Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2115: 2115

Chapter 2115: 2115

Elson, a good Samaritan, left with endless remorse and melancholy . At the beginning, he knew that the Russians were coming, so he hoped that Zhang Xiaoqiang would wait a little while before launching . In his opinion, with UAVs cruising in the air, the Russians might not launch an attack . It was a good intention . The only thing he didn"t expect was that the war was more cruel than he thought, and the Russian might be so fierce, I didn"t expect that the Russians would rush to fight like mad dogs, regardless of casualties . We should know that the battle with the loss more than twice that of the other side can"t be fought by ordinary people, let alone in the case of the dominant number of planes .

Elson"s leaving didn"t give any comfort to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Looking at the devastated camp, his heart was very sad . It wasn"t the Chinese who died, nor the disabled and wailing . But his heart was very sad . He thought that his heart had been tempered into a heart of stone, and he would never care too much about the lives of others . He didn"t expect that there was still a little conscience left in his heart, It was this conscience that made him human . Beside him, there were layers of corpses, both men and women, all black and invisible, with torn bodies, twisted hands, and their silent howls as if they looked up and showed their teeth .

The Russian plane has been hovering in the sky, causing casualties on the ground . The fire caused by the plane crash spread over more than ten kilometers of forest . These fires ignited more trees, and raised long thick smoke to cover the night sky, as if there were dark clouds, even the stars could not be seen . After the tragic victory, the Russians did not have the confidence to clean up the mess in the night, and after wandering for a long time, No planes were ever sent to land in the camp . The camp before the Americans had become a sea of fire . The huge remains of the chinugan helicopter were surrounded by flames, and even the steel was melted .

After sitting on the ground for a long time, Zhang Xiaoqiang stood up with a machete and turned around to scan . He was ready to turn around and walk out of the camp . Suddenly, he was sluggish again . He was in the center of the gathering place . The radio antenna room, which he couldn"t wait for, was burning . Thick tongues of fire were shooting out of the windows of the room and licking the antennas on the roof, It looks like a closed boiler .

Looking at the burning boiler, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly felt a sense of sadness . What he tried hard to get turned into ashes in the fire . For this thing, he even tried to lure zombies, causing thousands of people to die . Looking at the blazing fire, he felt that G.o.d had played a joke on himself, a joke that made him cry very hard, Just when he fell into extreme sorrow, Ono carried the zombie Z2 on his back and found Zhang Xiaoqiang . At the moment, Ono was not very good either . Most of his clothes were burned with a thousand holes, and his hands were full of hot bubbles . His face was black with smoke, and even his teeth were full of black ashes when he opened his mouth, Xiaoye seems to feel sorrow and remorse from Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes . He bows to Zhang Xiaoqiang deeply and says a few words of comfort and encouragement aloud . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t understand, but shakes his head .

"Mr . Ono said, please don"t blame yourself . All the crimes are committed by Fushan Tengtu . If you are willing to kill Fushan for us Dalits, we are very grateful . . . "

Fluent Mandarin came out of the mouth of the man beside Ono . This man was also blackened by thick smoke and couldn"t see clearly . He only saw that his teeth were still white . When he spoke, he was respectful to Zhang Xiaoqiang and his eyes were full of grat.i.tude . Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t help but focus on him and saw Zhang Xiaoqiang"s questioning eyes, He hastily added:

"Naoto shimonomoto used to be a very good friend with Ono Jun, but I"m not an evolutionist . When Ono Jun left, I was afraid to die in the forest and didn"t follow him . I"ve been missing him for so long . I can speak Chinese because I have worked in a Chinese branch . China is my second hometown . I"m very excited to see an adult, How is China now? Can Chinese survivors have enough to eat? "

Miyamoto naonan is a familiar person . He talks to Zhang Xiaoqiang with a little flattery . From time to time, his eyes sweep Zhang Xiaoqiang"s machete . The ax mountain, which was chopped by Zhang Xiaoqiang before, has fallen down . Seeing the ax mountain not far away from Zhang Xiaoqiang, Miyamoto naonan looks even more humble . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang does not look down on this flatterer, It"s amazing to be able to survive this catastrophe as an ordinary person .

