Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1879: 1879

Chapter 1879: 1879

Zombies are strict with their duty . They throw all the living people to the ground, grab their bodies or limbs and drag them aside to chew . The men who are attacked by zombies are like gentle lambs . After being caught by zombies, they dare not move any more except for the faint howl . They let zombies bite pieces of flesh dripping with blood on them, and the power contained in their bodies disappears at this moment, Apart from looking helplessly at the surging crowd, they can"t even remember to grab the people around them, turn their heads and slap them on the heads of zombies . It seems that it"s natural for them to lie on the ground and endure the great pain of muscle tears .

Zombies don"t kill blindly, or they are very thrifty . They only eat the people they catch . Even if the survivors scream and run around where they eat, it doesn"t affect their enjoyment of eating . The blood springs rush out of the wounds they bite, causing blood and water between their heads and faces . Zombies roar happily with their mouths full of sharp teeth and scarlet meat, The roar of one after another makes this b.l.o.o.d.y hunting ground a h.e.l.l on earth .

The first S2 zombies were only 3578, and the number of people who attacked was also small . Their howling made the crowd confused . Those soldiers who had escaped the disaster did not even want the guns in their hands . They threw away their rifles and mixed into the crowd, which aggravated the confusion of the crowd . More zombies appeared . More than 100 S2 zombies were called by the b.l.o.o.d.y smell and landed on all fours, Like a flexible hound, it rushes here quickly and arrives at the periphery of the dock area in a blink of an eye . Behind them, the black zombies form a corpse tide, just like the black beetles from the tomb of the French king in the horror movie pouring into the dock area .

The black tide is about to stage a flesh storm . Those survivors who can still look behind are crazy at the first sight of the black tide . They scream loudly, push people around them, and try to squeeze out a gap . More people have lost their mind to retreat from the sh.o.r.e, and no matter whether they can swim or not, they rush to the edge of the water to jump, At the water side of the dock full of floating corpses, the battalion commander stood on the sh.o.r.e with black pistols and bleak eyes . There was no subordinate beside him . He was the only one who listened to the huge screams and recalled the scene of the end of the day . How was today like that day? The only difference is that on that day they still had the strength to retreat underground, but today they are dead .

Before he turned his head, the wind flashed by his side, and then the figures went around him and jumped into the water without hesitation . More than a dozen people jumped into the water continuously, most of them flopped twice, choked a stomach of water and sank into the water powerlessly . Some people could point the water and swim with the posture they learned, More and more people are diving into the water, whether or not the water is tangled together . People are constantly sinking into the water, and people who know the water are caught tightly by the people around them . The splashing water has soaked the major"s uniform . The tragedy in front of him has deepened his despair . Finally, he closed his eyes and raised his pistol to his temple, with a shot and blood, The major"s body fell heavily, and the boiling water was scarlet .

Weng Li didn"t know that the major was dead . Even if he knew it, it would not stir up any waves in his mind . The major was the commander of the first battalion and Yang Wanshan"s right arm . He retreated from the city with Yang Wanshan . He started as a lieutenant platoon commander and became the commander of the first battalion . Yang Wanshan was very kind to him, I didn"t expect that he would betray Yang Wanshan when he needed him most . No wonder the soldiers of the guard regiment didn"t want to fight . With such a betrayer as the commander, how could those soldiers not be angry?

The feast of zombies officially started, and he was unable to stop all the zombies . The tide of zombies in the distance was at least more than 1000 . Most of the zombies were above S2 zombies . Although he was an evolutor, he had no ability to kill them all . Even if he could not, he wanted to contribute his own strength, at least to make the final collapse come a little later in the evening, Weng Li is not an evolutionist who can escape from the sky, and his skill is not agile enough to jump freely on the roof . There is only one way for him to rush to the zombie side, that is, to walk .

