Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1900: 1900

Chapter 1900: 1900

The floor of the building is covered with various cracks, large or small . Countless steel bars curl in the gap like weeds . Some steel beams stretch out in the shape of twist and spring . Occasionally, you can see some incomplete bodies hanging on the steel bars . I don"t know how many people are hidden in the building . I"m afraid few of them can breathe under the fire of the special combat camp .

Just as Xi"er was surprised, the firepower of the special combat camp was that the two buildings outside and on both sides of the main building continued to sound disorderly gunfire and scream . The gunfire was flying to zero . The flickering gunfire seemed to spread like a plague . It quickly spread up from the lower floor of the building . In less than three minutes, it rushed from the bottom floor to the middle floor, I can"t help but look at Zhang Xiaoqiang who is watching over there .

"Don"t you want to know who"s going to kill you? Why don"t you leave a few people alive? "

Xi"er doesn"t blame Zhang Xiaoqiang for the heavy killing, but she is curious that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s attack methods so far are all thunderbolt and ruthless . Even if she takes revenge on her subordinates, there"s no need to kill anyone, right? Hearing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head and said in a deep voice:

"There"s no need . You can see the great killing array they set up . No matter how many people I bring, they may not be able to block it . I don"t think they have any idea about me . In this case, we"ll never stop . If the two sides of Qinghong road are attacked, they want to engage in East and West, I"ll give him a grudge, He didn"t dare to trouble me any more . He took out what I wanted in good order . "

It seems very heavy to say this without his usual free and easy manner . To tell you the truth, he has never suffered such a big loss . When he fought with human beings before, both sides faced each other face to face . Even if thousands of people were killed or injured, he would not be so uncomfortable . He was always upright . Success or failure was a matter of his own ability, Today, more than 100 people were almost killed by him . If he hadn"t used his body as bait to attract the other party"s attention and lead to the other party"s main force, G.o.d knows how many people would have died .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, we have totally eliminated 758 armed men in the periphery . There are no evolutors . It seems that something is wrong . Are they too confident to ambush all evolutors in the building?"

Lou fanjun came up and said to Zhang Xiaoqiang suspiciously that Lou fanjun came from Jiangxi, and he was also a soldier . As the first group of officers to return to Zhang Xiaoqiang, he was highly valued by Zhang Xiaoqiang . He would think more about everything . He was a good officer, but Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t care too much, Pointing to the incomplete building in the middle, he said:

"They think that we can be caught by the ambush in front of the square . Besides, they don"t know about you . I have a big water snake in my hand, but there are not many evolutionists . Hundreds of evolutionists who had been fettered before gave them back and looked down upon us as natural, This time can surprise successfully, the luck has occupied the very big ingredient

Zhang Xiaoqiang is telling his guess . Xi"er screams and asks him to stop . Following Xi"er"s surprised eyes, he forgets the past .

I don"t know when the thick smoke from the burning of the main building on the top of the building is spinning like a black hole into a huge black ball . The huge black hole is swallowing up the endless stream of smoke, and then spinning faster and faster . When spinning, the black ball bigger than the truck head is constantly shrinking, and each contraction condenses the nihilistic black hole, This kind of change can"t help but let Xi"er scream . After all, it"s too weird, as if there was an invisible big hand controlling the smoke .

"Prepare to fight, the other side has evolutors . . . "

Lou fanjun subconsciously roars out the preparation order to let other staring evolutioners come back to their senses . Zhang Xiaoqiang, regardless of the bustling subordinates around him, frowns tightly and stares at the shrinking black hole . Although he has super long sight distance, he can"t help being in the dark and covered by thick smoke . He can"t see clearly . He"s thinking about whether he should rush up to see it carefully, Xier shouts again:

"There"s someone in there who can fly . . . "

Xi"er"s cry made Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes wide open . He immediately saw that there was a fuzzy figure in the black hole formed by thick smoke . The black hole was suspended several meters above the top of the building, and there was no connection between the black hole and the floor . If it was true, I"m afraid that guy"s ability was not simple . Zhang Xiaoqiang saw this man, Suddenly, I think of a person I have heard of in the building, Xuefeng, who can control so many survivors . I don"t need to say his skill . Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang shouts:

"Sniper, shoot me down . . . "

As soon as the words came to an end, the bone bow in front of Xi"er"s body stirred at her fingertips, and the bow string pulled into a full moon burst into a huge roar . A breeze blew by, and the bow string still vibrated on the bow arm . The piercing scream came into the black hole, and the black hole, which had shrunk by nearly half, suddenly spread, just like a breathing lung leaf, swallowed the arrow at this swallow, It should be at the moment when the black hole was pierced . At the same time, the loud noise came from the high-rise building . The sound from the building more than 100 meters high spread to people"s ears . It was only a moment, but the sound was like a tire burst . Then the perfect black hole had signs of collapse .

In Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes, shattering is just an illusion . In Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes, shattering is a hole missing from the black hole . During the reorganization, a black broken arrow spins out of the black hole at high speed and bounces downstairs . This broken arrow can only be seen clearly by Zhang Xiaoqiang and Xi"er . Xi"er"s face is pale, and the beast tooth arrow can"t break . Even the D2 zombie can"t stop the beast tooth arrow, Not to mention the ordinary evolutionist, even Zhang Xiaoqiang had to rely on dynamic vision and the sharpness of the rat King"s blade to break it into two parts . But this beast tooth arrow was broken completely, which was obviously a hard break . The roar of anger is like the roar of wild animals . At the same time, a huge pressure comes from upstairs, which makes Xi"er"s face turn red and her legs tremble slightly . This pressure can be felt by every evolutioner, but the progressors on Zhang Xiaoqiang"s side only feel slightly uncomfortable, not unbearable like Xi"er .


Zhang Xiaoqiang drinks again . This time, the long-range evolutioners come back together, throw aside the pressure that makes them feel uncomfortable, and fire bullets at the shadow . In addition to the sniper"s special sniper rifle, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ordinary evolutioners have the habit of using guns . Not to say much, hundreds of rifles fire together, The black hole has been absorbing black smoke before . The black smoke black hole has a texture . Under the moonlight, it is like a dark abyss . Countless bullets rush into the shadow of the black hole, but it seems that it is really absorbed by the black hole . Even a bubble does not blow, Even if more bullets are like a shower of fire, they can"t touch the black hole .

"Rockets . . . Missile launchers ready . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang feels more and more wrong . Is the shadow the legendary blood Phoenix? But why does this guy stay there and do nothing? Do you want to learn from the coming of the son? Under Zhang Xiaoqiang"s command, the 24 rockets dug out of the dust did not even care to slap the dust . They aimed at the guy on the top of the building . With one order, the 24 flames rushed to the man .

In an instant, the dark shadow spreads suddenly, wrapping the whole roof, and the Rockets are also wrapped in it . The fire light bursts continuously in the dark curtain . In an instant, the black shadow stabs out thousands of rays and spreads around . For a moment, the figure hiding in the center appears in the fire light . When Zhang Xiaoqiang thinks that the guy is going to die this time, The black smoke in front of the man seemed to spread and vibrate like a ripple, and the waves of black smoke continued to form a huge circle around the man .

Circles of black circles spread around the man . The previous shadow has not been completely dispersed . Under the night sky, you can"t see the man"s face, but you can hear a huge roar:

"Little worms, you have angered me . I want you to keep me alive and enjoy the most terrible h.e.l.l in the world . "< br>