"You go to help Xiaoye and organize the survivors . This time I will not show up and let Xiaoye take charge of everything . Besides, tell them that Fushan was killed by Xiaoye . If anyone is not obedient, Xiaoye will also kill him . I will appear as Xiaoye"s Chinese a.s.sistant . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang is in a good mood when he has a person to communicate with . He thinks of his work now . Although Elson has helped him a lot, it proves that this guy has some responsibilities as an evolutionist under the influence of idealism . Even though Zhang Xiaoqiang does not think he is the Savior of Elson, he does not object to the little brother who is sent to his home, Even if he didn"t get a communication device, he wasn"t very worried . If Elson"s ability can really invade the electronic equipment of all countries in the world, it would be a piece of cake to inform Hubei and Yinmeng of their own places .

There"s no politeness . Naoto Miyamoto was recruited by Zhang Xiaoqiang after he was sent to his home . He doesn"t have the heart to test the loyalty of the j.a.panese . In his eyes, all the j.a.panese are the same, except for the distance between them . Ono immediately got excited when he heard Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words . Although he didn"t have much ambition, he had to seize the opportunity when he was sent to his home, After all, people are ambitious, just big or small . The zombie of Z2 lost its value at the moment when the communication device was destroyed . Maybe it will have greater value after it is left . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t expect to unify j.a.pan with it . He didn"t hesitate to burn it to ashes and began to gather survivors with Ono . He knew that once the zombie of Z2 died, the zombies in the forest would be leaderless, The only thing he has to do is to integrate the evolutors of the gathering place as much as possible before the Russians reach out, so that the remaining survivors will not be caught and killed .

The chaotic camp lacks leaders . Axe mountain"s unprovoked killing makes the evolutionists of ax mountain a street mouse . Although Ono"s ability is not strong, he is one of the opponents of ax mountain after all . When he reappears, many of the old evolutionists are willing to pay for it, and Zhang Xiaoqiang follows him with a machete . Naturally, no one dares to object, When the first 100 person team Evolver is organized, the rest is much easier .

A corpse was cleaned up and piled up . After pouring gasoline, the flames ended their miserable life . The evolutionists and survivors who were hiding everywhere came out one after another . No one was willing to fight with Ono . The Russians did not know where to find the parking ap.r.o.n and did not leave completely . There were reconnaissance planes circling in the sky all the time, At this time, the evolutionists who had given up to stop zombies consciously returned to the position, erected the collapsed catapult and prepared to drop bombs at any time . Meanwhile, the burning houses were put out one after another, with thick black smoke waiting for the day .

The camp is quite vast . If it wasn"t for the ax mountain that gathered all the people together, there would never have been so many dead and injured . Zhang Xiaoqiang stood dejectedly beside a pile of corpses more than 10 meters high, mourning and silent . This hill is all made up of the corpses of children . The older ones are more than 10 years old, while the younger ones are not yet full moon, Many children are trampled to death by the fl.u.s.tered crowd . Occasionally, they can be seen trampled to death by their own mother . This corpse mountain composed entirely of children is like a gray handed down oil painting firmly remembered by Zhang Xiaoqiang . It"s like a magic barrier . Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t move his sight . He is deeply remorseful, and all kinds of past events are pouring in, Scenes and faces that have been forgotten for a long time appear from the deepest memory . There are corpse mountain beside Liangzi Lake, 300 people gathered in Wuhan, iron bridge drenched with blood and desperate poor people standing by the bridge . The final picture is children with rifles showing hatred and fear to him .

Just as he was immersed in this strange atmosphere constructed by death, a quiet murmur floated into his ears . This English confession seemed to have magical power, which opened a gap in his more and more depressed heart . Zhang Xiaoqiang took a deep breath, wiped off the water droplets that came to the corner of his eyes, and turned to see the other side of the corpse mountain, Several Englishmen are kneeling on the edge of the corpse mountain to repent and pray, but the voice of prayer that comforts Zhang Xiaoqiang"s soul is Jima who was still there before .

"We can"t let Chinese children do the same thing . . . " Step back, Zhang Xiaoqiang looks up at the corpse mountain and meditates . Somehow, the little girl in red floats up in his mind again . Looking at the corpse mountain where nearly a thousand children are dead, he gives up the idea of looking for it . He turns around and steps on the blood shed from the corpse mountain, splashing countless blood, and walks to the rows of survivors kneeling in the center, behind him, Jima and her companion are still kneeling on the ground praying, while Zhang Xiaoqiang"s dark eyes are bright again, and the killing is not over yet< br>