Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2114: 2114

Chapter 2114: 2114

After breaking his last breath, Fushan did not fall down . His majestic body stood in the same place, sprinkling blood like a spring . The red blood flowed down his legs to the ground, and mixed with countless corpses . The chaotic camp did not restore order because of Fushan"s death . Fushan just caused chaos . When the chaos extended to the whole gathering place, it was not clear, Even if Fushan was killed by Zhang Xiaoqiang, no one would care to pay attention to it . As Zhang Xiaoqiang thought before he started, this gathering place has been destroyed . Without the suppression of Fushan, many evolutioners are looking for their own way to survive . The survivors who are about to be crushed on the guillotine take the opportunity to leave the care of the evolutioners and run to every corner of the camp, Some survivors who should have resisted the zombies rushed into the chaotic crowd and called out their families" names . The tumultuous flow of people turned around like countless headless flies . Many people fell to the ground in the collision and were trampled underfoot . Once trampled, these people, whether evolutionists or survivors, would never have a chance to stand up again .

The 18 meter body of the burning Osprey is like a giant torch in the night sky . The survivors who run like ants to the ground in the center of the camp overturn and smash it . One by one, the evolutors in silver exoskeleton armor smash the sh.e.l.l of the Osprey, and the backpack sized single aircraft flies into the night sky like bees out of the hive, Once the evolutionists got out of the plane, they flocked to the direction of the retreat of the large troops, and no one was willing to take care of the crashed Osprey .

The plane and the overwhelming force smashed into the crowd of the camp . Countless people were catapulted out in the huge impact, like the sand that was. .h.i.t by a meteorite . Layers of mud, like waves, rushed into the air under the impact of the plane . After the plane hit an irregular pit with a diameter of at least 10 meters on the ground, it quickly slid like a plow, Tons of soil and tens of survivors were hit in the air by the plane . Suddenly, the plane hit the boulder under the ground, and the whole overturned . Countless scattered fragments and parts swept all around . In the next moment, huge fireb.a.l.l.s flashed like dazzling sun in the camp, and the huge wave of explosion would be put out by the scattered campfire, With the expansion of the scorching waves, the loose layers of sand and dark clouds cover most of the camp .

The continuous explosion covered up the wailing and wailing . Large burning campfires were splashed around by flying aircraft debris and explosion waves . Countless Mars, like tens of millions of fireflies, took off and went up to the camp, dispersing the darkness of the whole camp . This brief light was extinguished by the swirling air waves in the next second, Let the previously bright camp fall into darkness again .

Innumerable survivors were killed by the debris of the plane"s explosion . Countless survivors who were lifted by the waves of air howled in the flames . The flickering light of the fire set off the camp . There was no place where there was no cry . The faint cry combined with a huge sound wave, like an elegy of h.e.l.l . When the last explosion was put out, The whole camp was in a howl .

If we say that the chaos caused by ax mountain has been out of control . After the plane died, the chaos has degenerated into a disaster out of control . Looking around, there are corpses everywhere . The huge bonfires everywhere before were replaced by countless Mars scattered everywhere . Countless Mars are like ten thousand lights that cover the whole camp, New bonfires are unfolding on the buildings that have been ignited . Looking at them, most of the huge camp has been destroyed .

Zhang Xiaoqiang was also affected . Countless sharp pieces of weeds usually filled the ground around him . Large pieces of floating soil buried him . On the floating soil, there were scattered corpses twisted and lined, slowly arched a big soil bag from under the floating soil, The disheartened Zhang Xiaoqiang got out of the soil and looked at countless scattered corpses and more corpses falling on the ground . He lost the focus of his eyes .

The girl in red that he saw on the hill just now has disappeared . Most of the survivors who pa.s.sed by before the axe mountain was broken . Most of them were seriously injured . They rolled and howled on the ground . Few of them stood at the entrance of some solid buildings . The b.l.o.o.d.y land has been completely destroyed, The flame of burning countless corpses has also gone out, and the evolutionists who maintain the rule of ax mountain are also seriously injured, with the most casualties being the survivors who have no ability to protect themselves .

Looking at countless bodies and destroyed most of the camp, Zhang Xiaoqiang was at a loss, his original intention is not like this? He only wanted the communication devices in the axan camp . As he thought, the forest in j.a.pan was so big that even if there was no camp, these survivors could retreat safely . After all, in the forest, there were countless ways to prevent zombies from chasing . As long as there was a way to survive, most people would survive . Unexpectedly, the British first appeared, and then the Americans came, Now the Russians have appeared, and because of the American trap, axyama is ready to kill the survivors of the whole camp and most of the evolutionists . He wants to stop it, but he doesn"t expect to cause such consequences .

In the past, he didn"t do everything well . He had experienced all kinds of unexpected accidents, and most of them were able to overcome those accidents and achieve what he wanted . Therefore, he was quite confident in his decision . He didn"t expect that the disaster caused by him would cause such serious consequences . So far, he didn"t know how many people died or how many people were about to die, The scuffle in the night sky has come to an end . The Americans lost nearly half of their planes, retreated to the night sky far away, and the Russians lost more planes than the Americans, circling in the night sky . It seems that all this has nothing to do with him, just staring at the corpses all over the ground . "Brother c.o.c.kroach . . . It"s my fault . I"m sorry for the dead . I have to leave . The communication between us must be within 10 kilometers to keep smooth . The rest will be left to you . I"ve contacted China for your information . You don"t have to worry about the rest . Your reinforcements will arrive soon . And, to compensate you, I will give all the information and technology I can get to your forces . . . "

Elson"s words came from his ears . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes were still unfocused . He was very disappointed with Elson and was no longer willing to believe this guy . In his opinion, everyone was responsible for this huge disaster, but his responsibility was the biggest . If he hadn"t lured the zombies to appear, Fushan would not have been lured by the Americans, It will not tempt the Americans to appear, but let the Russians be moved by the wind . You know, if there were no zombies, neither the Americans nor the Russians would be able to swallow the axe . More than 4000 evolutionists, no matter where they are, are a huge force that can not be ignored .

