Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1889: 1889

Chapter 1889: 1889

"No, it"s not like that . My father gives you money every month . It"s all given by the housekeeper himself . My mother also knows . . . And Xiaobao . Xiaobao has always been very good in our family . We all spoil him and don"t let him suffer any injustice . "

Man"er"s defense is feeble . She also knows that Xi"er"s mother knows something about what her parents have done, but she is not the party after all . In Xi"er"s sneer, her defense becomes silent . Only her red and swollen eyes are constantly rolling tears . Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart moves . He remembers what he asked Man"er before, At that time, he asked if Man"er had any relatives . Man"er only said that he had a younger brother, but he didn"t say Xi"er . Obviously, Man"er didn"t regard Xi"er as his sister . Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned around in his mind and walked into the room .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach . . . No . . . it"s not like this . Sister Xi"er is confused . She doesn"t really want to kill Man"er . . . "

Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang"s gloomy face, Ning Haiya is smart and goes forward to explain . Now Xi"er is a prisoner . He doesn"t want Xi"er to be hurt by Zhang Xiaoqiang . Ning Tianxia pushes her brother away and looks up in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang . Perseverance and determination flash in her eyes and says aloud:

"We are all brought out by sister Xi"er, When we didn"t have enough to eat, sister Xi"er starved and gave us food rations . Now it"s time for me to repay her . What punishment do you have? Come to me . Sister Xi"er won"t allow you to move anything . . . "

As soon as the words came to an end, a big bat slapped him with the wind . Although Ning Tianxia was young, he had a lot of fighting experience, and his subconscious launching ability made the bat drift in front of his face and fall into the empty s.p.a.ce, but he didn"t get a taste from Zhang Xiaoqiang"s slap, but a big foot kicked his hip from below and kicked him away .

"Be honest, it"s none of your business . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t have much strength . Ning Tianxia stands up when he is kicked to one side . Seeing that Zhang Xiaoqiang has already stood in front of Xi"er, he wants to stop him . Seeing Ning Haiya"s obscene standing on one side, he doesn"t move . He also presses his mind to see how Zhang Xiaoqiang deals with Xi"er . It"s not the time for Zhang Xiaoqiang to deal with Xi"er . It"s better to wait until Zhang Xiaoqiang decides .

"Do you really want to kill her?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang stares at Xi"er"s angry eyes and asks in a soft voice . Xi"er"s bulging eyes glare back vigorously . Her angry cheeks are white and lovely, like an angry little white cat . It gives people a kind of cute feeling . Although she hates Zhang Xiaoqiang, she still holds down her scolding words and nods her head mercilessly with Man"er in front of her .

"Kill her and your brother will come back?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang asked again . Xi"er was puzzled and remained silent for a long time .

"If your brother is really gone, she is your only relative . Not everyone can leave a relative in the end . Even if you don"t deal with her, even if you hate her family, you are still sisters . You have common blood . . . "

"Bulls.h.i.t, you and she share the same blood, you and she are sisters, I don"t want to . . . "

Xi"er is furious and makes Zhang Xiaoqiang feel his nose and smile bitterly . Obviously, Xi"er doesn"t regard Man"er as a relative, and she can"t help but change her point of view

"In any case, you are all born of a father . Even if you don"t recognize him, he is still your father . Even if he does something wrong to your mother and son, he can"t change . . . "

"What are you trying to say . . . "

Xi"er is annoyed . He doesn"t like oil and salt . Zhang Xiaoqiang has no choice but to admit that his eloquence is really not enough to convince others . He pulls out the rat King blade and cuts off Xi"er"s rope . In everyone"s surprised eyes, he pulls out a pistol and hands it to Xi"er .

"Are you really comfortable killing her? It"s her father who did wrong, and it"s also your father . She didn"t feel sorry for your mother and son . The only thing that makes you resentful is that she is happier than you . Your hatred for her is not anything else, but jealousy . You are jealous that he has something you can"t have . You are jealous that she can easily get the father"s love you want . So you are resentful, you are not for your brother, You hate it for the jealousy in your heart . "

Xi"er takes Zhang Xiaoqiang"s pistol and aims at Man"er for the first time . When she hears Zhang Xiaoqiang"s statement, her gun holding hand suddenly shakes, and the slightly trembling muzzle swings in Man"er"s helpless pupil .

