Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1817: 1817

Chapter 1817: 1817

"Three carts of grain? Do you want to do it yourself? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang sits comfortably on the sofa and looks at the two children who have been washed up . He casually inquires that Ning Tianxia has completely returned to normal . Without the courage and courage of last night, he is a little timid and stands behind Ning Haiya . He pushes Ning Haiya to the front and faces Zhang Xiaoqiang alone . For Ning Tianxia"s shamelessness, Ning Haiya, as his elder brother, questions heaven for the thousandth time, Why give him such a brother .

"Yes . . . It"s for changing weapons and cars . Last night, we also suffered a heavy loss . Without sister Xi"er, we couldn"t fight at all . Many people died on both sides . Sister Xi"er was short of food . At the beginning, Xiao Ning and I didn"t even have enough meals, so . . . Gudu . . . "

Ning Haiya talks incoherently to Zhang Xiaoqiang . The more he says, the more nervous he gets . Finally, he swallows his saliva and pulls Ning Tianxia out of hiding behind him . He pushes Zhang Xiaoqiang in front of him and points to his brother"s arm

"Look, Xiaotiandu was seriously injured . It was very dangerous at that time . I thought I was going to die, But it"s a good fight . "

As long as they don"t talk about business, Ning Haiya is very good at talking about how dangerous they were at that time, how critical the battlefield was, how many soldiers died there, and how strong Xi"er was, and how clever they could keep the population and materials . They almost made mistakes when they were young, Zhang Xiaoqiang was moved by the spirit of sophistry to his parents and asked strangely:

"If you can"t win, why don"t you step back? I"ll only give you 100 people . There are hundreds of people on the other side . You only have two evolutors and four on the other side . Why do you have to bear the obvious beating? Didn"t I say before, as long as you hang on to them? "

"Puchi . . . "

Ning Haiya choked on her saliva and spewed out . She looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang with tears in her eyes and said:

"At that time, you only asked us to attack and entangle them . It"s not true . "

Ning Tianxia nodded in favor of his brother"s words . At that time, he did not hear Zhang Xiaoqiang say this . Zhang Xiaoqiang was slightly embarra.s.sed . He could not say that he had forgotten to explain, could he? He stood up and stepped into the middle of the two brothers . He bent his finger and gave it to them . When they were crying and covering their heads, he said with regret:

"You"re still a fifth grader, and you don"t even know that you"re going to be under military orders? It"s a shame . . . "

The Ning brothers looked at each other and tried to recall what the teacher had taught them in cla.s.s . Then they shook their heads at the same time and said to Zhang Xiaoqiang in a voice of grievance:

"Well, there"s still no . . . "

"If I say yes, I will . Do you dare to question me?"

Unreasonable Zhang Xiaoqiang"s fire is terrible . Ning brothers immediately become little rabbits in front of the lion . They shrink their necks and dare not make a sound . A small medicine bottle is thrown in front of Ning Haiya . He catches it and hears Zhang Xiaoqiang explain:

"Change your brother"s dressing . It"ll be OK in two or three days . If it"s OK, go out . . . "

"Oh . . . "

They nodded in response, turned and walked out . Halfway through, Ning Tianxia suddenly turned and asked Zhang Xiaoqiang:


"Go to Mo Shaoyun and ask for . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t send them out in a good mood . After they disappeared, he leaned against the sofa and recalled all kinds of information he had communicated with Zhang Cheng . Last night, he kept throwing out some bait . Whenever Zhang Cheng got something, he would attack the situation in Shanghai . Shanghai is now almost in the Warring States period, and various forces have divided up every corner of the whole urban area of Shanghai, While cleaning up the remains of zombies in their respective areas, they are also preparing to expand the territory and annex others . Annexation happens every day, and all kinds of firefights are common, but it"s not common to see such fierce battles as Zhang Xiaoqiang .

The bait has been dropped . It depends on whether the four heavenly kings are hooked . As an evolutionist, he knows that what evolutionists desire most is power . Only power can make them live better, and only power can give them a sense of security . Even if they know they are calculating, what can they do? As long as they want to be strong, they have to bite his bait .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s calculation is very simple, but people can"t refuse it . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang himself can"t imagine that among the four heavenly kings, there is an evolutioner who is almost a demon . This evolutioner"s insidious and ruthless far exceeds his expectation . Later, even he was counted . Just as Zhang Xiaoqiang was planning the follow-up arrangement, Mo Shaoyun came in, He said happily:

"They really sent us 2000 tons of materials and a lot of guns . They even sent them with cars . They also prepared a lot of fuel . We got rich this time . . . "

