Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1819: 1819

Chapter 1819: 1819

Zhang Xiaoqiang is carefully observing the various blocks and buildings in the urban area of Shanghai on the map . His fingers keep sliding on the dotted lines of the streets, and he slowly stops at the places marked with the names of the forces . Finally, he crosses the land to Zhoushan City, which is built on an island outside the Yangtze River Estuary . There are shipyards and naval bases there . As long as he recovers them, he will have the foundation for rebuilding the Navy .

The main purpose of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s calculation of the Four Heavenly Kings is not only to weaken their power and swallow them up, but also to rapidly expand the area under his control, so as to get what he wants without disturbing other big forces to rebound . Hearing Mo Shaoyun"s worry, Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t help shaking his head and glancing at the respectful Mo Shaoyun, He said with indifference:

"It"s absolute to be uneasy and kind-hearted . Only they know what they are fighting for . They can only take a step by step . There is no free lunch in this world . No matter what they do, there will be risks . It depends on whether the risks can be limited within their own control . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang had expected that this time would not be easy, but he was not afraid . The four heavenly kings provided a lot of materials, tons of gold, jewelry, antiques and other valuables . He asked Zhang Xiaoqiang to take the water snake to encircle the mutant beast, and promised three levels of benefits . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t care about guns and ammunition, he didn"t care about food supplies, even gold and jewelry, He didn"t care about the antique calligraphy and painting, but he expected to wipe out the four heavenly kings, open the way to Chongming Island and Zhoushan City, weaken the strength of the three major forces in Shanghai as much as possible, and make plans for the future .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s plan is always known only by himself . Mo Shaoyun can"t understand where Zhang Xiaoqiang"s self-confidence comes from . If Zhang Xiaoqiang relies on more than 1000 survivors on Shazhou island and those fertile fields that are about to be reclaimed, he really has no confidence . Joining hands with the Four Heavenly Kings is no less than seeking skin from a tiger . If he is not careful, there will be no bones left, Zhang Xiaoqiang is the backbone of him and everyone . When Zhang Xiaoqiang has an accident, they will lose everything in front of them . They have the heart to persuade Zhang Xiaoqiang, but in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s impatient eyes, Mo Shaoyun has to retreat .

Man"er comes to them with the cut Xianwu silver tea . Seeing Man"er appear, Mo Shaoyun knows that it"s an undisturbed afternoon tea time for Zhang Xiaoqiang every day, so he"s not in the ink . After saying goodbye, he turns around and goes out the door . Looking at Mo Shaoyun"s wasted back, Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t deny it . This person is still a good person in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart, with ability and loyalty, Zhang Xiaoqiang is a rare talent with human nature . But he doesn"t want him to know too much about his Hubei, his Yinmeng, his army and population . He doesn"t want anyone in Shanghai to know that there is a huge force spying on them not far away . If it"s spread out, I"m afraid that Shanghai will no longer be a mess of loose sand, but a big force United as a whole, which will not be solved as easily as the Jiangxi provisional government .

When Xianwu silver tea was put in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, Man"er, who already knew Zhang Xiaoqiang"s character, didn"t do much else . He turned around and left . Zhang Xiaoqiang, who picked up the cup of tea, looked at the silver tea and suddenly cried out:

"How many children are there in your family? Do you have any brothers or sisters? "

Hearing this, Man"er looks shocked and says to Zhang Xiaoqiang with expectant eyes:

"I also have a younger brother, Yan Zixu, who had no news on the day of the disaster . Do you know?"

On hearing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang was slightly disappointed and shook his head

"No, I"m just asking . If I have a chance to find it, I"ll let him come to see you . . . "

It was just a casual remark, but it was man er who took it seriously . He knelt down at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s feet and pleaded to Zhang Xiaoqiang with tears in his eyes

"Master, I don"t have any relatives in this world . The motivation to encourage me to live to this day is to think that my younger brother may still be alive and waiting for me to take care of him . I beg you to help me find him, I will try my best to repay you and serve you . . . "

Man"er"s words were not taken seriously by Zhang Xiaoqiang . He nodded his head and waved his hand to let Man"er back down . Man"er left at this time, hoping that Zhang Xiaoqiang would give her more a.s.surance . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang ignored her, and she left . Zhang Xiaoqiang took the cup and sucked away the mist floating around the mouth of the cup, There are two faces in his heart . One is the charming and pitiable man ER in front of him, and the other is the disheartened face with a trace of stubbornness and despair . It"s Xi"er . The two faces make him feel like two lost sisters . For a time, he almost thought they were two sisters, Zhang Xiaoqian said that there is no way to put Xi"er, a powerful evolutor, into her hands .

