Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1832: 1832

Chapter 1832: 1832

His calm and elegant words made Jianzhan think of his ident.i.ty . He could not help but feel dejected . His whole body was tense . His eyes were staring at the gra.s.s on the ground, and he ignored Zhang Xiaoqiang . He let his broken hair cover his cheek . Zhang Xiaoqiang threw him on the ground and stepped on Jianzhan"s chest, Looking down into his eyes, he said contemptuously:

"According to the defense and size of that monster, even if your long knife is sharp, it may not be able to break its scalp . The only way is to go into its stomach and kill it, but you have to be careful not to be dissolved by its stomach acid . You have to use your brain in everything . . . "

When Zhang Xiaoqiang taught sword cutting, more and more evolutionists gathered . Most of them rushed forward with a roar . The mutant beast was obviously only interested in the anti-aircraft guns that had hurt it before . They jumped around and let the evolutioners chase the hens . They could not catch them . It was like a group of people playing the game of Eagle catching chicks with the mutant beast .

For a moment, the mutant beast gave all the evolutioners an illusion . At present, the evolutioners have the upper hand . The mutant beast is not as good as the evolutioners and is chased everywhere . In this strange chase, all the antiaircraft gun positions are patronized by the mutant beast . Except for a few lucky drivers, all the other antiaircraft gun operators are swallowed in one gulp, By the way, all the bed crossbows were also ransacked . In fact, the box car installed on the bed crossbow was similar to the anti-aircraft gun car, and was affected by the fish in the pond .

Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head when he saw the evolvers chasing after the mutant beast excitedly . He had seen those who wanted to die, but he had not seen those who wanted to die collectively . Just one of the evolvers was slow and couldn"t catch up with him . He climbed up an empty bed crossbow, turned around and shot a few meters long crossbow at the mutant beast . A black shadow cut through the sky, and the mutant beast suddenly stopped, He turned his head and looked behind him . The fine steel crossbow with thick and thin arms was inserted on his b.u.t.tocks . It didn"t go deep . It swayed on the monster and then fell to the ground .

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t help but cover his eyes . When he saw the mutant beast"s limbs on the ground, his whole body jumped up and jumped to the swarming evolutioners . He saw a huge shadow pa.s.sing quickly on the ground . All the evolutioners in the middle of the shadow disappeared in an instant . The evolutioners had no formation and no unified ownership, A swarm of people rushed to the mutant beast, and the chaotic crowd was moving every minute . Except for those who were watching in the distance, none of the nearby evolutioners found the mutant beast flying over their heads, and then they turned around and chased back noisily . For a moment, it was like a vegetable market .

The mutant animal rushed to the evolutor, but the five big and three thick evolutor was mentally disabled . Instead of dodging, he gritted his teeth and re installed the crossbow again . The bow string vibrated, and the crossbow heavily stabbed the mutant animal"s huge head . It suddenly sank, and went in along the gap in the scale, as if a toothpick was inserted in a watermelon, This is not without effect . Suddenly, the mutant animal was. .h.i.t, and its body was out of balance . It hit the truck heavily . It rolled and collided with the truck, but let the evolutioners behind cheer together . The evolutioner who shot the crossbow and arrow fell out of the car with great luck, and then flashed over the collision of the mutant animal"s huge body . He suddenly got up his spirits and started to follow him, The arrow, thicker than the spear, jumped on the mutant"s body, ran up to the head along the smooth scale, made the Olympic standard throwing posture, and stabbed the mutant"s huge eyes .

Compared with the mutant animal"s body, that evolutor is like an ant on the big green bug . But at the moment, his image is so great that Zhang Xiaoqiang is stunned . He feels as if he is watching a movie about the Dragon slaying hero, but the ending of the movie has already flashed into his mind, and the mutant animal suddenly shakes his head, He threw the evolutor out of the room for tens of meters .

The evolutionists are still dancing in the sky . Water arrow like translucent mucus shoots out from under countless raised scales . Hundreds of water arrows expand on the monster to form a water curtain and fall on it, on the ground, and on the survivors gathered around . The information is not symmetrical . The evolutionists do not know what those things mean, After the initial panic, I was excited to see that I was safe and sound, even with a hole in my clothes . At this time, the evolutionist who only came from the four-day King seemed to be unable to rush, dawdling and slowly approaching behind .