"Sister Xi"er . . . Don"t be impulsive . If you kill her now, you can"t make it up if you regret it later . You don"t want to regret it all your life . "

"I won"t regret it!"

Xi"er screamed, but her right hand aimed at Zhang Xiaoqiang . She looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang with scarlet eyes and gritted her teeth

"It"s all you . It"s all you . Why did you save her? Why do you want to take her in? Why don"t you let her live outside like death? Why don"t you torture her like others? Why give her such a good environment, why let me see him . . . ""Well, sister Xi"er, what"s the matter with brother c.o.c.kroach?"

Ning Tianxia can"t understand it . Why should Xi"er be angry with Zhang Xiaoqiang? Ning Haiya is a little smarter than Ning Tianxia and says quickly:

"Sister Xi"er, the women and children you sheltered are well taken care of by brother c.o.c.kroach . They will eat anything delicious first, and the children will be able to eat as well, Even for the disabled sisters, brother c.o.c.kroach doesn"t dislike them . Many of them have been treated again, and maybe they can be cured . Brother c.o.c.kroach is a good man . Even if you don"t think about it for yourself, you should think about it for them . Besides, brother c.o.c.kroach sent soldiers to beat you, not to swallow you . To put it mildly, none of you will like it, Brother c.o.c.kroach wants to accept you because he is worried about your bad life . "

Ning Haiya doesn"t let Xi"er put down her pistol . She stares at Zhang Xiaoqiang and says in a hateful voice:

"I don"t care about them . They are not my people now . Everything I do has nothing to do with them . Now I"m just uncomfortable . I"m just making trouble out of nothing . I just want to kill people . . . "

"Shoot . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at the pistol pointing to his heart and says calmly that his words make Xi"er have a big accident . The crying Man"er also stops his tears and looks at Zhang Xiaoqiang sobbing . Ning brothers immediately shut up . Since Zhang Xiaoqiang has spoken, they will not join in any more . Xi"er"s slight hesitation causes Zhang Xiaoqiang to sneer, Then he said:

"I won"t kill you after you shoot, but I will kill all the people who have relations with you, your subordinates, your cheap elder sister, and even Ning brothers . Of course, if you can shoot me with one shot, I don"t have to worry so much, but can you really shoot me with one shot?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang firmly believes that Xi"er has been shouting so hard that she will not kill Man"er . As he said, Man"er is her only relative . Whether she admits it or not, the biggest enemy of the survivors in the last world is not all kinds of hardships, but the loneliness of losing all her relatives and friends, and no one can be trusted, Struggling in the ugly human nature of intrigue, he can"t even find a speaker . Therefore, relatives are the most precious wealth and the warmest spiritual harbor of the last generation . Similarly, he doesn"t worry that Xi"er will shoot himself . Xi"er points a gun at him just to find a vent target, because Xi"er can"t fulfill her previous oath to kill Man"er, So she has to give herself a step and an excuse, which is the logic of women .

Xi"er"s white cheeks are red with anger, her wrists are shaking, and the muzzle of the gun is trembling slightly . The irony in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes makes her heart explode . But Zhang Xiaoqiang"s cold intention to kill makes her so scared . More than a thousand women and children are in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hands . If she really angers this man, I"m afraid that her death is not enough to redeem her guilt .

"Do you understand?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang puts away the irony from the corner of his mouth and reaches out to hold the type 92 pistol in Xi"er"s hand . Xi"er is stubborn and refuses to let go . Zhang Xiaoqiang shakes it a few times . The pistol doesn"t move in Xi"er"s hand . Xi"er doesn"t pull the trigger . She holds the pistol in anger and doesn"t let Zhang Xiaoqiang take it away . Zhang Xiaoqiang shrugs his shoulders, He turned to man and said:

"You are not needed here . Go out and find Mo Shaoyun for me . . . "< br>