Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1958: 1958

Chapter 1958: 1958

Zhang Xiaoqiang was shocked and wanted to escape . He looked up and saw a helicopter landing towards him . It was obvious that someone saw Zhang Xiaoqiang moving down the floor and rushing down to prepare for rescue . Zhang Xiaoqiang was not happy to see the helicopter . It took less than three minutes for the whole building to detonate, and it took more than three minutes for the helicopter to descend and ascend, The loss of more than 100 armed men is nothing to Zhang Xiaoqiang, but the loss of a helicopter will make him feel very sad . In this hurry, he will rush to the end of the street .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s running like a Crazy Rabbit made the helicopter pilot stay, but he couldn"t help but follow up . The height was still falling . Zhang Xiaoqiang turned to look at the plane and scolded a fool . He didn"t know that the helicopter pilot had known that the building would be detonated . He came down with the idea of giving up his body and becoming benevolent, that is, how brave can Zhang Xiaoqiang"s subordinates be, Other forces will never carry out death tasks for their own leaders .

During the run, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mind moved . He turned to look at a corner on his side and saw another rat King blade he had lost . It was a wonderful feeling . It seemed that this rat King blade was his lost part . His mind moved again . The rat King blade inserted in the concrete pier swayed twice and flew to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s side . Zhang Xiaoqiang had no time to think about it, Take back the blade of rat king and rush forward like an explosion . In more than ten seconds, the plane rushed 200 meters away . The plane also followed Zhang Xiaoqiang"s b.u.t.t to the other end of the street . When Zhang Xiaoqiang stopped panting, a sharp cry came from behind . The b.l.o.o.d.y Phoenix wrapped in green fog was like a billiard flying from the building, After him, there are many chaotic blood colored water flows, which constantly scour his body, taking away some erosion sources and being polluted by them at the same time . Each blood water will be completely swallowed by the erosion source after being scoured for at most three times . However, the blood sea of 8000 people has shrunk seriously, and the remaining amount is less than one percent of the previous amount, Seeing the blood around Xuefeng getting less and less, it was obvious that Xuefeng didn"t dare to stay and rushed out of the building to escape .

When Zhang Xiaoqiang saw Xuefeng, the rat King blade didn"t need to wave, so he flew out and surrounded himself . With a little feeling, Zhang Xiaoqiang knew that his ability to control the rat King blade had been improved again, and the coverage area had reached 50 meters, which was the ultimate effective range of the pistol . After his rat King blade was rotated a circle, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly withdrew, He gestured wildly to the helicopter, and the target was Xuefeng . Previously, he was distressed that the helicopter had been destroyed, but now, he would rather destroy the helicopter than kill Xuefeng . The pilot of the helicopter was not stupid . He also saw Xuefeng . He turned the head of the helicopter, and the machine gun began to roar . Countless bra.s.s sh.e.l.ls fell from the sky, and there were explosions in front of and behind Xuefeng, A mutilated corpse turns into a broken body in the explosion . In the shooting of the machine gun, Xuefeng has to change her direction and rush towards Zhang Xiaoqiang, who has restrained her intention to kill .

The earth"s gravity seems to have lost its force on Xuefeng . Every time Xuefeng jumps, she can reach 20 meters away, and the speed is very fast . Like lightning, she can reach the front 50 meters of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s body in a flash . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s killing intention can only converge about 10 meters . While she is still, she tries not to let Xuefeng feel his will to kill, At the moment when Xuefeng was forced by the fire of the helicopter, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s killing idea could no longer be controlled . He spread out in all directions, making Xuefeng"s movement stiff . At this time, the two rat King blades split in the air, and the invisible wave came to Xuefeng"s side . This time, even the fluorescence was collected, just like the invisible sharp blade crossed Xuefeng .

Although Xuefeng doesn"t have rich experience in battle, he is really skillful in life-saving means . No matter how fast the rat King"s blade is, it takes time and distance . It seems that he doesn"t have many blood waves left . He can still gather more than ten pieces of duoling crystals, which is faster than blinking an eye . More than ten blood crystals are blocked in the direction of the blade, and the ox horn turns around and rushes to another direction, Obviously, he had no determination to fight with Zhang Xiaoqiang to the end . At this time, twelve blood crystals were smashed at the same time, and countless small pieces pierced his whole body . The rat King blade crossed Xuefeng"s neck, and a head flew up in the green fog . Seeing that head, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt a long breath, and the ground shook with a dull thunder, and countless bodies jumped up with the vibration, In the huge earthquake, the building began to disintegrate, layers of floor swelled and collapsed, countless broken masonry beams fell down one after another, the dust raised covered the sky to block out the sun, and Xuefeng"s head turned into ashes in front of the background of the building"s slow collapse .

