Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1848: 1848

Chapter 1848: 1848

As soon as Zhao Jun heard this, he was overjoyed . He didn"t care whether it was an expedient measure or not, as long as it didn"t weaken the combat effectiveness of the second army . He immediately grinned

"That"s a good way . Don"t we already have a military academy? Let"s just expand the scale, combine the armored Academy with the infantry academy, and set up the Yinmeng military academy . By the way, we will expand the army and services in the future, including ground air defense and air force, the Yellow River side, and the Navy . Artillery, communication, radar, missile, staff, logistics and maintenance can be set up, We should cultivate our own talents . "

When he heard Zhao Jun"s words, Zhou Jie took a breath of cool air . After all, the military academy will be divided into a large military inst.i.tution . If there are hundreds or thousands of people in any department according to Zhao Jun"s plan, I"m afraid that even the teachers and logistics personnel can add up to more than 10000 people, which is equivalent to a disguised expansion of the army, After all, when providing talents for the army, this military academy and department will only consume materials and not produce any output, which is of great benefit to the army and may hinder the administrative planning and development . After all, the Executive Yuan is in charge of people"s livelihood .

"In this way, we can put all the junior sergeants in for short-term training . Every three months, we can let a quarter of the officers go for further training . As long as they are in the army for one day, they have to carry out the training . According to the achievements of the battlefield and the school, we can decide their promotion, which can not only improve their combat quality, but also enable them to combine theory with practice, The combat effectiveness of the troops will continue to rise for this purpose as long as . . . "

Zhao Junyue said that he was more and more happy . Finally, he couldn"t help but walk around this s.p.a.cious and simple office excitedly . In fact, he also understood that the compet.i.tion between Yinmeng and Hubei is the compet.i.tion of the army . They always beat Hubei because there are a large number of professional soldiers in Yinmeng"s army, and their military literacy is not comparable to Hubei, Compared with less than 10% of the former soldiers in Hubei Province, the Yinmeng troops of all services, under the leadership of at least 20% of the professional soldiers, have left each other behind at any level . What they are most proud of is the strategic department established by Zhang Xiaoqiang and the command department established by the staff officers of ishiharano"s first department, which is far more efficient than the military affairs department under the control of Huang Quan, So even without Zhang Xiaoqiang here, they can still make an effective and complete battle plan, and constantly make new achievements relying on the abundant materials in the rear area .

"Actually . . . Actually, I have an idea to let the army improve its combat effectiveness in a short time . It depends on whether you can convince yuan Heping . . . "

Looking at the excited Zhao Jun, Zhou Jie was also infected . He found a folder with bright red handwriting from the filing cabinet behind him and put it on the desktop . At a glance, Zhao Jun saw the name of the cover, the annual material supply estimation plan of the second division . Seeing this doc.u.ment, Zhao Jun obviously disdained it . The second division was adapted by the northern army, They have maintained their independence and autonomy, so they are far inferior to the first division in material supply . Even the third division adapted from the blood wolf brigade is inferior to the fourth division adapted from the guard army . The weapons and ammunition in the a.r.s.enal found last time across provinces are not shared by the second division . Even ammunition supply needs them to exchange empty bullet casings, The 30000 men of the second division is the largest division in the Yinmeng army, but its combat effectiveness can not catch up with any combat brigade of the first division . The material supply of the fourth division is not as good as that of the garrison . Zhao Jun did not pay attention to it at all, and he did not expect them to play any role in the battlefield .

"Lao Zhou, you don"t know that it"s brother c.o.c.kroach who talks about maintaining their independence . We can"t make up our minds . Besides, the first division of our 30000 people only needs to send out a combat brigade to solve the problem . If we expect them, I might as well expect the ordnance factory to build more bullets and the aircraft research laboratory to build an electric drived UAV as soon as possible . "

Seeing that Zhao Jun didn"t agree with him, Zhou Jie knew that he wanted to deviate . With a smile, he relaxed and leaned back in his chair, put his hands on his chest, looked out of the window at the blue sky and said:

"The second division is stationed in the Yinshan Mountains . If the zombies don"t go away, they will never have room for development . Nearly a million survivors now eat our food and do our work, They don"t have any love with them, so don"t worry about their growth, and they don"t have their own logistics system . It"s not a big concern to pick up some leftovers at most . However, it"s a waste for those professional sergeants to stay in their hands, such as armored soldiers, artillery, radar maintenance soldiers and so on . It"s said that they still have the remnants of the North Sea fleet . These people are talents, It"s better to let them into our system than to give them a rifle and a few bullets to hit zombies . "

Zhao Jun suddenly dull, he really did not think that this section, the second division is too closed, in addition to Yuan Heping has a certain goodwill to them, Zhao Zhigang and he Zilong have prejudice against them, want to dig their corner is too difficult, even if they really want to get their idle talents, and afraid that they mix sand, in case one day turn over?

