Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2026: 2026

Chapter 2026: 2026

"When he left Wuhan, brother c.o.c.kroach had already formulated Wuhan"s development strategy, with the development of Sichuan as the primary goal . Less than half of the goal of emigrating 100000 survivors was achieved because of the interruption of things in Shanghai . Of course, I don"t think brother c.o.c.kroach did wrong . Shanghai"s population and materials are very important, with a large number of electronic chips and mechanical equipment, We can speed up our development . Generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages . However, I do not recommend doing so for a long time . Our strength is limited, so we must distinguish between the primary and secondary, or we will be dragged down by the local parts . "

Huang Tingwei"s outspokenness makes others a little unnatural . On the contrary, Zhang Xiaoqiang listens to it with relish . To him, all this is just an accident . There is no way for Sichuan"s development to be blocked . Shanghai has gathered a large number of talents and materials, which are the most needed materials in the local area . Let alone the high-tech chips, With these things, the development of UAVs will break through the biggest shackles and greatly improve their intelligent operation, not to mention those high-precision machine tools . These things can only be seen in large industrial areas in the mainland, but it is quite difficult to transport them in the inland, and only water transportation can solve the problem of supporting transportation .

But what Huang Tingwei said is also very reasonable . Their development is too scattered . They can"t find the center of gravity with one hammer in the East and one stick in the West . The development of Yinmeng and Hubei is totally different . They have embarked on two development paths . If there is no Zhang Xiaoqiang in the middle, they may be able to embark on the road of North-South confrontation in a few years, The way he had planned to develop in depth also stopped because of the changes in Shanghai . The zombie encirclement and suppression in Sichuan stopped for a time, and a large amount of ammunition was transferred here, which made the rear military empty .

"I personally suggest that we set up a development preparatory group to set development goals and plans, so that we can concentrate resources to complete some key projects . In addition, if we encounter emergencies, we can set up an emergency team temporarily, so that the development of the big goals will not be interrupted . "

After Huang Tingwei finished, he pressed back his gla.s.ses with his fingers, and one of them was staring at Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang sat in the first place, one hand on the table, tapping gently, as if hesitating . As time went by, the night became darker, but everyone on the scene dared not close their eyes in growing sleepiness, On the contrary, they are waiting for the moment when Zhang Xiaoqiang decides . If Zhang Xiaoqiang agrees, their next task will be to evacuate completely . They will not pay more attention to any mutant animals or zombie sea, leaving some observation posts . Hubei will also implement the contraction policy and gather strength through a full range of recuperation .

"Your opinion is very good and most suitable for our present form . . . "

As soon as Zhang Xiaoqiang opened his mouth, Huang Tingwei was relieved . At least Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t oppose his proposal . Now it"s not that they don"t want to fight, it"s that they can"t fight any more . The arrangement of more than 100000 people takes up most of the energy in the rear, and there are factories that need to install equipment to resume production . Even the ordnance factories have to start to rectify, At the same time of expansion, the production of ammunition has been slowed down . Sichuan also needs support, and Hubei needs to transport soldiers, weapons and ammunition .

"Unfortunately, if only there were not so many things . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang, this is a sigh for the future . Other people don"t understand why . They just look at Zhang Xiaoqiang and wait for him to make a decision . Unexpectedly, after saying these words, Zhang Xiaoqiang even squints his eyes as if to nourish his spirit . On the contrary, it makes the scene awkward .

"By the way, brother c.o.c.kroach, there"s news from Yinmeng that the battle of Yinshan zombie sea has started . From this morning until half an hour ago, it"s estimated that 150000 to 250000 zombies will enter the special plant position . . . "

Perhaps in order to break the deadlock, Huang Tingwei gave another piece of information, which immediately attracted other people"s spirit . They stared at Huang Tingwei and waited for the following . In addition to the tens of millions of corpses across the river, Yinmeng also faced the scale of more than 20 million zombies, and their pressure was not small . However, once these zombies were eliminated, it would be very difficult for them to survive in a short time, The zombies in Inner Mongolia will be empty, so as to really control the land of a province .

"Well, tell them not to worry too much . We can speed up the production of UAVs while killing zombies, and use UAVs to hang zombies . . . "

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly opened his mouth and made Huang Tingwei stunned . Then Zhang Xiaoqiang sat up straight, drew a cigarette from the cigarette box on the desk in front of him, lit it, looked at Huang Tingwei solemnly and asked:

"If we send evolutionists to help Xuefeng encircle the zombie sea, do you think we have a chance of winning?"

