Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1989: 1989

Chapter 1989: 1989

No one knows how the sword chop came out . Before, only Zhang Xiaoqiang stood outside alone . Later, there was an additional Venus . Suddenly, an additional person appeared among the blood warriors, which made them all change color . When Franklin saw the blonde man"s right hand stretching into his trouser pocket, he almost cried and raised his right hand tremblingly, Hold the watch device on your wrist and shout:

"Do you want rebellion? Squat down, or I"ll start the bomb . "

Jian Jian squints at the strong man, whose beak can break the man"s head with a slight pull . The scene is very solemn . The sound of the rain becomes the background music . Zhang Xiaoqiang walks heavily in the rain, while Venus stands in the same place, and Franklin stands there . The rest of the blood Warriors see Zhang Xiaoqiang move, and they also move, But he hesitated in the warning of Frank woodland until Zhang Xiaoqiang stood in front of him .

"On behalf of Genesis, I say h.e.l.lo to brother c.o.c.kroach . . . "

Ju Han spoke in standard Mandarin, and at the same time, he pointed out the nickname of Zhang Xiaoqiang . Although Venus told him before, Ju Han"s appearance was obviously not the first time he had heard of Zhang Xiaoqiang . Then he slowly took out his right hand, but it was a smart satellite phone . The light of the phone was flashing and it was in the call time . Just press the connect b.u.t.ton, Zhang Xiaoqiang is able to talk to unknown parties .

"Genesis is a terrorist organization . They are wantonly destroying in the new era for the purpose of anti human . Their claim is to cleanse all evils . The coming of the end is the final judgment . They are a group of madmen, mites parasitic on the earth . . . "

Franklin roared hysterically . Without saying a word, he lowered the detonating switch of the detonator . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s face moved, his sword disappeared from the strong man, and the shadow flashed around Franklin . The fiery red beak quickly fell to Franklin"s right hand . Even if it was too late to stop, the detonator had been pressed heavily, Flashing green light .

"Stop . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang let the sword cut weapon stay on Franklin"s trembling arm, then Franklin found that the detonator did not cause any reaction, there was no explosion, no poison hair died, and there was no b.l.o.o.d.y soldier running around nervously, only the strong man with golden hair raised a trace of ridicule at the corner of his mouth .

"Wrong, genesis is the real new era . You and the so-called speaker are the real maggots . You carry out the dictatorship policy in the name of saving mankind, treat all the survivors as slaves for your own sake, and send countless evolutioners to the laboratory to solve the problem in order to satisfy your wish of immortality, We have established a new order with evolutionists as the main body, and engaged in divine blood warriors in private . Our first group of 48 divine blood warriors succeeded on the basis of the tragic death of 5000 people . For your so-called goal, more survivors will be killed by you . . . "

The strong blonde retorted to Franklin, then said sarcastically:

"Your so-called detonator can emit the signal wave that is not blocked, so as to control our life and death . Unexpectedly, we secretly tampered with your detonator, right? What you have is no longer a detonator, but a toy that you can"t use . . . "

It"s hard to see the extreme of Franklin"s face . The rebellion of the Holy Blood warrior makes him lose a chip again . Whether they are genesis or not, it has nothing to do with him now . What he cares about is that the Holy Blood warrior is out of his control and his value in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart is reduced again, Zhang Xiaoqiang was also interested in genesis at the beginning, but when he heard the word "new era", it suddenly became dull . Yang Ke"er was wounded in the new era, Erlang G.o.d was killed by the new era, and hundreds of people were killed by the new era laser in the Sichuan blockbuster war . These are blood debts . He will not laugh away his grat.i.tude and hatred .

"I don"t care what you have to do with the new era . Now you are all my prisoners . The prisoners should have the consciousness of prisoners . As for the others, I"m sorry, I don"t partic.i.p.ate in . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang waved away the blood warrior and turned to Venus . He was still thinking about how to arrange these troublesome guys .

"The police station has UAVs, expand the scope of investigation as far as possible, collect new era ship technology as far as possible, and it"s best to repair the s.p.a.ceship . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang took a glance at the air ship, especially the power system of the s.p.a.ceship . He had better materials and concentrated the productivity of the whole Yinmeng area . He could make at least three sets of air frigate sh.e.l.ls in a year, but that was all . He had no way to deal with the contents . After hearing this, Franklin took the initiative to stand up and say:

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, This is a transport ship, which can carry 350 tons of materials, 120 elite soldiers and full equipment . As a prototype ship of the new era, it has defects in design . It"s difficult to change it into a combat ship, but it"s not difficult to repair it . What was destroyed before was the balancer of the ship"s hull . It only takes three days for these crew members to repair it themselves . Unfortunately, the captain was killed just now, Otherwise, the repair progress can be improved by at least 30%On hearing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang was immediately interested and said to falaklin happily:

"If you can repair this ship, I can make you our military adviser . As long as you are honest, no one will embarra.s.s you . If you can continuously provide useful information, your treatment will be higher in the future . . . What materials do you have in your transport ship?"

