Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1830: 1830

Chapter 1830: 1830

Jianzhan didn"t die . He looked at the bright red halo of the rising sun and greedily breathed the freshest air in the morning . The sunlight didn"t pa.s.s through the gauze like water vapor to form a real brilliance on the ground, and it was not as hot as noon . The morning by the lake was still cold under the rising sun, which made the mind numb, Then he twisted his body unnaturally, trying to move his numb and swollen joints and paralyzed limbs . Unfortunately, his efforts were in vain . After a little twisting, he fell to the ground and wriggled in the slightly wet gra.s.s . He was still tied up last night . The thin hemp rope tied him tightly like a shackle, making him unable to move . He was beside him, The dewy army shoes suddenly lifted and heavily kicked him in the stomach, making him snort .

After learning the lesson, Zhang Xiaoqiang continued to observe what he thought was the suspicious place . It was close to Taihu Lake . The water area near the lake was complex and changeable, and it was also the former economic zone . The development of the surrounding area almost reached the acme . Even two years after the end of the world, it still maintained the previous terrain and environment . Large areas of farmland and buildings were disorderly and mixed, and residential areas were everywhere, There are fields of various shapes in the middle . Occasionally, you can see a lot of factories with blue roofs spreading out . There are not many hillsides here . Many hills have been artificially leveled and built into high-rise buildings . In the Taihu Economic Zone, along the lakeside line, there are many cities surrounding it . If not for the zombies here, most of them migrate, Maybe it"s still a dead place .

The camp of the four heavenly kings began to be busy in the early morning, but Zhang Xiaoqiang found many unexpected visitors . These people took the camp of the four heavenly kings as the center, and carefully hid in hidden places, or in fields or houses . For a moment, he did not know how many people gathered in this small area .

The sword chop has become thin and thin . One night"s torture has made him look like a blood sucking zombie in a movie . His black eyes are covered with dust and mud . He can no longer see his demeanor after he killed hundreds of people yesterday . Lying on Zhang Xiaoqiang"s face, he seems to have accepted his fate . He doesn"t glare at Zhang Xiaoqiang, and he doesn"t cry for death, Stay here honestly until Zhang Xiaoqiang remembers what to do with him .

Everything is calm . Neither the four heavenly kings in the light nor the sneaky evolutionists in the dark make any noise . Zhang Xiaoqiang is also waiting for things to continue to develop . Now he is out of the game and watching in the dark . He knows, The only protagonist who can break this strange silence is the legendary high mutant beast .

In the quiet waiting, Zhang Xiaoqiang summed up the news he got from Jianzhan . Jianzhan is a relatively high-end evolutor in Shanghai, and he knows enough, so that Zhang Xiaoqiang only has a general understanding of the three forces until today . The three forces are Big Macs in the urban area, each of which has hundreds of evolutors and thousands of armed men, The three major forces have always wanted to annex each other, but there are so many small and medium-sized forces below . If they fight with each other, they may take advantage of the situation and be replaced if they don"t pay attention to it . If they want to really dominate Shanghai according to their own plans, they have to annex these small and medium-sized forces first . Only in this way, they will not be able to control Shanghai, They worried that each other would be faster than themselves . As a result, they formed a set of default rules through negotiation, which is also the rule of Shanghai today .

This news is not good for Zhang Xiaoqiang . If so, all the forces in Shanghai will form an iron plate in the face of external pressure . At that time, even if his troops go south, they will suffer heavy losses in the urban area of Shanghai . According to the information of the sword cutting, Shanghai has become a dead knot, even if he solves the four heavenly kings according to the predetermined plan, It may not be able to pry open the gap on this iron plate .

As he was thinking about things, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes suddenly narrowed . He saw something big as black sesame flying in the distance . It was like a bouncing ball . Every time he jumped, he would glide in the air for a long distance until he fell naturally . When he saw that thing, Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately picked up his spirits and chopped it with a decadent sword, Be ready to move at any time, because the way that the thing jumps and glides is on his side .

Zhang Xiaoqiang was the first person to find things in the sky . It wasn"t long . Almost all people in the dark and in the light saw it . They lost patience and moved from their hiding places to the place where Zhang Xiaoqiang was . Almost all the forces took action . They came here today for the purpose of this strange mutant beast, When the four heavenly kings went out, they had the illusion that the mutant beast was at their fingertips . At that time, they only saw who got the first hand and left first, which was the final winner . The vanguard of the four heavenly kings was destroyed, and they didn"t stop the rear troops from waiting . What"s more, they believed that the four heavenly kings were sure to win .

