Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1849: 1849

Chapter 1849: 1849

The sports car was only 300 meters away from Zhao Jun, and it arrived at the speed of a sports car . Just then, on the roofs of two seven or eight story buildings not far from the Executive Yuan, two evolutors in black tight leather armour appeared . Their leather armour was the standard equipment of the b.l.o.o.d.y battle regiment, which was made of the variant fish skin that was hard to be injured by swords in the Yellow River, and could prevent bullets and sword stabs, Seeing these two evolutors, Zhao Jun was relieved . However, he didn"t know what means the evolutor had used . The high-speed sports car suddenly hit something, split the front of the car in an instant, and let the whole car soar into the sky and roll . The huge impact caused the Ferrari"s window to break, and the huge inflatable bag filled the whole cab in an instant, The open front cover of the car exposes the engine inside, and the huge impact force also makes all kinds of broken parts fall to the ground with the overturning of the car body . However, the body of the sports car crashes into the gla.s.s window on the side of the road . This is an elegant restaurant and also the dining hall of the Executive Yuan . There are a lot of people eating in it, many of them sitting behind the window, With all kinds of stiff expressions, I watched the flying Ferrari b.u.mp into them .

Zhao Jun"s heart is splitting when he sees that the people who eat here are all from the Executive Yuan, and they are also the management talents that Yinmeng has managed to train . It"s a huge loss to die . If he is killed by a car, maybe the whole Yinmeng will be in a mess tomorrow . At the moment when his heart jumps out of his throat, another evolutionist seems to have made a move, The huge car body slammed into the gla.s.s window, causing the gla.s.s like crystal wall to break in an instant, and the whole car body rushed into a corner . At this frightening moment, the car body suddenly stagnated and suspended out of the air . Then it suddenly pulled out of the window and rolled on the road . The car body rolled on the road, and one of the two evolutors suddenly vomited blood, The whole person is powerless to load down the floor .

Now, Zhao Jun"s heart is raised again . A group of executives have suffered heavy losses, but an evolutor who can stop Ferrari"s impact of several tons is also valuable . Just when his throat is itching and he wants to roar, the figure of seven or eight road agility suddenly rushes to the fallen evolutor from all directions, Five of them hold each other"s arms to form a big net at the moment when they arrive downstairs . The other two jump up on the wall of the floor, holding the evolutor together and falling with the three people . After relieving the impact, they are safely caught by the big net below, At this time, the sports car had knocked down the fire hydrant on the side of the road, and the main cha.s.sis couldn"t move .

All this happened in a flash, and then stopped in the blink of an eye . Ferrari"s solid body didn"t deform . Except for the high front cover and the broken b.u.mpers and headlights, other places were basically intact . Through the broken windows, you can see that the air bag full of the whole cab is struggling violently, Obviously, the reckless driver inside is OK, and the people around us are shouting at each other at the same time . They rush to surround the sports car, prying the door hard, and yelling at each other . The evolutionists surround the fallen evolutionists, as if they are observing the injury . They have no time to pay attention to the driver of the sports car .

With a pistol in his hand, Zhao Jun walks forward step by step . He is so angry that he is immersed in the prelude of extreme outburst . Today"s scene in front of him reminds him of those dandies he saw in his previous life, because the background or powerful Laozi trampled on the law and the dignity of human nature, Before the end of the world, it was the whole system that produced such a group of lawless sc.u.m . But in the end of the world, how could anyone do that? Is it true that the bullets in his hands can"t kill people?

Step forward quickly, Zhao Jun has decided that the whole Yinmeng, except meow, even Zhou Jie"s brother will die . Besides, Ferrari"s car body is solid, and the angry people around him smash the car body and windshield with all kinds of means . The slender Ferrari is dragged to the middle of the road by the people, like a dead beast, letting the people vent their anger, Zhao Jun, who stepped forward quickly, pulled away the people in front of him and kicked the car door with a hard kick . At the same time, he roared to the inside of the car

"Come out to me, even if your father is Li Gang"s father, I will kill you . . . "

It"s Zhou Jie"s office again . Zhou Jie stares at the angry Zhao Jun and says nothing . Next to Zhao Jun stands a shivering second lieutenant officer . This officer is very young and handsome . The hair on the corners of his mouth has not receded . His waist is slightly bent with his shaking . Zhao Jun constantly scolds him, The type 92 pistol in his hand was waved with his fierce scolding .

