Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1888: 1888

Chapter 1888: 1888

The stammering cry made Sister Rose look at the person who was shouting . Jianzhan didn"t leave . She still stood beside him and looked at the person with him . Sister Rose"s elated expression didn"t fade away . Her eyes swept over the shivering goldfish eye evolutor, and her pupils suddenly tightened, and she said in a trembling voice:

"You . . . You . . . "

Before he finished, the goldfish eye was still shouting:

"Sister Rose, he is a ghost . . . Run away . . . "

Then he turned around and ran out . As soon as he turned around, his waist twisted . With this twist, a piece of blood splashed out . The upper part of his body also flew out in the blood splashing, and fell heavily on the ground . In a shrill scream, the beautiful girl with purple horsetail sprang out, and saw a remnant shadow . The strong and full slender legs disappeared in the same place, Only her frightened upper body remained in the air, and her mouth was still open .

"Mama . . . Ghost . . . "

"Oh my G.o.d, my waist . . . I"m so . . . "

"Don"t move . You"ll die soon . Ask him for mercy . "

The confused words made Sister Rose dizzy . All the remaining ten evolutioners on the ground split a blood line at their waist . Most of them were fl.u.s.tered, while a few of them begged to look at the beautiful sword chop behind him . A clever guy slowly knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the sword . He cried for mercy, and then knelt down and didn"t get up again, His upper body fell off from his lower body when he knocked it on the ground, which made him cry in pain,

All the evolutioners are not dead . They are all divided into two . There is only one person who is intact, that is, Sister Rose, who was once majestic . Sister rose looked at the evolutioner who had been beheaded together . When he recalled the warning, a cold sweat came out of her forehead, Across his white cheek, in the chin out of condensation into drops, and then countless drops of sweat have emerged from the forehead, so that his whole person taut like a bow on the string .

"Cluck, cluck . . . "

In the bleak cry of those evolutionists, Sister Rose opened her mouth and uttered meaningless syllables . She held her hands tightly and wanted to be able to utter them . However, the previous powerful blow exhausted his whole strength . Knowing that Jianzhan was around him, he could not help but turn around and look at Jianzhan . She turned her head in half and was pulled up in the air by the huge force, After a little pause, she was thrown to the ground with more strength . The pretty and handsome rose sister struggled in the blood on the ground . When she looked up, she saw the evil smile standing in the car .

"No . . . you can"t kill me . If you kill me, Xuefeng will know that he will take revenge on you . I"m his favorite . . . "

This is the second time that Sister Rose talks about Xuefeng . Jianzhan doesn"t have a deep contact with Qinghong Dao . She really doesn"t know about Xuefeng . She doesn"t take Sister Rose"s threat to heart . She jumps off the car, raises her feet and walks into the pool of blood on the ground . She stands beside Sister Rose and stares into her eyes . Her fear has reached the extreme, Xuefeng is his only straw to save his life

"If you spare my life, what happened today will not exist . You can"t deal with Xuefeng . Even the big three can"t deal with it . It"s . . . Ah!!"

The explanation turned into a scream . Jianzhan didn"t intend to listen to it . He stepped on Sister Rose"s slender finger with his toes and made a sudden effort . The sound of fracture seemed like the sound of firecrackers . Looking at Sister Rose with a deformed face, Jianzhan raised his toes and stepped on Sister Rose"s other hand . He didn"t show his quickness . He was just a man who would have to be punished, Even though he had already moved his hand, he didn"t care any more . The reason why he didn"t kill Sister Rose was that he didn"t want to take advantage of this guy .

First, her hands, then her arms, and then her legs . She was very patient and didn"t fear that her feet would be stained with blood . She slowly stepped on every inch of her limbs . Her continuous screams made her throat hoa.r.s.e . Every sound was heartrending, and every inch of her head was broken, which made him feel heartrending pain . His whole brain began to blur, It was like a big hammer knocking on his forehead, which made him feel the pain of jumping .

"Rubbish . . . "

Jianzhan stares at Jianzhan with extreme disdain . He leaves two words and doesn"t care whether he"s alive or dead . He turns around and goes to the masatini sports car in which Jianzhan is sitting . He starts the car, turns around and rushes to the destination by the sea, leaving only the abandoned Sister Rose and the survivors everywhere, Armed men who had been waiting around for a long time rushed to rescue the survivors on the scene . Unfortunately, these evolutioners were all beheaded, and their intestines and viscera were all pulled out of their chest . What we need to do now is not to cure them, but to shoot them in the forehead to make them die happily . As for Meigui, the sword did not kill her, and all the bones in her body were crushed, even if she was an evolutioner, According to the medical means of the end of the world, he never wanted to solve the problem of defecation and defecation by himself in his whole life, so life is not like death .