"I know what you"re worried about . It"s not a big deal . Now they"re poor in everything except food . Most of the soldiers" uniforms are not as good as beggars . It"s said that because of the serious corrosion and damage of their weapons, they don"t even have enough gun oil . In addition, their families are also starting to make trouble . They don"t live in the big cities nearby, but they are garrisoned without electric lights or running water, On the barren mountain without a toilet, nine out of ten women can"t stand it . In the past, there were no conditions . Now . . . , hehe . . . "Hearing Zhou Jie"s words, Zhao Jun picked up the material supply estimation plan and opened it . However, he did not expect that there was only one paper in this seemingly thick folder . The supply of 30000 people could be seen at a glance on this paper . Most of the material supplies were grain, dried vegetables, and a few condiments such as canned meat and salt . In addition, there were 30000 pairs of military shoes and 300000 pairs of socks, The sewing needles, as well as a small amount of medicine and oil, and the ammunition are Chen Shanke"s lack . They are pure reloaded bullets, or kengdai bullets that can"t be hit accurately after three reloads . The number of heavy machine gun bullets is even less . There are few powerful heavy weapons and ammunition . On the contrary, they are supplied by countless knives, shields, crossbows and arrows, The number of arrows alone has reached 2 . 3 million . There are no automatic weapons such as guns, but there are a large number of spare parts for bows and crossbows . It can be seen that Zhou Jie is preparing to turn the second division into a cold weapons Corps .

The most toxic thing is that there are almost no other things except those related to the battle belly, and there are no luxury goods such as cigarettes, drinks, etc . the only thing that makes people feel that is related to life is a lot of soap towels, toothpaste, toothbrushes and other things . It"s obvious that Zhou Jie doesn"t want to see the soldiers of the third division even have no personal samples, At least keep them personally clean .

"That"s it? That"s all they have for the whole year? "

With a guilty heart, Zhao Jun puts down his list and asks Zhou Jie in disbelief . Zhou Jie nods heavily and says indifferently:

"Anyway, they think that independence is the most important thing . Freedom is above everything . They are not willing to listen and want to live a good life . How can there be such a cheap thing? It"s better to be self reliant . . . "

Zhao Jun looked at Zhou Jie speechless . After a long time, he patted him on the shoulder and said:

"It"s all up to you . We"re not good at bargaining, but yuan Heping is really good . He can be a little more relaxed in terms of materials . At least you give them socks and some underpants, Or who can stand the smell? "

When Zhao Jun walked out of the office building, he suddenly felt that everything was so beautiful . He never thought that Zhou Jie was so insidious . At the beginning, he was calculating the second division . According to Zhou Jie"s plan, except for the second division, he would never open his mouth . Otherwise, once he got loose, he would gradually let go and eventually fall in their sugar coated sh.e.l.ls, At that time, 30000 soldiers of the third division will be fully integrated into the second army of Yinmeng revival, and the army under his command can be counted as hundreds of thousands of troops . I think he is only 26 years old this year . At the time of his most energetic life, a strong ambition is in his mind . Today, Zhao Jun can command hundreds of thousands of troops to conquer cities and land, In the future, we will not be able to follow Zhang Xiaoqiang and conquer the whole world .

At the time of extreme YY, a bright yellow Ferrari sports car with high speed suddenly rushed to the broad road in the distance . This sports car was quite arrogant . Ignoring the pedestrians on the road, it rushed to the office building of the Executive Yuan, which is the office building of the district government of a district in Yinchuan City, without slowing down, Most of the pa.s.sers-by here are the small leaders and copywriters of the administrative system . However, this sports car, which roars like a wild beast, actually runs wild in the administrative center of the whole Yinmeng area . Suddenly, Zhao Junqi"s short hair explodes like a hedgehog . He pulls out his pistol and aims at Ferrari, which rushes towards him without slowing down< br>