"Maybe you don"t trust me any more . I"m sorry for that . In fact, my greatest ability is to invade all electronic machinery . No matter what country or electronic equipment programmed with any code, I can easily invade . This is my biggest secret and the fundamental reason why I can understand the whole world . Now I"ve told you, I hope you can forgive my mistake . . . "

With these words, Elson"s old figure appears more tired, and seems to be struggling even to stand . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s villain always sits on the ground and does not move . Looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang and the dying people who are struggling almost all over the screen, he sighs a long time and switches the picture to 12 photoelectric Osprey and UAV, which are the only remaining troops of the Americans .

"Elson . . . I need to explain why you didn"t inform us of the Russian presence . . . " With a jolly drink, Suzanne takes a group of evolution people with heavy steps into Elson"s exclusive room . Everyone, including Suzanne, is not very good . Most of the evolution people have signs of injury . Many people"s silver armor has been blackened by thick smoke, while the pretty and lovely Suzanne has been burned off nearly half of her hair, which makes her very embarra.s.sed .

"Explain? I don"t need to explain . I said I had to leave before, but you deliberately extended the evacuation time in order to get more blood . The root of this mission"s failure lies in you . If it wasn"t for your greed, the Russians would not have caught us . . . "

Elson glanced at the audience with a sneer . This time, he was not excited, his words were cold, as if he was talking about something she didn"t want to do . But this time, Susanna didn"t fear Elson"s crazy and cold eyes, and her big eyes were no longer timid and gentle . She retorted without showing weakness

"You"re in charge of intelligence, As soon as the Russians get close to us, you should give me information . Why wait until they launch an attack before you send their information? Are you in collusion with them . . . "

Susannah"s rhetorical question made all the evolutioners stare at Elson at the same time . If Elson couldn"t give an explanation, they might not be able to do it . Unexpectedly, Elson ignored Susannah and turned to look at the display of all kinds of bytes and pictures . This kind of dry laughter, which seemed to rub with iron sand, was like the singing of a night owl, Let evolution listen to the scalp tingle .

"Elson, I have the right to imprison you until you get back to the base . Do you really think you“ Shut up . . . " Elson suddenly interrupts Susanna with a pop drink . Then he quickly calls up the previous video, which shows the scene of Susanna talking with him .

On the screen, Elson is still looking at the display screen, but his voice is really clear . "I think you have made the wrong decision . We don"t have much time to delay . We have to go back to the base as soon as possible . Later, we may be in danger . . . " Elson"s suggestion did not get Susannah"s approval: "no, it"s impossible . We are about to harvest countless blood species . Those stupid j.a.panese monkeys believe that Okinawa base is real . They will turn their own people into blood species without us doing it . At that time . . . " Suzanne in the picture is a little crazy . She is no longer afraid of Elson . It is obvious that she is about to succeed .

"I repeat, I have to evacuate . I feel very bad, very bad . Go to tell Fushan that there is an unknown enemy coming, which may destroy us and the gathering place together . . . " Elson is still the apostle to prevent Suzanne"s picture from becoming the final frame, and let all the evolutionists put their eyes on the trembling Suzanne . Suzanne"s face is red as blood . Looking at the strange Elson, she suddenly shed crystal tears and said in the most charming tone:

"Brother, I did, but why didn"t you tell me it was Russian, Why do you . . . " Suzanne was at a loss because of the iron evidence . Elson had given a warning after she cheated axyama . She was so confused about the coming profits that she didn"t take Elson"s words seriously . But now it has become the evidence of her stupidity . The world is full of countless variables and accidents . The American intelligence information system is quite advanced, Even at the end of the century, when conditions are limited, their intelligence systems can play at least 35% of their prime time . This 35% is far more able to take the initiative in the battlefield than in the new era . This is also the reason why they are able to compete with high-end evolutionists, and high-tech products are not completely reliable in this weird end of the century, All kinds of accidents may lead to intelligence mistakes . Maybe the Russians will have mastered the means to conceal radar and satellite reconnaissance . So, it"s a matter of Elson, and it doesn"t have much to do with it . "What is more, why do I have a danger foreboding?" my foreboding is the strongest among you . I remind you that you just don"t want to hear it . Anyway, I am just a useless person in your eyes . If I really has the final say, this loss will never happen .

In the end, Elson regained the dominance of the fleet, and all the evolutionists said that they would obey Elson absolutely . Susanna, as a failed former leader, was put under house arrest . Looking at the stunned Susanna in the cell, Elson knew that as long as she went further, she could easily solve the problem of her sister, who had taken away most of her life, But his kind heart stopped him from doing so more than once . He sighed and looked back to the gathering place of ax mountain . His remorseful guilt tore his heart like a poisonous snake and kept blaming himself in his mind . After a long time, Elson regained his spirit and whispered to himself: "this is my failure, but there is also the fight for red algae, brother c.o.c.kroach . . . ", I"ll let you know me again . I"m not nothing . . . "< br>