Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1878: 1878

Chapter 1878: 1878

There are more than 200 disabled soldiers, all of them are in panic . Nearly half of them have lost their guns and the clips in their bags . Some of them are in ragged uniforms, which are even more miserable than the rout soldiers in the movie . The rout soldiers arrive at the dock and cause chaos for the survivors . Even if the front line is badly hit, the survivors behind can"t see them, I can always find some comfort in my heart and cheat myself, but as soon as these rout soldiers appear, even a pig knows that the front has collapsed, and zombies will be killed at any time .

For a moment, the survivors of the whole wharf were all fl.u.s.tered, as if the calm pond had been thrown with huge stones, and the chaos came back . However, the source of the chaos was the defeated soldiers, who were looking for the escape route one after another, making the originally arranged formation into a mess, Some people jumped into the water and swam to the opposite bank in a loud call .

"No, they are coming back too fast to blow up the bridge . "

Cheng Yu is horrified, but Weng Li stares at another place . He sees a group of rout soldiers rushing to the place where the ship was captured . Naturally, these people don"t know . The ship that originally met them here has long been captured by Weng Li"s people, and they can"t find the ship . These people panic and rush to the dock area again . They see how Weng Li doesn"t know, They are all bribed by he Fengli . Otherwise, how can the guard group stop the zombies in the front if they control Yang Wanshan?

"Cheng Yu, you don"t have to worry about it here . Take people to run forward and leave here as soon as you can . If you can"t, take care of yourself . There are three empty ships waiting for you downstream . . . "

Weng Li completely gave up suppressing the chaos . Most of the rout soldiers had lost their morale . Even if they were suppressed for a while, the whole army would collapse when the zombies came . In this way, he might as well let Cheng Yu go first . Cheng Yu was surprised and looked at Weng Li and cried out:

"Won"t you go?"

Countless people rushed to the surface of the water with the sound of spray one after another, and the cry and wail also rang through the dock . The dock was in despair under the low dark clouds . Weng Li stood on the roof and gazed at the collapsed crowd below . Cheng Yu and three or five soldiers stood on the ground looking up . The fl.u.s.tered crowd around them shook their bodies from time to time, Weng Li shook his head slowly

"If I don"t leave, someone must stay and be responsible for the death of these people . You go to find that person . Although he may not be a good person, he is at least true . It"s better to follow him than me . . . "

Weng Li has made up his mind . Cheng Yu is also a decisive soldier . He doesn"t do much persuasion . He stands at attention with the soldiers around him and salutes him seriously . Then he turns away from the crowd and rushes downstream . As he rushes, he grabs the rout soldiers along the way and drives them to rush together . With Cheng Yu, the second lieutenant officer, the rout soldiers find their backbone again, Don"t use Cheng Yu to mobilize, cooperate with them to rush downstream .

Looking at Cheng Yu and his party who disappeared in the crowd, Weng Li was silent . If it had been yesterday, he would never have let Cheng Yu leave, let alone empty three precious ships . Yesterday, he was still a righteous youth full of blood, and would have led Cheng Yu to gather the rout troops and fight for these survivors to the last moment . But today, Too many accidents made him learn to think in a different way of thinking . There is no ordinary dedication in this world, and the survivors may not appreciate their selfless dedication . Zhang Xiaoqiang taught him the idea that when he reaches the goal, he can help the world and when he is poor, he can"t even care for the people around him . How can he save the world?

But he didn"t leave with Cheng Yu . After all, his woman was still in the hands of others, and the life and death of nearly 2000 people were also in his hands . Although he made up his mind to let these people stop the zombie from advancing, his guilt made him stay and do his last effort, just after he watched Cheng Yu leave, Before those officers who ran to the riverside to look for boats rushed over . The dock area was already in chaos . The dense crowd moved back and forth . The noisy noise made the whole dock seem like a noisy vegetable market . There were panic men and rout soldiers everywhere, but the silent Weng Li standing on the roof was the most attractive sight .

