Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1993: 1993

Chapter 1993: 1993

Zhang Xiaoqiang just saw the scene of flying in the air . He raised his voice and watched helplessly as the helicopter group in the distance was about to be destroyed . Before he had time to shout out, the remaining eight helicopters seemed to have a tacit understanding . Half of them speeded up suddenly and took the initiative to meet hundreds of flying fish . All the firepower was on, In the shortest time, all the rockets and air bombs were shot out . Countless bra.s.s gun sh.e.l.ls fell like rain curtain on the nose . Waves of explosion flames flashed like fireworks in the air . A large number of flying fish were kneaded and smashed by invisible hands in the explosion waves . Unfortunately, there were too many flying fish, even the helicopter flashed back, Water lines woven into an invisible net in the air, instantly shot four helicopters into sieve holes .

Bigger fireb.a.l.l.s burst out in the sky . The broken casings, the scattered spiral blades and the broken tail spread out in the air . In the blink of an eye, there were no four helicopters, which almost burst Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart . He wanted to rush out of the transport ship and kill those things in the air . The unprecedented defeat happened in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes, The helicopter group has always been a magic weapon for Zhang Xiaoqiang to win . He lost one helicopter before, but now he lost four and seriously injured one . I"m afraid that the helicopter group will not be far away from being destroyed . Fortunately, these flying fish are not real mutant birds . They stay in the air for a short time, and they will glide down after they leap out of the water .

"No . . . pontoon . . . "

Hardy"s face changed greatly, and he could not help roaring out his anxiety in German . Franklin"s eyes twinkled and hesitated for less than a second, then he translated to Zhang Xiaoqiang

"If these things fly over the river bank, I"m afraid they will cause danger to the pontoon . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately understood the greater crisis without heavy hammers . Vehicles on the pontoon were like dragons and people were coming and going . Once hit, thousands of people"s lives and countless goods would sink into the water, not to mention blocking the waterway of the Yangtze River . You should know that more than 100000 people on the other side were only temporarily safe . If you want to get rid of the real danger, you have to transport them to Hubei by ships .

It is necessary to stop these flying fish mutants, but the river bank is in danger, the mutant water snake is about to be destroyed, and the flying fish itself brings danger to the transport ship . The transport ship is made of new biological materials, and its sh.e.l.l is not harder than that of a helicopter . If it is pierced by those strange waterlines, the consequences will be unimaginable, For a moment, all kinds of thoughts came to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mind . His heart vibrated like a drum . The original form was very good . Unexpectedly, he suddenly turned around and went straight down . At the most dangerous moment, once he couldn"t get through this difficulty, he would lose everything he had done before . He would also take advantage of the most powerful weapon, the mutant water snake and the most elite sharp sword, making Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart bleed .

"If you stop them, you must stop them . The Yangtze River must not lose anything . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s tone is firm, but the meaning of his words does not necessarily require to keep the floating bridge . Although the floating bridge is the lifeline of the past on both sides of the Strait, and thousands of people"s lives are connected with the floating bridge, Zhang Xiaoqiang does not necessarily have to keep the floating bridge . The floating bridge across the Yangtze River is difficult to achieve 100% prevention, and his strength is really weak . If he can choose, Naturally, Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to be perfect, rescue water snakes, kill those humanoid creatures, and kill all the flying fish in the Yangtze River . But now, it"s good that he can do one of them .

The flying fish itself is not worth paying attention to, but the flying fish can send out strange water lines . The floating bridge is a bridge foundation made of sealed containers . Once it is broken down and filled with water, it doesn"t take much effort to sink into the water . With more containers sinking into the river, the whole floating bridge will be torn apart and split into four parts . The floating bridge will be lost, and the thin transport ships will be exposed to the flying fish, These transport ships are the hope of more than 100000 survivors . Once destroyed, even Zhang Xiaoqiang has no way to rescue these people .

In a hurry, the air transport ship turned its bow and rushed down to the pontoon . The rest of the helicopters stayed on the pontoon and poured ammunition into the river . Countless water columns rolled up into the sky . The river was muddy and red . The broken bodies were surging on the water . The machine gun positions set up on the pontoon also tried their best to make a fire net towards the river, Thousands of bullets are glowing on the surface of the water, tearing countless fine spray on the river . Hot bullets cross the shuttle on the surface of the water, plowing out waves of white smoke and water vapor, and then vanishing .

