Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1820: 1820

Chapter 1820: 1820

"Who made your weapons? Did Xi"er"s men do it? Can he do something else . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang called Zhang Xiaoqiang back to stand in front of him . Although Zhang Xiaoqiang was confident in cooperating with the four heavenly kings, he was not blindly confident . Big water snake and leather armor were both his cards . Unfortunately, the leather armor on his body cracked under Xi"er"s bow and arrow, and the big hole opened from the shoulder to the heart, which became Zhang Xiaoqiang"s weakness, In case of bad luck, he might be killed if he was injured here . He also thought of Xi"er"s bow and arrow and Ning brothers" bone claws . These weapons were made very well and beautiful . Under their gorgeous appearance, they also retained the greatest power of weapons . Among them, Xi"er"s animal teeth arrow is the most representative . The animal teeth and arrow body are perfectly integrated, and there is no trace of inlaying and processing, Let at that time see Zhang Xiaoqiang also sigh .

It"s Xi"er"s secret that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s inquiry makes Ning"s brothers hesitate . If he says it, it may mean a complete break with Xi"er . At that time, he will not be able to retain any affection . Maybe Xi"er will treat them as enemies of life and death . But now it"s Zhang Xiaoqiang"s bowl and Zhang Xiaoqiang"s meal . It seems inappropriate for Zhang Xiaoqiang to ask them these questions, Is hesitating, Zhang Xiaoqiang also see two people"s hesitation, also don"t urge, let two small oneself think clearly .

Ning Tianxia and Ning Haiya don"t really make decisions . Ning Haiya can make decisions at ordinary times, but when Ning Tianxia rushes, he can"t make decisions at all . Just like now, Ning Tianxia turns his eyes and says to Zhang Xiaoqiang in a loud voice:

"At the beginning, sister Xi"er and I made a clean break, but we were wronged by them, even if we were wronged by them, I will not really sell them, some unimportant things can tell you, some things just can"t tell you, once I tell you, I . . . "

"Shut up, Ning Tianxia . Don"t forget that Xi"er almost killed you . She hurt the wound on your face, but the scar on your shoulder is from c.o.c.kroach . Don"t be stupid here . . . "

Compared with Ning Haiya"s active mind, Ning Tianxia has some dead eyes . It"s just like the night when she turned over her face . When she didn"t turn over her face, Ning Haiya tried to be as tactful as possible, hoping to save it . But Ning Tianxia said that she would die in one breath . Once she said that, Ning Haiya would no longer worry about Xi"er . She only left a little affection and didn"t want to have any other thoughts, But Ning Tianxia cares about Xi"er in his heart . Compared with Ning Haiya, he is more tangled and untimely, which makes Ning Haiya worried . He doesn"t know what to say about such a spirited younger brother .

After hearing Ning Haiya"s words, Ning Tianxia pa.s.s is broken . Xi"er has been kind to them before . He always remembers that Zhang Xiaoqiang is not bad for them either . The wound makes him think his arm is useless and he is cured by Zhang Xiaoqiang"s medicine . Ning Tianxia likes to be confused, but he knows good or bad . He turns to look at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s indifferent eyes, and he knows it doesn"t make sense, He grunted a few times, pursed his mouth and stopped talking . He just glared at his brother, as if he were warning .

"Brother, this . . . Sister Xi"er used to treat us well, but now we are still friends because of misunderstanding . This really makes us embarra.s.sed . Either . . . Or I"ll ask . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang and Xi"er don"t want to offend each other . The best way is that they don"t interfere in the matter and let Zhang Xiaoqiang and Xi"er talk about it . Even if the talk ends, it doesn"t matter to him . Ning Tianxia frowns and wants to talk . Ning Haiya picks himself up, but pushes Xi"er out . Who is Zhang Xiaoqiang? Even the four heavenly kings dare to be tough . How can Xi"er resist Zhang Xiaoqiang?

For a moment, the atmosphere between the two brothers became full of gunpowder . The flame in Ning Tianxia"s eyes was burning, while Ning Haiya"s face was dim . This was the biggest concession he could make . No matter how good Xi"er was, he was not their own sister . Although Ning Tianxia"s temper was not good, and his character also gave him a headache, they were blood brothers after all, Sometimes it"s not that hard to make a choice .

