Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2113: 2113

Chapter 2113: 2113

Dozens of Rockets did not affect the Americans . All the Rockets were destroyed by the American firepower network and air defense missiles . Some of them were even hit by three to five rockets at the same time . When Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed into the camp, the first round of Russian attack completely failed . Zhang Xiaoqiang pulled Jima to look up at the night sky where the fireworks were scattered, and he sneered, Knowing that the Russians have more than that .

As soon as the thought flashed, the alarm roared again . This time, there were ten times more meteors in the sky than before . Hundreds of rockets fell on the Americans like a dense meteor shower . At this time, several Osprey left the ground slowly . Each Osprey ejected countless fire streamers, and more anti-aircraft missiles flew into the night sky to intercept the Rockets, Six UAVs are flying wildly in the sky . They try every means to intercept rockets, no matter they are missiles or lasers . As long as they can prevent the rockets from tilting towards the Americans, it"s a pity that the air defense missiles launched before have not had time to supplement . The missiles launched after are far less than the number of rockets . All of a sudden, they burst into the red sky, At least a third of the Rockets went straight through the fire net to the American camp .

The piercing alarm almost pierced everyone"s eardrum, but this piercing alarm was no more deterrent than the roar of explosion . All the evolutioners and crew members tried their best to prevent this disaster, whether they were evolutioners with mechanism guns or shooters with 14 . 5 caliber blockers, Try our best to prevent the rocket from coming . At this moment, no one is in charge of Zhang Xiaoqiang, and no one is in charge of those silly English people .

As one rocket exploded in the rain of bullets organized on the ground, only one tenth of the Rockets finally hit the camp . The explosion range of each rocket was tens of meters . First, the two largest chinugan helicopters in the center were blasted into huge fireb.a.l.l.s, and then scattered rockets flashed red among the Americans one after another, From time to time, several evolutioners in silver armor flew from the exploding fire .

The attack did not cause too much disaster to the Americans . The UAVs that had been cruising in the sky before completely reacted this time, no longer doing pa.s.sive defense, and launched all the anti-air missiles they carried . One missile disappeared in the night sky, and then in the night sky farther away, the same rain of stars scattered the night, After the short fire rain, huge explosions came . Bigger flames flickered in the night sky . The twinkling light dissipated the darkness and exposed huge helicopters . Among the black planes, the flaming helicopters dragged huge rocket launchers to the ground, And more helicopters seem to smell the b.l.o.o.d.y smell of sharks swarming .

The Russians are officially on the stage . When the whole camp is surprised by the firefight, Zhang Xiaoqiang looks up at the night sky and lets himself rush to the ax mountain flashing in the light of the explosion . Along the way, he doesn"t know how many evolutionists have been flashed by him, and how many survivors have been left behind by him . The land under his feet is soft and rotten, Every step will make his feet fall into the ground soaked with blood . Zhang Xiaoqiang, who runs in the wet mud, only has a silver figure in the distance .

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed out of the distance of nearly 100 meters . At this time, Fushan suddenly felt surprised and turned to look at Zhang Xiaoqiang . Countless evolutionists and survivors waiting for the ma.s.sacre lined up in a dense formation . In a hurry, Zhang Xiaoqiang could not be seen rushing towards him . Just as he was surprised, the crisis in his heart became more and more serious, When Zhang Xiaoqiang was only 300 meters away from him, Fushan could no longer control his fear . When everyone was looking at the exploding fire in the night sky, the huge gun muzzle moved silently and aimed at the center of the crowd, where he had the strongest sense of crisis .

Just before Zhang Xiaoqiang was about to rush out, the huge gun barrel spewed out a nearly 10 meter long blue flame again . The burst flame formed a fire ball and shrouded the muzzle of the gun . At the same time, it also clearly reflected the expression of the vulture in axan mountain . His cruel and cold eyes had no emotion . Before his tall figure, countless scarlet flames were like volcanic eruptions, Pull out the dazzling light track and rush into the crowd who don"t know anything like a flame storm .

Countless survivors and evolutioners were enveloped by the undifferentiated killing of axyama, and there was no time for them to scream . Each sh.e.l.l could easily blow a person and then hit the ground to explode . Countless small limbs and joints of the human body swept up in the fire . The sudden blow made thousands of survivors and evolutioners dizzy . Many of the evolutioners killed were loyal to axyama, But here they are dead with the survivors who are about to be slaughtered .