"Weng li . . . Where is the boat? Take out the boat and run with us . "

At this time, a smoke faced major pushed away the men in front of him and raised his head to call to Weng Li . Weng Li glanced at the terrified major . His eyelids drooped, but he didn"t want to see more . He just stood on the roof waiting for something . The house under Weng Li"s feet was a bungalow . The body standing on the roof was not majestic, and his early twenties were not dignified, It is such a seemingly ordinary young man who gives people a sea of momentum and makes the major"s anger stagnate .

"Weng Li, didn"t you hear what the battalion commander said? The boat . . . The boat is there . . . "

The captain next to the major raised his pistol and aimed at Weng Li . His hasty voice trembled slightly, proving their inner panic at the moment . Weng Li raised his mouth slightly under the muzzle of the captain"s gun

"You are all soldiers . If you don"t die on the battlefield, why do you want to find a boat with these fl.u.s.tered people? Have you now given up your honor? "Weng Li"s sarcasm was reflected in his clear words . Facing the muzzle of the gun that surrounded him from all directions below, Weng Li"s face was as usual . The noise did not drown his words . It clearly spread to those soldiers" ears . The major"s eyes flashed a trace of hostility and cried out:

"We worked hard, 1200 brothers died, 800 were out of ammunition, There"s no hope for backup . What can we do? Weng Li, you take out the boat, we will kill he Fengli with you, and it"s up to you in the future . . . Don"t take advantage of he Fengli for a moment, we are all abandoned people . . . "

Because of extreme tension, the major"s words were trembling . Many soldiers could not wait to rush into the houses to find out the door panels or rubber tires, and jumped into the water . The only remaining army was collapsing, and countless people were wailing . Surrounded by the roaring sound, Weng Li looked at the major with interest, stretched out his fingers around an arc and pointed to the roof not far away .

"It"s too late . . . Either fight or drown . Choose one for yourself . "

With that, Weng Li rushed out, and the word "shoot" came to the major"s voice . After he saw the S2 zombies climbing and jumping on the roof, the fierce color in his eyes turned into despair, and he cried out his last words in the voice of running away seriously

"He Fengli, you son of a b.i.t.c.h, I will not let you go as a ghost . "

The dock area is still chaotic and noisy . Those panic people don"t know that death has come . With the screams of the survivors in the most peripheral area, the dense crowd on the dock seems to have been thrown into a bomb made by fear . At the moment of detonation, everyone is crazy, and people no longer wait for the road to be empty, Like a mountain torrent, people who hesitated at the water"s edge no longer hesitated as before . They rushed down the river in droves . Countless people scrambled for the narrow path . In the scramble of thousands of people, people could no longer stand steadily and fell into the river one after another, throwing up countless waves .

The scattered gunshots sounded at the moment of the scream, and the surging crowd formed a huge vortex . Some people were in the center of the vortex, constantly pushing their way to life, while others were squeezed out of the vortex, scattered around the outside, vainly trying to squeeze in again and again . In addition to the survivors who had been waiting for the retreat on the dock before, There are also many scattered soldiers coming from behind . The soldiers have no organizational system for a long time, and they can only fight on their own . The number of forwards coming from zombies is not very large . When these zombies appear, they are also seen by the soldiers . The rifles in their hands fire one after another, but there is no unified command . Without morale, the soldiers just fight instinctively, The bullets from the trembling gun body were flying in disorder, and most of them were shot into the empty s.p.a.ce . Even if there were a large number of them, they could not form a fire net to stop the zombies .

Many soldiers didn"t have enough ammunition . After their last bullet was shot out, they ran back in panic . The rest of the soldiers saw that their comrades in arms were running away, and they didn"t have the heart to resist . In the end, they lost their last position . The soldiers were no different from those ordinary people . They did not pose any threat to the zombies . Without resistance and threat, the zombies rushed into the crowd happily and began their b.l.o.o.d.y feast< br>