Then the sun reflected, and the translucent mucus disappeared like lard melted by boiling water . The air was filled with the smell of candy melting . After smelling this smell, many evolutioners seemed to be drunk and began to shake their hands . One by one, they were spinning in the same place, At the moment when the mutant animal turns its head, they are like the chicken wings on the barbecue fork . They are connected and disappear in the mutant animal"s mouth .

The huge mutant beast has eaten a lot of people up to now, but its belly is like a bottomless hole, and no matter how many people are dissatisfied with it . Every few tens of seconds, several evolutors are involved in the belly of the mutant beast, which makes the evolutors coming from afar dull together . The evolutors are scared . At this time, there is a cry, and the evolutors of the four heavenly kings are beginning to get angry, They rushed to the mutant beast, as if they had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes were chilly, his right fist suddenly tightened, and the bone crackled . His previous calculation should be here . Their goal is not the mutant beast, but the evolutioners trapped by the mutant beast, as long as they can recruit these evolutioners, The strength will be doubled out of thin air, and the territory will be expanded several times . At that time, we will have the capital to compete with the three major forces . Just when he couldn"t help it, his eyes found more than 100 evolutioners he had met before . These evolutioners were divided into groups of more than 20 and surrounded them from the back . They knocked over the evolutioners who were hiding outside and peeping on the ground . They used all kinds of means to stop them, and they didn"t need to use their abilities or other battles, Just close to the other side and shout, they will frighten those evolutioners who are just like frightened birds, and then they will be captured . Obviously, they are also for these evolutioners .

There is more than one team like this . There are a lot of evolutioners on the scene to spy on the mutant beast, but the number of these evolutioners hiding behind is not much less than that of those evolutioners . For a time, new changes have taken place in the whole battlefield . The mutant beast no longer plays the leading role . On the contrary, those evolutioners belonging to small and medium forces have become the prey of the same kind, The people of the four heavenly kings concentrate on rushing to the mutant beast, and they don"t forget to cuddle the gra.s.s and beat the rabbit on the way . One by one, the evolutioners are overturned by them and gathered together by the people behind them . When they rush to the mutant beast, they immediately separate the evolutioners with special abilities to fight with the mutant beast . Others carry the unconscious evolutioners to the back .

At this time, everything is clear, and everything is a trap . At this time, the evolutioners in the trap are too late to repent, and they are surrounded on both sides, but the evolutioners of sitianw.a.n.g are less than those of Qinghongdao . Just at this time, the mutant beast becomes powerful, and its huge body inflates and begins to rotate rapidly, Like an iron ball, it b.u.mps the evolutioners around it one by one, and the flying evolutioners are often swallowed by the mutant beast in mid air .

Once the mutant animal loses its power, the four heavenly king"s evolutors are in a mess . At this time, four figures suddenly flash beside the mutant animal . A bald man jumps several meters high and hits the mutant animal"s nose with a fist . The huge head is shocked suddenly, and the mutant animal is. .h.i.t to a standstill by the fist . The other one has medium long hair, The gentle looking young man flashed up to the man who was landing . His hands stopped him out of thin air and whirled a black tornado in front of him and the mutant beast, blocking the monster"s tongue . Before the black tornado was dispersed, an ice fish was constructed on the mutant beast"s head, reflecting colorful sunlight, as if it were alive, After a few arcs, it goes into the mouth of the monster and explodes countless scarlet blood bubbles . The mutant beast eats a fierce one, raises its round neck, opens its big mouth and spits out countless white foam . The foam is like a volcanic eruption, and instantly covers its body shape . The flying white foam is like the gaze of Medusa, solidifying anything that sticks .

This is the monster"s last ability . Just as the monster is ready to bend its legs and jump, a figure appears out of thin air and flashes by the monster . At the moment when he flashes, a black shadow suddenly appears in the distance between him and the monster . At this time, the monster is lifting its neck, only its left front paw is level with the man, and the shadow is on its paw, When the man just flashed past, the shadow suddenly disappeared, and the paw also disappeared . Zhang Xiaoqiang took a breath . This ability is really terrible . He can"t think of any way to block the shadow of cutting off the monster"s paw .

There is a smooth incision in the place where the monster"s forepaw is lost . The incision seems to have been born, and it has been perfectly integrated with the monster"s body . However, the man obviously has only one strike . When he rushes to one side, he loses his balance, and the whole person rolls on the ground . During the rolling, it is more than two meters, More than one meter thick claws appeared beside him and rolled with him< br>