Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1831: 1831

Chapter 1831: 1831

More than 100 evolutionists looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang in surprise . They didn"t seem to believe that Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t know the name of Qinghong road . Many people turned up their mouths and sneered . They could not bear to step forward to let Zhang Xiaoqiang know who they were . Gu Le, who was standing in the crowd, suddenly roared:

"Don"t move, n.o.body . . . "

Before the words were heard, Gu Le pushed away the evolutioners around him and ran into Chen Yang in a row . He said a word to Chen Yang"s ear, which made Chen Yang"s face change . He suddenly raised his hand and yelled:

"Stop, we"ve got the wrong person . . . "

Then he bowed to Zhang Xiaoqiang in everyone"s surprised eyes and said politely:

"I"m so sorry that I didn"t recognize you . We were blind and offended . . . "

After that, he waved to the evolutioner behind him to make way for a wide road and asked Zhang Xiaoqiang to go . Looking at the man in front of him, Zhang Xiaoqiang still couldn"t figure out . However, it"s not the time to make trouble . Chong Chenyang nodded, quickened his pace and rushed over . Thirty or fifty meters later, he disappeared in the tall gra.s.s in the distance, Then someone asked:

"Gule, who was that man just now . . . "

Looking at the shaking gra.s.s in the distance for a long time, Gu Le shook his head and said in a hoa.r.s.e and obscure voice:

"I don"t know him . . . "

After Zhang Xiaoqiang disappeared, Chen Yang took a long breath and turned to his subordinates

"Don"t even ask . From now on, as long as we meet evolutionists, no matter who they are, we will catch them . The more people we catch, the more credit we will make . "

More than 100 evolutors began to search forward again . Gu Le walked in the middle of the crowd with a lingering fear, but was pulled by Chen Yang and asked in a low voice:

"Do you really recognize the guy who was caught as a sword chopper?"

Gule looked around and saw that no one paid attention to them . He nodded his head and said in a lower voice

"I"ve sent something to him several times . Although I haven"t seen his appearance, the voice and clothes can"t be wrong . Fortunately, we didn"t do it, otherwise . . . "

"Come on, let"s go . That man has nothing to do with us, and we haven"t met him . Today we are here to incorporate evolutionists, and anything else has nothing to do with us . . . "

Chen Yang is relieved after confirming the news . Now that Jianzhan has been caught, they will have less trouble . They are required to catch the evolutionists as much as possible . If the number is not enough, they may not be able to benefit . Now that Shaxing has been caught, they can be at ease . Someone in front of them has occupied the mountain that Zhang Xiaoqiang occupied before, The remaining evolutionists of the four heavenly kings seemed to slow down, and slowly approached the anti-aircraft machine gun position they had set up near the top of the mountain . Behind them, another evolutionist team of more than 100 people quietly followed . Such a team was no less than seven or eight in the whole low area .

Holding the sword, Zhang Xiaoqiang rushes forward quickly . He needs to find a good place to watch the battle between man and beast . He is still wondering why Qinghong road is united . Do they have any secret? Just then, the roar of artillery came from behind him, which made him stop and look back . White smoke came from the anti-aircraft gun positions . In mid air, black clouds suddenly appeared . These black clouds were blown away by the strong wind and turned into smoke, which rendered the blue sky black and gray, Separate heaven and earth into two separate worlds .

The mutant animal rolled in the black clouds . The speed of 37 cannons was extremely fast and the density was also high . The high artillery sh.e.l.ls specially used to hit jet planes exploded continuously . Around the mutant animal"s body, even if the mutant animal had extremely strong defensive scales, it could not carry these sh.e.l.ls . Although the anti-aircraft artillery firemen were not very skilled in operating these anti-aircraft guns, let alone hitting them, But the mutant beast is not a plane . It glides in the air, not flies . The sh.e.l.ls soon swarmed to the mutant beast like flies smelling bad smell . The mutant beast could not bear it . The continuous burst of fire made it unable to maintain its balance any more . It flipped over and drew a variety of random curves and fell from the sky, At this time, there had been some unbearable evolutioners rushing to the place where the mutant beast fell .

