Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1899: 1899

Chapter 1899: 1899

It"s the first time that Zhang Xiaoqiang has such a fierce ability to use it . His former strong ability quickly disappeared like an hourgla.s.s . Just when his whole body began to soften and he was extremely weak, the second wave of rockets were launched again, More than 20 rockets flew to the top of a building more than 100 meters high . One by one, long and bright rockets went around the periphery of steel Zhuhai and collided around the roof from bottom to top, lighting up a bright fire ma.s.s everywhere, making the night sky more dazzling and red . The exploding fireb.a.l.l.s shook down countless bricks and debris, as well as several evolutioners who were full of fireheads, At the moment when the rocket burst the top of the building, all the steel b.a.l.l.s turned into disorderly waves, completely collapsed and fell to the ground one after another .

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang just consumed all his ability and fell on the ground with his shield . Countless steel b.a.l.l.s fell on him like wind and rain, or beat and scattered around him . The metal shield was like a skateboard under him . The inertia of falling automatically glided on the ground where the steel b.a.l.l.s were rolling all over the place, and it didn"t start to slow down until the outside of the square, Four black shadows flashed silently around Zhang Xiaoqiang, grabbed the four corners of the shield, floated, and then carried Zhang Xiaoqiang to the nearby attack position . These four people were wrapped in black, just like four ghosts . Their body method was illusory . Carrying Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t seem to run, but seemed to be floating . They were very fast . They arrived at Lou fanjun before the third wave of rockets .

"The third launch of the center building!"

With a low cry, the plume of gunpowder immediately covered the launch site, and another 20 rockets were launched . Each rocket launcher was a long-range shooter, and each rocket landed at a tricky and strange place, which could just give the biggest damage to the evolutors in the building . Although Zhang Xiaoqiang was weak, he could still turn his head and grasp the flight path of the flame, More than 20 rockets whirled through the air . When they arrived at the b.l.o.o.d.y door, they would flow back to the sea . One of them would not fall through the s.p.a.cious door . They would explode in the hall where the previous evolutionists gathered . The roar of the shining fire made the building tremble . Countless air waves and scattered corpses and debris seemed to burst out of the door and window with flames .

"Missile ready . . . "

When Zhang Xiaoqiang was surprised at the damage caused to the building by three successive waves of rockets, he was attracted by the report . Not far from Lou fanjun, three slower a.s.sembled hongjian-8 anti tank missiles had been erected . The evolutors who operated the missiles were all focused on the flaming building nearby, waiting for the order of Lou fanjun, Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t help roaring:

"Flatten that building for me . . . "

All of a sudden, 24 rockets and three anti tank missiles rushed out of the launching position . Suddenly, a shrill scream came from the building, which was like a steel needle stinging the owner"s eardrum . Fortunately, the missile was too fast, and instantly exploded a fire ball more than 10 meters around the outer wall of the floor, giving off a greater roar, Every floor blasted by missiles is like a watermelon smashed by bullets . Countless bricks and steel bars are thrown into the sky one after another . The dazzling sea of fire is rolling and surging in the floor like a fire dragon . Countless doors are opened and ejected from the windows . Human bodies are ejected from the floors with fire like hedgehogs, and all kinds of furniture are dancing and falling .

The power of three anti tank missiles is ten times greater than that of thirty rockets . When a rocket hits a building with a steel beam structure, it can make a small hole at most . Three missiles can pierce 900mm front military armor and blast it up . That is to say, it"s monkey king who gets into Princess Tiefan"s belly . Internal blasting and external bombing are two different things, Armor piercing missiles are not proportional to conventional sh.e.l.ls either . Hundreds of windows of the whole building burst open one after another, and various kinds of fire tongues erupted . Then they began to burn and smoke . Huge cracks opened in large areas of the external walls . These cracks grew larger and larger under the tricky bombardment of the subsequent bombing rockets, and the last whole wall fell off, Hundreds of tons of building debris fall and dust can cover the moon .

