Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2014: 2014

Chapter 2014: 2014

"Hahaha, I have finally fully recovered . Not only have I recovered, but I"m even better than before . In the future, I will not only have my heart and body broken down . Well, I must pay attention to safety in the future . I can no longer think that the world is invincible and rush in front of me . As human beings say, gentlemen don"t set up a dangerous wall, and there are zombies below to charge . I still have a brilliant plan thousands of miles away . Strange? Why do I say zombies instead of the chosen? Am I becoming more and more human now? Why? Why is this body missing one thing? Forget it, I don"t need to . . . "

Xuefeng is quite satisfied with her new image . Chen Qingyun was originally an agile evolutionist and was the best at running away . However, his own ability has been preserved . Combining the two, he has no worries about running away . Having suffered a big loss in Zhang Xiaoqiang before, he has lost all his self-confidence and become extremely insecure, So even if his method is not inferior to that of the top evolutionists, he never thought of showing his edge and destroying the enemy .

Xuefeng burst out laughing . The laughter was still floating on the top of the building . A light figure flashed into his eyes . Hundreds of meters above the building, a beautiful woman who was as ethereal as an immortal flew into the air . A sense of danger that enveloped his whole body and mind suddenly hit his heart . At the moment of his sudden change, the huge impact suddenly hit the blood crystal armor on his chest, Xuefeng flies back high, spits out a mouthful of black plasma, and suddenly falls downstairs . The invisible airflow grabs his waist, pulls him back against the trend, and falls heavily on the floor where the dust acc.u.mulates, hitting his delicate cheek with dust all over his face .

With a loud roar, the type 4 zombies on the roof swarmed to Zhuo Mingyue . Zhuo Mingyue"s cold and misty pupil did not see any fluctuation . The air around her suddenly puffed out a translucent barrier and suddenly expanded outward . The strange screen formed by twisting air seemed to be entangled by an invisible hand when it touched these zombies, Then came the sharp roar of air burst, and layers of invisible waves were like whips that were pulled away, which brought great force to the zombies . No matter D4 or S4, they all flew back in an instant and had not yet landed . More invisible whips were pulled out of their bodies and pulled out of the floor step by step .

When Xuefeng got up from the ground with the fastest speed, there was no more zombies around him . Through perception, all the zombies fell to the floor below and climbed hard, while the beautiful woman in front of him was staring at him with cold bone marrow eyes .

"Who are you, what are you going to do . . . "

Zhuo Mingyue threw more than ten zombies of type 4 on the top floor . Xuefeng looked at Zhuo Mingyue and screamed miserably as if she were a weak girl stripped of clothes . The invisible waves isolated the air around him and formed a vacuum to cover him, which made his voice distorted . At the same time, she did not dare to move . Just now, he was pulled back to the floor by Zhuo Mingyue, He felt that his life and death depended on other people"s thoughts, so he was determined to fight to death . Through the deal with Zhang Xiaoqiang, he had long understood that strength was not the only standard for survival, and sometimes he could achieve his goals by means of business .

Zhuo Mingyue looks at Xuefeng, who is scared and retreats, and sneers . She thought she was a fierce opponent, but she didn"t expect that she was just an embroidered pillow with gra.s.s? She just wanted to find out what Zhang Xiaoqiang was doing . Although she went to ask Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang would also tell her, but they quarreled as soon as they met, which made Zhuo Mingyue uncomfortable . In addition, she was arrogant . Since she didn"t want to ask Zhang Xiaoqiang, she went to find out by herself . The zombie business was Zhang Xiaoqiang"s big business, At the same time also let the blood Phoenix into the view of Zhuo Mingyue .

This time she came here to test Xuefeng, trying to find out what he was and why he was mixed with zombies . She was very disappointed by the guy who was scared and retreated . She had no fight before . She didn"t really look like a man . Zhuo Mingyue slandered herself and approached Xuefeng lightly, Constantly exerting psychological pressure on him, she forced Xuefeng to the fence . At this time, she found that Xuefeng"s frightened eyes suddenly changed, and a b.l.o.o.d.y wave suddenly rose in Xuefeng . She suddenly thought of her rushing down with an uproar . Then there was a loud noise behind her, and the stairwell leading to the top floor platform was completely cracked, in the flying gravel, A huge zombie rushed at her, and fell into the situation of siege on both sides .