The appearance of the mutant beast in the sky has involved countless people"s hearts . Agile figures flicker in the field, cutting waves of tall weeds, leaving wake like waves to rush in front of the mutant beast . Countless people collide with each other in the field, but there is no conflict . It is not that they still reach an agreement, But as long as the mutant animal is not dead, any loss is not worth it . The evolutionists couldn"t bear it, and the four heavenly kings seemed to be unable to bear it . Dozens of carts rushed out of the camp and rushed there . Heavy machine guns on the front of the carts swayed and aimed at the approaching mutant beast all the time . More vehicles dragged out one by one, all of which had been pulled off the previously covered oilcloth, The thick and long anti-aircraft gun barrel and huge bed crossbow inside were exposed . These things were the sharp weapons used by the four heavenly kings to deal with the mutant beast . Seeing these things, more people rushed out from all corners, and there were more vehicles driving on the complicated road . The atmosphere suddenly became tense . Countless people rushed to the mutant beast, and no one found it . On the lake behind the mutant beast, the atmosphere became tense, A sharp arrow splits the water waves and drags out the wake of several hundred meters . It is like a huge torpedo chasing after the gra.s.shopper like mutant beast .

If Zhang Xiaoqiang could see his thick body, ink like black scales, and that ferocious unicorn, his eyes would fall off . A cowardly water snake, who is greedy for life and afraid of death, was so brave that he chased this mutant beast, which destroyed the four heavenly kings" branch, and ran away in a hurry, In the eyes of the people on the ground, there is only a mutant beast approaching from the sky, which is just a drowning dog .

Sitianw.a.n.g"s team had been prepared for a long time . At the moment when the mutant beast appeared, it was only a little slower than the agile evolvers . The agile evolvers were faster than the vehicles in the short distance sprint, but they couldn"t compete with the vehicles in the long distance . Originally, they were far away from the mutant beast . On the way of the mutant beast approaching, they were overtaken one by one by the later vehicles, Instead, those evolutionists who were originally worried were determined . When the vehicle was about to approach the destination, it scattered like a chessboard and rushed to the surrounding commanding heights . The anti-aircraft guns and bed crossbows in the back of the box car had begun to prepare .

Everyone else is running towards the middle . Only Zhang Xiaoqiang runs around with his sword chop . When he meets the first evolutionist, both sides are in a daze . Zhang Xiaoqiang subconsciously touches the rat King blade at his waist, but people don"t pay attention to him, and they don"t have any interest in his dying sword chop, On the contrary, he said politely:

"Excuse me . . . "

As he spoke, he bypa.s.sed Zhang Xiaoqiang and rushed behind him . On the contrary, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s father-in-law and monk stood still and turned to look behind him . At this time, more evolutionists appeared . They were also not interested in Zhang Xiaoqiang . They rushed past them and rushed behind them . For a moment, there was a clear distinction between them, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not interfere with any of those evolutionists, and finally collided with a group of more than 100 evolutionists .

This group of evolutionists is obviously a force, and it is also the biggest group of forces that Zhang Xiaoqiang meets . Those scattered evolutionists who met previously only have mutant animals in their eyes, and they have no time to talk to Zhang Xiaoqiang . However, this group of people are obviously more interested in Zhang Xiaoqiang than mutant animals . One of them yells at Zhang Xiaoqiang:

"Qinghongdao is in charge of business, Kneel down and raise your hands immediately, or you will be killed . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang stares at the man with a stiff face like Gu song, and then looks at the many evolutioners slowly around him with a puzzled eye . All of these evolutioners have bad eyes . Looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang like a roast chicken on a plate, he seems to have swallowed him up as a dish . Zhang Xiaoqiang grabs the sword"s hair and makes him face up to the sky .

"Tell me what Qinghong road is . . . "

Jianzhan was really afraid of Zhang Xiaoqiang . His hoa.r.s.e voice groaned weakly

"The Qing Dynasty, Hongyun and daomen Palace are the top three forces in the urban area . Together, they are Qinghong Dao . They are jointly sent by the three forces . There must be something big happening . Otherwise, they would not be called that . . . " 0