Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2030: 2030

Chapter 2030: 2030

He just wanted to lay a general foundation and get enough information . Huang wanted to build a high-rise building in the ruins . It seemed very impractical . With a flash of inspiration, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt that he had forgotten something important and couldn"t help pondering, Huang Tingwei was still excited

"As long as our population can reach more than five million, we will have an explosion of productivity ten times higher than what we have . If we find the national emergency granary in the central and western regions, we will not have to worry about the food problem for at least 20 years . In this way, we will have enough manpower to invest in industry and military, These five million survivors are all high-quality young soldiers . They can implement the full name reserve system and train while producing . Then even ordinary people can become elite soldiers . At that time, we will have five million soldiers . "

Looking forward to the future makes Huang Tingwei"s thinking confused, and also makes Zhang Xiaoqiang frown . Huang Tingwei"s state is very abnormal at this time . Five million survivors are likely to gather up . After all, China is so big that there are always some places where we can find living people, just like in Sichuan, The small fortresses that are almost closed still persist until the UAV rescue? There are also Qinghai, Xinjiang and Tibet, where there are large areas of no man"s land and regular army bases . There are both weapons and no large-scale zombies . I"m afraid more people will survive . Besides, the three northeast provinces can transfer nearly a million survivors to Inner Mongolia before the end of the world, and the remaining troops in other places can"t do it? In those remote areas, I"m afraid human beings have already begun to multiply, but after so many people have been collected, how should the resettlement and transfer be completed?

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang is sober . These things are too far away . They are like travelers looking for water in the desert . They can only look at the painted green plum and swallow their saliva . At the same time, Huang Tingwei"s heart is too big, and he has some unrealistic delusions, Huang Tingwei"s sudden exclamation lit a bright light for Zhang Xiaoqiang

"It"s a pity that we don"t have the right to control the satellite . Otherwise, if we can build a digital platform between Yinmeng and Hubei, the combat effectiveness of the army will also increase dozens of times . Unlike now, we can only communicate by radio . If the signal is bad, we may lose control, as well as the forces marked by c.o.c.kroach before, If we can communicate with them by satellite, we can easily contact them, and the network can also be restarted . At that time, brother c.o.c.kroach"s scattered armed forces will be integrated into a whole, no matter in command or intelligence work

"Wait . . . Satellite?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang quickly asked Huang Tingwei, it seems that the satellite command is far stronger than he imagined?

"Yes, there are many kinds of satellites, including communication satellites, meteorological satellites, reconnaissance satellites, navigation satellites and so on . Their functions are also quite powerful . Controlling the satellite is equivalent to controlling the sky . We can receive all kinds of signals and pictures through the satellite . . . "

Huang Tingwei didn"t know much about satellites, but he knew much more about them than Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately thought of the satellite authority that Nu Wa had given him before, but he didn"t care much about it at that time . He just thought that it could only give him directions and wouldn"t let him get lost, but he didn"t think of anything else .

"If an army uses satellites to coordinate its command, its combat effectiveness will increase several times . At that time, the missiles will be able to hit more accurately, the command of the army will be accurate enough to the company, and even the weather can be controlled at any time, as well as the number of enemies, the actual situation of each city, and so on . "

Talking about satellites, Huang Tingwei racked his brains to recall what he had read in magazines and newspapers before . Zhang Xiaoqiang was in a trance . At the beginning, they searched the missile base because there was no satellite navigation, so they could only pick up some leftovers because they could not use those big killers? If they had controlled the satellite before, their sphere of influence would have expanded at least ten times .

"If we can find military radar stations all over the country, restart them, and cooperate with satellites to launch anti-aircraft missiles, it is impossible for us to send helicopters up the river in the new era, and maybe miss Ke"er will not be seriously injured . . . "

At this point, Huang Tingwei sighs, but Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart is surging with a heat wave, like an explosion of magma . Before he came out, his goal was to find medicine for Yang Ke"er, but he didn"t expect that after so many things, he was still far away from that goal . He was worried and suddenly said to Huang Tingwei:

"You should contact huangquan and ishiharano, I want to know how to build a satellite command platform to guide our combat effectiveness . "

Hearing this, Huang Quan suddenly looked up at Zhang Xiaoqiang and asked in disbelief, "is that right?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded heavily and said: "the main purpose of my letting Yinmeng attack Beijing is to control the satellite, but now there is an accident, and the control of the satellite has come to my hands . Although it is only temporary, it will be permanent when they complete the task of recovering Beijing . . . "

Xuefeng wanders around the camp at will . His height of more than two meters and beautiful appearance make him the focus of attention . He doesn"t care about other people"s pointing at Xuefeng . He just walks around the camp with his chest open . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t care too much about appointing him as the commander of the ghost army, Just drooling at the evolutionists who occasionally pa.s.s in front of him . Every evolutionist is a spare tire in his eyes . He is afraid of death by nature . He has no sense of security all the time, and staying by Zhuo Mingyue"s side is even more insecure . In other words, he is like a greedy gay . He looks at every male evolutionist in his eyes with burning eyes, which makes those guys unconsciously fall into goose b.u.mps . If it is not for Xuefeng"s habit of drooling, Maybe his mind was already wet .