At the most desperate moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang was ready for the complete destruction of the floating bridge . Before, he could not stop the flying fish on the river bank and the helicopter . He could only use it as an ordinary police force to prevent 10000 armed men . He had no hope at all . But after he really launched the fire net, Zhang Xiaoqiang was surprised, The ability of as like as two peas of human variation is almost identical to that of flying fish, but the flying fish can not block the bullets" multi prismatic crystal shield . In order to fly half way up, the body of these flying fish is not as strong as other mutes, and is as thick as paper before the bullets, even if it is not a large caliber bullet . The 7 . 62mm rifle bullet alone can easily pierce the big eyes and small eyes in that horrible dark body . Even if the flying fish spray the water line, it is no longer shocking under the share of the 500 garrison battalions on the whole Yangtze River . Even if there are casualties, they are divided by a large number of bases . Moreover, the area guarded by the people is not narrow, even if someone dies miserably below the water line, Will not shake their will to fight, as long as the death is not around . The fire network made by countless fire snakes miraculously blocked the flying fish . One flying fish jumped into the air and easily exploded into pieces of flesh and blood in the sound of the anti-aircraft machine gun originally designed for air defense . Before, hundreds of flying fish were killed by four helicopters, at least one third of them were wiped out, and the remaining number could not be overwhelming, Under the barrage of the river, the casualties were gradually heavy . Thousands of troops were stationed at the bridgeheads on both sides of the pontoon, and there was no shortage of heavy firepower . Qingdao society also gave Zhang Xiaoqiang a large number of old guns . Although the caliber was different, it was enough to blockade the river . For a time, countless infantry reinforced the pontoon, and the artillery positions on both sides of the pontoon continued to smoke, The roar of the guns sounded, and the mutated beasts were blown out of the river, which was tens of meters high . A 122mm heavy artillery dropped into the river, which was more powerful than those rockets . Looking at the huge eddies and water curtains all over the sky, almost all the water lines were empty . It seemed that the flying fish had hit into the traps that had been set for a long time, and suffered the destruction of the roof in the shortest time, Now it"s not the question of whether the floating bridge can be protected or not, but how many of these flying fish can escape?

Zhang Xiaoqiang ignored the garrison of the floating bridge . Those heavy guns were once regarded as a burden by him . More than 100000 people were waiting to be arranged, transport ships were waiting to be repaired, and all kinds of materials needed to be transferred . There were too many things he had to worry about . Zhao Deyi was responsible for arranging these things all the time . Unexpectedly, he was surprised at the most critical moment .

"Turn . . . Turn . We don"t need to be here . Let Huang Tingwei keep up . The rest of the helicopters are not allowed to leave the transport ship for a moment . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang danced his arms and yelled at the driver . Originally, it was the general pulling out the car . Unexpectedly, after the unexpected outbreak of armed personnel, it turned into a situation of changing sons . It depends on whether Zhang Xiaoqiang can eliminate those things before the snake is completely controlled . As long as the rescue is timely, a tragic defeat can also turn into a tragic victory, The four lost helicopters and pilots could never be recovered .

After the repair, the speed of the transport ship is much lower than before . The flying speed of the air frigate Zhang Xiaoqiang saw in Sichuan is not much lower than that of the fighter, but the average speed of the transport ship is at most as fast as that of the large transport aircraft . Now it is only a little faster than that of the small agricultural aircraft . Even so, the distance of several thousand meters is blinking, and the water snake can"t move, Being dragged into the water by the invisible power path, once it completely disappears, it may disappear forever . Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly remembers that there is a huge transport ship in the air, but there is no corresponding means to fight . The laser launcher has been damaged, and the rest are close defense laser nodes . The maximum distance is only two or three hundred meters . It can destroy missiles and rockets, but it can"t be used as a master weapon, If you land on the river, I"m afraid the transport ship will not be able to block those waterlines< br>