Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1959: 1959

Chapter 1959: 1959

On the sea, hundreds of meters high giant animals are walking slowly in the shallow water area of the sea . Every time they move in the water, they will roll up more than 10 meters high water waves and rush to the sh.o.r.e . The buildings and trees before the sea have been washed away by this endless small tsunami . Countless strange mutant creatures are undulating with the waves on the beach, and even farther away on the sea, There are numerous underwater mutated creatures tumbling and swimming . From time to time, 20 or 30 meters of huge sea fish rush out of the water and jump on the beach like bombs . They open their mouths to eat some mutated creatures on the beach . When the tide comes, they retreat into the sea . Occasionally, they can see huge shadows moving from the depth of the ocean first . A giant beast more than 20 meters high recently rises from the sea, Dripping countless waterlines, I slowly want to move on the beach . From time to time, I bend down to bite and swallow the big black scale fish with sharp teeth and shape like flying shuttle .

There are many kinds of mutated animals in the sea, and the number is even more difficult to count . These mutated animals are very close to the sh.o.r.e or the Yangtze River . When they rush to the inland, killing and hunting happen from time to time . If people have a heart to see the situation here, they will know that if it is not driven by external forces, these mutated animals will not gather here, nor will they gather so many numbers, After all, many of the mutants are hunters and prey to each other .

The sky is gloomy and dark . The dark sky stretches on the sponge . Only at the deepest edge of the ocean can there be a line of blue . At the junction of blue and obscurity, countless faint thin lines are connected between the sky and the water . If the distance is shortened, you can see it in the sea water tens of kilometers away from the coastline . Countless long dragon like water columns pump the water into the sky, Every water column is bigger than a football field . It seems that the slow, real and fast rotation makes ten million tons of sea water roll up into the sky and turn into water vapor . Swimming between these water columns is like walking into the millstone of heaven and earth . The blue water surface becomes as dark as ink in the dark sky, and the turbulent sea water turns into innumerable eddies, sending more water waves into this innumerable huge water column, There are different numbers of humanoid creatures around each water column .

Most humanoid creatures have fish scales or crustaceans, and others have parotid glands and light fins on the outside of their arms . These humanoid creatures give people the first impression, as if they were human animal hybrids from a taboo biochemical laboratory . Looking around, tens of thousands of semi defective human animals are gathered here, It"s like a pilgrimage, floating on the water and worshiping these pillars .

At the center of numerous huge water columns, a super huge water column with a length of two or three kilometers rises like a mountain, although other water columns are very large, Compared with this water wall, it becomes a matchstick to set off the python . Compared with other more or less half human and half animal creatures gathered around the water column, all of them are in perfect human form . Although there are not many of them, they can see their flawless skin, long black hair and beautiful appearance from their half bodies exposed to the sea .

This is as like as two peas in twelve females . If they are not to see if they have fish tail under their bodies, they think they are mermaids from the depths of the sea . These women are all very beautiful . If put into the human society, it will cause countless men"s madness, not to mention that they are all naked, that can be called the great chest, and the red Yan Tao can stimulate the most primitive human desire .

But this crazy beauty contains unimaginable danger . Twelve people can hold up a three kilometer water column, which is a miracle for human beings of any age . This ability can"t be explained by science at all . Just as the sea wall spirals up to the sky, countless marine creatures are sent to the sky by water and fall from the sky like raindrops, Since the mutation happened, even the weakest creatures in the past are fierce . The fierce ones in the past have become the most fierce beasts . These huge mutant beasts with sharp knife teeth and strong carapace fall from the sky to the women"s heads, and then open their mouths to bite them . Without exception, they all expand and crack on the women"s heads, Finally, even the belt bone turned into clear water and fell on the women, making their snow-white skin flush with excitement .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, it"s likely to rain . According to the estimation, it should be a rainstorm once in a thousand years . Of course, it can"t compare with the first three rains after the end of the world, but the precipitation is at least more than 200ml . If the time is too long, the total rainfall is hard to count . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang is still sitting in the helicopter . The helicopter group did not return to the flight base, but flew towards the zombie sea . Huang Tingwei was responsible for the report . Now Zhang Xiaoqiang"s Hubei staff headquarters has improved a little . After discovering the cloud changes, the staff headquarters produced a preliminary report in a short time .

"The point is, what"s the impact of this heavy rain on us?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t want to know whether the heavy rain will break the historical record, or whether the heavy rain will bring new changes to the end of the world . Now Xuefeng is on the run, and 8000 survivors have lost their lives in the first World War . He has to figure out the possible variables .

"Shanghai can"t hold on . Even if we light up all the oil, we can"t hold off the heavy rain . The fire will go out, the water level will rise, the salt at the sea entrance will be diluted, and the construction of the floating bridge must be re planned, at least after the heavy rain stops . Even so, we have to investigate the hydrology and look for better ferry sites, The only slightly better news is that after the heavy rain, the zombie blocking line will be much easier, the rising water level will deepen the river channel in the waterway area, the river channel previously filled with zombies will be re dredged, and the crossing points made by the lost troops before the zombies will be completely damaged . "Huang Tingwei put forward three kinds of changes about the possible Millennium heavy rain, two of which are regarded as a disaster for human beings . The third change seems good, but it is useless for tens of millions of zombies . The impact on zombies is far less than that on human beings . When Zhang Xiaoqiang heard this, his face suddenly darkened, and Huang Tingwei couldn"t go on, At this moment, he didn"t resign, just because the problem is far more serious than that of Zhang Xiaoqiang .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, I personally suggest that it is possible to mobilize the survivors to build the suggested ships and migrate to Shazhou island . In the past, Shanghai survivors could swim upstream from the edge of the urban area . I think that now that they are so close, and there is no evolutionist blocking them on the Yangtze River, they should still be able to migrate some people . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t speak . Huang Tingwei couldn"t help whispering his suggestion . He knew it was not a good idea . According to his idea, it would be good if 200000 survivors could survive 20000 . 90% of the people would be buried in the Yangtze River . When it rains heavily and the water level rises, the River will not be as calm as before

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t speak at the moment, and he was at a loss . He had done so many things in Shanghai, but in the end, it was nothing . Originally, he planned to build a floating bridge to connect the two sides of the Strait, and then lure the zombie sea to the urban area to meet the mutant . Fortunately, the survivors took the opportunity to cross the river, hoping that the mutant would be killed by the zombies in the urban area, He will certainly transfer the mutant beast from Jiangbei back to Jiangnan . Unexpectedly, Xuefeng is the real behind the scenes of the whole zombie sea . This rain will cause irreparable losses to the river crossing, which makes him start to lose heart

"Order the sword chopping brigade in Shanghai to light all the oil, blow up the buildings in the urban area as much as possible, and give them half a day, Half a day later, evacuate . . . Inform Xiaoshan, and evacuate all the zombie sniper lines . The oil transported there in advance doesn"t have to wait for the critical time . Give it to me now . Withdraw the armed personnel and soldiers as much as possible, and . . . Bring back the weapons and ammunition as much as possible . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang issued two orders in a row . The original chaotic thinking gradually became clear . A new plan was formed in his mind . He still needed more time now . With the heavy rain coming, all the preparatory work would be wasted . He had to change according to the situation and look for a ray of life in despair . Xuefeng"s return to the zombie group was bad news for him, In order to consume ammunition in vain, it is better to withdraw the armed personnel and stick to the last line of defense< br>