"I haven"t understood after listening for so long . What are you talking about?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words let Ning brothers face to face, two brothers are about to fight for Zhang Xiaoqiang"s previous proposal, at this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s light words to get rid of themselves, let them feel strange, is this Zhang Xiaoqiang"s prank? But Zhang Xiaoqiang continued to talk and let them listen carefully .

"I looked at the injuries in the world last time . I remembered that you two little ones didn"t have your own armor . Now the standard bulletproof vest can"t meet your needs . It happens that I have materials in my hand, so I want to make scales for you . It"s a very simple thing . You make it so complicated . I don"t know what to say . I also say that reading is useless . If you are smart, How long does it take? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words make the two brothers look ashamed, and they want to get into the geography . Only Zhang Xiaoqiang with a sarcastic smile sighs in his heart . It seems that it is impossible to get the weapon maker under his command for the time being . He doesn"t want to be strong with Xi"er . He originally wanted Ning"s brother to try out and see if he could exchange people with materials, Looking at the appearance of the two brothers, I also know that the man is very unusual around Xi"er . In this case, Zhang Xiaoqiang retreats to the second place, and just wants others to help him make a set of leather armor . As for the two brothers" Leather Armor, anyway, the snake slough of the water snake is big enough, even if he makes another 20 pieces, it"s more than enough . "There"s no problem with this . The day before yesterday, Hong Xiaomei asked us to know something about farming . We"ll go there right away and make it . It"s not appropriate to just make it for us, or brother c.o.c.kroach will do it first and give us the rest of the materials . . . "

Although Ning Tianxia is aggressive, he is also a man of grat.i.tude . His words make Zhang Xiaoqiang smile . Compared with Ning Haiya, who is a little city oriented, he still prefers Ning Tianxia, who is pure hearted . The two brothers are outstanding people, but as the superior, he still likes his subordinates who are simple minded and attach great importance to friendship .

"How are you getting ready? Did the three foxes react? "

Feng Kuang"s low voice came to Zhang Cheng"s ear, made him straighten up slightly, nodded humbly and replied:

"On the surface, the three major forces have not made any moves, but they have had more frequent private exchanges with each other in the past two days . Some evolutionists in remote areas have also begun to transfer, and their subordinate forces have also been recruited, It is required that all the evolutors be sent to the headquarters of the World Trade Center for training . It seems that there is a new situation at the seaside, and I don"t know if it is . . . "

"Hum . . . What can happen at the seaside? Can things in the Sea run to the sh.o.r.e? "

Feng Kuang, sitting in the boss"s chair behind the luxurious desk, disdained to say that his brain was spinning with the intelligence before Zhang Cheng, and the whole person was much more relaxed . The Bureau they had painstakingly arranged finally caught up with the three forces . Zhang Cheng also knew something, and saw Feng Kuang"s expression soften, He asked carefully

"Is it necessary to communicate with the other heavenly kings and make unified arrangements at that time, and . . . How to remedy the c.o.c.kroach in case of any accident?"

Zhang Cheng"s words broke Feng Kuang"s good mood . He glanced up at Zhang Cheng, who was restrained . After a while, he suppressed the more and more intense impulse in his heart . He raised his hand and waved it . He said impatiently:

"I have my own sense of propriety . You have to remember your ident.i.ty and follow me wholeheartedly . No one else is allowed to think too much, As for that boy, I want him to spit it out with interest after taking advantage of us, and see if he is still so strong when he meets with the three major forces . "

Feng Kuang"s words made Zhang Cheng burst into a cold sweat . He heard the warning and felt sorry for Zhang Xiaoqiang . For such a long time, he had been in contact with Zhang Xiaoqiang . Compared with other evolutors, he still agreed with Zhang Xiaoqiang"s practice, but the general trend formed in the whole of Shanghai was contrary to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ideal, What Zhang Xiaoqiang has done is a mantis arm blocking the car . Such a person is doomed to be a tragedy in Shanghai< br>