The streamer line of fire continues to extend under the muzzle of the mechanism gun, involving more evolutioners in the sea of explosion . Countless bursts of fire flash in the crazy eyes of Fushan, which makes him fall into a strange excitement . He has never had such an experience, and countless people turn into pieces of flesh and corpses under the action of his fingers, The burst flame ignited the nameless flame in his heart, and the burning flame ran wildly in his body, making him unable to extricate himself from the excitement . This feeling of extreme comfort even scattered his reason, and the whole man was reduced to a crazy beast . At the moment when his head was dazed, he couldn"t even remember who he was and fell into a state of chaos . In his eyes, there was only a broken human body and fire . Blood and smoke were the best fragrance in the world for him . His muscles were trembling with excitement . The huge recoil force of the machine gun dissipated in the muscles of his arms, and in the sweeping roar of the machine gun, Fushan was no longer satisfied with standing in the same place to kill . Suddenly, he felt a violent impulse to kill all the people . All his thoughts disappeared in his mind . He raised his feet like a wild beast pursuing killing and rushed to the front of countless survivors . The executioner who had killed 6000 people was killed and wounded in the roar of mechanism guns, Under the burst of the sh.e.l.l, the bloodstains that devour the blood of countless people turn into scorching ashes . One by one, the frightened survivors kneel down and kowtow to Fushan, and then turn into flesh and blood in the light of the explosion in front of them .

The whole camp is in chaos under the madness of ax mountain . The evolutionists in the front line of resistance no longer have the heart to stick to their position . They make all kinds of meaningless howls, abandon the bed crossbow and the catapult, and run around . Many people even kill their companions in front of them in order to fight for a few seconds, There are also people who have been broken by this sudden chaos . There is a sea of zombies approaching outside . The night sky is red in the air battle between the Americans and the Russians . There is also the inexplicable killing of ax mountain, which makes them feel desperate and cry on their knees .

At this time, the Americans had no time to pay attention to the changes in the camp . Ax mountain was like a h.e.l.l devil destroying anyone he saw . Between countless bullet casings flying down and down, his majestic body quickly chased the escaped evolutioners with heavy steps . The ground in front of him was like the surface of the moon, and there were many scattered corpses beside countless holes, The b.l.o.o.d.y ground can"t tell if it"s meat or mud .

Just as he rushed into the land of flesh and blood with excited steps, the huge body of the sword with a sharp roar cut down the axe mountain fiercely, and the axe mountain had turned into a beast . Facing the first knife, he also had the instinct of the beast . In the crazy roar, the huge mechanism gun suddenly crossed his chest, and his angry eyes showed the madness of choosing people to eat, It seems that he is very dissatisfied with the interruption of his killing . In his crazy eyes are Zhang Xiaoqiang"s blood red eyes . His arrogant and contemptuous eyes make Fushan more furious . He opens his mouth to roar at Zhang Xiaoqiang

The huge blade flashed over the body of ax mountain like a shadow, and the roar that was about to be exported suddenly stopped, The huge mechanism gun was split in two by Fushan"s hand, and his half cheek and chin were also split in two . A blood red crack opened above his left eye and along his eye . An eye bead was evenly divided into two parts, and then it split down from his head . The silver white exoskeleton armor could not stop the blade and the flesh from splitting together, Almost one third of his body was separated, leaving only the axe mountain with half of the gun in his right hand . Looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang slowly closing the knife, the white brain and red nerves were clearly visible on his head .

Fushan"s life is very long . Even if half of his left chest and organs were cut off, his beating heart was exposed, and he didn"t stop breathing . He just stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang with his right eye, revealing his disbelief . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t go to take charge of Fushan any more, and turned to look at the battlefield in the air that he had forgotten . In the air, one after another, Osprey caught fire and fell to the ground, The Russians also failed to find a good deal . The UAV was far more flexible and weird than the helicopter . It was refitted into an air interceptor, equipped with laser weapons more advanced than the new era, and shot down more helicopters . For a moment, the forest outside the gathering place was full of burning fire, shining half of the night sky . The battlefield in the air lasted for several kilometers, There are rockets dragging flames and long chains of light like rain curtains everywhere . The explosion and roar are like fireworks at 12 o"clock in the Spring Festival . Under the busy sky, the chaotic survivors and evolutors in the gathering place don"t know what to do . There are people running everywhere, just like boiling water< br>