An evolutionist is powerful in battle . The terrain on the other side of the river is complex, and the blood Phoenix cooperates with him . Relatively speaking, the danger is relatively small . With the combined weapons and defense, the evolutionist may not be able to eliminate the zombies as much as possible . Zhang Xiaoqiang has never been determined to ignore the zombie sea, Because the zombie sea has got the flesh and blood of the mutant beast, it may evolve to a higher level of zombies . At that time, I"m afraid it will be a disaster again .

Huang Tingwei didn"t even hesitate . He shook his head and said, "there"s no chance of winning . If the zombies are less than one million, the evolutors and Xuefeng can easily win them . Two million will take a certain time, but when it comes to ten million, we can"t win even if we try our best . The depth of the zombie sea is too broad . Any detour may cut off the back road . "Huang Tingwei is telling the truth . For the battle of ten million corpses sea, there is no place for ordinary soldiers . Hundreds of kilometers of battlefield have no chance to rely on their legs, let alone the logistics . The evolutors are most suitable for small-scale operations . Especially in the complex terrain, a team of evolutors is more useful than a battalion of soldiers, The battle of the great a.s.sembly is not the strength of the evolutionist . The power of the evolutionist is not unlimited, but the number of zombies is almost unlimited . No matter how many zombies are killed, they can"t be killed .

"Unless specific targets can be determined, and then giant bombs can be used to eliminate them, there are many semi retired air bombs in the warehouse of Wuhan Air Force base, the largest of which is about two tons . If they are delivered by transport ships, they can drop 20 at a time, which may destroy the Zombie sea . . . "

At the last moment of the c.o.c.kroach base defense war, Paul was very lucky to find the location of Z2 zombies, and dropped a huge bomb to kill them, which indirectly led to the collapse of the whole corpse tide and the total victory . This is also the only way to quickly solve the zombie sea . Zhao Deyi was deeply impressed by him and never forgot . His proposal made Zhang Xiaoqiang laugh bitterly .

"Xuefeng can help us find high-level zombies, but we can"t determine the specific target . After all, the sea of zombies is so vast that it"s only a few kilometers away . I"m afraid there is no bomb that can kill several kilometers apart from being shot?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang directly denies this method . Before, sending swords to chop was a kind of trial, and he didn"t expect to succeed . Even if the mission failed, Zhang Xiaoqiang would not have any regrets . If Qi xiangmier hadn"t been good at advocating, he wouldn"t have been so stiff with Zhuo Mingyue . At this time, Venus suddenly thought of something, Suddenly he said:

"Or . . . Let the helicopter go out and take Xuefeng to determine the target as much as possible . As long as the target is determined, we will drop the bomb . . . "

"Boom . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang"s brain burst, his eyes suddenly lost consciousness . He suddenly got up, b.u.mped into the seat after turning over and went to one side . His shaking right hand grabbed the cigarette case and tore it horizontally . When he lit the flame on the b.u.t.t of the cigarette, he was dull for a moment . It seemed that the whole person was in a chaotic state, and let others dull together . He looked at the sponge lit by the cigarette on Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mouth, Venus shrank her neck and cried out unnaturally:

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, if it doesn"t work, it"s not said . You don"t have to . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly turns his head and stares at Venus . The ferocious eyes count down the hairs of Venus, but he doesn"t know what he said wrong .

"Very good, very good . . . Hahaha . . . Very good . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly roared, and the whole person fell into hysterical madness . At this time, Huang Tingwei also woke up from his sluggish state, hit the table with a hard blow, and suddenly burst out laughing

"Ha ha ha, so it is, so it is . I understand, I understand . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang, like Huang Tingwei, makes Jianzhan and Zhao Deyi look confused . Mo Shaoyun doesn"t know much about it . Then Xiao Shan stands up and rushes to Venus, slaps him on the shoulder, hugs Venus, and suddenly cries . Venus doesn"t know what to do, as if it"s contagious, Zhao Deyi rolled on the ground with a chair and a man . He didn"t get up . He just rolled back and forth on the ground, waving his arms and howling, like an orangutan in a magic barrier .

"Is it . . . Is it swollen?"

Mo Shaoyun didn"t react, and the sword suddenly appeared in front of Venus . He put the broken blade around Venus" neck and cried out, "what have you done?"

"Stop it!"< br>