Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1960: 1960

Chapter 1960: 1960

Xiaoshan shovel as one falls, another rises in thousands of soldiers, and the earth is dug up by a dozen thousand soldiers . They dig up a few meters deep pits and pile up a more than 10 meter high hill to cut off the possible direction of the zombies . The explosion of the explosion has blown up a pile of mud, and the river banks have blown up under the splash of mud . The surging river water is flowing into the connected pits through simple ditches, forming pools . Further away, the new ditches are pouring black and pungent crude oil . The black oil is flowing in these ditches, forming a black blockade like spider web . In the front of the construction site of the intensive excavation, the dense gunfire is continuous like fried beans, Countless transport personnel carrying boxes of ammunition along the road left out, like ants moving for the front line, sent ammunition and materials, and pulled down a body lying on a stretcher with gun holes on the forehead .

Hundreds and thousands of corpses are piled up in the rear to form corpse piles . Each corpse has been bitten . These corpses are piled up and poured with gasoline one after another . Once they are piled up to more than 100 corpses, they are lit with fire . The rising black smoke and the front position are shining . The burning corpses emit a pungent smell, not far away from the corpses, Large pots are cooking rice porridge and dishes . Hundreds of large pots are arranged in a neat square array . In the hot white air, there are still black ashes from the burning corpse . No one cares about these things when they fall into the pot . Armed men without guns stir the porridge and ashes in the pot with big spoons to make them gray .

Behind the open-air kitchen, countless supplies piled up . All the supplies were delivered by more than 10000 people on their shoulders . Thousands of armed men carried rifles to escort the transport brigade of nearly 10000 people . Under the orders of the armed men, the exhausted men carried the supplies on their shoulders with their last strength and moved numbly forward . Once someone fell to the ground and didn"t want to get up, Armed men rushed up and pulled to the side of the road . After repeated warnings, they shot the man in the head . The body with the head blasted was placed on the side of the road to alert other people . The materials on the ground were equally distributed to other people . If they didn"t want to die, they could only continue to suffer .

Zhang Xiaoqiang sat on the helicopter and looked at the long transportation line stretching for tens of kilometers below . With his eyesight, he could see all the details of the ant like long line . Countless men were driven forward to transport materials . Almost every ten or twenty meters on the roadside, a corpse fell down . However, more corpses did not fall on the roadside, but in the field not far from the road, These corpses are unbearable . The men were shot after they ran away . In order to complete the task, the armed men who were temporarily transferred were extremely vicious . All obstacles that might cause delay were removed by them . They would not listen to the excuses and appeals of some people, but only talk with rifles, because if they could not complete the task, no one would survive, Zhang Xiaoqiang is to use this cruel to tragic means to ensure the front of the material supply .

"Order the logistics department to stop the forward delivery of materials, all logistics personnel to transfer to the dock area, let them carry good tools, and dig for me when they arrive at the destination . . . "

Once the evacuation order is issued, it"s time to officially give up the blocking line . Zhang Xiaoqiang removes all kinds of disordered thoughts from his mind and concentrates on the transfer of more than 100000 survivors . At present, all the methods have failed . On the contrary, Huang Tingwei"s idea is the most feasible . It"s just that there are too many people dying in this way . If he gives this order, It will send more than 100000 survivors to a dead end . Just thinking about Zhang Xiaoqiang, I feel scared .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, we have received the latest battle report . The zombies have stopped attacking and gradually withdraw . Xiaoshan asks for the next action . . . "

Another new intelligence came to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang was looking at the rising black smoke in the distance from the helicopter . He was worried that the Zombie"s action was contrary to his expectation . In his expectation, the zombie should attack more crazily to meet Xuefeng . It was only possible for the zombie to stop attacking . Xuefeng had already arrived in the middle of the zombie, if so, Before Xuefeng returns to the zombie group, the purpose of sniping has failed . He has only one chance to kill Xuefeng .

