Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1988: 1988

Chapter 1988: 1988

Venus looked at the huge beast on the ground from the window, and her heart was shocked . If she didn"t stand on the high alt.i.tude, it would be easy to treat the giant beast as a hill . The city was full of mutant beasts killing each other . On the contrary, it gave the dock area a chance to breathe . There was chaos on the other side of the zombie sea, and the unstoppable speed of propulsion gradually stopped, Even the continuous rain also has a decreasing trend, which means that human beings have more time and opportunities to save themselves . Before receiving the communication from Huang Tingwei, we knew that Zhang Xiaoqiang needed logistics support and didn"t need airship . Venus, as the logistics commander of the airship, was duty bound to seize the task and personally took the airship to meet Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t see it, I was scared by the carca.s.s of the beast .

In addition to Venus, the other members of the airship were also frightened . They were all elite soldiers recruited in Ordos City, and they did not travel in Vladivostok . It was the first time that they saw such a huge monster . The giant beast that made their souls tremble was silent in the rain, and their hearts were filled with pride, Zhang Xiaoqiang has long been a legend in Yinmeng . Seeing the legend with his own eyes gives them the honor of writing history .

The huge airship slowly fell behind Zhang Xiaoqiang, which was more powerful than the air transport ship . Hardy"s face was livid . Franklin stood respectfully beside Zhang Xiaoqiang and told him the purpose of Europe in the new era with a flattering face . At the same time, he also expressed his loyalty to Zhang Xiaoqiang . He was a smart man who knew that the transport ship had fallen, The military insurgency in Indonesia has been cut off, and his life is still in other people"s minds . He has to do his best to cooperate . Even if he will regain the upper hand in the new era in the future, he may not be able to rise again as a loyal member of the parliament . It is better to pretend to be his grandson before that .

"China has regained control over the Beidou satellite system . China"s scientific and technological level of s.p.a.ce weapons is not much lower than that of the United States . The number of satellites lost in China"s airs.p.a.ce in the new era has reached one fifth, almost equal to the number lost in the United States . Our mission this time is to find out the att.i.tude of the Chinese military towards us, At the same time, looking for opportunities for cooperation, this new era has not deceived us . . . "

In less than half an hour, Franklin tied himself and Zhang Xiaoqiang together with the chance of stealing . Hardy"s face was even more ugly around them . Although he was not proud of his new era and had to hold the stinking feet of the speaker in order to climb up, he was still a proud westerner . He heard that Franklin was flattering the Chinese people in order to survive, Zhang Xiaoqiang naturally sees Hardy"s face in his eyes, but in his heart he gives him a higher evaluation than Franklin . In order to survive, Franklin has nothing to sell . Such a person should not expect him to have any bottom line, If you are not careful, you will be knocked down by him, just like he is now selling information of the new era .

"Beidou satellite system? It"s kind of interesting . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mouth is raised, and the Beidou satellite has regained control . Only one person can do it . It"s NWA, a base in Sichuan . Before Nu Wa has called the satellite, it has promised that Zhang Xiaoqiang will be able to command the satellite if she gets the status . If so, the power of the whole country will be unveiled in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang . At this stage, even if Zhang Xiaoqiang did not want to unify the forces of the whole country, Nu Wa would not comply .

"I don"t know about Zhao Jun"s progress in completing the task? The communication and transportation channels between the two sides have been opened . At that time, we should focus on the recovery of Beijing . Ma Ruibo"s serum provocation data is still in Nu Wa"s database . Once Beijing is recovered, I can get a baby that can prolong my life . With this, can I live 300 years? "

In Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mind, he is thinking about the interests after Beijing"s recovery . Franklin is still talking about the fact that the huge airbags of airships are gradually reduced, and the atmosphere that oppresses other people"s hearts is not breathing . Even if there is only gas in it, it is also the largest flying object that human beings can build . Maybe there will be more in the future, but now it is absolutely the same, I believe that the three air frigates still lying on the slipway of the new technology factory are not as big as this airship .