During the stroll, Xuefeng not only looks at the evolutionists, but also at the ordinary people . He doesn"t appreciate crop food . Although he needs blood as food, ordinary people"s blood can"t meet his needs . These days, he"s strangling mutant animals in the city . Even his taste has been improved . He can"t even look at the blood of mutant animals without grade, The blood of the first level mutant makes him feel inferior . Only the blood of the second level mutant is his favorite . The more powerful the mutant is, the more delicious he is . The blood of the third level mutant makes him drunk like a hundred years old wine .

The reason why these ordinary people can arouse his interest is that these people can do the work that the zombie can never do . There is no problem for the zombie to tear up the enemy under his control, but it is simply impossible for them to complete some simple work . The blood Phoenix who has accepted a lot of human memory is also used to enjoying life, But can he expect a giant ape zombie to beat his back and an ugly S4 zombie to pour his wine?

Seeing buildings standing up in the hands of ordinary people and watching them use various tools to process items, Xuefeng can"t help admiring them . She suddenly thinks that Chen Qingyun, the former owner of his body, was still around him and was very considerate about his service . Suddenly, she has the idea of finding a human to accompany her?

This idea has no pressure on him . Although he was born as a zombie, Z-shaped zombies all over the world now regard him as Tang Monk"s flesh, and they don"t want to be surrounded by a group of zombies every day . They don"t even have a speaker . Since they have identified human beings, it"s not a big deal to bring a few human beings around?

Thinking of this, Xuefeng"s eyes narrowed slightly . He had searched several human beings by zombies before, but now he can"t . He has put himself under Zhuo Mingyue"s command . He can"t lay hands on human beings as he used to . How can he ask Zhang Xiaoqiang to send several people to serve him?

While struggling, a pretty girl came up to her and looked at Xuefeng like a giant . The girl"s height is not short . One meter 65 is just right among the girls . But in front of Xuefeng, who is more than two meters tall, it"s just like a seven or eight year old girl looking up at a strong man, Xuefeng looks at Xiang yu"er up to her belly . She doesn"t want to pay attention to her . She thinks that she is a member of the so-called big family . She starts to smile and says casually:

"What can I do for you?"

Xuefeng"s voice is ten thousand times better than the broken Gong"s voice . Every word sounds like a pearl jade rolling, with hypnotic magnetic lines, which makes xiangyu"er"s face red to the root of her ears .

"Excuse me . . . , can you tell me the name?"

Xiang yu"er"s wet eyes are bright and shining with unprecedented heat . Seeing these eyes, there are many memories in Xuefeng"s mind . They are all the memories of Chen Qingyun"s childhood when she was a girl . She immediately understands the meaning of the little girl and whispers to herself:

"Does she have a crush on me and want to be my match?" Chen Qingyun used to be tall and handsome, and he had money at home . He was considered to be rich and handsome in the eyes of ignorant girls, and he had experienced many girls . Isn"t that why women look for men? After thinking about it, Xuefeng suddenly feels that her teeth are sour . It seems that Chen Qingyun was castrated by the former Xuefeng . Even after he occupied it, he didn"t transform it and grow it out . Originally, it didn"t mean anything to Xuefeng, but now .

"My name is Xuefeng . . . What"s the matter? If it"s all right, I"m very busy . . . "

Xuefeng, who was still idle before, immediately made a gesture of leaving . Xiangyu"er was worried and quickly said:

"My name is Xiang yu"er . I just don"t have a job . Does Mr . Xuefeng need any help now? I can do anything, I can do secretarial, drawing, programming . . . "

Xiangyu"er, no matter whether she really knows it or not, says it all at once . Without saying a word, Xuefeng shakes her head once .

"I can cook, make clothes, take care of children, go shopping . . . "

Xiang yu"er doesn"t know what she"s talking about . Every time Xuefeng shakes her head, her heart darkens . In front of her, this man is so perfect, even more perfect than the most perfect prince charming in her heart . She finally musters up her courage, but she doesn"t want to give up . In a hurry, she almost says that she will have a baby . In the end, Xiang yu"er will give up, She groaned in despair

"You can do anything to me if you want to . . . "As soon as the words came out, Feng"s eyes brightened, her mouth cracked and she said with a smile:

"Well, you"ll be my nanny in the future . . . "< br>