Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1994: 1994

Chapter 1994: 1994

"What weapons do you have besides lasers? What are the weapons? Heavy machine guns and bombs? What are the missiles

Zhang Xiaoqiang grabbed Franklin"s collar and twisted it up in the air . He swayed and pressed questions . Franklin was like a full moon kitten in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hands . He looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s shining eyes in horror . He wanted to shake his head, but he didn"t dare . His white face was as red as Guan Gong"s . thinking of the battlefield below, he knew what the problem was, Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that the transport ship can not be used as a combat frigate, and the war situation on the river is on the verge of collapse . If he can"t give a satisfactory answer, maybe Zhang Xiaoqiang will throw him off the transport ship in anger .

"Yes, everything, whatever you want . . . "

Franklin opens his mouth and yells . He asks Zhang Xiaoqiang to put him down and touch his throat . Franklin"s heart has been raised to his throat . If he can"t find a way out .

"These things don"t have much effect on the lower part . We are transport ships . We have few combat opportunities and few weapons installed, but there is one weapon that may be useful . . . "

The first half of Franklin"s words nearly burst Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes . The chill in his eyes was so cold that Zhang Xiaoqiang was excited by the second half of his words .

"In the design of the transport ship, the rescue operation was considered . In case of an important task being besieged by the variant ocean, there will be the task of support and supply . To this end, we designed a new type of sonic Boomer, which is specially designed to attack the variant"s hearing and make them confused, so as to get the opportunity to complete the task . This kind of sonic Boomer is not a lethal weapon, So we didn"t expect that the river water used below is the best . The power of using it in water is three times stronger than that of using it on land . "

"Wow . . . "

Tens of thousands of water lines have been fired, making the hastily constructed river dike thousands of holes . The torrents coming from underwater are like torpedoes crashing on the underwater river dike . The main bodies of those cheese like river dikes crumble each other, and more and more sections collapse . As the first line of defense, the river dike becomes a sieve in an instant, The broken main body sank into the river, causing a huge whirlpool . The bodies that had previously floated behind the levee flowed downstream along the split gap . The rest of the soldiers watched helplessly as the bodies of their comrades floated downstream and sank in the whirlpool one by one . The ugly creatures hiding behind the multi edged shields picked up the human bodies and tore them apart .

Seeing this, everyone"s eyes are about to crack and their steel teeth are broken . They want to rush into these things with explosive bags and die together . The war has reached the point of despair, and the proportion of casualties has reached 70% . That is to say, if Chinese soldiers can persist, any foreign army will be defeated, Every soldier of Jiandao company is ready to die in front of any battle . They are rebellious and indulgent . They never intend to start a family . Because they are Jiandao company, the most elite force in the whole army . They are Zhang Xiaoqiang"s peerless sword . Once the blade is bright, they either split everything or the blade is broken, so they can fight, They can also see that their comrades in arms are still fearless after being chewed by those monsters with sharp teeth . They know that they have carved their own epitaphs when they become sharp swords and elite . They are all dead people and live dead people who fight to death .

One, two, three or four . . . Each comrade in arms lay quietly on the water surface, floating and surging . The panting current sent a ferocious corpse downstream . The surging water on the water surface formed a man eating whirlpool to devour the corpse . The ugly and disgusting mutant creatures started a carnival, although their appearance was close to that of human beings, But they are not soft hearted to eat people . The corpses are not enough for them to share . In order to s.n.a.t.c.h food, the corpses are torn apart by them, and the turbid water of the river is dyed red .

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s evil spirit rose abruptly from the bottom of his heart and rushed to his head . A pair of clenched knuckles crackled like firecrackers . His fierce eyes seemed to be wild animals about to go crazy . They scanned the sweaty foreign sailors . Even Franklin and Hardy received Zhang Xiaoqiang"s angry eyes, Each swallowed a mouthful of saliva . The ten meter circle with Zhang Xiaoqiang as the center is an absolute forbidden area . The fierce killing intention is like waves . Every person swept by the wave of killing intention will be stiff, as if frozen by extreme cold, and then will be pulled out of the warning range by invisible waves, which makes everyone at the bridge worried .

