Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2025: 2025

Chapter 2025: 2025

After walking out of the tent, Zhuo Mingyue and Xiang Hai"er came to the riverside . The riverside in the night is very beautiful under the illumination of the fluorescent line . The 20 mile long shipbuilding center is still bright, and the front line dozens of kilometers away is less flashy than a few days ago . Most people in the whole camp have fallen into deep sleep, and there are still tens of thousands of people busy working, The patrol boat cruising in the river is roaring with the roar of the engine . It patrols slowly . The light column of the lamp is like a sword that pierces through the night and dances . From time to time, it shines on the thick shadow hundreds of meters long on the river . That is the water snake floating in the water .

Xiang Hai"er is much more honest after Zhuo Mingyue"s training more than once . She stays at Zhuo Mingyue"s side peacefully and does not act rashly . Seeing the waves of the river, she looks lively and cheerful . It seems that she naturally likes to stay at the water"s edge . Zhuo Mingyue looks up at the bright night sky and is silent . After abandoning her four maids, she does not know what to do, Even if I like Zhang Xiaoqiang to the extreme, I don"t want to plead with him, just because the pride in my heart is her last insistence . Recalling the scenes after knowing Zhang Xiaoqiang, I feel all kinds of emotions in my heart, sometimes joyful, sometimes painful, sometimes happy, sometimes sad .

The river breeze is blowing, the moon is blowing, and two tears are flowing down her broken cheek . Zhang Xiaoqiang never gives her any color, but the longer she gets in touch with Zhang Xiaoqiang, the more she understands Zhang Xiaoqiang . She thinks that such a man is rare in the world, and only Zhang Xiaoqiang can make her feel sad and happy, Every kind of emotion is extremely precious to Zhuo Mingyue, which makes her gradually like a real human transformation and makes her deeply in love .

But all this, always because of her arrogance, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s resistance and fell into an inexplicable crisis, finally stumbled to today, and because of other people"s misunderstanding, let two people have a huge rift, although her ability has grown to a height that ordinary people can"t imagine, but what"s the use of this? Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t be retrieved . She would rather not have this ability . For the first time, she regarded Zhang Xiaoqiang as her most precious thing . If she had thought about it before, she would not have thought about it . But at this moment, she has fully understood it .

All kinds of emotions change quickly on Zhuo Mingyue"s face, and a heart beats violently . The aorta vibrates with high frequency . The blood flowing at the top of her heart almost burst her blood vessels . Zhuo Mingyue is arrogant, but this time she has the impulse to seek Zhang Xiaoqiang"s forgiveness . But this is the most difficult thing for her, She will lose her final dignity and bottom line . Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang is the person she values most, she can"t make the final decision .

"No, I can"t go like this . What if he doesn"t forgive me? What if he looks down on me more? Even if I want to ask for his forgiveness, I will use my own way . . . "

Suddenly, Zhuo Mingyue made up her mind . As a proud soul, she must stick to her heart . Zhang Xiaoqiang said something to her, but she never responded . That is to say, it was only Zhang Xiaoqiang"s one-sided wishful thinking . No matter how hard he said it, if Zhuo Mingyue didn"t agree, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t drive him away, With this premise as a cushion, Zhuo Mingyue still has a lot of room to maneuver . Thinking of this, Zhuo Mingyue overlooks the silent darkness on the other side of the river and makes a decision in his heart .

Although Xuefeng is becoming more and more humanized, he doesn"t need to sleep like a normal person . Even in the middle of the night, he is still alive . At the moment, he is in a very handsome mood . The noisy Jianzhan gives him directions, which makes him very unhappy . Seeing Jianzhan eating shriveled, he is more comfortable than eating ginseng fruit . He wants to sing loudly, So it has happened for a long time, and Xuefeng is still enjoying it .

The more he thought about it, the happier he was . When he smirked at the bright shangxuanyue, the light figure slowly fell in front of him . Seeing this figure, all his complacency turned into flattery, just like the face changing of Sichuan Opera . Xuefeng completed her role transformation in a few seconds and became Zhuo Mingyue"s loyal subordinate . Xuefeng didn"t dare to look directly at Zhuo Mingyue"s gorgeous appearance, However, seeing Zhuo Mingyue hovering behind him, he looks at his xianghai"er curiously, and his heart is tense . Zhuo Mingyue"s ability is more and more powerful, and he can carry this humanoid creature with him .

