense, just like the snake behind me . Their scales are enough to defend anti-aircraft sh.e.l.ls and make armor, Ordinary bullets can"t hurt at all . "

"Is that a snake?"

Zhang Cheng was surprised again . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t pretend to be a mystery . He told the truth:

"The mutated organisms are the former species . No matter how they change, their habits will remain . In this respect, I think zoologists know more about them, and they can also be targeted . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang began to teach Zhang Cheng, as if he was born to like to say these things to others . In fact, he was having other ideas in his heart . Zhang Cheng sincerely listened to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s story about the mutant beast, and gradually believed that what Zhang Xiaoqiang said was true . He was also proud that he didn"t have to pay any price to let Zhang Xiaoqiang tell these things, Two men with evil intentions started a vivid teaching lesson on this strange night< br>