Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2015: 2015

Chapter 2015: 2015

Zhang Xiaoqiang closed his eyes and opened them . The negative effects of his past tiredness and sleepiness made his eyes dust . At this time, his eyes were bright again . The two points of scarlet flame drew a mysterious and introverted arc in his pupils, suddenly clear . Zhang Xiaoqiang narrowed his eyes and enjoyed the rare time of clear mood . It was just a moment, Then a lot of miscellaneous things swarmed to fill the empty heart .

Under all kinds of pressure before, Zhang Xiaoqiang was always in a daze . No matter what he did, he was pa.s.sive . He was quick and irritable when he took a step . Sometimes he was impulsive and could hardly care about anything . This was abnormal . As the leader who gave directions to countless people, he should keep absolutely sober and calm . After all, he had one idea, There may be thousands of survivors killed and injured, which shows how much pressure he should bear .

At this moment, the things and pressure that are hard to be cleared come back to him, but he is not as anxious as before . His mind seems to have been defragmented, connecting all the connections together, dividing the areas, rearranging according to the priorities, and straightening out a lot of ideas . Many places he can"t think of suddenly become clear, Most of the depression and tangle dissipated, giving him confidence again .

At this moment, he was purifying from the beginning to the end . The complicated affairs no longer became a burden, and he became confident . Even if the purified solution of grade 4 colloid that he had drunk before could not increase his strength and make him clear for a short time, it would be a huge harvest . If he could only maintain this mentality, he could find a solution to any great difficulty, This is more useful than having strong means . After all, no matter how strong he is, he can"t solve all the enemies .

Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is loose in heart, suddenly gets up and goes out of the door . It"s still busy outside . Countless people are doing what they can in the camp . The roar of diesel generators is like a bee colony around the machine room in the middle of the camp . A cutting machine and a planer turn the wood into suitable materials, which are piled up in a car and sent to the 20 km long riverside shipbuilding site, These wooden boats are rough and can only barely float on the water . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t expect them to float on the water forever . He just needs to walk back and forth a few times . He doesn"t even need oars . He just needs to be tied together and towed by a tugboat .

There are a lot of boats on the river . In order to support Shanghai, Jiangxi sent all fishing boats to carry the survivors away . Nowadays, Shazhou island is full of troops, survivors and supplies . As the nearest transit station, Shazhou island has become more important than ever . At the same time, there are survivors stationed on Shazhou Island along the way, After all, the distance from Shanghai to Wuhan is not very close . If it"s back and forth, there"s not enough time . Unless Wuhan"s urgently needed resources and personnel can be properly arranged, most of the things that are not so urgently needed are stored on the Shazhou Island along the way .

It was the morning of the next day . Countless ruddy faced women and children lined up by the river, waiting for wooden boats to dock at the simple dock . More than 10000 people worked day and night to build boats . Every hour, more than 10 wooden boats were pushed into the water . These small wooden boats were of one size, and each boat could carry about 50 people, that is to say, Every day, 1500 people are sent to the Yangtze River . These ships can"t carry any materials, and women and children can"t get to Shanghai . At most, they have to rely on themselves to dock on Shazhou Island along the way . The only thing they can provide is the dried meat of mutant animals . These things need to be carried with them . After eating, it"s still a long way to wait for the next supply, This is the greatest care for them under the strong operation . In the big environment, many people are not living, but suffering .

Mo Shaoyun resolutely carried out Zhang Xiaoqiang"s order . In addition to women and children, there were a small number of research talents . All other personnel were not allowed to leave . All men had to work under the supervision of the muzzle of the gun until they were successfully transferred, or abandoned due to the loss of position . The scene of countless people working together was magnificent . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t want to see more and took back his sight, Pondering in the heart just sort out the ideas .

Today, the most important problem is to transport more than 100000 survivors . The Yangtze River fleet has trained a large number of new crew members through day and night transportation . Now they have been able to operate the ships in a mature way . These people not only ease the pressure on the manpower of the Yangtze River fleet, but also provide the basis for its future expansion . These days, at least 30000 tons of materials and more than 40000 people have been transported, The departure of more than 40000 people has relieved the pressure here to a certain extent .