"From now on, you have to listen to me in everything . If you don"t satisfy me, I will make your life worse than death . . . "

Zhuo Mingyue is holding a flame in her heart . She is looking for something that doesn"t open her eyes to vent . Her tone is naturally irascible . Xuefeng has always been cautious . At this time, she receives a return . She bows to Zhuo Mingyue almost piously, and expresses her loyalty in an aria like tone: "no matter before or after, whether it"s the end of time or the end of time, Xuefeng is always the most loyal subordinate of adults, An adult"s command is the will of his subordinates, and an adult"s goal is the belief of his subordinates . No matter whether an adult wants to smash the sky or scoop up the sea, I will be the precursor of an adult . "

Only Xuefeng can say this . Zhuo Mingyue is in a better mood because of her self-taught flattery . She never attracts Xuefeng, but only suppresses her . It happens that Xuefeng is the one who likes this . On the contrary, she looks more pleasant than several maids who upset her .

"Then you come with me and help me to point out the direction . . . "As soon as Zhuo Mingyue said this, Xuefeng"s heart suddenly hung up . Her eyes flashed with a wave of horror, and she asked carefully:

"I don"t know how to instruct adults?"

"I"ll tell you how to direct the sword cutting . "

Zhuo Mingyue makes Xuefeng faint . Before the sword cutting, she asks him to point out the direction of the zombie, but she doesn"t want to take him on the road . Zhuo Mingyue talks about death . This time, he has to accompany Zhuo Mingyue to the sea of thousands of zombies, but he doesn"t dare to say it . Zhuo Mingyue"s means are his eternal nightmare, For a moment, I got tangled up and didn"t know how to speak .

"What? What"s the problem? " Zhuo Mingyue"s dreamy eyes flashed with cold light . Dai Mei picked them lightly . She was so surprised that Xuefeng was struck by lightning . She said quickly, "no, no problem, no problem at all . I"ll mobilize the zombies to give you a way out . "

After that, all the alert type 4 zombies around Xuefeng spread out their bodies at the same time, ready to rush to an unknown place in the distance of the night . Xuefeng himself also rubbed his hands, waiting to brush up his sleeve to show . Unexpectedly, the huge suction pulled Xuefeng to xianghai"er"s side and floated together . A flattering smile suddenly turned into a bitter gourd, and there was still one last struggle in his heart, "The nearest guy is more than 20 kilometers away from us . Can"t he walk? Or we . . . "

"No, we"ll fly to . . . " As soon as Zhuo Mingyue"s voice fell, a group of three people floated up into the sky and rushed to the endless darkness in the distance like a meteor . Xuefeng was caught unprepared and only had time to give the charge order to all the zombies . Then they disappeared into the night sky under the drag of Zhuo Mingyue .

After Zhang Xiaoqiang walked out of Zhuo Mingyue"s tent, he was blown by the river wind . His burning head suddenly woke up, and a sense of regret came to his mind . What he said just now was too heavy, but he was upset for a moment . Zhuo Mingyue had strong personal ability . Before, he cleaned up kraya alone in the urban area, and scattered the mutated herds, which indirectly eased their pressure, At the same time, it has also given time for the safety of more than 100000 survivors, not to mention the fact that the 3000 death row prisoners have achieved several times of work efficiency under the control of Zhuo Mingyue, which has tripled the number of boats launched every day . In this way, all the survivors can be evacuated within half a month . Even though there are no boats used to transport materials, he feels bad at thinking of these and always feels in debt .

Huang Tingwei and Huang Tingwei are still around, which makes it even harder to say . He can"t help apologizing to Huang Tingwei

"Did you get hurt?"

Huang Tingwei shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "there"s nothing wrong . Mrs . Zhuo uses soft strength . Even if there"s no sword, I won"t wrestle . I"m just bluffing me . "

Huang Tingwei hesitated for a moment and said, "brother c.o.c.kroach has gone too far . Mrs . Zhuo has some shortcomings . It"s no big deal, I don"t think today"s occasion is right . Mrs . Zhuo can"t get off the stage . If you talk about it in private, it might be better . . . "

Zhuo Mingyue"s temper Zhang Xiaoqiang knows better than Huang Tingwei that it is Zhuo Mingyue"s arrogance that makes her so . But in front of these people, he can"t put down his face, so he just shakes his head and says:

"There is a clear distinction between the public and the private . Otherwise, how can we convince the public? This evening"s task failed . Let"s go to the conference room to discuss the follow-up arrangements . "< br>