Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2013: 2013

Chapter 2013: 2013

After the formation of the new troops, they still need to be trained before the formal combat . However, the front line is not too tight for the time being . Kraya"s strategy focuses on the urban area . Zombies are the food of zombies . How can zombies not be the food of zombies? The new troops let Huang Tingwei shift his focus of work, while Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t need to go to the front line to kill the mutant animals, and returned to his room with the crystal nucleus and colloid of Xuefeng"s filial piety .

Zhang Xiaoqiang has a headache for the whole ten packets of glial bodies and crystal nuclei . Now he has summed up some experience, and the mutants will definitely be worse if they eat glial bodies . But now he does not have so many means to control them . Most of the front-line evolutionists are the elite of b.l.o.o.d.y battles brought out from the urban area by sword cutting, and they do not have a strong sense of belonging, It takes a long time for these people to adjust and settle down in the rear before they can be bound up with the rejuvenation of China . Now? Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t want to waste these things on them .

Zhang Xiaoqiang opened the safe, and his eyes suddenly glared out . He thought that he would not be able to put down the safe after harvesting ten packets of colloids and nuclei . He knew that "touch . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang fiercely closed the safe, and then pulled it open again . However, he saw that there was still nothing in the safe . There were five levels of colloids, four levels of colloids, three levels of colloids, two levels of colloids, and one level of colloids . Only the bottom layer was scattered with more than 100 small nuclei, which seemed to be ignored .

"Zhuo Mingyue . . . I"m at odds with you . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang gritted his teeth and roared out, hitting the sh.e.l.l of the safe with one blow . The sh.e.l.l of the safe made of high-density alloy was slightly concave and deformed . Originally, he was still worried about these things, but he just pretended to be happy . It was like a rich man sighing for his wealth, but Zhuo Mingyue broke his root once he came in, and nothing was left, Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang left more than three levels, I would like to think a little bit .

After a long day"s anger, Zhang Xiaoqiang got to the bed and immediately found something wrong . The bed was clean and tidy, the floor was cleaned, guns and ammunition were hung on the walls, wine bottles were removed, and even the messy materials under the bed were cleaned and stacked neatly in the corner, At his feet, there is a t.i.tanium alloy thermostatic box, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang look dazzling . He uses his toes to pick out the lid of the box and finds that there are countless gla.s.s test tubes wrapped with t.i.tanium alloy inside .

Shanghai is an economic and financial center, as well as a high-tech research center . There are countless rare equipment and commodities in the mainland . Zhang Xiaoqiang naturally recognized that these test tubes are devices for storing reagents in the laboratory . The curling cold smoke from the box, scattered in the air, turned into invisible . The shining test tubes are like treasures waiting to be discovered, which attracted Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart, Take a cold tube in your hand and look at the orange red liquid flowing slowly inside .

Then he found that the colors of the liquid in the test tube were different . The core was three test tubes, two of which were ice blue . They were always fiery red . The ice blue sank into the sea . The flowing liquid sent out a light mist and whirled around on the transparent wall tube, producing 16 tiny snowflakes . Then they disappeared and began again and again, It"s like a world of ice and snow in this test tube .

The fiery test tube is a little worse . There is no liquid flow, only a real flame burning in the test tube . Holding it in your hand, you can"t feel any heat, which makes you feel contradictory and want to vomit blood .

"Did it take her one night to purify all the colloids?" Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at the box in surprise and realizes that he has wronged Zhuo Mingyue . The colloid is of no use to Zhuo Mingyue . Zhuo Mingyue needs the crystal nucleus, which is just not important to Zhang Xiaoqiang . In fact, if Zhuo Mingyue needs the colloid, Zhang Xiaoqiang will not be stingy . He was angry just now because he made a cheap thing for Zhuo Mingyue . You should know that the colloid is valuable, Can directly improve the ability .

Zhang Xiaoqiang pressed the open b.u.t.ton of the ice blue test tube, and the icy cold immediately surrounded Zhang Xiaoqiang"s fingertips . On the back of his hand, a layer of white frost was visible to the naked eye . In an instant, the liquid in the test tube was one tenth less . Zhang Xiaoqiang quickly closed it and took the red test tube, hesitating in his heart .