Today, the main attack direction of marine mutant beast is Shanghai . Shanghai has become a meat and blood mill, which consumes a lot of life every day . On the contrary, it greatly relieves the pressure of his defense . I don"t know how Xuefeng does it . There are three kraya captured . In fact, there should be more than three kraya lost in Shanghai, The two karaya Zhang Xiaoqiang killed are nothing . The most important thing is that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s battle line is too long and the area is wider . Even if millions of mutant beasts are scattered in this area, they are not large in scale . On the contrary, the area in the urban area is a little narrower and it is easier to find targets . Therefore, zombies are blocking the disaster for them, In terms of safety, Zhang Xiaoqiang does not need to worry for the time being .

There is also the problem of red algae . Although Nu Wa"s meaning is very anxious, Zhang Xiaoqiang is also frightened by the news . Looking back, it"s not that bad . No matter whether the land will be swallowed up or collapsed, it will take at least 20 years to reach the Chinese sea area . The surrounding Islands and countries will be enough for those marine creatures to digest for a while, not to mention the new era and zombies, Zhang Xiaoqiang asked himself that he had never been afraid of them . Compared with unknown enemies, known enemies are safer . More and more clear thoughts gradually built up a general framework in his mind . His confidence returned to him, and his eyes were firm again . After all, he had many cards, and there might not be no chance to win . Just at this time, the crowd in the distance started to make a commotion, clearing all kinds of debris, and sorting out the previous landing site of the transport ship, A long line of strong men excitedly looked up at the sky, waiting for the transport ship to land .

Seeing the transport ship, Zhang Xiaoqiang smiles a little . Instead of pa.s.sing by, he turns to the pontoon . Today is the day to disconnect the pontoon from the urban area . Zombie sea will enter the urban area today . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t want to join in and cause a scuffle . At this time, Huang Tingwei with a withered look runs to Zhang Xiaoqiang, He said to Zhang Xiaoqiang in a low voice:

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, it"s successful . None of the more than 100 people have any problems . They"ve all succeeded . The success rate is 100%

Huang Tingwei said vaguely, and Zhang Xiaoqiang was relieved . Finally, when this day came, his evolutionary matrix was stuck at 90%, and he could not get a key breakthrough . Even doctors gave up continuing research . For him, the success rate of every breakthrough would be several times as much energy and time as he had invested before . If it reached 95%, the success rate would be 100%, Then, for each percentage point breakthrough, it will take years to gather the world"s top technology and scientists, which is almost impossible for Zhang Xiaoqiang .

Huang Quan, Zhang Huai"an, Shi Yuanye and Zhao Jun are not evolutionists, but they play a role tens of millions of times that of evolutionists . Zhang Xiaoqiang knows the benefits of becoming an evolutionist, but these people are his indispensable left and right hands . He doesn"t want to accept even one percent of the failure . So, until now, mutant animal meat is a breakthrough, After eating these animal meat, the survivor"s body became better and better, and his life and blood were abundant, far better than before the end of the world . He had a plan in his heart to let Huang Quan experiment in private, but he didn"t expect to make a contribution .

"Arrange it immediately, let the front line capture the living mutant animals as much as possible and send them to the rear for captivity, let the doctors put down their work and find out the principle . Once it is confirmed, all high-level officers will use the evolutionary matrix at the first time, and you are also within the scope of use . When the effect is completely confirmed, all officers above the battalion commander will be promoted to the evolutors step by step . . . "

Another block in his heart was broken, and he felt much more comfortable . He looked up at the coolie brigade who was evacuating from the other side . Zhang Xiaoqiang was extremely disgusted with these people . How many people died in order to save them? How much energy did you put in? He was not only ungrateful, but also stabbed in the back when he was in the most difficult time . The data counted on that day was even more shocking . At least 1200 women and children were killed by these animals, and the number of insults was more than three times . According to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s previous character, how many of these people were killed can not only reduce the drag, but also save food and materials, Now that his temperament has almost been honed, he spared the lives of these guys, but he didn"t treat them as human beings< br>