"Order Xiaoshan to prepare for the evacuation work, bring all heavy weapons back to me, and let him gather all the corrosion sources and accelerate the helicopter . . . "

The front line, which had never been calm in the past, suddenly dispersed all the gunfire . It was like a river breaking its bank . The endless stream of zombies also dissipated beyond the range . If it were not for the fallen corpses on the opposite side and the bodies swirling in the river, I"m afraid the soldiers on the front line would think that what happened before was just a long nightmare, and the smoke of gunfire had not gone away, On the other side of the bank, the fire of the gas on the corpse pile was loud . The soldiers sat in the waist deep mud water with rifles and looked at the gloomy sky above their heads . All the gunfire, gunfire, scream and the roar of the zombies disappeared completely . No one disturbed their precious rest time . Most of the soldiers on the scene didn"t close their eyes for at least 24 hours in a row .

The logistics personnel behind him took the opportunity to deliver the late lunch to the front of the battle . In front of the battle, there was a mixture of mud and water, which was covered with dirty cartridge cases and various empty ammunition boxes . It was behind the trench . The yellow and white things smelled like smoke . There was no toilet for soldiers on the battlefield . The only solution was behind the trench, At least here, they can shoot while they p.o.o.p . These days, soldiers fight in muddy water for a long time . The temperature difference between day and night and the emotional changes during fighting make most soldiers" intestines and stomach disordered . Almost none of them do not p.o.o.p . As a result, the whole trench area is smelling of smoke and feces, Every soldier fighting here has experienced an unimaginable ordeal . When the late rice porridge and all kinds of pickles and bacon were delivered to the battle, it seemed that half of the dead soldiers had the strength to stand up from the muddy water and climb up to the protrusions on the edge of the trench like mud monkeys . Only here did they not feel cold . When boxes of rice porridge mixed with ashes were put into their hands, all the armed men sat on the edge of the toilet and wolfed down, Perhaps among them are the former white-collar and gold-collar workers, the second generation of the rich and the second generation of the government officials, the ordinary migrant workers and the decadent and empty post-90s . Now they are all sitting on the edge of the toilet, stepping on their own excrement and urine, carrying turbid rice porridge, eating while they are secretly happy . When they live to eat again, they are beside them, and a zombie body rushes to the trench, Among them are the bodies of soldiers who were captured and shot .

All of a sudden, a soldier cheered loudly . His dry voice was hoa.r.s.e and weak, but with indescribable penetrating power . Then someone began to respond . They were cheering for their survival, just staring at the lunch box in their eyes . Another part of them put down their lunch box and stood up, looking at the helicopter group slowly flying in the rear . Suddenly, they were excited, The zombies floated in the river and caused huge waves . The whole river area of more than 100 meters was boiling in the waves . Countless corpses sank under the water . The huge and dark body suddenly floated to the surface of the water . It was forgotten by Zhang Xiaoqiang before . The big water snake seemed to feel something, showing a huge body that was a circle thicker than usual .

The helicopter group took a rest in the logistics camp, replenished the prepared corrosion source bombs, and flew to the front line . The soldiers did not know why the zombies were removed . When they saw the helicopters on their side, they immediately felt proud . Even though most of them were armed men in Shanghai a few days ago, they had a sense of belonging to Zhang Xiaoqiang after a series of wars, Seeing these airplanes, I felt more confident in saving my life . I cheered one after another, hoping that the pilots would kill more zombies in their face .

The helicopter didn"t stop . After crossing the cheering crowd, it rushed to the opposite side of the river . Just as the helicopter crossed the river, a snake tail with a height of tens of meters stood up in the middle of the river and swayed slightly as if to say h.e.l.lo . Then it was suddenly photographed . The huge wave with a height of more than ten meters, carrying countless corpses, rushed to both sides of the river bank and poured out the lunch boxes in the hands of countless soldiers, The river water mixed with zombie liquid can"t be eaten . At the moment when the soldiers yell at the mutant water snake, sharp whistles ring everywhere in the trench . The soldiers quickly throw away their lunch boxes, find out their mud stained rifles and start to form a whole team . Then there are more cheers and earth shaking . At this moment, the last day"s desperate fighting finally stops, The soldiers received good news of the retreat< br>