"Not yet . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang clenched his teeth and squeezed these words out of his teeth one by one . All the hairs on Franklin"s body stood upright and he repeatedly explained:

"Sorry, it will be ready soon . Sonic booms are very sensitive . In order to prevent damage to the ship, they will only be equipped in place before they are used . This was the arrangement at the beginning of the design . We didn"t deliberately delay . . . "

"Come on . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang let Franklin jump up like a rabbit, rushed to one side and yelled loudly in German . He didn"t know what Franklin said . The crew, who had been very quick, sped up the operation steps like crazy . Some people even trembled with their legs because of extreme tension . Just when Zhang Xiaoqiang"s fire was so strong that he couldn"t suppress it any more, he let out "Phil . . . . . . ", The first mate of the transport ship clenched his teeth and smashed his fist on a blue mechanical b.u.t.ton . More than ten black spots suddenly appeared under the giant transport ship suspended in the air and fell into the river irregularly, causing waves . These black shops were like birds p.o.o.ping . The moment they fell into the river, they all sank into the river, and then bursts of dull thunder vibrated from the river . At the same time, the ring-shaped water wall was set up at the place where each sonic bomb fell, This water wall is not a single one . In the blink of an eye, it is like a ripple spreading around one by one . The closer the water wall is to the center of the explosion point, the higher it blows up, and the lower it goes to the edge . These gradually decreasing water walls seem to have no end, extending to the riverbanks on both sides . The whole area of the river thousands of meters is covered by the water walls blown up by these sonic booms, Standing in the air, the water wall spreads like rain, covering all the areas where human beings appear . Then the river surface rolls like springs, and huge bubbles appear on the turbid river surface . From the dike to the downstream, the whole river surface turns out yellow mud water like the Yellow River .

The power of sonic booms is underwater, and all kinetic energy is absorbed by the river . The extended power makes the Yangtze River stir into a pot of hot porridge . It can"t be seen from the sky that these weapons have received any effect . The changed color of the Yangtze River calms down for a moment, and both water snakes and human creatures disappear from the river, But the Yellow muddy water with countless years of rotten wood and garbage scattered on the river .

The water curtain continued to fall back to the river, and the Yangtze River seemed to be quiet again . Except for the different colors, it seemed no different from before . Only Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the river with a guilty heart, and was afraid that the sonic boom might be too powerful . He even cleaned up his level 4 variant water snake, and was struggling . A corpse suddenly appeared on the river, Every corpse is a group of garbage thrown out of the water . It floats along the water motionlessly . Looking around, the whole river is full of these things, and I don"t know how many people have died . A rough observation of at least 3000 people shows that Zhang Xiaoqiang reluctantly comforts himself when he sees these corpses, At least the biggest crisis has been solved, the Yangtze River waterway is defended, but a heart is extremely concerned about the safety of the big water snake .

Suddenly, Zhao Deyi"s call came from the communicator: "brother c.o.c.kroach, the water snake has arrived at the dock, and the situation is very bad . . . Come and have a look . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang was stunned and immediately thought of why the water snake was also attacked by the shock bomb . As a level 4 mutant animal, the sonic bomb that can easily kill human beings can"t kill it with one blow . After the water snake got out of the trap, he thought of not fighting back, but sliding back with his tail, so Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t find the trace of the water snake .

"I know . Tell Mo Shaoyun to send three pieces of first-order crystal nucleus to the water snake, and put forward ten tons of animal meat to supplement the water snake . It"s a food, and some of it will recover soon . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang is at ease . The big problem has been solved . The rest are the mutated flying fish hiding in the water . They can be eliminated only when the water snake returns to normal . He orders the transport ship to turn . Zhang Xiaoqiang plans to go to Wuhan to see how the reception work is prepared . Unexpectedly, Huang Tingwei brings her new bad news

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, The zombies are in turmoil . About a million zombies are coming to the city . Other zombies are also moving slowly . It seems that they are chasing the tide of corpses in front of them . The mutated animals are restoring order . The mutated animals on the seash.o.r.e continue to increase, not only in the city, but also in Jiangbei . "< br>