"Do you know the details of the Australian research laboratory in the new era?"

As soon as the topic of Zhang Xiaoqiang changed to the purpose of his going out, Franklin thought about it and said with some uncertainty:

"Is it the gamma lab? It is a secret research inst.i.tute built by the former Australian government in no man"s land . Externally, it is a research unit under the Ministry of mining investigation . Its research projects are not open to the public . All research inst.i.tutes have to sign lifetime agreements to take over the key projects found in Australia"s reference room in the new era . Now it is a new technology research center directly controlled by the Senate, The alpha and beta Inst.i.tute, second only to the European headquarters, is the Asian region . "

As for the gamma Inst.i.tute, Franklin knows a little more than marina . After listening to it for a long time, Zhang Xiaoqiang still doesn"t know the specific location of the gamma Inst.i.tute . Apart from the head of logistics in Australia and the head of the Inst.i.tute, I don"t believe many people know about it . Obviously, the importance of the Inst.i.tute is far beyond Zhang Xiaoqiang"s expectation and is struggling, The airship had landed steadily, and a thick, dark looking guy came out of the open cabin door . When he saw Zhang Xiaoqiang, the guy changed his face and showed a smile 1000 times more flattering than Franklin . He trotted to Zhang Xiaoqiang and bowed"Brother c.o.c.kroach, I haven"t seen you for a long time, but I want to die . In order to get the chance to meet you this time, Yinmeng is all in a league . I finally borrowed the credit of repairing the airship . Don"t rush me back . . . "

Venus is like Zhang Xiaoqiang"s loyalty when they meet . Zhang Xiaoqiang nods to him and puts his eyes on the big monkey in an officer"s uniform behind Venus . The monkey timidly walks out of the cabin door and looks at the giant beast"s corpse not far away . He shows his frightened eyes and shows his teeth . Franklin, hardy and the Holy Blood warrior also see the mutant monkey, His face became vivid . The blood warrior was not so different . But Franklin felt more mysterious about Zhang Xiaoqiang . The means to control the mutant beast was also a problem in the new era . There were a lot of mutant beasts killed in the new era, but there were not many that could be controlled, let alone let the mutant beast mix with ordinary people .

The mutant monkey is dressed in military uniform, but he has a toy water gun with science fiction style on his waist . Maybe the mutant monkey doesn"t know the difference between the water gun and the pistol . Seeing that other officers have pistols, he also asks for one . After the mutant monkey with pistols in his clothes pa.s.ses the panic of the giant beast, his eyes twinkle mischievously, and he sees Zhang Xiaoqiang, who has just bared his teeth, A sense of killing swept over his body and made his hair stand up . His body disappeared in the cabin door in a flash . How far did he hide .

"This is a non staff officer of the reconnaissance battalion . In order to support his colleagues in Hubei this time, the Yinmeng military has made great efforts to dispatch excellent troops and strong generals, and send the best personnel and equipment . As long as brother c.o.c.kroach orders, they will go through fire and water . "

Venus speaks Mandarin more and more mellow, with clear articulation and articulation . He can"t hear the strange smell any more . Franklin looks at Venus in an imposing suit with flashing eyes, but he is guessing the status and ident.i.ty of Venus . Just when Zhang Xiaoqiang and Venus are making friends, the words that are hard to hear are like metal friction

"Boy, Take your hand out of your pocket . . . "

All of them turned back together, and the twelve Holy Blood warriors turned into thirteen . The handsome sword chopper was standing next to the heaviest golden hair Holy Blood warrior, and his neck was hanging on the edge of the meter long fiery red beak weapon . The golden haired man was frightened, and his eyes made him push to the position where the sword chopper stood, but he couldn"t see clearly, His right hand was in his trouser pocket, as if he was ready to take out something< br>