At the same time, Xuefeng"s body is also slowly melting under the infection of the erosion source . With a jingle, the Firebird scimitar falls from Xuefeng"s body, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes bright . He doesn"t know whether the scimitar is embedded in Xuefeng"s body or found by Xuefeng . The scimitar falls on the ground with a little erosion source, which is slowly corroding the scimitar . Zhang Xiaoqiang looks around, When the dust of the building collapsed, he found a kettle among the corpses on the ground . He unscrewed the lid of the kettle and poured it on the machete to wash away the erosion source . Just as he was about to pick it up, the corner of his eye flashed red . He saw that the remaining blood waves that swam around Xuefeng turned into sharp arrows and dashed into the green fog of the erosion source, and then the blood waves were infected by the green fog, However, it broke a gap in the erosion source, and a dark red blood wave came out of the erosion source .

The sudden appearance of the blood wave caught Zhang Xiaoqiang by surprise . He thought that Xuefeng was dead, but it was just a moment of relaxation . When this thing appeared, he didn"t react . He just subconsciously asked the rat King blade to cut the blood wave, which was his natural reaction after all kinds of battles . How could he know that Xuefeng didn"t escape, He turned into a blood arrow and shot fiercely at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s face . The rat King blade cut the blood arrow into three sections one after the other . He didn"t expect that the blood wave with only the arrow didn"t have any late payment . He still rushed to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang turned his waist and side and gave way to the blood arrow . He didn"t know why . He suspected that Xuefeng"s consciousness might have something to do with it, so he didn"t die in front of the blood arrow . When he let the blood arrow, he cut it down to the arrow . He didn"t know that there was no substance in cutting it down . There was only a ma.s.s of scattered plasma . His heart suddenly tightened, he turned his head and looked back . The tail of the arrow that had been cut off by the rat King"s blade wrapped the last blood wave of 8000 people, turned into a meteor and fled to the distance . That direction turned out to be the last defense line to stop the zombies .

Zhang Xiaoqiang looks dully at the fleeing blood arrow . Then the building collapses and the debris and dust burst out . The tsunami generally covers him up . Countless bodies fly and grind among the rolling bricks . The helicopters slowly let the dust rise and gather around the last place where Zhang Xiaoqiang stands . Instead, the helicopters that took care of Zhang Xiaoqiang fell into the dust and suspended, Using the propeller to blow away the dust, Zhang Xiaoqiang was finally exposed .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach . . . Only company commander Dao Ming and Du are left in the whole building . Shan Qingchao was scratched by a zombie and volunteered to stay there . . . We have dropped incendiary bombs . The ruins of the whole building have been set on fire, and other areas centered on the ruins have been set on fire . Three helicopters carrying red arrow anti tank missiles are patrolling there . Once the zombies are found, they will be cleared . And, The rest of the evolutionists around are accepted, and they all follow orders . "

Sitting in the helicopter, Zhang Xiaoqiang wearily closed his eyes . Huang Tingwei"s report came from the intercom . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t respond . He just thought about the variables after Xuefeng returned to the sea of zombies . He hated Xuefeng"s cunning . When Huang Tingwei"s report suddenly stopped, Then Huang Tingwei said in a low voice:

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, you punish me . I ordered those rockets to be launched . . . "

"No, it"s none of the captain"s business . It"s my first suggestion . . . "

When Huang Tingwei said this, Paul"s big tongue was the first to argue . However, the Russian was responsible and would not shirk . Huang Tingwei yelled at Paul:

"I"m the team leader . I gave the order, and only I have the right to give the attack order . This time, I almost killed brother c.o.c.kroach and failed to destroy Xuefeng, I am fully responsible for . . . "

Huang Tingwei"s att.i.tude is very resolute, but Zhang Xiaoqiang does not seem to hear it . He stares at the sky outside the window and murmurs:

"Why is it overcast?"

The sky in the urban area didn"t clear up after the fire broke out . People had long been used to the days when black smoke covered the sun . When they heard Zhang Xiaoqiang talking about the incompatibility, they turned to look out of the window and saw that the sky was the same as yesterday . The thick smoke was floating, low and gloomy . Huang Tingwei didn"t give up his request, When he was ready to turn the topic to himself, weak Dao Ming opened his mouth and let the whole flight squadron hear clearly through the intercom .

"It"s overcast . It looks like rain . . . "

At this time, the careful pilot could see the blue sky outside the city . He didn"t know when it was filled with dark clouds . The dark clouds made the ground outside the city shrouded in the dark< br>