As soon as Zhang Xiaoqiang"s topic changed, he turned to the materials of the new era . Franklin glanced at the strictly guarded Holy Blood soldiers and whispered to Zhang Xiaoqiang:

"It"s supplies for the Indonesian Sixth Army Corps, including 120 tons of ammunition, 10 tons of guns and maintenance parts, and 15 tons of medical supplies, In addition, there are more than 100 tons of living materials and military supplies . The rest are the materials needed by the s.p.a.ceship itself . By the way, because marine organisms migrate to the land, the ordinary army can"t resist it . We have brought 300 cracking rifles . This kind of gun has a marvelous effect on organisms, even ordinary evolutors can"t resist it . Unfortunately, it can only shoot small mutant organisms, Too large mutant creatures can neutralize the power of splitting rays, and too thick cortical creatures can"t be shot . "

As soon as he heard of the cracking ray gun, Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately thought of sending it to the materials research inst.i.tute as a rifle . This rifle is the experimental prototype gun that Zhuo Mingyue gave him . It"s very powerful . It"s a good mace as an individual weapon . However, as Zhang Xiaoqiang"s weapon, it has some weaknesses . This kind of rifle belongs to high-precision firearms, and it will be damaged if you don"t pay attention to it, Zhang Xiaoqiang hopes to make this kind of gun by himself, and gives it to Xu Jing of the materials research inst.i.tute to see if the military doctor can imitate it .

"Originally, apart from investigating the Beidou satellite system, we also planned to visit the 10th Corps in Hunan . In case we took the antidote for three years, we should take it . Of course, there will be no ammunition and supplies . After all, in the new era, there will be a shortage of ammunition factories, The ammunition stocks that have been acc.u.mulated since the end of the world have reached the bottom . We can only give them a verbal encouragement . "

When he heard about the 10th corps, Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately thought of Hunan . According to the custom of the new era, there must be a corps level supply center behind the main battle Corps . On the one hand, it guarantees military supplies, on the other hand, it curbs the single family of the army leader . If so, the 10th Corps in Hunan is still complete . A complete Corps has at least four or five thousand professional soldiers, You Yinhua of a brigade, a forward base of at least tens of thousands of people, and a considerable number of evolutioners . In the past, Zhang Xiaoqiang used the 10th army as an opponent, but now he has the force that can easily eat them . He can easily solve them by just using the sword of Shanghai to chop more than 2000 evolutioners, which is no longer what he can look up to .

"Our speaker is different from miss star . Miss star takes over her father"s foundation . More than half of the divinities support her, so she can become the leader in name . Her idea conflicts with brother c.o.c.kroach . Miss star wants to combine human resources, material resources and science and technology all over the world to create a new era of mankind, which is bound to damage brother c.o.c.kroach"s interests, Our speaker is not the same . What he wants is to form a strategic alliance with other forces on the earth as far as possible, and carry out self-help actions on the premise of mutual non aggression, non-interference and mutual development . The speaker"s motto is that the enemy of mankind is always a variant . If we lose a human, we will lose a chance of victory, I think brother c.o.c.kroach agrees with that too . "

Faracolin has now changed his status from a prisoner of Zhang Xiaoqiang to a lobbyist of the speaker of the Grand Council . He desperately speaks the good words of the speaker of the Grand Council, but makes the blood warriors not far away look ferocious and want to eat him . Zhang Xiaoqiang knows what the speaker of the Grand Council is . Malina has already talked to Zhang Xiaoqiang about the dirty affairs of the speaker of the Grand Council, and her heart moves, He turned to falaklin and said:

"What else have you not told me? Think about it . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s interrogation made Franklin"s legs tremble slightly, swallowed a mouthful of saliva nervously, and said aloud:

"Please give me a hint from brother c.o.c.kroach . I know everything . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes narrowed slightly and looked at falaklin with a smile, spitting out four words: "armed puppet?"

"G.o.d Faraklin"s heart seemed to be hit by high voltage electricity . He stopped for three seconds and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang in horror . Is this c.o.c.kroach brother good at mind reading?

"Well, the armed puppet is a part of the s.p.a.ceship . As the last fortress of the escort transport ship, it always guards the power module . In case of invasion, it will open the self destruction system of the power module . I"m going to explain it in detail with c.o.c.kroach brother when the s.p.a.ceship is repaired . . . "

Franklin repeatedly explained that Zhang Xiaoqiang walked silently in the narrow corridor of the s.p.a.ceship, and the closed cabin doors marked with various nameplates the foreign languages he could not understand . After a rough observation, Zhang Xiaoqiang found that these were German . According to the origin of the new era, it should be the west, but the people he contacted most were German . Obviously, the new era is not monolithic, It"s the Germans who dominate .

"Kara . . . " < br > the