Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1818: 1818

Chapter 1818: 1818

At this time, red little sister secretly finds Xi"er and stealthily pulls Xi"er to a remote corner . They stand under the hidden wall . When Xi"er is baffled, red little sister looks around and whispers:

"Sister Xi"er, I heard a news that the four heavenly kings and that man have reached a settlement, It"s the guy who told the four heavenly kings a secret, which has something to do with the ability improvement of the evolutor . "

Red little sister said strange, but Xi"er was obviously not interested . She didn"t care how powerful she was, but whether her cla.s.smates, women and children could eat enough . After listening to red little sister"s complete speech, she tilted her head and thought for a long time, and finally shook her head and said:

"We"re not involved in this . You can hear it, It means that everyone knows whether it"s true or not . Even if it"s true, it won"t have our share . There will be too many people robbing at that time . What"s the use of us? If you hurt one or two and regret it, you"d better stay here and be honest . It"s said that the man is preparing to farm . Since he can do so, he must find a way to grow food . Go and talk to the two little guys and let them give me ventilation and teach us . . . "

Red little sister is thinking about treasure, and Xi"er is thinking about farming . To her great disappointment, she grins and chirps

"But they are all saying that as long as the top evolutionist gets that thing, he can become the king of Shanghai . Xi"er, you are the top evolutionist . If you get that thing, you can also become the king of Shanghai . At that time, we will see who dares to bully us . . . "

Xi"er looks at Hong Xiaomei helplessly and explains patiently:

"I"m a top evolutionist now, but I can"t even fill the stomachs of those children . What can I do if I become a king? Only when I become those selfish evolutionists and go along with them can I get what they have . Otherwise, even if I become a king, I will be surrounded and killed by everyone . I don"t want to live like that . For me, only food is the real treasure . "

Xi"er and Hong Xiaomei are hiding in a remote corner . They don"t know . Just a wall away from them, Chen Yuzheng is secretly eating his hidden rice dumplings . While eating cold rice dumplings, they listen to the faint voice on the other side of the wall . Xi"er"s words make him disdain . Hong Xiaomei"s words make his eyes twinkle with ambition, He"s half a top evolutionist . If he gets it?

The whole city is staring at the four heavenly kings, looking for any clues that can confirm the news . The Four Heavenly Kings also know that they are being targeted, and their actions are even more bizarre . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhang Cheng have already begun to plan how to surround and kill the mutant beast . This mutant beast was first discovered by the four heavenly kings, and they suffered a lot, The size of the mutant may be only one-third of the size of the big water snake, but its combat power may not be any less than that of the big water snake . More than 200 people and more than ten evolutionists lost their battle, which made the four heavenly kings have the heart to spy on the mutant .

This mutant beast is not in the urban area, but in the original territory of the four heavenly kings, where the waterways are mixed, and there are not many zombies around, which makes them have a foothold in the end of the world and a foundation . This mutant beast with scaly body, huge head and flying fish shape hides in the water . It is good at jumping and gliding, and can easily jump from one river to another, Therefore, their original residence has become the exclusive territory of the mutant beast . The zombies along the river are almost eaten up by the mutant beast . If they had not run early, only a few people would have been left in the residence to guard the foundation, otherwise the whole force might have collapsed .

If it"s just like this, you don"t have to worry too much about the four heavenly kings . After all, things that can"t get ash.o.r.e can only bubble in the water . But this one is different . If the zombie by the river is eaten clean, once it gets ash.o.r.e, it can run on the land with four strong limbs . As long as it finds food, it will come back to the water to bubble again, It"s kind of a weird amphibian .

In this way, once the mutant beast is mastered, the four heavenly kings will be equivalent to mastering a killer far beyond the top evolutionists . At that time, it may not be possible to unify the whole urban area . Now, the mutant beast is taken out by Jin Botian as a bait and becomes a chip to disturb the whole urban area . They have suffered a great loss from the mutant beast, Knowing that this mutant beast is hard to clean up, if they want to kill it independently, I"m afraid that the lost evolutors will be far beyond their imagination .

Zhang Xiaoqiang got the first-hand information about this mutant beast . Every time he looked at it, his heart trembled . He said that he had seen many mutant beasts, and many of them died in his hands or under his influence . But when he saw this mutant beast, he began to have a headache . His super Bounce Ability and gliding ability let him know, This mutant beast will not be easily limited to one place . If it is not careful, it will escape . First of all, it will encounter difficulties in the first step of siege .

Secondly, the mutant beast has outstanding defense power . So far, there is no known means to break the mutant beast"s scale . Compared with other mutant beasts, the scale mutant beast"s defense talent is quite strong . Just like the water snake, it can guard against rifle bullets at level 2 and machine gun bullets at level 3, Now I"m afraid that even anti-aircraft guns can defend, but in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s view, the big water snake is not a very strong mutant beast, at least we don"t know what special ability it has . And the mutant beast not only has outstanding defense, but also has a strange ability that makes people unable to defend . If this monster is irritated, it can secrete transparent mucus in the cracks of the scale . Once this mucus appears, it will be weathered, and the air will be filled with the smell of bitter almonds . Once this taste appears, people within hundreds of meters around, whether they are evolutors or not, will be able to escape, Will be paralyzed in the shortest time, life and death can not .

A wide range of chemical killing weapons is only one of its talents . The most terrifying thing is the monster"s tongue . No one can know where the farthest distance of the tongue is . This tongue is like a fairy rope in a biochemical story . It"s invisible . Anyone or anything stuck by the snake"s head will be dragged to the monster"s mouth, and then there will be no sound . The most important thing is, This tongue is not straight, so that the survivors around the monster have no hiding place at all . No matter how hard they hide and how complex the terrain is, they will be pulled out and eaten by the tongue .

The information is all superficial information given by the four heavenly kings, but it makes Zhang Xiaoqiang feel very difficult . It looks very strange . The use of the tongue has the shadow of a frog, the numbing smell is similar to that of a mutant plant, and the ability to jump and glide is similar to that of a flying mouse . He can"t figure out which cla.s.s the animals belong to?

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, I"m afraid they haven"t been kind this time . Let"s take a long-term view . "

Mo Shaoyun is very worried about Zhang Xiaoqiang"s dealings with the four heavenly kings . Now he is also sincere in planning for Zhang Xiaoqiang . In three or five days, he has seen that Zhang Xiaoqiang does not regard ordinary people as pariah . This is not a matter of face, but a matter of fact . Among their small forces, there are more than 3000 survivors and 500 armed men, There are also two small evolutionists, but Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t set a three, six, nine grade in terms of treatment . The two small evolutionists also don"t have a special person to serve them . The arrangement of food can ensure a balanced nutrition at most, and no luxury goods will be provided . Besides, in addition to training their fighting ability every day under Zhang Xiaoqiang, they also have to take cla.s.ses with a group of children to learn all kinds of postures, without snacks, There are no toys, no objects to enjoy .

And the supply that these two evolutionists can get is bigger and worse than that of pregnant women . Pregnant women and babies are most valued by Zhang Xiaoqiang . The hope of human beings is children and reproduction . Human beings can become masters of the earth by relying on quant.i.ty and technology . Now human beings on the earth are in an absolute disadvantage . Once they lose their advantages in quant.i.ty, they will gradually lose all their advantages, In the end, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s practice is the most popular .

In this regard, Mo Shaoyun and all the survivors are devoted to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Only after they have lost some things can they feel that these things are valuable . Compared with Hubei and Yinmeng, these 3000 survivors are willing to die for Zhang Xiaoqiang . As long as Zhang Xiaoqiang has any need, they are willing to go through fire and water< br>