The four heavenly kings have lost all their peripheral forces and have a fairly close relationship with Zhang Xiaoqiang who annexed them . The news has spread all over the city . In this regard, Zhang Xiaoqiang, a humble evolutionist, has also entered the sight of other evolutionists . The secret of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s Secret friendship with the four heavenly kings has also attracted many people"s attention, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s Xiaohei came into the sight of these people again, and some rumors about Xiaohei were constantly dug out . Finally, Zhang Xiaoqiang got attention and became a recognized top evolutor . Although Zhang Xiaoqiang was still determined to have some moisture, others added the big water snake with him to be a top figure . Most people think that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s name is not worthy of his name, In fact, there is another top evolutor who knows that even if Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t rely on the big water snake, he is still the top . This person is Xi"er . The three carts of rice and some dried fish and canned milk powder sent by the Ning brothers have greatly relieved Xi"er"s pressure . Even if they don"t save food, they can live two and a half months smartly . Women and children don"t hate Ning brothers as much as they did before . However, Ning brothers don"t want to have anything to do with Xi"er . Although Zhang Xiaoqiang is miserable, But it can ensure that they have enough nutrition and materials . People are realistic . No matter how good their relationship with Xi"er is, they can"t fight hunger . Besides, Zhang Xiaoqiang is really good for them . As the only two evolutors besides Zhang Xiaoqiang, they are in a very high position . Zhang Xiaoqiang treats the survivors equally, making them think that Zhang Xiaoqiang is not a bad person, So one come and two go, follow Zhang Xiaoqiang honestly .

Xi"er doesn"t care about the choice of Ning brothers either . Anyway, there are these lovely women and children in Ning brothers" heart, and they have never betrayed them . It"s easy to get together and break up, but Chen Yu doesn"t think so . He is even more resentful of Ning brothers" betrayal, because there are rumors that boys will always betray, Just like the traitors of the past .

In addition to resentment, even Chen Yu himself has to admit that he is envious of the two brothers . He takes out all kinds of materials when he says to take them . The white rice is not moldy . There are also some snacks that girls like, all kinds of milk powder and rice noodles that babies urgently need, and all kinds of fresh fish and shrimps that are given to Xi"er, Everyone will easily let go of the betrayal of Ning Shi brothers . Even after the red little sister gets some benefits from Ning Haiya, she doesn"t look at them any more . The two brothers who have made a fortune make people look at each other with new eyes and let Chen Yu also start to tangle . Is it really necessary for such a powerful evolutor to follow these women for a lifetime? What"s more, Xi"er doesn"t feel for him at all . It"s all his wishful thinking of Acacia . If so, why not make a career for Xi"er to look at him with new eyes?

As time goes by, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s water snake is hara.s.sed from time to time . These people hide around the water snake like mice to spy . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t pay attention to these spies . He holds down two restless little guys and allows them to spy openly . He seizes the opportunity by himself, Let Mo Shaoyun organize people to develop the resources of the Yangtze River, gather up the refugees on the river, eliminate any hunters on the river, initially resume small-scale production, and begin to slowly h.o.a.rd some materials . The hunter troops who hunt scattered zombies have begun to bring back bottles of corpse liquid and store them in the warehouse, ready to be used as fertilizer one day, Mo Shaoyun is also preparing the ship in private, and has made contact with Shazhou island to send them a batch of urgently needed materials .

Zhang Xiaoqiang and Xi"er are both quite good, recovering slowly and steadily, while a huge wave is brewing in the urban area . I don"t know when a message will be sent from the four heavenly kings that someone has mastered the secret of the evolutor"s ability to improve evolution . This secret is related to the mutant beast . Zhang Xiaoqiang can reach an understanding with the four heavenly kings, It"s because Zhang Xiaoqiang used this secret in exchange for their forgiveness, and the four heavenly kings controlled the whereabouts of a higher mutant beast and had been secretly preparing to obtain the treasure of that mutant beast .

For a moment, I don"t know if the news is true or false, which attracts the attention of all the top evolutionists . For them, it"s even more difficult to improve their strength every time . The urban area of Shanghai can"t be unified all the time, that is, the top evolutionists of various forces almost form a default balance . If there is a higher level of evolutionist, the unification of Shanghai is just around the corner, At that point, the only top evolutionist to be promoted will be king .

The news has stimulated these forces . No matter whether it"s true or false, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, no one can give up . Besides, the ordinary evolutioners below may not be unmoved . If any ordinary evolutioner gets this, it means that they have a chance to become top evolutioners . No one does not want to be a little stronger and step into heaven, One step h.e.l.l, ordinary people are like weeds to them, and they are like weeds to the top evolutionists?

Almost everyone knows this news, and the only one he doesn"t know is Zhang Xiaoqiang . If he knows it, he can only look up to the sky and sigh that nature has made a mess of people . He was accidentally hit and found his biggest secret . When the time comes, once the colloid appears, it will become the center of the whole storm eye, and the formed storm can crush any spy, Among them is Zhang Xiaoqiang . Even if he has a big water snake as his deputy, he will not be able to face the resistance of the whole Shanghai evolutionist< br>