With a car, he speeds up dozens of times . He holds his sword on the car door and enjoys the oncoming gale . He has already left sister rose out of his mind, but he doesn"t know that he has offended a powerful guy unintentionally, which has also brought great trouble to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s plan . When he reaches the front line of the isolated battlefield, he will not be able to escape, The whole sky was shrouded in thick black smoke . Countless plumes of smoke were rising in the high-rise building behind the blocked intersection in front of us . Fierce gunfire, gunfire and explosions were heard one after another . The low roar of monsters could be heard . At the moment before returning to his villa, Zhang Xiaoqiang still thinks that Xi"er hates him most . He doesn"t know how Jianzhan cleans up Xi"er, but he knows that the means are not bright enough . According to Xi"er"s strong character, he will absolutely gnash his teeth at him . When he was ready to face the little girl"s anger, he pushed the door and saw another look, Man"er, who has never been noticed by him, is sitting on the ground crying . Accompanied by Ning"s brothers, Xi"er, who is all tied up, is biting her teeth and scolding Man"er, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang confused .

"There is no good thing in your family . Your mother and father are all b.i.t.c.hes, and you are also b.i.t.c.hes . I want to kill you, Xiaoning . If you let me go, I promise not to run . As long as I let me kill this b.i.t.c.h, even if I was killed by your c.o.c.kroach brother, I would like to . . . Let me go!"

Clear and sharp scolding reverberates in the gorgeous reception hall . Xi"er is tied up in all kinds of things, struggling hard . Her eyes are red and staring at Man"er, who is helpless and crying . She looks like a deep hatred . Ning Ning"s brothers are in a hurry . Although Man"er has not become Zhang Xiaoqiang"s closest person, he is also the closest person to Zhang Xiaoqiang, intentionally or unintentionally, People here regard Man"er as half a hostess . Xi"er is just a prisoner of Zhang Xiaoqiang . Even if they were Xi"er"s people before, how can they let Xi"er kill Man"er?

"Sister Xi"er, it"s not like that . I don"t want Xiaobao to have an accident . I worry about Xiaobao every day . I"ve cried many times . Xiaobao has Chen Shu"s protection . It will be OK . My parents regard him as a baby . How can I hurt him . . . "

But Man"er doesn"t cry because Xi"er wants to kill her, and his defense is not for himself . Standing at the door, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly finds that Man"er and Xi"er are strangely similar, just like a pair of compatriots and sisters . Man"er is gentle and gentle, pure in appearance, and has the elegance of a lady . Xi"er is youthful and full of confidence, Perseverance makes her more inclined to be a strong woman . Before, he faintly felt that Man"er and Xi"er were similar . If they were not too different, one was strong and strong, and the other was weak and amiable, it would not be easy to connect them .

After listening to a few words, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t understand what was going on . He couldn"t move forward or backward at the door . If Xi"er aimed the fire at him, it wouldn"t matter . According to his character, it"s not a big problem to solve an underage girl . However, he has no way to solve the problems caused by the two girls . It"s true that honest officials can"t break the housework, The two girls are obviously making trouble for family affairs . How can he get in the way?

"You don"t have the face to tell me, Xiaobao, that son of a b.i.t.c.h abandoned me and my mother . Even if my mother was critically ill, he didn"t take a look at it . Even if my mother went to carry coal to earn money for our brothers and sisters to study, he didn"t take care of it . Well, your mother"s son of a b.i.t.c.h can"t have another child, so you robbed my brother . Does our family owe you? You don"t know that Xiaobao was robbed by you . My mother cried her eyes blind . I even earned the money for medicine by picking up rags . How could he . . . "

Xi"er"s venting roar makes people around her understand what"s going on, and immediately despises Man"er . Although she doesn"t know who Man"er"s father is, no one looks up to such a modern Chen Shimei . She"s not a thing . She doesn"t care about her own children . She only enjoys with other women until her new wife can"t have children, He took the boy away from his mother, but he didn"t care about his ex-wife"s life and death . It"s not as good as a beast< br>