Zhang Xiaoqiang has known enough about Xi"er through Ning"s brothers . He no longer has any negative feelings about her . On the contrary, he admires her for protecting thousands of women and children on her own . Although Xi"er"s way is somewhat conservative, it is the first time that he has seen such a kind-hearted evolutionist in his last life, Unlike other evolutionists who regard ordinary people as cud dogs, Xi"er began to give the evolutionists another interpretation of responsibility and protection . She believed that the evolutionists must protect ordinary people, lead them through difficulties together, and share the same career with Zhang Xiaoqiang . Only in this way can Zhang Xiaoqiang really admire such a girl, or he would not need to exchange food for ammunition, It"s just killing and robbing . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t have no idea about the incompetent Qianru behind Xi"er . It"s just that Xi"er is very wary of him . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t want to do too much for such a kind girl, so he keeps delaying and let the Ning brothers help him every so often, but he always wants to find an opportunity to really integrate Xi"er and other children into his subordinates, It"s just that this opportunity is difficult .

After a cup of silver tea, Zhang Xiaoqiang put Xi"er in the back of his mind and began to rethink about the alliance with the four heavenly kings . Both sides thought that the cooperation between the other side and himself was seeking the skin of a tiger . Both sides were secretly calculating what Mo Shaoyun could see . How could Zhang Xiaoqiang not see it? It"s just that Zhang Xiaoqiang believed in his plan too much, Ignore a lot of things, but also slip into danger unconsciously .

"It"s all you . If you didn"t cheat, how could you get zero? Well, you even want to threaten the teacher to see how brother c.o.c.kroach can deal with you . . . I also got a zero score . . . How could I copy the paper for you? It"s clearly you who peeked . "

A loud noise rushed into the room from the outside, breaking Zhang Xiaoqiang"s happy time of enjoying Xianwu silver tea . He could not help frowning . He had recognized that the speaker was Ning Haiya . It seemed that he was teaching his younger brother a lesson . Sure enough, Ning Tianxia"s impatient voice came:

"What if brother c.o.c.kroach knows? Isn"t that a beating? You have thick skin and rough meat . It"s better to get up tomorrow with a beating . It"s better to worry about failing the exam and not having any meat to eat than to worry about being beaten . "

Hearing the two people"s noise, Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was disturbed, got a little angry . He put down his tea cup and roared out

"You both come in . Is it an honor to fail the exam? You need to yell all over the place . "

Ning"s brothers stand in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, hostile to each other . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t have special preferential treatment because they are evolutionists . On the contrary, he has found a tutor to teach them to read . But they don"t appreciate Zhang Xiaoqiang"s kindness . Maybe they can learn in the past, but in the past two years, They have been wild . What they have learned before has already been returned to the teacher . It"s very difficult to pick it up again . Besides, they don"t believe that learning these things can change their destiny . Like most children, they only believe that fists are the most effective .

In Hubei and Yinmeng, the younger children are lucky to say that the older children can"t learn at all . They need to use high-pressure strategies to manage . Zhang Xiaoqiang is very troublesome about this . He can"t expect all the people to go to war in the future . Some of them have to become workers and repairmen, Researchers and so on, slowly form a system, gradually restore the system and order, now two quarreling forget the shape of the twins. .h.i.t Zhang Xiaoqiang"s muzzle .

"OK, it"s all good . Such a big man can"t even make the text of grade three in primary school . Fortunately, he means to say that he is a strong man?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s sarcasm is understood by both of them . They are more sensitive to shame than adults . They blush when they hear this, but Ning Tianxia still can"t help refuting Zhang Xiaoqiang

"What"s the use of reading? Can reading more books stop me? Those starving people who have not read a lot of books are not as good as the strong farmers . At least they can find wild vegetables to support themselves . "

What Ning Haiya is most afraid of is Ning Tianxia"s character . Every time Ning Tianxia offends, he will definitely follow the bad luck . When he hears Ning Tianxia say so, he is worried and yells:

"Ning Tianxia, your skin is itching, right? You dare to say it"s wrong with brother c.o.c.kroach"s orders? You don"t have to deal with c.o.c.kroach . I"ll deal with you first

After that, he suddenly hit Ning Tianxia with a fist . Seeing that the two boys are going to fight together, Zhang Xiaoqiang came from their age . Why don"t you know what they are thinking? Holding one ear in one hand, he taught them a lesson

"Is it rather illiterate not to read? Can"t even tell the difference between detergent and drink bottle? I tell you, if you give me a slap in the face again, don"t mention eating meat, even if you eat s.h.i.t, you won"t have your share . . . From now on, if I hear your bulls.h.i.t again, I"ll be hungry . I"m not allowed to eat for three days . Now get out of here . . . "

Ning Haiya and Ning Tianxia do not dare to refute Zhang Xiaoqiang . When they hear this, they rush away . Ning Tianxia is the fastest . These days, he takes a lot of beating in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hands . He says that he is not afraid, but every time he is beaten, he shouts to heaven . How miserable it must be . Seeing that they are going to rush out, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly remembers something, He stopped them< br>