Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2029: 2029

Chapter 2029: 2029

Xuefeng was about to cry . She groaned and said, "brother c.o.c.kroach, just tell me what you want me to do . Can"t I listen to you? What do you want? As long as I can get it, I"ll get it for you . . . "

"Ha ha, I knew you were Zhuo Mingyue . I didn"t treat you like that before . I"m very simple . If I"m my own man, I"ll take care of you . If I"m the enemy, I"ll do my best . Don"t worry . I"ll be a family in the future, and I don"t have to worry about anything . "

When Zhang Xiaoqiang said heroic words on his mouth, he carefully observed every expression on Xuefeng"s face . Once Xuefeng didn"t know how to praise her, he had to teach her a lesson . Xuefeng looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang suspiciously and said for a long time:

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, let me tell you the truth . In fact, I"m not a zombie . I don"t know why, I am more and more tired of those things . They are all the same appearance, the same face, ugly, dirty, disgusting . You don"t know how disgusting their smell is . I feel suffocated all the time around them . And their stupidity is the most uncomfortable . I can see, I can say, but I see only zombies . I can only talk to myself, Do you think this kind of day can make people live? I"m going crazy . I"m going to . . . "

It seems that Xuefeng has never talked to anyone before . When she says it, she can"t get along with her . When she hears that Zhang Xiaoqiang always wants to take out her ears, she says that you are a zombie? I don"t think my mother is ugly . I don"t think my dog is poor? Later, when Xuefeng was no longer complaining but crying, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t keep his temper any longer . He said to Xuefeng, "OK, I"ll go to eat . From now on, you are the commander of the evil ghost army . As long as you can be honest and obedient, you will never be in danger in the future . . . "

Xuefeng immediately stopped, and her heart was filled with infinite melancholy . She said that life was valuable, and freedom was more expensive . It seemed that she would not be free from now on . She felt aggrieved when she thought about it, but what was freedom under the beating of Zhuo Mingyue?

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t go to eat, nor did he go to Zhuo Mingyue . Although he wanted to have a relationship with Zhuo Mingyue, at least he didn"t want to have a big feud with life and death . At this time, the only thing he cared about most was the tens of millions of zombies in the urban area . Now the situation is grim and clear, and the number and strength of the variation animals on the beach are not as good as zombies, It"s only a matter of time before zombies are eliminated . Zombies in the urban area have been cleaned up by Zhuo Mingyue . Once these zombies die, the zombie sea will collapse . Chaos is certain . If we can rely on Xuefeng to find out all the zombies hidden in the zombie sea, we may be able to wipe out all the zombies, What else can zombie sea do without z-zombies?

Rushing into Huang Tingwei"s intelligence center, there are more than ten high-speed inspection pictures on the huge display frequency . Isn"t the sea of zombies in the picture? In the former busy command room, there was silence, only the roar of electronic equipment running in a low voice . All the officers looked at the display and whispered, while Huang Tingwei sat on the side of the military computer and looked at the large red graphics display .

After Zhang Xiaoqiang entered the door, all the officers got up to salute with a shout . Huang Tingwei, who was immersed in the graphic display, was also awakened . He turned to see Zhang Xiaoqiang and said excitedly:

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, you can see that there is something wrong with the zombie sea . One third of the zombie sea is disjointed . These zombies are just in the middle of the zombie sea, There are problems in the connection between the zombie sea before and after, and the chain has been broken . Many zombies have begun to spread, and they are divided into small groups of 70000 or 100000 . "

Seeing the graphics Huang Tingwei showed him on the computer, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt relieved and slapped Huang Tingwei on the shoulder

"Now you can make a plan to annihilate the whole zombie sea . . . "

With these words, all the officers were shocked . They all looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang incredulously . Huang Tingwei looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang suspiciously . Zhang Xiaoqiang stood up and extended his hand to invite his highest officer to his office to talk . The officers below didn"t know the details of the zombie sea . He knew it . Yesterday, Venus came up with a solution to the zombie sea, Now Zhang Xiaoqiang has come to him to make a plan . Obviously, it is possible for him to succeed .

"Has brother c.o.c.kroach come up with a way to persuade Xuefeng?"

After closing the door, Huang Tingwei couldn"t wait to confirm . Zhang Xiaoqiang took out a cigarette and gave it to Huang Tingwei to light . He puffed out green smoke and said, "I"m very happy

"Xuefeng is no longer a problem . I guarantee that he is more obedient than a dog . I also know the reason for one third of the zombie sea accidents . There are more than ten high-level Z-type zombie heads in my conference room, Zhuo Mingyue has overfulfilled the unfinished task of sword cutting . "

In a few words, Huang Tingwei nodded his head in joy, his shaking right hand could hardly hold the cigarette, his heart almost jumped out of his throat, and all the problems were cleared up . As the weakest party in the three party battle in Shanghai, he might win the final victory . How can he not be excited?"That"s great . Without the zombie control of Z-shape, the zombie sea will no longer have a clear goal and sustainability . Even if the number of zombies is ten times more, it may not be able to form a climate . The mutant animals are not completely powerless to fight back . We can drive the wolf and swallow the tiger, and let the mutant animals and Zombies lose each other . Besides, if Xuefeng is willing to cooperate with us, It is said that there are at least 600000 tons of copper ingots, millions of tons of Australian high-quality iron ore, other machine tools, mining machinery and transport vehicles in those warehouses . "

Huang Tingwei was so excited that he couldn"t even take a sip of his cigarette in his hand . His whole body trembled slightly, which made his whole body shake . Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head when he heard Huang Tingwei"s plan of driving away the wolves and swallowing the tigers

"We don"t have much time . The next step is to focus on the whole country and let Yinmeng manufacture a large number of airships, In addition, we must have a general statistics and determination of the zombie sea in the whole country, and strive to clear the zombies of type Z in the future . This will not only ease the living s.p.a.ce of the survivors, but also make the survivors of the whole China recover as soon as possible, so as to prepare for the real war in the future . "

This time, Zhang Xiaoqiang told Huang Tingwei what he was going to do next . However, Huang Tingwei was so scared that he couldn"t hold the cigarette with his trembling fingers . Half of the cigarette ends fell to the ground and sparkled . His eyes were staring at Zhang Xiaoqiang, He asked with a slight tremor in his dry voice

"Is brother c.o.c.kroach ready to attack the forces of the whole country next? Is it a little too fast? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang took a deep breath of his cigarette . After several rounds of thinking about Nu Wa"s mission, he never said it . As soon as the topic changed, he withdrew to the national planning

"You can also see what kind of life Shanghai"s survivors have . If it continues, maybe the Chinese themselves will destroy themselves . What kind of slavery or monarchy, The family system and the religious system will emerge, and they will not help the reconstruction of civilization . To keep these evils, it is better to put all the survivors under my banner . At least I ask myself that no one in China has done better than me . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s undisguised ambition finally lit up Huang Tingwei"s greatest expectation . He was loyal to Zhang Xiaoqiang because he might continue the fire of civilization . When did he imagine that Zhang Xiaoqiang would unify the whole country and concentrate on the last few million survivors to complete the great cause of rejuvenation? For this reason, he gingerly a.s.sisted Zhang Xiaoqiang to fight for fame and wealth, But I didn"t expect that the long-standing expectation would come true today .

"Well, brother c.o.c.kroach"s plan is to clean up the zombie sea in the urban area first, then concentrate all his energy and manpower to recover Sichuan by force, and then radiate to the surrounding provinces with Sichuan and Hubei as bases . As in the new era, he will set up dispatch bases in various provinces of China, and finally wipe out all the zombies in China, and finally recover his native land?"< br>