The rolling dust is the tidal water of the Qiantang River, which covers all the buildings around . Then countless splashes of broken bricks and stones and raindrops of broken steel bars generally fall to the positions of the special combat camp over a distance of 100 meters . The special combat camp is also busy . Various abilities collide and shine overhead, and the walls protrude from the ground to form a shelter, The scattered large pieces of debris are either rebounded or split . Although the fist size stones are still amazing, they have no lethality to the evolutioners . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is sitting on the ground to rest, is the most comfortable among the people . Several whirling winds bounce all kinds of stones and dust around him, not to mention that stones and even a grain of sand can"t be put in .

The stone was just the vanguard . The dust rolled up quickly and crashed into the seven or eight walls which were hastily erected in front of the crowd . The front wall couldn"t even block it . It broke in an instant and was swept into the second wall by the dust . The second wall supported for a second, just like the first wall . The broken wall broke the dust a little, Countless pieces of cement, the size of a car, burst out of the dust, smashed the third wall and then rolled on the ground to collapse the fourth wall . Three walls in a row were damaged in the blink of an eye . The number of those pieces is unknown . The evolutors in the team once again worked hard and used all means to reinforce the last wall when the fifth wall collapsed . The ground vibrated and roared, I can"t tell whether it"s the vibration of the dust and gravel rolling up or the efforts of the evolutionists to strengthen the wall . In the blink of an eye, the dust wave will destroy the other walls and hit the last wall heavily . The dust on the wave head seems to hit the huge wave on the seawall and soar up into the sky . Tens of meters of dust will deform in the dark night sky and hit the ground with countless scattered gravel . "Anyone hurt? Anybody hurt? Lou fanjun, where are you? Statistics of casualties . . . "

Spitting out the sand in his mouth, Zhang Xiaoqiang stood up and looked around in the dust half a foot deep . The last fence was raised to seven or eight meters at the last moment . Now there is only a small gentle slope less than 50 cm high . Everything around him is covered by dust . There are large or small construction waste scattered, and the largest one is comparable to the front of a truck, In the middle of the dust lie a lot of evolutioners . These evolutioners don"t move . They all seem to be dead . The special combat camp is the sharpest steel knife in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hand . Seeing that they don"t move, Zhang Xiaoqiang is also worried and stands in the same place to roar .

A flickering shadow quickly swept over the rough ground and rushed to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s side . Before he arrived, the voice came first

"What"s wrong with c.o.c.kroaches, what"s wrong with c.o.c.kroaches . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang was slightly moved by the urgency of Xi"er"s words . He turned his head and cried to Xi"er:

"There"s still breath . . . "

Xi"er is not worried when she hears Zhang Xiaoqiang"s voice . She jumps to Zhang Xiaoqiang, looks at the people on the ground and asks in surprise:

"Is it swollen? Are they all dead? "

"Cough . . . "

Before the words were heard, countless coughs came from the mouths of the people on the ground . With a cough, the evolutioners of the special forces began to wriggle . Thirty two high-level agile evolutioners sprang up from the ground one after another to cure the evolutioners on the ground . Most of them sat up with help, many of them were injured, and almost everyone was black and blue, In the end, all the evolutionists broke free from the dust that was buried in them .

Xi"er looks at hundreds of evolvers with a strange look . She turns her head and looks at the 20 story high-rise building . She sees that the former magnificent high-rise building is beyond recognition . The height of the building has not been reduced, but the waistline has become thinner, and a large number of external walls have collapsed . The flames were blazing on every floor . The rooms on the first floor were exposed to the burning light . The outer layer of a 20 story high-rise building was blasted open by a missile, just like a dissected model . Large and small wooden furniture or circuit cables were burning . Countless bricks and gravel piled up four or five stories of construction waste at the heel of the high-rise building, which formed a huge slope, The original gate will be blocked, countless open windows are spraying flames and smoke, the smell of scorching slowly spread, large areas of black ash and black snow generally fall< br>