"Plop . . . " Xuefeng fell on the floor again . This time, all the blood crystal armor on his body broke . Naked, he fell in the scattered blood crystal armor and looked very miserable . His skin was so strong that he couldn"t get a needle into it and cut it with a knife . But under Zhuo Mingyue"s black hand, the blue and purple marks had become one, even his eyes were beaten into black purple, A pair of different lengths of nosebleed across the corner of the mouth, showing a few missing front teeth of the teeth, the whole look like a wimp after being beaten .

As a human being, Xuefeng has the timidity of zombies and the fear of higher creatures . As a zombie, he also has human feelings and thinking . Facing Zhuo Mingyue, he has nothing to say . For the first time, he realized that there is something more terrible than death in this world . Zhuo Mingyue can kill him more than once, But every time he was only one step away from death, Zhuo Mingyue would let him go and start beating him again . Xuefeng didn"t resist . She thought of all the ways she could think of . Even Xuehai self explosion had been done . The whole floor was beyond recognition . The cracked floor collapsed and overturned, and huge steel beams twisted and twisted, dotted with a type 4 zombie that was only blown away, All of them are useless, and he himself is numb under repeated attacks . No matter whether he is a fierce threat, a crying cry for mercy, or a serious inquiry, there is no response . Even if there are tens of thousands of zombies at his feet, he does not feel any sense of security . Today is Xuefeng"s happy day . Without waiting for him to be happy for a few seconds, Zhuo Mingyue went to the door . Naturally, it was not a congratulation, but a strong hand as always . No matter she was fierce in voice or clever in words, it was useless for Zhuo Mingyue . Zhuo Mingyue"s elegant demeanor was cold and merciless, and she didn"t pay attention to Xuefeng"s various entanglements . It seemed that she came here today just to find a guy to vent her anger, And Xuefeng becomes the target of Zhuo Mingyue"s fury .

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in my heart . Xuefeng suddenly stood up and looked at Zhuo Mingyue sadly, shouting: "I know, don"t do it . I"ll do it myself . I"m guilty . I"m sorry . I shouldn"t be so beautiful . You"re the only one in the world who can be so beautiful . I . . . "

All sorts of reasons are high, so it"s better to be safe . But the endless beating makes Xuefeng, whose defense is no worse than D2 zombie, can"t stand it, not to mention the armor that can match D3 skin is also broken . The fragmentation of the armor also makes all the courage flow away, not to mention the invincible defense barrier of Zhuo Mingyue, So far, he has no way to break the barrier, let alone shake it . However, until now, Zhuo Mingyue has not beaten him . He always manipulates the invisible airflow into a powerful means to break all his pride . Facing Zhuo Mingyue, for the first time, he feels that Zhang Xiaoqiang is so cute, although Zhang Xiaoqiang is also terrible, anyway, He can still escape, but this woman"s move of vacuum extraction will make all the air around him disappear . Without air, even he will suffocate and die . In other words, as long as Zhuo Mingyue can create a vacuum field, no matter how many zombies there are, he will die . This move is designed to restrain high-level zombies .

Zhuo Mingyue stood in front of Xuefeng and looked down at the guy who almost cried . She said that she didn"t come here to beat Xuefeng today, but I don"t know why . After seeing the appearance of Xuefeng, she moved her hand without reason . She started and stopped inexplicably, although she didn"t want to admit it, But Xuefeng said he shouldn"t be so beautiful, which also accounted for a large part .

"Get up, I have something to ask you . . . " Zhuo Mingyue finally did not continue to beat Xuefeng . With a simple sentence, Xuefeng got up and bowed her waist to obey Zhuo Mingyue . At the same time, she divided the woman into the most terrible taboo . In his heart, Zhuo Mingyue was ten times more terrible than Zhang Xiaoqiang .

The smell of putrefaction makes the whole city a h.e.l.l city . Standing on the top of the tallest building, Zhuo Mingyue looks at the ocean in the distance . Xuefeng stands behind Zhuo Mingyue and bows . It doesn"t matter what dignity or face she has . As long as she can survive, let alone stand, she can kneel, When Xuefeng anxiously waits for orders, Zhuo Mingyue"s problem finally arrives

"What are you?"< br>