"Don"t say you"re a soldier, you don"t deserve to be a soldier . . . I didn"t expect that there were black sheep like you in the army . . . Even if it"s a big thing, you can"t do it . What do you want people to think of us as soldiers, arrogant and domineering? I tell you, you will report this to brother c.o.c.kroach . . . "

"OK, ok . . . How to punish? You can discuss with shiyuanye . This is not your military camp . You can handle military affairs by yourself . Don"t put eye drops on me . We are still waiting for an answer . Brother c.o.c.kroach is not here . What are we going to do . . . "

Listening to Zhao Jun"s scolding, Zhou Jie became more and more impatient . Finally, he couldn"t help interrupting Zhao Jun and reminded him that there were still people waiting for their reply, but he couldn"t pay attention . He turned to Zhou Jie and said:"It"s up to brother c.o.c.kroach to decide this . Besides, we can"t send troops . It"s up to them whether we can survive . We don"t have any ability . . . "

After expressing his powerlessness to Zhou Jie, Zhao Jun looked at the trembling second lieutenant in front of him with a headache . The young officer rushed back from Ordos City at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour to report to him, which moved him a little . But the boy was too reckless . The speed of 300 kilometers per hour can only be controlled by professional racing drivers, A boy who can only drive a military car dares to drive like this . In the end, he has paralyzed his brain because of his speed . When he approaches the Executive Yuan, he forgets to slow down . When an ordinary car wants to rush to the front and step on the brake, it must be a car crash .

"OK, OK, this black pot is too big for me to carry . You can think that it"s your intention to come back as soon as possible, but the system can"t be violated . According to your ident.i.ty as an officer, the crime is even worse . You can"t stay in the army and you must be expelled from the army . "

At this point, the little officer"s tears suddenly came out . Most of the soldiers in the last days had no family . The army was their home, and paoze was their family . Being expelled from the army was like a child being expelled from his home . He just thought about how he didn"t run himself over when he rolled over just now, and why he wanted to hear such painful news . Zhao Jun was used to seeing life and death, He would not feel compa.s.sion for the tears of the little officer . After thinking about it, he said:

"Some of the people who came here this time are from the army where the top leader is elsewhere . There are very few officers there . If you are not afraid of danger, you can go there and start as a sergeant . As long as you can do meritorious service there, you may not come back in the future . It"s a way out . . . "

The third division of the second revival army in Ordos City was originally the expanded blood wolf brigade . Now most of the troops of the third division go north with the army to capture Baiyun mine further north of Baotou . The remaining two regiments are stationed in Ordos City to guard against the zombies in Yulin City in the south . The huge barracks could have accommodated 13000 people of the whole third division, In the past, the neat playground of the barracks was full of soldiers coming and going to do physical training . Even if there were only two regiments left, it would not seem lonely here . But today, the whole camp is in a state of annihilation . Soldiers are standing around the camp in high spirits, like resolute stone statues, and their eyes wake up to look around, Be on guard against possible prying .

On the huge playground in the middle of the camp, the dark sh.e.l.ls of the three mourners" helicopters flow obscure light in the sun, which is inconspicuous . Only by standing in front of them and carefully observing with naked eyes can we find that the black and ferocious fuselages of the three helicopters are like silent monsters . Even if there is no external weapon system, they are still conveying introverted ferocity .

Compared with the giant nearby, the helicopter is insignificant . The huge cigar shaped leather barrel falls to the world like a dark cloud in the sky, covering a quarter of the huge playground of the camp in the shadow . Dozens of silver shining alloy ropes extend from the airship"s air bag to the ground, and are locked, as if locking the giant beast"s hinge, One by one, the cables reflecting the sunlight are stretched straight, and some of the stronger cables are still shaking slightly, as if they were playing strings . Under the air bag, the transport cabin, which is several times larger than the largest luxury bus, stops steadily on the ground . Around the transport cabin of this small building, there are more than 100 foreign soldiers, Carrying AK74 rifles, he looked around curiously and pointed out to the Chinese soldiers who stood upright from time to time . Occasionally, he would make some rude and noisy calls and scolds . He didn"t know what they were scolding, but there was no officer to stop them .

Paul stands curiously among the elite guards of vilichco, remembering everything around him . Fortunately, he resolutely followed Zhang Xiaoqiang at the beginning, otherwise he would not appear in the Chinese military camp as his own person . The noisy voices and shouting and swearing around him make Paul a little headache, I can"t help but get away from these arrogant evolutionists and stand far away, waiting for Chekov to come back . At the same time, I"m also looking forward to seeing whether Zhang Xiaoqiang can recognize himself again .

For young Paul, everything is a dream . When he saw Zhang Xiaoqiang for the first time, he was still in Vladivostok"s nest, watching Zhang Xiaoqiang bask in the sun leisurely . At that time, Paul thought Zhang Xiaoqiang was different . Later, after Zhang Xiaoqiang met their leader angel, he gave them unimaginable help, Let Angel follow Zhang Xiaoqiang without hesitation . After some setbacks, he was at a loss after Zhang Xiaoqiang"s departure and was surprised to recover . In the end, he even had the power to compete with the army . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ability was greatly admired by even the top commander of the army, willichko . All these made them struggle in life and death not long ago, In order to harvest one more potato, the surprise survivors feel as if Zhang Xiaoqiang is an angel sent by G.o.d to rescue them< br>