I thought that the mutant animal would be seriously injured when it fell . But before the ant like evolutor rushed to the front, the 30 meter long mutant animal jumped up like a ball at the moment of landing, crossed an arc of more than 100 meters and fell to an isolated anti-aircraft gun position in the field . At this time, the scattered anti-aircraft machine guns reacted, Long firecrackers scattered and streamed to the mutant beast, but the distance was too short . In the blink of an eye, the mutant beast fell to the side of the anti-aircraft artillery position, and it had not yet completely landed . The Gunners who jumped from the truck solidified along the edge of the car they jumped . Seven armed men either bent their legs or opened their arms, Or they jump out along their legs with their hands on the car . At this moment, they all stop for a moment, as if the film is frozen, and then they are pulled out of a remnant . Without even roaring, they disappear in front of the giant beast . No one knows whether they were eaten or fell hundreds of meters away?The machine gun bullets scattered continuously cut a little spark on the container truck . After a cloud of smoke, the whole container truck exploded . Four wheels turned up and fell to the ground . The mutant beast jumped up again and landed at another anti-aircraft gun position 200 meters away . The mutant beast was still gliding in the air, The machine gun bullets on the two off-road vehicles in its way swarmed together, tearing off pieces of scales on its abdomen, and not many scales of the size of a bowl were still swaying in the air . The off-road vehicle"s machine gunner and driver also took out the remnant image and disappeared at the mouth of the monster along with the just disappeared armed men . At this time, many evolutors could not help but stop, They clearly saw how these people disappeared . Their short hesitation did not make the mutant beast pay any attention . The antiaircraft gunner targeted by the mutant beast had fallen to the ground . Some people ran around, some people drilled into the cha.s.sis of the car, and some people went into the cab of the trailer in front of them, with the shadow of the monster shrouded, No matter where you hide, you will be dragged to the mouth of the monster by the invisible la.s.so .

When the monster left for the next target, the only thing left was the driver who was scared stiff . The driver who held the steering wheel tightly with both hands was as stiff as a stone FIGURINE . He couldn"t even turn his eyes . Only a drop of sweat oozed from his forehead and fell down his cheek . There was a big hole in the windshield in front of him, which was like a fish scale crack, The huge hole occupies one third of the windshield . In this hole, the companion who rushed into the driver"s cab disappeared . For a long time, the driver breathed out his sullen breath and finally regained his mind . He gazed at the hole with his eyes to open his eyes and felt the light itching of the wind blowing into the hole .

Almost all the antiaircraft guns stopped firing, and the artillery also jumped out of the car to escape . The nightmare like mutant beast jumped on the antiaircraft gun position without any regularity, swallowing the panicked armed men . The heavy machine gun didn"t work either . The people on the scene had already seen that they were not hurt by these bullets, The previous injury is not like a sh.e.l.l explosion, but more like something that everyone was bitten out .

Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t help shaking his head as he looked at the mutant animal . This mutant animal is at least level 3, which is the same level as D3 . Among the mutants, those with scales are super defensive . This mutant animal with oval body shape and fins on its side is obviously better than type 3 zombies . Moreover, human evolutors are much worse than zombies, If you want to use anti-aircraft gun and heavy machine gun to deal with it, it"s obviously not enough to see . Maybe you can use the main battle tank"s 100 mm smoothbore gun to kill this mutant beast .

At this time, the sword chopping breath in his hand was a little heavy . He looked greedily at the mutant beast and twisted his body . It seemed that he wanted to go up close to the mutant beast and let Zhang Xiaoqiang have a new view on this guy . Actually, the sword chopping was not bad, and the ruthlessness was only aimed at the four heavenly kings . The four heavenly kings were not good people, Even if Liu Jinxiu is killed, it"s not a big sin in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mind . Besides, his ability to suppress danger prediction is rare and powerful . Danger prediction is the life preserver of evolvers to evolve zombies and mutated animals . Just like z-zombies, it"s not difficult to kill them . Maybe a steel knife can do it, but z-zombies are highly sensitive to danger prediction, It will make it emit indiscriminate killing sound waves at critical moments, which ordinary evolutors can"t resist .

If you can equip the sword chopper with totally enclosed equipment, sneak into the middle of zombie sea, suddenly start around zombie Z, and then escape with the help of shadow flashing, it may not be a big killer against zombies, and his speed is originally an agile evolutor . If he improves again, he may be more powerful than type S4 zombies . In this way, he has a good ability to escape, At least he can get away from the place where the zombies are concentrated . He"s the best a.s.sa.s.sin . But he has no way to control this guy at present, and he doesn"t have the chronic poison specially used to control you Yinhua in his hands . It"s a headache for him . He"s reluctant to kill and unwilling to let go . Do you want to catch Meng Huo seven times like Zhuge Liang?

"Want the gel in his brain?"< br>