After opening the solution made of grade five glia, Zhang Xiaoqiang has already understood the consequences . Glia is a pimple in his heart . It is 100% effective for evolutors, but it is also full of uncertainty . For example, in nine cases out of ten, he will get a new ability, which may become a blockbuster or a chicken rib, Just like the comparison between him and meow, meow"s speed of eating the first piece is unparalleled, but that"s all . After eating the second piece, he has the ability to kill any opponent in seconds . However, he only has the ability to control the rat King blade in disguise . Today, he gradually explores this humble ability step by step, and makes breakthroughs again and again to have the present power, If he had expected to eat glia at the beginning, Zhang Xiaoqiang would still have no savings as before .

Now the glial body has been purified by Zhuo Mingyue . At least it does not have the side effects of the past . It is not good for Zhang Xiaoqiang to have one more ability . For now, the rat King blade is enough . Although it is only the claw of the first-cla.s.s mutant animal, the claw is the most powerful weapon for the naturally burrowing mouse . With the increase of his ability, I haven"t found anything that can"t be broken yet . If I can distract myself from other things, maybe both ends will be wasted . The only level 4 colloid purification solution in the hand can"t make up one"s mind when it is turned over in the hand . In the future, the enemy will become more and more powerful, even the snake scale armor can"t resist the damage . There are hundreds of meters tall beasts, and countless mutant beasts and seabirds . Of course, there are many other enemies . If we can build the first air warship in the new era, we can build more warships, And zombies, who knows what kind of demons will appear in the future?

The more he thought about it, the heavier his heart became . Finally, Zhang Xiaoqiang opened the lid and drank the flame like colloid purification solution into his mouth . In an instant, the enchanting fragrance rushed into his nose and was swallowed by Zhang Xiaoqiang and the hot liquid . For a moment, the whole person was immersed in a wonderful dreamland, not a spiritual dreamland, It"s the kind of intoxication that makes him intoxicated . There is a hot heat in his body . He runs around like countless mice . The purified solution is really different . Instead of feeling drowsy, Zhang Xiaoqiang controls his body to an unprecedented level .

In the land of flesh and blood, the smell of decay is full of tall buildings . Countless mutant animals howl under the Zombie"s claws . A faint blood mist is in the air . On the building where the terrible beasts have not collapsed, xuefengfu fondly caresses Chen Qingyun"s body . His eyes radiate a hot light . When he touches every place from head to foot, he can feel it, Show obscene smile, let hide in the distance to this side of Zhuo Mingyue pan nausea, is this the legendary gay?

Before Zhuo Mingyue turned around and left, xueran stood up and roared up to the sky . His whole body broke in an instant . In the flying blood, the thick blood covered Chen Qingyun . The sudden change made Zhuo Mingyue stop . She looked at Chen Qingyun wrapped in a huge blood coc.o.o.n, and the blood waves around him were like dragons, Like a sea of rivers flowing into the blood coc.o.o.n, the blood coc.o.o.n suddenly expands, and the veins appear on the blood coc.o.o.n like a network, creating a strange image from evil to beauty .

Zhuo Mingyue ignores the fight between countless mutant animals and Zombies below and stares at the huge blood coc.o.o.n . She hesitates whether to destroy it . In her heart, all the things that may threaten Zhang Xiaoqiang should be destroyed . After hesitation, she thinks of the scene where Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zombies stand together and immediately puts out her mind to destroy Xuefeng . No matter what, Zhang Xiaoqiang naturally has his plan . Zhuo Mingyue, who regards herself as a traditional woman, is not willing to interfere in men"s decisions .

After more than an hour, countless blood waves merged into the blood coc.o.o.n, but they didn"t let the blood coc.o.o.n continue to expand . Instead, the blood coc.o.o.n infinitely shrank, and the color became more and more black . Finally, it became a crystalline state, but this kind of crystal was not solidified . It was creeping with a slow frequency, and the strange crystalline blood coc.o.o.n seemed to be pregnant with a peerless fierce beast, which made Zhuo Mingyue"s heart tighten, A pair of slender hands can"t help holding tightly .

Suddenly, the blood coc.o.o.n separates from the middle to the left, revealing the naked Chen Qingyun, or Xuefeng . At this time, Liu Qingyun"s image is greatly changed . His handsome face is full of feminine, showing another enchanting look . He is a bit more beautiful than Jianzhan . If he doesn"t pay attention to gender, he can almost be the same as Zhuo Mingyue, and his height is much longer, Originally, Chen Qingyun was only 1 . 75 meters tall, but now he is more than 2 meters tall . He has strong and tight muscles, and the skin like white jade . It makes him like a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation . Before Zhuo Mingyue, he was only nervous about the momentum of the blood coc.o.o.n, but now he is angry about the enchantment of the blood Phoenix . He even makes himself look like this virtue, male and female, The moon is bright and blue< br>