The crowd below exudes a sense of desperation . All the big men are sweating . Their chest and back are wet with cold sweat . All the men are huddled together, struggling to move forward . All kinds of sweat, body odor and smoke are mixed together . Everyone opens his mouth and shouts all kinds of words and howls intentionally or unintentionally, It"s like a devil in h.e.l.l . His eyes are ferocious looking for the last way of life . From time to time, some people can"t bear the huge mental pressure, suddenly lose control, or kneel on the ground and cry loudly, and are trampled by matchless big feet, becoming flesh mud, or tearing people around like crazy, causing chaos, but also causing more stampedes, Hundreds of people fell to the ground and were trampled by others . Some people struggled to stand up and ran away, while others never stood up again and quietly under the feet of the crowd .

Being squeezed in the crowd, Weng Li was eager to get his soul out of the sh.e.l.l and fly out . As an evolutionist, he was very powerful and could easily push away the people around him . However, the crowd around him was like a rubber band that would bounce back, and the crowd around him could always b.u.mp back the people he pushed out . Time and time again, in vain, he moved like a snail . Weng Li knew that, If you don"t go out, you"ll use everything today . Stand in the same place and wait for the zombies to come . The panic and twisted faces of the surrounding crowd flashed quickly in his eyes . For the first time, he felt that the survivors were so ugly that the number of zombies in front of them was less than one tenth of the crowd . However, they preferred to hide their heads in the sand like ostriches, and they did not dare to rush out to fight with the zombies . Finally, Weng Li burst out and yelled, He pulled the person beside him with both hands and pulled him to the ground . Then he stepped on his body and jumped up . He just pa.s.sed on the dense head . He knew that the person who was trampled on the foot would not be spared, but he had no way . Every minute he delayed, several people would die under the Zombie"s claws .

Stepping on the dense heads, Weng Li finally reached the edge . By this time, the people running around the crowd were almost emptied by zombies . Hundreds of zombies were rushing towards the crowd together . S2 zombies were extremely fast and had a lot of food . Behind them, blood and bones scattered all over the ground, and the scattered survivors were eaten . The real feast was in front of the zombies, The black shadow filled the s.p.a.ce of several hundred meters in a twinkling, and then came to the group . More than ten fast ones jumped up and fell to the crowd . I believe that as long as a zombie fell into the crowd, the panic stampede casualties would be tens of times more than the Zombie"s scratch and bite .

People were unable to move because of the overstock of the group"s strength . They watched the zombies stretch out their scarlet claws like eagles on their heads . They had no way to stop the zombies from approaching except for the shrill screams . Some people were scared to death by spitting green water at that time, and more people closed their eyes to wait for the last moment .

"Die for me . . . "

Weng Li finally broke out before the worst disaster . He stretched out his hands in the crowd and pinched them out of thin air . The two zombies facing him suddenly stopped in the air . Then with Weng Li"s hands tightly pinching, the head of the zombie became a fried tomato . Then his hands suddenly fell on both sides, and the two zombies with their heads blown left and right flew down to both sides, He broke the bones of the other zombies and fell to the ground .

Two zombies were killed and several of them were overturned . However, there were too many zombies and they fell into the crowd one after another, causing a bloodbath . The crowd burst into a huge whirlpool . At this moment, more people fell to the ground and were trampled to death . More people were pushed down the river and struggling in the water . Weng Li didn"t feel much about the death of these people, In order to kill as many zombies as possible before the arrival of the zombie army, the chaotic crowd was finally forced to the extreme . In the scream, some people could not stand the stimulation of their companions who were torn off the meat . They howled like beasts and rushed to embrace the zombies .

The number of more than 100 zombies is not very large . Weng Li can kill two zombies every time . In less than a minute, ten zombies are crushed to pieces by him . Other zombies create chaos and blood in the crowd . At the same time, their maximum movement speed is suppressed . They are torn up one after another under the final counterattack of the crowd . Miraculously, More than 100 zombies were killed in less than 10 minutes, and several times as many survivors were killed as zombies were scratched and bitten .

With the sound of heavy breathing, the surviving man looked at the corpses all over the floor in surprise . The corpses were emptied by them . Weng Li stood up and looked at the approaching tide of corpses, and suddenly yelled at everyone

"Run . . . "

The number of zombies is ten times more than before . Behind the zombie frenzy, there is a faint black line far behind . After being reminded, the survivors turn around together and suddenly a person shouts:

"Drop all the bodies into the river, drop all the bodies into the river . . . With these bodies we can cross the river . . . "< br>